Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1180 The Ominous Tomb Project

Chapter 1180 The Ominous Tomb Project
Niya looked up in astonishment, with her wisdom and shrewdness, she was shocked by Ren Tianzhu's deafening declaration.

Tang Yan stared at Ren Tianzan fixedly, his gaze flickered again and again, his expression stiffened in astonishment.

"What are you talking about?" Niya asked solemnly.

"Niya, you... you go out for a while..." Tang Yan still didn't recover from the shock, and unconsciously waved his hand: "I... I, I, I... I will explain to you later, you leave the meeting first Son, by the way... close the door by the way."

Ren Tianzhu originally planned to reveal it when Tang Yan was promoted to the Holy Realm, but Cang Tian obviously did not intend to let him proceed as planned. He had to find a real home for the Ren family and let Tang Yan grow up as soon as possible.

The situation is developing too fast, and they cannot delay it.

bang!The heavy wooden doors were closed heavily, and the magnificent auditorium became dark and quiet.

Ren Tianzang said: "The ghost Qinghuo has not returned for a thousand years after leaving, and the netherworld collapsed by itself. Not all the innate ghosts died in the void. Not only the nine-child ghost mother, but also our Fengdu ghost master's lineage survived, but the ghosts back then The mother is strong, and there are only a few remnants of the ghost master's lineage, in order to prey on the ghost mother who must change, and to protect the supreme secret law of hell, the Fengdu Ghost Emperor Sutra, so she hides in the marginal area and develops alone."

Tang Yan still stared at Ren Tianzan with a strange face, and opened his mouth, but he just didn't know what to say.If you can't be busy with secret things, or they come all at once, it's always overwhelming.

"You can give birth to the Nether Hell by holding the Ghost Green Fire. If my observation is correct, your left eye is the prototype of the Nether Hell, a brand new hell space!"

Tang Yan nodded in a daze, but still didn't speak, just looked at him so strangely.

"Have devils and ghost fetuses been born inside?"

Tang Yan still nodded, hesitated a little, and stretched out three fingers.

"Relying on your own efforts alone, it will take at least ten thousand years and ten thousand years to rebuild the Nether Hell, and it is even more impossible to reproduce the grandeur of the Nether Hell. First of all, the prototype of hell was born by you, and it will be changed by your will. It is very likely to distort development; second, the devils and ghost fetuses in the hell space need to grow up, and the resentment and lonely souls born by taking the spiritual source liquid alone are not enough, even less than one ten thousandth; third, the hell space is different from The Qitian Continent is full of filthy and turbid resentment, and hell is just a prototype, its development needs your support for the time being, where do you have so much resentment?"

"The Ren family has a solution?" Tang Yan finally spoke, but he still didn't let go of his tense body and mind.

"If you want to develop faster and more stably, you need two conditions. One is to find the dilapidated space left after the destruction of the Nether Hell. Although the hell is destroyed, it still exists in the void. You just need to find it, refine it, and devour it. It will completely stabilize your prototype of hell, which is enough to surpass your efforts of thousands of years; second, search for the most filthy and filthy resentment, the most pure and evil hostility in the world."

"Where is the hell space? How to find resentment and hostility?"

"When the Nether Hell collapsed and the broken world fell, it is certain that it is not in the Qitian Continent. It may stay in the void, and there may be a lost battle world mentioned by King Ma Yan! You don't have to think about it now, even if it falls in your In front of you, you don’t even think about smelting, unless you are promoted to the holy realm, and the Immortal Yantian Jue enters the holy rank of martial arts. But the most filthy and turbid resentment, the purest and evil hostility, my Ren family has it!!”

"Really? You want to use the whole Ren family to enter the new world as an exchange?!" Tang Yan's face is weird because of this. It's not that he doesn't trust Ren Tianzhu, it's just that the new world has always been his top secret, and suddenly he wants to attract more than 100 people. No. [-] people enter the 'settle down', always feel a little strange.

The point is that all these 100 people are ghosts?They have a completely different concept from the more than 3000 people swallowed by Youye Forest.Based on the Ren family's familiarity with the Nether Hell and their status as ghost servants, whose name will be engraved on the developing new world? !

"Although my family's ancestor fell, the secret treasure of the Ren family he kept was cleverly preserved. It contains the resentment and hostility formed when the ghosts and ghost embryos were bred in the nether hell, which is what I call—the most filthy and the most filthy." The turbid resentment, the pure and evil hostility. Its quantity is very large, which will saturate the energy of your hell prototype space, accelerate the formation of devils and ghost embryos inside, and prompt them to devour each other and grow gradually.

