Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 119

Chapter 119
This kind of negative emotion became more and more intense, sweat oozes from the forehead, and even breathing began to be difficult.

In the end, the sense of direction and time is completely lost.

Tang Yan had to stop, close his eyes and rest his mind, to resolve negative emotions.After resting for a long time, I continued on the road again. With the previous lessons learned, I stopped and stopped all the way to comfort myself, or "tuned" with the black girl, and then tried to communicate with Gu Zhandao, trying to divert my attention to avoid Lose yourself in this desolate world.

Fortunately, he is good at entertaining himself, and I am afraid that he might really lose himself if he were someone else.

I don't know how long I walked, but the smog-like dust weakened significantly, and the line of sight extended from five meters to 30 meters, but the line of sight was still the same, full of thick dust, without any change.

It's like walking on a boundless white paper, empty, without sound, without life.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Tang Yan couldn't move, and collapsed to the ground with a bang.Looking up at the dust in the sky, recalling just now, I still have lingering fears. The destruction of the ancient city unexpectedly erupted with such terrifying power. One can imagine how precious those treasures are. I don’t know if they survived, and whether those ancient beasts were all destroyed.

Wouldn't it be a pity if it was destroyed?If it survives, what kind of disaster will it bring?
Until now, Tang Yan has not figured out how many years this underground world has existed, what kind of place it used to be, how it suppressed so many terrifying monsters, and such an evil and gloomy ancient city.

Could there be other secrets in it?

prison?Tang Yan suddenly thought of this word, could this be the place where the ancients guarded fierce demons?

"Hmm!" The black girl suddenly let out a low growl, jumping up and down excitedly.

"What's the matter? What did you find?" Tang Yan jumped up, feeling weak and irritable.

The dust and mist weakened a bit again, but they still couldn't see too far away.

The black girl was very excited, she threw herself on Tang Yan's shoulder a few times, and rushed out.

"Girl, wait a minute, slow down!" Tang Yan followed quickly.

After running for a short time, the outline of a person could be vaguely seen in the dust cloud ahead.

really someone
Tang Yan was refreshed and rushed over at the fastest speed. In this environment, nothing excites him more than seeing a living person.

"This is Xu Yan"

This is a very strong body, sitting cross-legged, as if falling into a deep sleep.Half of the body was buried in the soil, with a layer of dust attached to it, but the whole body was covered with terrible cracks, like a stone that had been hit hard, it was horrible.

The scarlet blood kept oozing out, mixed with the mud and slipping down.

But every wound is covered by thin white light and shadow, and silver needle-like shadow lines are interspersed back and forth at the wound, and a little suture may be caused by too heavy wound or too much spiritual energy consumption. The speed is naturally slow.

It should be Xu Yan, right!Except for him, Tang Yan has never seen anyone with such a perverted ability to repair himself in such a weird way.

"Finally found a partner." Tang Yan let out a sigh of relief, sat down next to him, and called a few times, but Xu Yan didn't respond, probably because the injury was too serious and he was immersed in self-healing.

The black girl became much happier, she proudly claimed credit to Tang Yan, and continued to poke her nose, trying to find other people.

Tang Yan had nothing to do, staring at the hazy white light in a daze, carefully observing Xu Yan's strange ability, and recalling the various situations since the encounter, it can be judged that this is a very crazy man. The power of tremors and the magical ability to heal itself, and then there is the bone change!
He was able to replace the bones of other creatures into a part of his body!If he replaced all the bones in his whole body in the future, how terrifying would it be?Wouldn't it be possible to directly contend with some powerful monsters?
Thinking of this, Tang Yan suddenly felt that Xu Yan's ability was similar to Yao Lingmai's.

Looking at it, Tang Yan's eyes suddenly trembled, his eyes widened immediately, and he looked straight at Xu Yan.

uh this me


what did i see

Xu Yan's lower body was buried in the dust, and he couldn't see anything clearly, but the upper body looked more and more wrong!
Because it is covered with dust and full of dripping blood, I can't see it clearly, but Xu Yan's two pectoral muscles seem to have some 'problems', the shape, size, and the two raised dots in front, why are they so so? familiar!
Tang Yan's eyes became more and more weird. He looked around, then at Xu Yan, and then at Hei Niu by the way.Coughing dryly, feeling courageous, he leaned forward and called twice in a low voice to make sure he was awake.

Xu Yan was immersed in self-healing, his consciousness was completely closed, and he didn't know what was happening outside.

