Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1194

Chapter 1194
Kowloon Ridge! !Dragon Palace at the bottom of the lake!
The Dragon Palace is majestic in shape, like a giant coiled dragon dormant at the bottom of the lake, carved with jade and carved with jue, and it is a forbidden place closed by King Mayan all the year round, but today the main hall is empty, only a generous stone table is placed in front of it. Squatting on it was a bull with golden armor, but it was already dead. Its toughest and most precious scales and skin were ripped off, and half of its body was exposed.

Bloody and shocking.

This is a savage monster of the level of a demon, and it is as huge as a male elephant.

But today it became Ma Yanwang's dinner, and he was cut off piece by piece and ate most of it.

Blood flowed horizontally and bones were dense.

The Dragon Palace was empty, only the strong smell of blood persisted for a long time, and only the bright red flesh was shocking.

Ma Yanwang sat at the desk with a blank expression on his face, looking at the floor in front of him with unfocused eyes, meditating on something silently.From time to time, he is taking a piece of bloody raw meat from the prey in front of him, putting it in his mouth and slowly tasting it.

Boom boom boom!The third judge hurried over from the outside. His originally obese body had lost a lot of weight, and there were still traces of sweat on his forehead. But just as he entered the bubble barrier, he was shocked by the strong smell of blood and the scene in front of him. , he almost stepped back again. "Boss, can we pay attention to the taste of life? Eating it steamed, baked, or fried is more refreshing than yours."

King Ma Yan's eyes regained some focus, and he raised his eyelids to look at him, but his face was still expressionless. He casually dug out the bull's eyeballs, stuffed them into his mouth, and chewed: "Why are you back?"

The three fat officials trembled all over, and couldn't stand it any longer, and walked in with a bitter face. "I just did a big one. The chief judge and the others were injured a little bit. They are temporarily retreating to the territory of the Xingluo Empire to recuperate. It happens to be not far from Jiulongling. I will rush back and report the situation to you."

At this time, the four princes who got the news all gathered in the Dragon Palace, but the corners of their mouths twitched as they were stimulated by the bloody scene in the main hall.

"They're all injured? Who did it?" Ma Yanwang replied lukewarmly as if something was bothering him, and continued to chew his bull's eyeballs. The strange creaking sound echoed in the Dragon Palace. Juice overflowed from the corner of the mouth, making everyone's stomachs twitch.

"The Lian family in the northeast of the Dagan Dynasty is a big family that has joined the army for generations. The three ancestors are all semi-sages. They are very prestigious in the territory of the Dagan Dynasty. They are among the top three wealthy families in the Northeast. We brought it all together and slaughtered it cleanly. The corpse has already been transported back, frozen in the cold underground valley, and will be refined when the young master comes back in the future!" The third judge smiled very casually, but his tone matched his eyes. The feast of raw meat in front of him was even more bloody.

"Oh? The Lian family, I've heard that their martial arts are quite interesting. Are they related to the Holy Spirit Palace?" King Ma Yan barely lifted his spirits, but his face was still gloomy, which made the atmosphere of the Dragon Palace depressing.

"100% sure! The Lian family hides very deeply and has never been exposed, but after repeated verification by Xingluo Empire and Tianyan, I personally watched it for more than half a month, and I am 100% sure that they are an important partner of the Holy Spirit Hall Hehe, the Holy Spirit Temple must be angry again now." The third judge said, took out the spirits from the altar and handed it to Ma Yan Wang: "You drink some wine, go to the fishy smell, don't eat it dry."

"That's the end of the action!" Ma Yanwang didn't pick up the wine jar, and continued to eat slices of raw meat dipped in blood, slowly.

"Ah? What's the matter? We are working hard." The third judge looked at the four gentlemen strangely, and asked if something happened.

"Boss, what happened?" The four ministers were also puzzled.

"It's nothing, it's almost time. You have been working for almost a year, and the Holy Spirit Temple should almost figure out your routine. Once a big trap is really set up one day, none of you can leave alive. Don't underestimate them, always There are no wet shoes when walking by the river. Stop for three months, take a rest, and paralyze the Holy Spirit Hall by the way."

"That makes sense, then let's rest for a while, and take the opportunity to find a big target." The third judge nodded in agreement, but quietly and carefully looked at King Ma Yan, what's going on?It looks like something is on your mind?
The four lords sat down one after another, and motioned for the third judge to also sit down.

King Ma Yan looked up at them, pushed away the bloody bull in front of him irritably, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and asked, "Did those guys from Ghost Mother show up again?"

The third judge replied: "No, I have been entrusting Tianyan to keep an eye on it, and immediately notify if something is wrong, but since the Kappa attacked the young master in Jinpeng Kingdom last year, it has never appeared again. The ghost mother swallowed the ancestor of the Ren family. It takes a long time to refine, and as for the other two, they have never shown up. But think about it carefully, they passed through the Lost Battle Realm, one did not understand the situation, and the other was injured, so of course they should rest."

Ma Yanwang said lukewarmly: "It's been a year, and it's time to rest."

The four lords raised their brows together, exchanged suspicious glances, and said by Nian Wuxin, "Boss means that the Holy Spirit Palace is about to start?"

