Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1167 Strolling on Huangquan Road

Chapter 1167 Strolling on Huangquan Road

"Tang Yan returns to my town demon temple!! You don't want to take it away!!" The aura of the cold and proud woman's holy land was completely released, and the surging energy turned into a terrifying cold wave, which continued to spread, endlessly, and wanted to completely freeze the high-altitude clouds, rolling The cold wave contains a terrifying cold temperature that freezes even the soul.

Her eyes were bright, and she was full of anger. She stepped down from the sky, and the sea of ​​cold waves and clouds in the sky was boundless, and she fell with a rumble, as if the sky was about to collapse.

Tang Yan, she's set! !

Rumbling, the water crocodiles are vigorous, each of them is 30 meters tall, entangled in the water, rolling the water tide, but facing the invasion of the cold wave, before they approached the [-]-meter area, they were shocked by the terrifying cold temperature It was completely frozen, turned into an ice sculpture and fell from the sky, rumbling to the ocean surface, stirring up numerous waves and rushing waves.

She is like an awakened snow god, she is cold and lingling, looking down at the common people, every step she takes, the temperature of the world drops sharply, looking high up in the sky, everything she can see is white and tumbling cold waves, becoming the sky. The only thing that makes people forget that it is late at night!

As a powerhouse in the holy realm of Zhenyao Temple, Tang Yan was shocked by the strength she showed, but Kappa was not a good stubble after all. Instead, he was aroused by the opponent's successive provocations and suppression. He slowly raised his small hand, his swollen finger Pointed towards the high sky, without saying a word, without shock or emotion, ripples appeared in the bottom of the dark and white eyes, like a dragonfly touching the surface of a pool, the ripples were endlessly agitated.

A strange energy spread from his whole body, formless and unintentional but clearly palpable, spreading towards the entire vast ocean, overcoming all the rushing waves, and then rising towards the sky.

Tang Yan struggled skillfully, trying to get out of the trap, but was even more astonished by the kappa's reaction, to see what it could do to repel this cold and arrogant woman.Of course, he definitely hoped that both sides would suffer losses, but his intuition told him... Kappa is by no means that simple.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, following the 'guidance' given by the kappa, with the cold and proud woman as the center, a hundred meters away from her surroundings, a crystal clear light shone, clattering, like dense crystals dancing, and Combining.

The cold and proud woman stopped for a while, focused on feeling, and was on guard.She didn't know Kappa well, but it was said that the Temple of the Holy Spirit had attracted four terrifying freaks, and it was definitely not an easy move to make a move at this moment.

Soon, in Qingling's voice, the ice crystals merged, like broken mirrors reunited, turned into four mirrors, one front, one back, one left and one right, straddling the sky, standing in four directions, all facing the cold and arrogant woman.

Tang Yan felt puzzled, endured the pain and weakness, and squinted his almost blurred eyes.

what?What does it want to do? ?The cold and proud woman also couldn't stand still, looked around, looked at her cold self in the mirror, and gradually felt an ominous premonition in her heart.The raised right hand was slowly clenched, keeping the sea of ​​clouds high in the sky at a constant cold temperature, and there were a large number of military secret weapons gathered inside, ready to fight back at any time.

But the mirror existed for too long, and after waiting for a few breaths, there was still no response.

"Mirror? Communicate with other worlds? Summon evil spirit creatures?" Tang Yan wondered secretly, but he could feel that the temperature between the world and the earth continued to drop. It was not simply cold, but a gloomy cold.

"Pretending to be a ghost, let me show you what is the real secret technique of the holy realm, break it for me!!" The cold and proud woman couldn't help but want to make a move first, and the four mirrors were all broken automatically, shattering into glittering and shining fragments. high altitude.But the scene in front of him almost made Tang Yan faint.

people? ? ! !The mirror image was broken, and four people came out of it! !
All holy and glamorous, all cold as frost!
They are all exactly the same as the cold and proud woman! !

Whether it's temperament, aura, or the ferocity of the holy land, they are all exactly the same as the cold and proud woman in Zhenyao Temple.

Four mirrors, copying a person?

The cold and proud woman's expression suddenly changed, and she looked at the four 'selves' around her in disbelief.

"Kill her!!" Kappa whispered coldly, grabbed Tang Yan by the throat and dived down.

The four 'copies' were undoubtedly authentic, and they all raised their hands after receiving the order: "Die!!!"

Ka Ka Ka, Boom... The sea of ​​clouds and snow surging high in the sky shook violently, and there was a deafening sound of "Crack". They were unexpectedly separated abruptly and turned into five parts. All are controlled by four off-products.

How can it be?The cold and proud woman's complexion changed again, and she clearly felt the same aura as herself from the four replicas. No matter how long these replicas could last, the scene at this moment completely subverted her cognition.

The four replicas didn't give her time to be surprised. The high-altitude clouds under their respective control rumbled and trembled. Countless ice arrows and ice knives shot out of the clouds vigorously, and the whole book locked on the cold and proud woman.

The fierce battle broke out in an all-round way! !

