Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 117 Ancient War 3 Levels

Chapter 117
"It's mine! Give it back to me!" Helen struggled to get up, her face was gloomy and terrifying, as if possessed by a demon.

"I've seen shameless ones, but I've never seen you so important, I don't bother to talk nonsense with you." Tang Yan clenched the ancient sword and waved it casually.After several months of refining his life as a miner, his physical fitness has far surpassed before.In the past, it would be a bit difficult just to lift the ancient sword, but now there is only one feeling of weight!Enjoyable weight!
Du Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, but forgot that Gu Zhan Dao had already been connected with Tang Yan's blood, and would not hurt him at all, making him nervous for nothing!
Helen gritted her teeth in hatred: "You humble slave! You can be arrogant now, but if you leave this ancient city and this world, who can save you! How can you escape from the fine fire mine alive! At that time, I will let you Kneel on the ground and beg for mercy!"

"Huh? You reminded me."

"It's not too late now, return the knife to me!"

"Sorry, your understanding is a bit wrong. What you reminded me is to kill you quickly to avoid future troubles!" The smile on the corner of Tang Yan's mouth became vicious.

"Looking for death!" Helen let out a snarl, golden flames enveloping her whole body, rushing towards her like a scorching sun.

Tang Yan's face was as heavy as water, and he stood with his sword horizontally. At this moment, his mind was extremely calm.

Helen was as fierce as a beast, and the blazing golden flames converged on her fists, like the scorching sun hitting Tang Yan.

Fiery Sun Fist!
Jin Yangyao said, hit with a heavy hammer.

Canopy!The ground trembled and the dust flew up, immediately submerging the two of them.

Xu Yan stared intently at the battlefield, wanting to see what Tang Yan was capable of.Helen's strength has been suppressed, and she has suffered repeated injuries. At this moment, there is no one in her strength, but after all, she has the vast spiritual power of the Martial King level, and she can still use it to her heart's content.

This Fierce Yang Fist contains Helen's endless tyranny, and its power is absolutely impressive.

"Slay the soul!" Tang Yan's pupils suddenly constricted at the moment when the blazing flames blasted towards him, and a bloody and vicissitudes of life burst out from the ancient sword and hit his mind.

At this moment, Tang Yan's eyes were red, and he took a step forward. The ancient sword slashed in the air without any surprise.

The light of the sword is fleeting, but it contains the power to crush everything.

In the depths of Tang Yan's mind, it was as if thousands of swords were clashing, and the clanging sound shook the soul.

Ancient War Trio!

Slay the soul, collapse the sky, and kill the gods!
To kill the soul, to kill all the evil souls of the world; to collapse the sky, to shatter the sky and thousands of miles;The ancient battle is triple, the heavy dominates the sky, the triple coincides, and the chaos of yin and yang is reversed!

Three great skills, three inheritances!This is the imprint of the ancient sword that rushed into Tang Yan's mind suddenly!
The words were sonorous, overbearing and frightening, as if the body could not bear the introduction of these imprints, it almost collapsed both body and soul.At this delicate moment, the blood soul tree of Qi Sea shook the white jade leaves, nourishing the almost shattered soul, and only then could it withstand this overbearing inheritance mark.

Just the imprint brought such a terrifying impact, how terrifying was the previous owner of this ancient saber

Tang Yan was distracted by the sudden sonorous imprint, but the scene was completely silent, as if frozen.

Niya knows the power of Helen's Fierce Sun Fist best, the second prince has a deep understanding, and the rest of them have a little understanding. Originally they thought that they would kill this young man, at least they could injure him severely.

The boy's seven orifices were bleeding, and he froze on the spot. His face was a little pale, as if he had been severely injured, but he didn't fall down.But Helen wobbled forward a few steps, knelt on the ground with a bang, there was no wound, no bleeding, her pupils gradually became dilated, and her vitality disappeared.

Everyone gasped secretly, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief, the boy actually won and killed Helen with such a simple blow

Even Xu Yan felt his heart contract violently. What happened just now and how did he kill Helen?

Tang Yan ignored everyone's surprise, immersed in this abrupt inheritance, and tried to wield the ancient saber again, looking for the mysterious feeling in that moment just now, but after chopping five times in a row, the previous power did not erupt again. That mysterious feeling disappeared without a trace.

what happened?

What kind of inheritance is this?Just a few dry words and nothing else?

How to practice?How do you feel?How to use it?

"Little brother, are you willing to follow me?" The hotness in the eyes of the second prince cannot be concealed. This is a talent that is worth cultivating!

