Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1172 Episode 5 Holy Power

Chapter 1172 Collecting the Power of the Five Saints

"If Jiulongling has a good secret method that can help Tang Yan restore his life, we can release him back to Jiulongling. If not, I suggest that he stay in Nanhuang Immortal Palace." Immortal Phoenix used a very rare tone of conciliation. , no longer so arrogant and aggressive.

"Leave? What about Moon Shadow?" Dongkui's saints were not calm anymore.

"Following Tang Yan, it's like going outside to enjoy the scenery. You don't have to worry about her safety with the guards of Jiulongling. If you really don't worry, we can send a few saints to follow." Holy One, after learning about Tang Yan's situation, the anger in his heart has completely disappeared.No matter how you say it, Tang Yan is his son-in-law after all. On the premise of ensuring Yueying's safety, he can also confirm that Tang Yan really loves Yueying and is willing to help him as much as he can.

Nian Wuxin frowned and pondered for a while, then slowly shook his head: "Nine Dragon Ridge can't be saved, so can Nanhuang Immortal Palace have a solution? As far as I know, once life energy is lost, it's hard to recover."

Immortal Phoenix said: "The Eternal Beast Mountain has existed for a longer time, at least fifty times longer than Jiulongling. Our heritage is naturally richer than yours. The Beast Mountain has a unique environment and many special elixir. We can't guarantee anything, at least You can try it, and what you can guarantee is more opportunities than Jiulongling. But if you want him to fully recover, I'm afraid...impossible..."

"Thousand-year life, one-time draw." Shrouding Skylark shook his head secretly, is this going to destroy Tang Yan?Millennium Shouyuan, just thinking about it makes my back feel cold!
"Doesn't it mean that Tang Yan will definitely leave sequelae?" The white tiger orc clenched his fists and groaned heavily: "Who is so vicious? Isn't it tantamount to cutting off the future if you lose your lifespan?"

The great sage said: "Relying on medicine and spiritual essence alone, it may be difficult to restore life, unless some forces have some specific secret method, or a special spiritual spring of heaven and earth, but if you want to quickly replenish his thousand years of life Yuan, my advice is not to expect extravagantly.

I suggest to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Tang Yan, and then understand the situation at that time, specifically what happened.At least there is some directionality in the investigation, and it is easy to prescribe the right medicine. "

Immortal Phoenix nodded and said: "Tang Yan's current situation is very special. It may not be as simple as losing his lifespan. I have been wondering what exactly took away his thousand years of life!!"

Tiangang Spirit Ape pondered: "Since Yueying has already seen Tang Yan after waking up, this crisis can be resolved without any risk. Next, as long as Tang Yan can coax Yueying and let her know that Tang Yan is always by his side, It won't be uncomfortable anymore, and we don't need to worry about problems with Yueying. Without further ado, we will check Tang Yan tomorrow."

Chu Qian raised his eyelids and said, "Bring Beiming's Wutu Thunderworm and Caesar's Abyss Demon Jiao, they all have some weird secret methods, maybe they can help."

Today's Eternal Beast Mountain is obviously made bigger by Nanhuang and Dongkui. Immortal Phoenix has successfully broken through, and his own realm has also improved, completely surpassing the other two holy beasts. Caesar will not ignore it.

Nian Wuxin lowered his eyebrows and remained silent until everyone turned their attention to him, then he slowly raised his eyes and looked at everyone present: "I agree with Tang Yan staying in Jiulongling and agreeing to conduct a comprehensive inspection, but the five saints of Jiulongling also agree To participate!"

"You can't trust us? The Eternal Beast Mountain is in the void, how can they come here? Do you really think that our Beast Mountain can open the space channel at will?" Tiangang Spirit Ape said in a bad tone.

"I don't know if you can open it at will, but my young master's current injury is a special situation, which requires special treatment!" Nian Wuxin looked around the audience and said firmly: "My five saints from Jiulongling must participate!"

There are too many secrets in Tang Yan's body. Since a comprehensive review is required, it will naturally be exposed. What if it causes Beast Mountain to spy on it?What if an accident happens?Therefore, Jiulongling must be present, and all five holy places must be present to supervise!
Immortal Phoenix took the lead and said: "In view of Tang Yan's physical condition, multiple saints should share more strength. I agree with Jiulongling joining. Holy Lord Chu Qian, what's your opinion?"

1 The saints on both sides changed their colors slightly, the power of the five saints?Holy Master Chu Qian was silent and always made a big splash. It seemed that he completely ignored the wear and tear of Dongkui's altar.

But thinking about it carefully, Tang Yan, as the link between Beast Mountain and Jiulongling, really can stand such "heavy treatment".

Undead Phoenix took out a space brocade box: "I have a space brocade box here, which is tempered from the altar stone of the holy mountain. I need Mr. Wu Xin to leave first and return to Jiulongling. You have to open it in the sky above Jiulongling. Only by guiding us can we connect to Beast Mountain and Jiulongling."