"Horror!!" Tang Yan couldn't describe it in words, mirror image secret skill?Why is it similar to Sen Luoyan, but it seems to be far less relaxed than Kappa's performance, and he still hits four directly.

What kind of monster is this? ?
Are all the monsters from the Lost Battle Realm so terrifying?
The kappa ignored the battlefield and pulled Tang Yan by the throat expressionlessly to sink into the bottom of the ocean.

"Let go of me!!" Tang Yan struggled violently suddenly, growling in his heart, you people of Eternal Beast Mountain, don't you feel that the space is strange?Don't you want to come out and have a look?
"Freak, you've angered me!!" The cold and proud woman's roar suddenly came from the high-altitude battlefield, and the earth-shattering cry erupted from the depths of the battlefield completely covered by the cold wave. The sound waves were sharp and deafening. The huge ice crystal phoenix shadow unfolded in the depths of the cold wave, fluttering its wings and screaming violently. Endless ice swept across the sky, covering dozens of kilometers, making the whole sky a bright red.

But the Kappa ignored him, as if he was very confident in his secret skills. Regardless of Tang Yan's resistance, he dragged him into the bottom of the ocean. As it "sneaked", the tide that swept the entire Lingyu City began to recede.

He is leaving? ? !

"You are only copying my ordinary body. This is my real strength. Watch it!!" Ice Crystal Phoenix Shadow was so strong that four 'copies' were retreated violently, even the cold wave at high altitude To be clear, what appeared was the body of a cold and proud woman, with an ice phoenix of safe ice crystals lying across her body, or the legs 'grow' on the body of the ice phoenix, making each other a majestic one.

And Bingfeng looks like a living god, looking down at the common people with his cold eyes, majestic everywhere.

But the kappa didn't pay any attention to it, it had already sneaked away, and the surging ocean in the ancient city was receding at a very fast speed, as if pouring into another space - the kappa wanted to take Tang Yan away and take him to a quiet place alone Devour! !
"Leave Tang Yan! He is the prey of my town demon temple!" The cold and proud woman screamed, driving Bingfeng to Lingyu City, but the four 'replicas' who had just been repelled came again, and the four parties joined forces , formed a huge ice crystal net, and blocked her fiercely.

Although the replica did not replicate her full strength, the four of them joined forces, and their ferocious power was still terrifying enough to change the color of the mountains and rivers, and freeze the high altitudes.

The tide is receding rapidly, and in a blink of an eye there is only a pond-like area left, which is about to disappear.

The cold and proud woman counterattacked angrily, causing the battlefield to continue to press down.She couldn't let Tang Yan go right away. Judging from the meaning of the monster doll, it was obvious that she was going to eat it.But Tang Yan is very important to Zhenyao Temple, not to mention that Xue Tianchen is still in his hands, and he must not let him go.

Tang Yan was hijacked by the kappa and dived to the bottom of the river, as if isolated into another world.

They wandered in the depths of the endless seabed, surrounded by boundless darkness, icy cold, and heavy water pressure, and the water dick wrapped around his body became tighter and tighter.

Is it hopeless?Tang Yan's consciousness began to drowsy, and his struggle became weaker and weaker.The successive tortures and the squeeze of consciousness have exhausted him, and the loss of the thousand-year lifespan has drastically reduced the vitality of the blood baby, and it is getting lower and lower, almost falling into a deep sleep. Reshape.

The kappa strolled at the bottom of the river, holding a water rod in his hand, and the end of the water rod was wrapped around Tang Yan, just like that, wandering silently in the endless and boundless dead world.

Like the god of death leading a lonely soul to the boundless hell.

Is this the bottom of the river, or the world of undead?

"Ling'er...Blood Soul Tree...Master Dukong...Demon...Save me..." Tang Yan was weak and drowsy, and his whole body was numb, unconsciously trying to connect all his life-saving secret skills.

But neither got any response.

The world became quiet, and it was dark in front of him. Tang Yan tried his best to hold his eyelids, but it was difficult to see clearly. After several efforts, he slowly closed them. He really... couldn't hold it a daze...I don't know when …Maybe after a breath, it’s like half a stick of incense … A golden light shines down from the endless sky, spraying on the dead and dark river bottom, covering the self who is going to hell.

Is it heaven?

Tang Yan's drowsy consciousness flashed a vague thought, but his eyes have blurred, his consciousness has become chaotic, and the whole world is about to return to dead silence, except for the feeling... The dead silent river bottom is chaotic, the dark world is bright, and the endless golden The light enveloped him, and in a trance, it seemed that there were still a few shadows churning, and something was shouting in his ears, but the chaotic consciousness, blurred eyes...couldn't hear...couldn't see...the chaos seemed to be It lasted for a long time, until a force grabbed him fiercely, leading to the end of the golden light wave.

"Are you going to die? I'm so unwilling." Tang Yan was weak and in a trance, feeling as if he was churning, about to rush to the golden heaven... and then... his consciousness completely returned to the darkness...

(End of this chapter)

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