For example, your current prototype of hell is equivalent to a newly built fish pond. You have empty land, but you cannot breed fish and shrimps because you have no water!Relying on natural rainfall alone, it is difficult to saturate fish ponds! "

Ren Tianzhu is usually taciturn, let alone eloquent, but with the destruction of Onitsuka and the destruction of his ancestors, he must shoulder the important task of protecting the family, and entering Tang Yan's hell prototype is a top priority.He understood Tang Yan's concerns. If he was innocent, Tang Yan would not hesitate, but... "Brother Ren, I have always respected you, and I really want to help you, but..." Tang Yan scratched his head in embarrassment, meditating Said: "I can move the entire Ren family into my new world, but our relationship belongs to relationship, and friendship belongs to friendship. I can only set aside a territory for you. In it, you can develop as you like, but in other places... "

"Understood!! Agree!!" Ren Tianzang replied cleanly.

Tang Yan let out his breath, afraid of causing misunderstanding among the brothers, he thought about it for a while, and said, "Where did your Ren family live in the Nether Hell back then?"

"Fengdu! Regional core!"

"Well, I will clear the central area of ​​the new world and make it your new home. The area will be enough for you to use. But I still say that, Brother Ren, you have to restrain the Ren family members, and you can do activities in the central area Don't go anywhere else."

"I will insert the Ren family's secret treasure 'Ten Soul Gathering Banners' into different positions in the new world, and they will continue to exude resentment and ghosts, so that the new world can grow by itself!" Ren Tianzun couldn't help feeling grateful, Because he did not expect that Tang Yan would carve out the central area of ​​the new world and hand it over to the Ren family alone.

"You rest with the clansmen first, I am very weak now, I am afraid I will transfer you all after I recover." Tang Yan barely supported himself, stretched out his arms and hugged Ren Tianzhu: "I am sorry for the Onitsuka incident, But everything is in order, and we work together.”

Ren Tianzhu didn't stay for long, and left the hall with the paper figurine on his back.

Tang Yan watched him leave, and stood alone for a long time before tidying up his appearance and making some disguises, then returned to the bedroom at the back of the auditorium, lay down next to the moon shadow, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and calmed down his messy emotions and exhaustion mind.

When the conscious body sank into the new world, Xie Zu was floating in the hill where he found the ghost fetus. "A ghost fetus was born? At least ten years earlier than I expected!"

Tang Yan quietly looked at the palm-sized doll, and gradually lost the sense of eerie horror before, and looked at his own child instead. "What realm will he grow into in the future?"

"It may be very strong, or it may be swallowed by other ghost fetuses. This is just the beginning. When the resentment and hostility in the new world are sufficient, the ghost fetuses will appear in pieces and gradually form a complete body. At first, there is no consciousness, only instinct, and they will interact with each other. Swallow, the more you swallow, the stronger you become, until your own consciousness is born."

Tang Yan nodded gently, and held up the ghost again: "But it was born first, and I want to cultivate it."

"As you like, this is your own world, and you are the ruler." Xie Zu replied calmly, but there seemed to be some implied meaning in his words.

Tang Yan smiled silently, shook his head and sighed: "Can I refuse Ren Tianzhu? No! He has saved me three times. Without him, Du Yang and I would not be able to live without the Phantom Forest. This is a debt that must be paid!! "

"But you don't need to assign the most important central area to the Ren family."

"What's the point of bargaining when you pay off the debt? I don't want to create a estrangement with Ren Tianzhu because of these trivial matters. Besides, although the Ren family has a gloomy personality, they are not sinister by nature. They will abide by the agreement."

"According to what Ren Tianfu said, the Ren family was born in hell and grew up in hell, so entering the current new world is like a fish in water. No one can estimate how fast its development is."

"No need to persuade, I have made up my mind. The Ren family will settle in the new world and settle in the central area." Tang Yan owes Ren Tianzhu, Ren Tianzhu has helped him more than once, and he will never say that when the Ren family is in distress and asks for it Say a 'no' word.

Although he, Tang Yan, has a perverse personality, he values ​​kindness and righteousness very much, and he is even less willing to take on debts.

Xie Zu's eyes lit up: "Since you have decided, I will not stop it, I will look after the Ren family for you, and... from today, the 'Eight Ominous Tombs Project' is no longer a test and guesswork, it is what you have to do." Things to do!"

"Old Ancestor, there is no need to be so dark, the Ren family will not betray me!"

"You're wrong! It's Ren Tianfu who won't let you down!"

(End of this chapter)

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