Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165
"Come back to me! Come back to me!" Tang Yan roared suddenly, like crazy.

Suddenly there was a feeling of being tricked.

A thousand years of life in exchange for ten breaths of madness? ?

Tang Yan suddenly thought of a sentence - 'make a deal with the devil'.

I have always played tricks on others by myself, and I have always cheated others by myself, but today, in this critical crisis, I was tricked by a demon, and I am still so miserable, so... deadly! !

But the demon has disappeared, and there is no sound anymore, and after receiving the nourishment of the thousand-year life essence, the demon's face on the palm of his right hand is no longer stiff, but reveals a sinister smile, and gradually hides in the palm of his hand.

Nothing can be seen on the surface, but it actually takes root in the flesh and blood!
Tang Yan suddenly understood that what he traded for a thousand years of life was not a chance to escape, but a chance to wake up!

"Die, it won't be painful after death." The Kappa was floating in the tide, looking at Du Yang and the others who were being lifted expressionlessly, and ignored Tang Yan.

"...Go...into Beast Mountain..." Xu Yan yelled hoarsely while struggling, urging Tang Yan to quickly enter the space passage, but her whole body was wrapped in water, even her mouth was blocked, and the sound she made was very subtle, It can't be conveyed a few kilometers away at all.

"Let them go! I'll stay!!" Tang Yan suddenly put away the ancient saber, straightened his thin body firmly, and fixed his teeth on the Kappa.

"Let's go!!" Du Yang, Xu Yan, and Liuli all roared with staring eyes, but their mouths and throats were blocked, and their voices were indistinct.They glared at Tang Yan, struggled desperately, and signaled him to leave quickly with their eyes.

"Let go of me, let me go, you bug!!" Zang Ba lost control of his emotions, like a raging monster, and continued to struggle, causing the water to tremble.

"Let them go!!" Tang Yan roared angrily, and stepped forward step by step.In the new world, the conscious body wants to reach an agreement with the master of the murderous world, but in exchange the master of the murderous world sternly reprimands him, telling him to run away immediately and never stay.The kappa is not an ordinary holy monster, but a collection of resentment. It is the first resentful spirit to appear in the world in ancient times. How strong it is, I am afraid that only the strong of that era and the demon spirit emperor who destroyed it with his own hands Clearest!

Although the current kappa has not returned to its full glory, it is enough to compete with some ordinary saints. Naturally, it is not possible for a few semi-sages to resist. No matter how strong Tang Yan is, no matter how different Xu Yan and others are, they are not in the holy realm after all, not at all. level, one point of delay is death.

"You go! Tell you to go!"

"If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!!"

"Letting you go is to let you go to the Eternal Beast Mountain to gather helpers, idiot!!"

Du Yang and the others struggled frantically, screaming, their strength continued to soar, and various secret techniques were squeezed one after another, but they just couldn't break through the dense water.

"Kappa! I'll exchange it with you!" Tang Yan forcibly closed the connection to the new world, ignoring the scolding of the evil ancestor and the master of evil, standing above the raging tide, shouting at the kappa.

He absolutely couldn't let Xu Yan and the others die in front of him.

Rumbling, the ocean was churning, the wind swept the tide, and the giant wolves were thrown up, and the surrounding scene could hardly be seen.The doomsday scene continues unabated, showing Kappa's mood and anger at the moment.

Tang Yan raised his hands high and stepped forward resolutely: "They are useless to you, let them go. I will stay, and I will do as you please."

The Kappa finally turned his head to look at Tang Yan. Amidst the wet black hair, those endless black eyes stared coldly at Tang Yan.

"I was trapped by that ghost and ran away. I gave up resistance today and came to exchange them!!" Tang Yan stepped forward, his steps were already firm, but his eyes were even more tenacious.

The kappa stared at him for a while, then slowly emerged from the tide and walked towards Tang Yan step by step, stepping on the turbulent waves.

"Tang Yan, are you crazy? I don't want you to exchange?" Du Yang's body was steamed with petrified mist, resisting the water to the death, and uttered a clear cry with difficulty.

"Tang Yan, go away, you idiot!!" Xu Yan and Liuli were equally annoyed.

"Let go!" Tang Yan shouted.

The kappa didn't say anything, and waved his hands casually, holding Du Yang and the others to hit the water tide high into the sky, and flung it into the boundless dark night, far away from the ancient city area.

For it, it's all rubbish.

