Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1170 Moon Shadow Awakens

Chapter 1170 Moon Shadow Awakens
The current atmosphere in Dongkuiling Mountain is already tense, and the high-level officials of Nanhuang and Dongkui are in a hurry. Some saints with anxious personalities are circling in a hurry, and those who are more patient are watching the turbulent mist in a daze. space channel.

In the end what happened?
His Royal Highness the Undying Phoenix went there in person, and there was also the accompanying protective frame of the Tiangang Spiritual Ape. With the strength of the Undying Phoenix after breakthrough and the rage of the Tiangang Spiritual Ape, what troubles can't be solved?
Bang bang bang! !

The sound of hurried footsteps came from the stone steps, and a maid rushed over, but before she could show up, more than a dozen pairs of eyes were fixed on her, and the oppression almost made her kneel on the ground.

"'s not good...Yueying she...was awake..." The maid's face turned pale, she didn't know whether she was frightened or anxious, but she stumbled and said a complete sentence.

"What??" The saints changed their colors slightly, and after looking at each other, they all focused on the misty altar.

Haven't come yet?Hurry up!

Back then, Tang Yan had made an agreement with Yueying that she would see Tang Yan as soon as she opened her eyes, which was a prerequisite for her to agree to sleep.And Yueying's heart is as fragile as a piece of thin porcelain, which can't really withstand harm.

Once she is mistaken for cheating, how sad should it be?
Reincarnation Blood Snake Rhinoceros and others don't know what love is, but at least they can understand the situation of the "blooming girl" when they were young and ignorant.

In the medicine garden hot spring, Moon Shadow, who had been sleeping for four years and eight months, woke up early, four months ahead of the Great Sage's expectation.

After nearly five years of tempering with the liquid medicine, she is still as pure as before, and she is still about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a melon-seeded face, curved black eyebrows, fair cheeks, and exquisite facial features.The slightly upturned little Qiong's nose, with a playful cuteness, has not changed much from before she fell asleep. If there is any change, it is that her skin is more delicate, smoother, purer and fairer.

Like a perfect porcelain jade, people dare not reach out and touch it, for fear of being contaminated with her holy spirit and breaking her skin.

The hot spring medicine pool was steaming with white mist, and Yueying made a slight humming sound, stretched her waist lazily, and sat up from the crystal clear water, her long snow-white hair like white jade poured down like a waterfall, matching her snow-white skin and The white mist complements each other into brilliance.

Just like the beauty of the fairy world in the picture scroll, the beauty makes the serving maids suffocate.

The great sage waited outside the hot spring, no one made a sound, no one moved forward, not daring to disturb, not daring to attract attention, every point of delay counts.But in the quiet garden, one could feel the great sage's breathing being messy, with his ears straight up, listening to the movement outside, waiting for Tang Yan's footsteps to come, his eyes swaying, fixedly looking at the moon shadow, heart It has already been mentioned in the throat.

The Great Sage himself doesn't know what changes have taken place in Yueying in the past five years, whether his memory has been confused, whether he still remembers the existence of Tang Yan.But she really didn't dare to take the risk, and she couldn't think of any way to coax her.

Her own daughter, she knows well, is used to being arrogant and pampered, and will not care about anything when she is self-willed, and she will not be able to bear any wronged and deceived, otherwise... the serving maids stood tremblingly, and the two in front were still standing. Holding the bath towel, she just didn't dare to go forward and put it on Moon Shadow.

"Huh?" Yueying opened her big bright eyes, her fan-like eyelashes flickered, and her furry cat ears twitched unconsciously.She had just woken up, and her consciousness had not yet fully returned, so she just sat there in a daze, as if recalling strangely.

The surrounding is very quiet, quiet and depressing.

All the maids prayed silently, no accidents, no accidents.

And at this time, under the anxious waiting of everyone, there was finally movement on the altar of Lingshan. Following the lawful surge of mist, Immortal Phoenix, Tiangang Spiritual Ape, and Nian Wuxin, who had regained his human form, stepped out of the altar at the same time.

"Come back? Hurry up, Yueying just woke up, hurry up..." Baihu Sage and others were about to get excited, but the scene in front of them made all the surprises froze on their faces, and the shouts were stuck in their throats, and everyone's eyes were focused In Nian Wuxin's arms.

He was holding an unconscious person in his arms, but it was not the handsome boy in their impression at all, but a middle-aged and elderly man with thin body, gray hair at the temples, and wrinkled skin.Moreover, the arm was dripping with blood, the clothes were tattered, and the dull gray hair was wet.

If they hadn't recognized Nian Wuxin, the Lord of Jiulongling, and felt his holy aura, they would have thought that someone had brought a beggar!Still a dying beggar!
"He is...Tang Yan? How could it be like this?" Even Chu Qian was a little uneasy this time, and Skylark and others were even more stunned, waiting hard, even the Immortal Phoenix came in person, how did they bring back a... Bad news? !

