Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1189 Ghost Mountain

Chapter 1189 Ghost Mountain
"Hey! I haven't finished yet!!" Tang Yan yelled a few times outside, but he refused to respond, and shook his head helplessly: "Two madmen!"

Niya looked at Yue Ying, who was bored playing with teacups, and asked, "How are you going to spend two years?"

How are you doing?Tang Yan really wanted to say something to accompany you, but looking at the clingy Moon Shadow, and thinking about the misery she might face in her next reincarnation, she pulled the corners of her mouth and refused to say it. "Walk around, spend time with your family, relax, and experience martial arts by the way. Since I left Beast Mountain last time, I haven't rested for five years."

"Nothing special, I'm in seclusion." Niya didn't care about it, and deliberately set aside time for Tang Yan to accompany Yueying.What's more, what she pursues is not the love between men and women, but the righteousness of martial arts. She has been busy for several months, and it is rare to have two years of precious time. She wants to calm down and feel the inheritance of Taizu.

Only Tang Yan and Yue Ying were left in the camp, lying on the table and staring at each other.

Tang Yan smiled: "Where are you going?"

"Catch fish!!"

"Can't always catch fish, change the game?"


"Let me think about it... think about it..." Tang Yan rolled his eyes again and again, pointed to the outside of the tent, and whispered: "There are two big men outside, you ride one, I ride one, let's go around the beast mountain , playing hide and seek, it's not you looking for me, I'm looking for you, it's the two of us looking for Du Yang and the others together, to see what they are doing, to tease them and make trouble for them."

"Okay!!" Yueying can do anything, as long as she is with her brother, everything will be novel.

"Luo Hu, Zang Ba! There is a mission!" Tang Yan laughed and stood up, but before he could take a step, the tent was lifted up suddenly, and a gloomy aura rushed towards his face, which immediately made everyone in the room The temperature dropped by ten degrees.

"I heard that you recovered." Ren Tianzun stood outside the door with a cold face and a dry tone.

Behind him stood more than 100 people sparsely, either carrying coffins or holding paper figurines, all dressed in black robes, with their heads down and their eyes raised, looking gloomy.

They gathered there clattering, and those who didn't understand the situation thought it was someone's funeral.

Luo Hu and Zang Ba, who were staring outside the door, also looked at them curiously.

Tang Yan suddenly remembered, and signaled Yueying not to be afraid, and asked, "Are you all ready?"

"We are ready, how about you? The release of resentment and death will cause drastic changes in the environment of the new world. It will have an impact on those wandering souls, and more importantly, it will affect your own sanity. Are you ready?" Tang Yan was more cautious.

Tang Yan felt his body, Huo Ling'er and Blood Soul Tree had awakened, and they were enjoying themselves in the sea of ​​qi. The Buddha's heart was even more radiant, reflecting the vast space of the sea of ​​qi.

With them sitting in town, I shouldn't have any problems.

"Okay." Tang Yan calmed Yueying a little, and let Luo Hu and Zang Ba outside play with him for a while, and he wanted to stay in the tent to swallow the Ren family.The new world is still his secret, and he cannot use it in public at will.

"Take me as a babysitter?" Zang Ba's teeth itch with hatred. He is a dignified commander, with pure barbarian blood, and let himself coax a child?

"Be content, you, it would be nice not to let you become a baby daddy." Luo Hu was interested in this big man, and raised his hand as if stroking his bald head.

"Want to fight?" Zang Ba stared, and was about to hit him with an axe.

"I don't want to fight, I want to play with monkeys." Luo Hu coquettishly twisted his python's tail, winked and teased Zang Ba, and yelled at Yueying, "Xiao Yueying, come on Master Luo's shoulder, let's tease monkeys, bald monkeys !"

"Yeah, yeah!!" Moon Shadow feared that the world would not be chaotic, and appeared on Luohu's head like lightning, got a cane from nowhere, and threw out a loud whip flower in the air: "Yahoo! Let's fight! !"

"I'm tired of working!!" Zang Ba was even more fearless, and blasted up with his axe.

"Hey!" Luo Hu became even more frantic, rolling up a heavy whirlwind and rushing towards the sky. The two behemoths collided with each other in the sky, and Yueying couldn't stop laughing. The crowd in the building looked sideways.

"Don't bother with them." Tang Yan comforted the alarmed Ren family members, adjusted his state, closed his eyes, and operated the Immortal Yan Tian Jue at full speed, gradually opening the new world.


The cold ghostly weeping floated out of thin air, and the dark wind spread from the corners of his eyes!

There seemed to be ghosts floating around, like a lonely soul crying, appearing in the area of ​​Tang Yan's left eye one after another.As his eyelids slowly lifted, the entire left eye turned into darkness, like an endless black hole, spewing out swirling black threads, covering Ren Tianzhu and others.

Ren Tianzun closed his eyes, relaxed his guard, and let the dark vortex envelope him.

"Enlightenment!" Tang Yan roared in his heart, his left eye widened, and the gushing dark vortex suddenly expanded ten meters of light. Countless ghosts lingered around the vortex with desolate wailing, as if spreading out the road leading to hell. Soul Road.