"Tang Yan, you idiot!! I don't want to owe you!!" In the far sky, under the night, Du Yang's trembling roar was heard, but the force of the water tide was so strong that he quickly disappeared into the sky without a trace. trace.

"Are you a kappa? Killed by the previous demon spirit emperor?" Tang Yan stopped, staring at the terrifying and eerie doll from a distance of more than a hundred meters. Hear it very clearly.

For a monster worthy of being killed by the Demon Spirit Emperor himself, it is completely conceivable what level of existence it was back then.

The kappa ignored it, maybe he didn't mean to talk at all, stepped out and disappeared completely, and the next moment, he appeared in front of Tang Yan, grabbed his throat, and fell into the ocean.

Boom boom boom!
The tide below spread out violently, welcoming their fall.

Tang Yan was pinched by the Kappa himself, his swollen little hands were limp, loose and cold, really like a corpse soaked for a long time, but it was the coldness that made him almost freeze his neck when he pinched him , The cold feeling soaked through the skin, freezing the throat, and expanding towards the head and chest cavity.

They sank into the tide, the void closed instantly, and the raging current overwhelmed them, diving at full speed for each other.

The river was icy cold, and the surrounding silence increased the water pressure.

Tang Yan was pinched by the kappa and continued to dive, but at the moment of despair on the verge of death, Tang Yan's old and weak face no longer showed resentment, let alone madness, but a calm gaze.

After a while, a strange smile suddenly appeared. "Tell you a secret."

Tang Yan made a sound, but because his throat was eroded by cold moisture, his voice was hoarse and weird, not like a human voice.But the smile remained the same, with ease: "I, Tang Yan, can survive until now, not only because of luck, there are many people who want to kill me, you are very strong, but you can't kill me, because... I have a trick to save my life .”

The kappa faced him, looked at him coldly, suddenly raised his left hand, and clasped Tang Yan's head, and then...a lot of water surged from his hands, spreading to his whole body, trying to wrap him up again.

Tang Yan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Come on, taste my taste, you will be pleasantly surprised."

The water was greasy, and spread towards Tang Yan's whole body, from head, to neck, from limbs to torso, without letting go of any traces, shaking his shriveled and old body tightly.

But when the kappa was about to swallow, he suddenly frowned, stopped even diving, and looked at Tang Yan steadfastly.

Tang Yan was entangled in the water, but he was staring at him with his eyes exposed, and the smile inside became more and more obvious, with a bit of strange golden light.

Time seems to stand still at this moment!
At the bottom of the dark and cold water, only they were left staring at each other blankly.

After a long while, Kappa's face suddenly turned cold, and his hands clasping Tang Yan's throat and head suddenly exerted force.

Pfft, blood sprayed, pieces of meat fluttered—the body and the head were separated! !

It tore off Tang Yan's head alive! !

The water pump stirred violently, and there were dense puffing sounds, and it tore Tang Yan's body to pieces in a blink of an eye, leaving shocking corpses and rotten limbs.

But... after a while, the tattered and blood-red wreckage began to dissolve, turning into dots of golden light, spreading in the dead bottom of the water, and all the bones finally had only one thing left - jade beads! !

The golden jade beads, filled with a golden halo, lay in front of him.

"You lied to me?" the kappa muttered to himself, his breath completely gloomy.

"Kappa, you've been fooled!!" A hoarse voice came from inside the jade bead, and in the next moment, it turned into a streamer and fled at a high speed.It's not Tang Yan at all, but a clone of Sen Luo that Tang Yan tried his best to create!

He took advantage of the kappa's arrogance, concealed his true self, and sent the avatar as a victim. The specific operation time was when the kappa turned his back to Tang Yan and played with Xu Yan, Du Yang and the others. Coupled with the turbulent tide, the scene was chaotic.

At this moment, above Lingyu City, the real Tang Yan was enduring his weakness and pain, rushing towards the completely open space passage.He couldn't hold it any longer, first he expended the body destruction technique, then he swung the ancient saber, and then he was forcibly deprived of his thousand-year lifespan. His consciousness had already begun to faint.

But fate obviously didn't want to let him go. Just when his eyes were shining brightly and he was about to touch the space channel where the mist billowed, a sharp and harsh cry suddenly sounded in his ears. The temperature between the sky and the earth suddenly dropped, and a terrible cold wave swept the sky It also includes the area where Tang Yan is located.

(End of this chapter)

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