"At the beginning, I expected that the Temple of the Holy Spirit would rest for about two years, but considering the various reactions of the Temple of the Holy Spirit since the "Judge Order" operation for a year, they seem to have been forbearance and passive acceptance, and the degree is a little too much.

This phenomenon may be that we are planning well, but it is more likely that they are busy with bigger and more important things and don't care too much about our 'small troubles'.They can bear it, or they may not need to bear it any longer! "

The third judge sensitively grasped the meaning in Ma Yanwang's words: "Alliance? A stable and powerful ally?! The Holy Spirit Temple is about to form a solid alliance with the Zhenyao Temple, and it is very likely that they will soon gain the backstage support of a certain empire!!"

Nian Wuqing said: "After I tortured Xue Tianchen, the cooperation between the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Zhenyao Temple has reached a preliminary intention, but Xue Tianchen was arrested by us, and Wangu Beast Mountain cooperated with us again. The Zhenyao Temple was stimulated. They and the Holy Spirit The cooperation and alliance of the temple is already a firm result, and it may become a very close ally. My concern is... Which empire has the Holy Spirit Palace cooperated with?!"

Ma Yanwang's gaze changed, and he muttered: "The Daqian Dynasty and the Thomas Fissen United Empire, both of which are adjacent to the Xingluo Empire, are very likely to become the public relations object of the Holy Spirit Hall."

"Why? Why do you doubt these two?" Nian Wude didn't understand the meaning.

Nian Wuxin murmured: "Our alliance with the Xingluo Empire is very secret, but it should not escape the eyeliner of the two empires. Even if we are not sure, there will be doubts in this regard. After all, we and the Xingluo Empire once joined forces to suppress There was a lot of noise in the branch of the Holy Spirit Hall, which had aroused their vigilance.

Now, after the mediation of the Holy Spirit Temple, it is easy for the two empires to believe that the ancient kingdom of Xingluo has formed an alliance with Jiulongling, which also indicates that the Xingluo Empire is rising and is breaking the balance of power among the five great empires.The first to feel the crisis will naturally be the Xingluo Empire and the Thomas Fissen United Empire, which are not far away. "

Ma Yanwang dipped some blood on the table with his fingertips, put it in his mouth, tasted it unconsciously, stimulated his taste buds, stimulated his nerves, frowned, and looked gloomy: "Our actions in recent years seem to have achieved some results, In fact, to a certain extent, it also provided convenience to the group of bastards in the Holy Spirit Hall.

If the Dagan Dynasty or the Thomas Fissen United Empire cannot withstand the temptation of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, or if the sense of crisis is too strong and they are afraid of the rise of the Xingluo Empire, the possibility of them forming an alliance with the Temple of the Holy Spirit will be very high.

A Daqian Dynasty and a Thomas Fissen United Empire are both tricky types. No matter who they are, once they establish a solid alliance with the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Temple of the Holy Spirit will 'back the empire and hold the forbidden land', and they will have nothing to fear , and it is very likely that he will take some actions in the short term to show his strength and vent his anger. "

Nian Wuyi said: "What action can they take? Is it possible to directly attack Jiulongling? The Holy Spirit Hall gathers four freaks, and then unites with the Demon Temple. In theory, it will definitely give us a fatal blow, but the key is the subconscious mind of the Holy Spirit Hall. Thinking that we still have a dragon-eating loach here, and we can communicate with the Eternal Beast Mountain, and the lineups of the two sides are not much different, they must not dare to act."

Nian Wuxin agreed: "What Wuyi said makes sense. The Temple of the Holy Spirit is not sure about our reality, so we dare not act rashly. They can't design to lure us out and divide us one by one? We are not that stupid, and they will not So naive."

Ma Yanwang looked gloomy: "This is what I am worried about."

"Huh?" Everyone was surprised.

Ma Yanwang stood up, walked towards the bubble in front of the Dragon Palace, and looked up at the shimmering lake: "I dare say that the Holy Spirit Palace will definitely make a move after confirming its alliance with a certain empire, and it will be a very sensational one." His actions can not only demonstrate the strength of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, but also show his own strength to his allies.

But attacking Jiulongling is very unrealistic, they are not ready for the melee of the ten saints.But if they can't attack Jiulongling, is it possible that they still dare to provoke the Xingluo Empire blatantly?Xingluo Renhuang's dominance is obvious to all. Once he is angered, he is afraid that his main hall of life will not be far from being destroyed. "

The four ministers also fell silent, agreeing with Boss Ma's decision.

This is the reason why Ma Yanwang has been irritated recently. He expected that the Hall of the Holy Spirit would make a big move as a 'salute' for their official rise, but he was really not sure where this 'salute' would explode.

Small place?Not loud enough!

big place?it ready?

The third judge scratched his head, and got up abruptly: "I'll contact the intelligence department of Tianyan and Xingluo again, and step up the intelligence collection in this area."

Nian Wuxin said: "As soon as possible, but don't panic. The empires are not easy to persuade, and the royal family may not be able to convince the families. There are still many things to do in the Holy Spirit Temple, and a series of preparations. I expect at least Within half a year, they won't make any big moves."

(End of this chapter)

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