If Yue Ying saw Tang Yan's current appearance, wouldn't she just faint from crying?
It's better not to let them meet! !

"The Bingfeng from Zhenyao Temple! The ancient evil kappa, the holy land monsters! They teamed up to besiege Tang Yan." Nian Wuxin left and put Tang Yan on the ground, took out a few precious medicines and put them in Tang Yan's mouth, exercising his strength Help him dissolve and absorb.

"It's good to be alive." Tiangang Spirit Ape sighed with emotion.

"But... but with this appearance... it's better not to come back..." Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros muttered vaguely.

The White Tiger Beastman glanced coldly at the Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros, and came to Tang Yan: "What should I do?"

Now he is only a semi-saint and Dongkui's 'saint', and he is no longer afraid of the former 'boss' of Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros.

Nian Wuxin personally took care of Tang Yan: "My precious medicine can nourish Tang Yan's mind and replenish some blood, so as not to leave hidden dangers. But I am only responsible for the safety of my young master, other things are not in my hands, it is you Solve it yourself."

The atmosphere on the top of the mountain changed slightly, most of the eyes flashed a cold gleam, all of them were ferocious beasts, full of wildness and unruly personality, let alone in their own territory, how could they allow outsiders to provoke them.

But... Nian Wuxin raised his eyes coldly, his pupils turned completely golden, and his anger soared: "The reason why I followed the Eternal Beast Mountain is to take care of my young master! I thank you for saving my family in times of crisis over and over again." Master, but there is one thing, let me hear it clearly, he is not your plaything, let alone a slave. He is willing to save your Moon Shadow, because he values ​​love and righteousness, but it does not mean that you can ignore him just to make Moon Shadow smile physical condition.

Anyone who dares to forcibly wake Yueying up in order to make him happy, or use some secret medicine to restore his spirits, regardless of whether there will be sequelae, I, Jiulongling, will never forgive him lightly! !Let me tell you a word, the young master is the root of our Kowloon Ridge! ! "

The golden-winged roc was a type of fierce beast in ancient times, and its ferocious temperament made many ancient beasts frightened. Nian Wuxin is known as the "poison minister" of Jiulongling, but he is really not a good person.

Feminine appearance, ruthless heart!

Immortal Phoenix was expressionless, silent, and didn't even show her real body from the flames, but the cold and arrogant posture at this moment did not mean that she didn't care, but did it deliberately, and she was waiting for Chu Qian to deal with it.

None of the people present are reckless, and you can appreciate the subtlety of the atmosphere with a little feeling.

After all... Although Undying Phoenix values ​​Yueying, she and Tang Yan are mother and son in name after all!Judging from today's move to personally respond to Tang Yan, it is not a pure combination of interests.

If Chu Qian's disclosure is inappropriate today, disaster may be planted.

Chu Qian closed the altar, walked towards Tang Yan, tapped his fingertips in the air, and a seven-colored medicine appeared out of thin air.The strong medicinal fragrance immediately filled the entire mountaintop, and the spirits of everyone in the audience were slightly lifted. The refreshing fragrance and the refreshing beauty of the whole body made several inspectors show fiery eyes on the spot, staring at the precious medicine in Chu Qian's hand.

"This is the precious medicine tempered by the great sage. There are only four in the entire Dongkuiling Mountain. One for me, one for the great sage, one for Moon Shadow, and one for Xu Yan." Chu Qian deliberately named them to avoid causing unnecessary troubles. My misunderstanding: "The precious medicine can wake him up, restore his vitality and blood, and restore his complexion to luster. It can guarantee vigorous energy for three days and three nights. I can guarantee that it will not leave any sequelae for Tang Yan, but it will take care of his body." , in short, there is no harm at all, and I will guarantee it in the name of my Lord Dongkui!"

"I'll be your guarantor!!" Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros and others expressed their opinions one after another.

Nian Wuxin took the seven-colored treasure medicine and sent it into Tang Yan's mouth after feeling it for a while.The precious medicine melted in the mouth, and flowed to the whole body under Nian Wuxin's skillful control. The rich medicinal fragrance almost came out through the body, and the soft colorful luster in the misty area soaked every inch of the skin.

It is completely miraculous effect of 'removing dead human flesh and white bones'!
Soon, Tang Yan took a deep breath and was finally able to breathe by himself, showing signs of waking up.Although he was still old and skinny, at least his skin was no longer dull, and his face had the color of blood.

Chu Qian ordered to the waiting maid: "You guys get some liquid medicine for Tang Yan to put on makeup, and then find a dress that fits well, and make today's matter go away, and my hands and feet are quicker. I hope... Can you catch up..."

(End of this chapter)

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