"May I make another suggestion." Nian Wuxin took the space brocade box, could feel the surging space energy inside, but still hesitated.


"Jiulongling has encountered some troubles recently. Boss Ma and the others can't leave for a long time. I hope that the Eternal Beast Mountain can be moved to the void near the area of ​​Jiulongling. If there is an accident, we can go back in time."

Nian Wuxin Kesu made another harsh request.

The Eternal Beast Mountain hid in the deepest part of the void with great difficulty, in order to avoid the intrusion of various forces, and more importantly, to enhance the power of the Beast Mountain in an all-round way.Ke Nianwuxin actually asked them to leave the deepest part of the void space and move closer to the Jiulongling area next to the Xingluo Empire and the Daqian Dynasty.

Regardless of whether they are willing or not, if they want to escape from the void abyss, the long-distance leaping movement will definitely consume the life of the space altar, and it will also consume the energy of their holy beasts.

The scene fell silent again, and even Chu Qian's expression was a little gloomy.

The great sage said, "Can we ask what the trouble is?"

"To be honest, the Temple of the Holy Spirit has recruited several special assistants from another dimension. Not only are they all from the Holy Realm, but they are also very strange species. According to our investigation, the number is likely to be four!
Each is a tricky thing, and it is by no means an ordinary holy land. It is not an exaggeration to say that one enemy is three.

For example, the water doll you saw today, His Highness the Undying Phoenix, is called Kappa, an ancient evil spirit that appeared for the first time in the era of great annihilation. It was killed by an emperor himself, and now it is reborn again. It's time for revenge, and the target is Jiulongling, and it's my young master! "

The emperor makes a move?Ancient evil spirit?

The atmosphere changed again, the faces of the great sages and others changed again and again, they looked at each other, and kept silent one after another. Gradually, the emotions became less conflicted, and they waited patiently to continue explaining.

Nian Wuxin continued: "We have always suspected that the Temple of the Holy Spirit has formed an alliance with a certain forbidden area. The specific party is not yet sure, but counting the forbidden area and the four holy places in the Temple of the Holy Spirit, their strength has already expanded. To the point where even the empire is concerned. It is still unknown whether the Holy Spirit Temple has already formed an alliance with an empire, but the possibility is very high. Now the Holy Spirit Temple has begun to monitor our Jiulongling, forcing my family leader to sit in the town in person , dare not leave on your own.”

Chu Jian looked at Nian Wuxin firmly: "I'm afraid that you recruited the sage from Jiulongling to the Eternal Beast Mountain for more than just checking Tang Yan."

"That's right! I hope the two parties can take this opportunity to meet and determine the alliance relationship. It is impossible for the Eternal Beast Mountain to hide in the void forever, and our Nine Dragon Ridge has reached a preliminary agreement with the Xingluo Empire. We now need the Eternal Beast Mountain to join us." .” Nian Wuxin did not use any special honorifics in his words, even though he was asking for an alliance.

There are all old monsters present, it is impossible to change their minds because of a few words of respect, and they will not be annoyed and refused because of disrespect. Both sides value one - weigh the pros and cons!
Shrouding Skylark and the others fell silent, and the scope of the incident suddenly became larger, and it was not something they could easily intervene in.

Both Chu Qian and Undead Huang remained silent, as if they were thinking carefully.

Nian Wuxin is waiting for their decision. Although it is said that the alliance between the two parties was proposed temporarily, under the current situation, Wangu Beast Mountain and Jiulongling really need to put the alliance on the table. I believe that Boss Ma will agree with him when he knows Decide.

After a long time, Immortal Phoenix and Chu Qian exchanged glances and understood each other's meaning.Yu Chuqian said, "We can take the Eternal Beast Mountain out of the Void Abyss temporarily, but it will not be too close to the ancient country area. We allow everyone from Jiulongling to visit the Eternal Beast Mountain, but only to help Tang Yan check. As for whether to cooperate, how about Cooperation will be discussed later. The two of us can only represent Dongkui and Nanhuang, not the entire Eternal Beast Mountain."

"Understood! It's not too late, I'll leave immediately!" Nian Wuxin was just making his own suggestion, and the specific situation may require a meeting between the two sides before making a decision.

"We can only make sure that you come to the western part of Xingluo Ancient Country. You need to walk the rest of the way to Jiulongling by yourself. When you have discussed it and are ready, you only need to open the space brocade box to get through the Eternal Beast Mountain. We are waiting in Dongkui!" Chu Qian and Immortal Huang personally led Nian Wuxin away to the altar area.

The rest of Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros and others continued to ponder Nian Wuxin's words secretly, until... Fudo Minghuang Xiong from Nanhuang Immortal Palace suddenly muttered: "I didn't have time to ask just now, Tang Yan, he...was promoted to a semi-saint gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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