Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1161 Catastrophe, Flooded Spirit City

Chapter 1161 Catastrophe, Flooded Spirit City (4)

Peng bang bang bang!

Houses, restaurants, teahouses, statues, shops, gardens, etc., everything within sight exploded with a dull roar.Crashing, the tide is churning, splashing and galloping, one after another, one wave after another, spraying in ferocity, colliding in majesty, and merging in roar.

As far as the eye can see, all the scenery is turned into a tide!
That scene is too shocking, too grand, like countless heavy hammers bombarding the mind!Tang Yan was completely shocked, his whole body felt cold and cold!

All turned into water? ?
Rock, solid wood, all into water?Can it still maintain its original appearance?

Mirage?What kind of secret method?
Tang Yan even saw if digested by some kind of gastric juice on the facades of some exploded buildings...horrible...but the bones were submerged by the churning tide in a blink of an eye, and there was no trace! !
"You ate the whole city?" Tang Yan growled in horror.

The tide is rushing, roaring like a thousand horses, and the entire DC area has a radius of more than ten miles, turning into a vast ocean, which seems to be clear to the bottom, but the waves are endless, and the bones are melting in the ups and downs!
Outer city?inner city?There are millions of people in the city, just like that... "It hurts!!" The strange baby murmured in a low voice, staring at Tang Yan, pointing to the solar system on his right, there... there was a bloody hole... as if it was given by some weapon. Piercing and permanent, hard to heal, shocking in wet hair.

Tang Yan didn't know the situation, but he was terrified, especially from the dead and dark eyes of the strange doll, he saw endless coldness and murderous intent, as well as sadness, desolation, despair, resentment, and other negative emotions.

It seems that what you see is not a living thing, but a collection of all kinds of resentment!

The eyes of each other intertwined, and Tang Yan felt that his whole body would be swallowed by the boundless darkness, the fear he had never had before, the powerlessness he had never had before, and even more horror and despair.

"Holy Lord!! Help me!!" Tang Yan suddenly raised his head and opened the blue brocade box with his hands.

He is scared! !He is powerless! !He is scary! !

This is not a monster that I can resist at all! !
In panic, he desolately called out for help! !
"The demon spirit clan...the prince...resentment...I hate..." The strange baby slowly pointed to the sky, and an invisible ripple appeared in the air, completely lying across the brocade box.

Boom! !The brocade box hit, rebounded violently, and slammed down towards Tang Yan.

What? ?Tang Yan's complexion changed drastically, and he grabbed the brocade box in a hurry, but... the anti-shock force from the brocade box was far beyond imagination. The moment he caught it, it led him to spin in mid-air, towards the churning The wave crashed down.

"...I hate... 8 years..." The strange baby's eyes suddenly became silent, and his pale face was full of ferocity, with a lead color in the pale, terrifying and gloomy.

Boom! !

The rushing tide suddenly exploded, centering on the direction where Tang Yan fell, forming a [-]-meter-wide terrifying wave vortex below it, like the giant mouth of an ancient beast, swallowing it in the air, and spewing out a terrifying sucking force. The power seemed to pull him into a black hole in space.

"I have no grievances or enmities with you, why are you crazy??" Tang Yan lost control in the toss, unable to control himself at all, as embarrassed as a dead leaf in a strong wind.He roared fiercely, the demon spirit veins were fully stimulated, and with a roar, the hidden dragon secret skill was strongly activated, and when the waves were engulfed, he pierced through the waves with an incomparably violent posture.

Rumble! !The wave burst, the loud noise shook the sky, and the terrifying air wave stirred up many waves.

Qianlong's secret technique did not disappoint him and successfully escaped the water tide.

But... "Demon spirit? Long Kui?" The strange doll recognized the real body at a glance, but the coldness in his eyes was even heavier. With a thought unfolding, the entire ocean boiled, and countless vortexes swept the sky like a hurricane. From here, they spread all over the vast ocean, and in the darkness, it was like being in a boundless and endless sea of ​​disasters, with no direction at all, let alone an exit.

Tang Yan was about to flee, and this situation filled his eyes with horror and despair.

At this moment, in the distant spring pool area of ​​the inner city, everyone was startled by the violent collision and the successive roars. After a little hesitation, they rushed into the yard one after another, and then stepped into the air to stare.

"That is……"

"What's going on? Where did the tide come from?"

"It's so cold!! Suddenly the temperature dropped?"

"The sea tide is all over the sky? What a terrifying scene, what's going on?"

Everyone was startled one after another, unable to hide their fear, they were all stunned by the disaster scene in the DC area, all warriors below the Wu Zun realm felt like they had fallen into the ice cave, shivering from the cold.

It's not really cold, but gloomy cold!

"The energy fluctuation is not right, it doesn't look like a simple semi-holy realm!" Xu Yan and Hei Niu looked at each other, their brows furrowed.

"Tang Yan? Didn't he go east?" Du Yang was startled.

"Let's go!!" The three brothers and sisters all changed their colors and shot towards the far sky.

"What an evil resentment!" Zang Ba was astonished, but even more fanatical, grabbed the stunned Xiahou tea and rushed out.

"The breath of the holy realm, and...and..." The sage of Tianyu was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

"Old Ancestor, what's the matter? The East City seems to be full of water!!" The priests asked tremblingly, their breath was messy and rough.

"Back all to the spring pool!! Hold fast to the spring veins!! Without my order, no one is allowed to leave!!" The celestial language sage hesitated again and again, and rushed towards the east.When he left, Victoria had already rushed out first.

"Back back, everyone back to the spring pool!" The priests shouted in unison, surrounded by the clansmen and went back to the spring pool. The situation in the East City must be in crisis. All the senior leaders of the Zuo family are gathered here, and there must be no mistakes now.