"Xu Yan?" Tang Yan called out in a low voice, stretching out his right hand like a thief
The big hand slowly opened, approached Xu Yan's chest muscles, and squeezed it carefully.

hiss!This feels bouncy!The above two points are so emotional!

Tang Yan's eyes were wide open, his mouth was opened into an O-shape, and his scalp felt numb like an electric shock.

In order to verify, Tang Yan clasped both hands together and pinched several times carefully.

God!It's not pecs at all!

Buddha, please save me!God, save me!
Xu Yan turned out to be a girl.

So aggressive!Hunk!

Tang Yan had the urge to peel off the soil layer under Xu Yan's body to make a final verification, but at least he controlled his emotions.

"Hey, we're in big trouble." Tang Yan grinned wryly, and hurriedly picked up the ignorant black girl and prepared to flee. If Xu Yan woke up now and knew that the secret had been discovered, would he give me a cramp?Or it's very cruel and you want to give your body to each other
Beauty and the Beast for a New Age!
Little brother, my body can't stand your torture!Tang Yan shuddered, and without further hesitation, he ran a long way away, but when he looked back, he found a series of footprints on the ground that were too conspicuous.

"Little ancestor, please don't wake up." Tang Yan rushed back, praying silently, carefully cleaned up the footprints, and looked up at Xu Yan from time to time, lest she open her eyes suddenly.

But after looking at it, I found the problem again.

oops?I go!My fingerprints were left on his 'pectoral muscles'!

"Give it up!" Tang Yan walked up bravely, grabbed a handful of soil from the ground, and carefully sprinkled it on the clear handprints. In order to avoid being discovered by this 'grandfather', Tang Yan did it very carefully.

After tidying up for a quarter of an hour, at least it returned to its original state.

Tang Yan let out a long sigh of relief, and turned his head to continue cleaning up the footprints, but at this moment, his body froze, his scalp exploded, his face turned pale immediately, and a drop of cold sweat fell down the corner of his forehead.

Between Xu Yan's messy long hair, a pair of red eyes opened at some point, staring straight at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan wailed in his heart, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind, escape?Pretending to be dizzy?Play dead?Looking at the stars?

"What are you doing?" Xu Yan's voice was hoarse, and he looked at Tang Yan coldly.

"Uh, uh, cleaning." Tang Yan tried to show a natural smile, lowered his head, waved his hands, and slowly cleaned up the footprints in front of him.

Xu Yan lowered his head and looked at his body, he froze slightly, then returned to normal, and said indifferently, "Where's my armor?"

"Big brother, no, big sister! I really don't know! I really didn't untie it! I didn't see any armor! I just saw you sitting like this." Tang Yan wailed and almost knelt on the ground.

Xu Yan fumbled around in the dust around him a few times, and found the armor not far away, but it was already shattered into pieces. They should have been shattered by the shock wave of the explosion. It didn't look like they were man-made. It's open.

"Sister, I really didn't mean to do this." Tang Yan looked at his hands and almost cried.

It's a crime, I'm ignoring something for nothing, no, there's something wrong with it.

"Take off your clothes." Xu Yan was expressionless.

"Ah? I only have these cloth strips." Tang Yan gasped and hugged himself tightly.

"Take it off! I'm useful! You dirty bastard!" Xu Yan's calmness almost shattered.

"Uh, make it clear! I thought you wanted something like that!" Tang Yan exhaled, and bravely tore off the same tattered upper body clothes and handed them to her.

Xu Yan calmly tore into strips of cloth, and simply interspersed the armor, barely restoring it to its original state: "You turn around?"

"Of course!" Tang Yan turned around and turned his back to Xu Yan.

Xu Yan put on the armor, and said with simple movements: "Okay."

Tang Yan didn't dare to turn around, he still had a feeling of 'undecided'. He thought he had a thick skin, but now he didn't know how to face it.

"The dust and mist have dispersed a lot." Xu Yan looked at the dusty sky, acting very calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Ah? Ah, yes, it's spread out a lot more than when it first started. Let's wait and find Du Yang after everything has dispersed." Tang Yan inhaled quietly, calming his thumping heart. liver.

"Don't be nervous, I won't kill you."

"I..." Tang Yan turned around and smiled bitterly: "I really didn't know you were a woman, just now it was just"

"No need to explain, it doesn't matter." Xu Yan said calmly with a blank face.

In fact, from the very beginning to the present, her hair was disheveled and her face was covered with blood. As for any changes in her expression, Tang Yan couldn't tell at all.

(End of this chapter)

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