Tang Yan slowly came back to his senses, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "I like to make friends. If the second prince doesn't mind, we can communicate more. If you say follow, it will be a bit snobbish."

"Haha, good, very individual, I like people with individuality. Tell me your name, I will make you my friend!" The second prince surprisingly did not dislike Tang Yan's frivolity, but readily agreed.

The other imperial guards were somewhat strange. The second prince was violent by nature and rarely interacted peacefully with others. Today was a precedent.

"Surname Tang Mingyan, Tang Yan."

"Tang Yan, I've made a note of it. Wait a minute, I'll take care of this trouble, let's have a good conversation." The second prince turned his eyes, stared at Niya, and said with a sneer, "I'm still going to resist. I'll give you one last time." Opportunity, hand over what you have in hand, and then hand over the right to operate the Jinghuo mine, and I can guarantee that the Rao family will be safe."

"Second prince, please interrupt." Tang Yan coughed softly, showing a harmless smile: "You may have forgotten one thing. The Taiwu mining area has collapsed. Where is the mine?"

The word "Mm" awakened the dreamer, both the second prince and Niya were slightly absent-minded.

That's right, the entire Taiwu mining area collapsed and sank into this strange world that is thousands of feet deep. The mine no longer exists, so what's the point of the big families fighting for it again?

On a deeper level, this magical world will soon become the focus of the outside world, and more powerful people will inevitably come to explore it, and it may even attract the attention of those super ancient empires in the Central Plains.By that time, it would be difficult for even the Delos Empire to fully control the underground remains of the Taiwu mining area.

The second prince looked at Tang Yan more appreciatively. This young man is not only talented, but also calm in dealing with things.Although they will think about the situation in the Taiwu mining area sooner or later, whoever brings it up first is the difference.

"Niya, things are easier between us, you hand over what you have, and I will spare your life!"

Niya still kept that calm until now, her glamorous and charming face was as indifferent as ice, she was silent for a moment, and said: "Tang Yan, you help me leave the ancient city, I will give you everything you want!"

Before Tang Yan could respond, the second prince sneered disdainfully: "Everything you want? Can your Rao family compare with the royal family? What you can give, I can still give, and what I can give, you may not be able to take." Come out. What's more, he killed your guard commander, can you easily let him go? At this time, you don't need to do this kind of meaningless struggle!"

Tang Yan was secretly amused, unexpectedly became a treasure, and was wooed by both parties.

But he is not a savior, and he can distinguish priorities.Niyafang was at an absolute disadvantage, and she had nothing to do with her. Of course, it was impossible to offend the royal family of Delos just because of her 'face'.

"What about my promise?" Niya's beautiful eyes turned to Tang Yan, and she spoke calmly, but it made the atmosphere of the audience more subtle.

Tang Yan raised his eyebrows: "This is a big joke."

"This is all I can give you. Accept it or not!" Niya is confident enough in her charm. The little guy looked at him with hot eyes just now, and his greed is undisguised. Should be enough to get him on his side.

Niya also has no choice, the current situation is urgent and tense, if he wants to escape this ancient city alive, he must have a helper.If Tang Yan nodded in agreement, Xu Yan and the other boy who followed him would join his camp.

She already thought of the name 'Xu Yan', which Helen reminded emphatically. According to the data, Xu Yan is a purely powerful fighter who can hold ten thousand catties of force with one hand.

In the evil ancient city, pure strength fighters are definitely the most precious combat power!
As for marriage, it is purely an exchange of interests, a stopgap measure.What's more, if you leave this ancient city, who can control yourself?
The second prince paid a little attention to Tang Yan's eyes. This kid likes women?Hehe, okay, I'm not afraid that you have weaknesses, but I'm afraid that you don't have hobbies.What's more, this weakness is best dealt with!Thinking of this, he said loudly: "Niya, put away your rhetoric, this is the end of today, Tang Yan, you can watch the show next to me, when I capture Niya, I will give it to you as a doll, just treat it as if I gave it to you." It's a meet and greet."

Tang Yan smiled and did not make any response, let alone make a blind move.Although he is lustful, he is not greedy. An overly calm woman like Niya is not the type I like. Moreover, with the experience of previous life and present life, he can see through Niya's purpose at a glance.

With the second prince's order, the battlefield fell into chaos again. The royal guards attacked Niya's guards violently, while the second prince directly attacked Niya, furious like a tiger, showing no mercy.

"Second prince, keep playing. I'll go to other places and we'll meet at the city gate later." Tang Yan was still thinking about the treasures of the ancient city, waved his hands smartly, and took Du Yang and Xu Yan away. clean and tidy.

(End of this chapter)

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