"Old ancestor, you must be careful!!" Zuo Chenxiang shouted eagerly, and was dragged back to the spring pond by his father.

"Candle Dragon's Secret Skill, Four Ways of Dragons!!" Tang Yan went berserk, fully displaying four killing skills in the boiling ocean, killing and torturing the sky, dragon mighty, turning into the body of Dragon Kui, sweeping hundreds of feet, violently shattering Ten waves of rotation.

With the semi-holy realm, bear the prestige of the holy realm!

The majesty of the Dragon Kui roars to the heavens! !

However... Crack! !The crisp clap sounded over the surging ocean, and exploded in Tang Yan's throat!Forcibly curbing his violent offensive.

It's a water fuck!
Overcoming many waves, ignoring any dragon's power, it wrapped around his throat like a leather whip, firmly and steadily, and forcibly grabbed it in an instant.

Tang Yan's complexion changed drastically, but the water that came in suddenly collapsed, tearing him down towards the tide below.

"Ascension to the Dragon Way!!" Tang Yan roared angrily, the dragon's power boiled, and Long Kui showed off his power, but the tearing posture of the water gun was irreversible and continued to fall.

In a blink of an eye...boom...the loud noise shook the sky, like a landslide! !
Tang Yan hit the sea tide, breaking the hundred-foot wave, the force of the water was terrifying, almost twisting Tang Yan's throat, violently hit the ocean surface from a thousand meters high, and hit the concrete floor without pressure. Suddenly, the waves mixed with each other Blood and water splashed against the dragon scales, but in the next moment, the exploding ocean surface gathered at an extremely high speed, and the waves rushed from all sides, completely submerging Tang Yan.

The shrill screams resounded across the sea! !

pain! !The whole body is almost shattered! !

And then... Gululu! !
Tang Yan was submerged by the tide, struggling violently, spitting out dense water bubbles, but more and more water was entwined around the throat, the dragon's body, and the dragon's claws. In just a moment, it was completely wrapped into rice dumplings, and continued Tear down.

Under the tide, there was a dead silence and coldness, as if suddenly descending into a bottomless abyss.

cold! !extrusion! !melt! !
Tang Yan's whole body was devastated by the terrifying water pressure, and the intense pain was unparalleled, as if he was squeezed on the bottom of the sea.And it has been severely corroded, as if soaked in a sulfuric acid pool.

From the beginning to the end, the entire fierce battle took only a few breaths. Tang Yan thought he was strong, but he was so vulnerable! !

What exactly is it?How could it be so terrifying?
"I don't accept it!!" Tang Yan suddenly roared, the rolling Longwei trembled with water all over his body, the ghost green fire spread wildly, and Huo Ling'er in the sea of ​​qi also screamed because of being threatened, but... completely powerless!
The green fire is steaming, but it can't boil the water; the green fire is mighty, but it seems so small in the boundless dark tide.

"... I hate... I hurt... 8 years... the demon spirit clan... you owe me..."

The low and cold whisper, like ghost whispers, sounded at the bottom of the dark and cold tide, as if it was transpiring from the deepest part, and it seemed to echo in the ears, filled with endless coldness and resentment.

Tang Yan was falling at a very high speed and continued to struggle crazily. The ghost green fire, the demon spirit vein, and the most powerful secret skills today were all unfolded, but he was completely powerless, so small, so powerless, and so desolate.

I don't agree! !I don't agree! !I can't die here! !
Tang Yan kept roaring in his heart, squeezing his potential to the extreme. In the end, his face was completely ferocious, and his body destruction technique...inspired...fully aroused...the three-foot-long dragon's body became thinner for two circles in an instant, but the permeating dragon's power instantly soared, even more so. The strength of the city turned north.

The strength soared, reaching the peak of the semi-holy.

Ow! !
The billowing dragon chant stirred up the sea tide, and the violent killing intent swept away. The ghost green fire turned into a ferocious ghost head, completely covering Tang Yan's body, tearing layers of water.

At this moment of rampage, he tried his best, but in exchange for difficult results, the dragon claw on the right side successfully penetrated layers of water.Clutching the blue brocade box connected to the Everlasting Beast Mountain between Sen Sen's claws, Tang Yan's eyes turned cold, and all the spiritual power was desperately gathered.

Snapped! !The brocade box exploded completely, and a delicate vortex like a small whirlwind came out, which was extremely eye-catching in the icy abyss of the waves, and also surged out a terrifying aftermath of energy.

"Eternal Beast Mountain, open!!"

Tang Yan roared in a muffled voice, and swung out his probing claws fiercely. The delicate vortex contained terrifying power of space, and it exploded in an instant, turning into a giant of hundreds of feet, smashing the waves on the bottom of the ocean, and running through the entire wave, just like a dragon in the world, It directly rolled up violent water waves and hit the boundless sky.

A turbulent mist suddenly rose from the dark sky, like a blazing sun gushing out from a distant void, boiling in the entire night, shocking the eyes of all directions.Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, shaking the heavens and the earth, bursting out a vast glow, illuminating the Lingcheng for more than ten kilometers.

The source of the glow is like a small blazing sun, falling into the sky, like a god tearing open the space, struggling to get out of it.

At the end of the rosy light, the chaotic rosy light and mist are flying, the lightning is intertwined and densely covered, the thunder and lightning are deafening and roaring, and the fine light spots are like a torrential rain sweeping the earth. The terrifying scene is like this space is about to collapse.

The brocade box was successfully activated, and Jinpeng Kingdom was connected to the Eternal Beast Mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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