Inside the camp, it was like falling into hell, eerie and terrifying.

Ren Tianzhu disappeared first, and the rest of the Ren family walked into the tent one after another, letting down their vigilance and accepting the vortex envelope, one after another, group after group, more than 100 people walked into the tent one after another, but disappeared in the darkness in a blink of an eye.

When they opened their eyes, they all landed in the middle of the New World.

"This is where you will live in the future. The entire central territory belongs to you. I wish you a better growth." Tang Yan's consciousness manifested in the new world, but he quit after leaving only two sentences, leaving space for them Ren family.

The members of the Ren family looked around the surrounding environment. There was endless darkness, gloomy will-o'-the-wisps, death-like coldness and silence, and occasionally wandering lonely souls could be seen, making it even more gloomy and cold, as if they had really descended into hell.But what they bring to the Ren family members is the long-lost familiarity, as if they are connected by blood, this will be the new world they live in!
Ren Tianzhu sat cross-legged, without any nonsense: "Get ready to start, pay attention to the degree of control and release, and don't damage the new world."

All the clansmen dispersed one by one, scattered among different mountains in different tracks, sat cross-legged, and sacrificed blood.

A total of 180 people!

The paper figurine floated over its owner without wind; the coffin was opened, and thick black air gushed out.

All members of the Ren family looked solemn, as if they were gathering some kind of big formation.

When the aura is completely solidified, when the ghost energy is concentrated and thick.

There are bloodstains on the brows of the members of the Ren family successively!
"Blood Sacrifice Soul Gathering Banner! Smelt the original ghost mountain! Transform the new world of hell!" Ren Tianzhan whispered, his eyes were wide open, his eyes were blood red, and a blood arrow shot out from the bloodstain between his eyebrows, and shot straight into the sky, and then exploded, endless blood Spread out, surging the blood energy of the world.

The paper man above his head suddenly raised his head, screaming silently, terrified.

"Blood Sacrifice Soul Gathering Banner! Smelting the Origin Ghost Mountain!" All the members of the Ren family raised their heads, roaring like ghosts, their eyes were like blood, and their eyebrows shot blood arrows high into the sky.

Gather together, spread out together!
A cloud of blood energy that stretched for several kilometers gathered and formed, straddling the sky above the Ren family members, and the strong blood energy expanded infinitely, as if it was about to permeate the entire new world.

Then, the blood cloud spewed evil spirit towards the bottom, dancing and galloping like a river like smoke.

There were mournful howls of ghosts floating in the sky and earth, and the evil spirit was surging, like thousands of ghosts struggling in the evil spirit and blood energy.

In the depths of the roiling sea-like evil spirit, in the depths of the high-altitude blood clouds, ragged ancient flags gradually appeared, stained with blood, and shabby, and even the flagpoles were covered with traces of time, as if they would melt if they exerted force Make dust.

Their appearance caused the temperature of this world to drop again and again. It was not a cold wave like a cold wave, but a lifeless cold, with thousands of ghosts crying and howling, like being in a boundless hell!

ah! !Fierce ghosts were weeping and howling all over the sky, billowing evil spirits covered the sky and covered the sun.

The new world was completely alarmed, all the lonely souls in each area screamed silently, and the dark wind howled in all areas, as if the sky had changed.

Whoosh! !

A tattered black flag was shot out from the blood cloud and the sea of ​​evil spirits, and flew towards the north direction, carrying billowing black clouds, spanning the space, and then... whoosh, whoosh... seven other flags were shot out one after another, each heading toward the true north. West, north, northeast and other different directions to call.

They streaked across the space like black lightning.

They are broken in shape, but they carry terrifying energy!

Bang! !

A black flag was inserted into the Zhengdong area, shattered the mountain, and hid in it, but in a blink of an eye, a black aura began to spread from the cracks in the broken mountain, spreading silently to the surroundings, and the surface and interior of the shattered mountain , began to spread out strange black silk threads, making the whole mountain look extraordinarily evil.

The black flags in other directions all collapsed into a certain mountain, and also began to spread the black aura.

And in the middle of the new world, which is the future living place of the Ren family, two black flags fell down.

Ten black flags have evolved into ten ghost mountains. They will become the energy circle of the entire new world, expanding the black aura towards the boundless space. The most evil hostility'.

Their appearance made the already gloomy environment of the new world even more gloomy, with endless evil breath and boundless turbid resentment.

In addition, countless lonely souls spread out from the ten ghost mountains.All of them are the lonely souls of heaven and earth gathered by the Ren family for tens of thousands of years. The number is extremely terrifying, and they intend to completely enrich the new world!
The ten soul-gathering banners are the Ren family's tens of thousands of years of preparation, and their preparation for returning to hell in the future. The amount of resentment and hostility inside can be imagined, and the number of lonely souls and wild ghosts inside can be even imagined.

The ten ghost mountains are destined to become the unchanging energy source of the new world for hundreds of years, and become the most tenacious "Pillar of Optimus" in the early stage of the new world.

(End of this chapter)

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