Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196
Tang Yan rode Luo Hu back to Star Battlefield. This style of completely using Luo Hu as a means of transportation aroused Luo Hu's own strong resistance, but in the face of Tang Yan's tough fist, all resistance turned into wailing. Tempted to sign a one-year 'bearer' agreement.

The purpose of Tang Yan's return is to visit his grandfather and the others, and to accompany them quietly for a few months, doing his best to be filial to his sons and grandchildren. After all, it has been a long time since they met, and there will be quite a long time to part in the future.But when he returned to Wagang Village full of tenderness, he was surprised to find that there were not many people inside.

The towering Taiping Mountain and the beautiful Wagangzhai are enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, but the total number of people up and down, inside and outside, is less than 10, which is more than half.

After asking, I found out that the Tang family and the Rao family, as well as the ordinary disciples, have been scattered to the star battlefield one after another after the completion of Wagangzhai years ago. Some act alone, some in groups If it weren't for the need for someone to guard the camp, the entire Taiping Mountain would have been empty long ago.

Feeling relieved, Tang Yan walked up and down Wagang Village, and then visited the Zuo family.

There are more than a thousand members of the Zuo family, who live alone on a beautiful mountain behind Taiping Mountain.Unexpectedly, for Tang Yan's arrival, they even expressed warm hospitality, without the expected resistance and complaints at all.

Zuo Chongyun stood on the top of the mountain, looked at the landscape with a smile behind his hands: "Young Master Tang, you don't have to feel guilty, I should thank you for giving the Zuo family a new life."

After half a year of depression and complaints, everyone in the Zuo family has turned their eyes away one after another, and gradually fell in love with the life like a paradise, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the primitive landforms, far away from intrigue, quiet and peaceful, and full of spiritual energy. There are innumerable treasures and rare beast medicines. After enjoying them patiently, they didn't want to leave.

From half a year ago, almost no one among the disciples of the Zuo family complained anymore. They left the settlement one after another, and went together to venture into the dangerous and mysterious mountains, which were full of dangers, but filled them with enthusiasm.

"The Eternal Beast Mountain doesn't float in the void for a long time. They will fall back to the Qitian Continent regularly. At that time, Zorao can take his clansmen back to visit relatives."

"Young Master Tang, please worry about it."

"I sincerely hope that Elder Zuo can take Zuo's family to stay in the Star Battlefield forever, and treat this place as a new home. I, Tang Yan, can't guarantee anything else, at least the safety and development will be as close as I can." Tang Yan was in a good mood seeing Zuo Chongyun , he took the initiative to send out a tactful invitation.

"Mr. Tang is polite, but this old man is disrespectful. I accept your invitation on behalf of the whole family. The Zuo family will not live in vain. If Mr. Tang needs anything, the Zuo family will welcome you at any time." Zuo Chongyun is well versed in human relationships and the world, so he naturally understands Star Battlefield Useless people are not accepted, and the reason for the warm invitation is naturally that there is a great demand.

"I'm not impolite, please ask the Zuo family to cultivate and develop in the Star Battlefield. For up to 50 years, I will borrow some of the best descendants of the Zuo family to accompany me to a new world!"

"Oh? New world?" Zuo Chongyun showed interest.

Tang Yan went straight to the point and directly put forward his request: "I need at least three descendants of the Zuo family, at least high-level Wu Zunjing, and must be proficient in the secret skills of the Zuo family. I can guarantee their safety as much as possible, but they must meet the requirements I want. The effect is to distinguish the truth from the false, to recognize loyalty and traitors, and to defeat cunning schemes!"

Zuo Chongyun took a deep look at Tang Yan, was silent for a while, then nodded slowly: "Yes."

"Then I would like to thank Elder Zuo here first. During the Star Battlefield, if the Zuo family needs anything, you can directly contact Mother Dou. I will take my leave first."

Tang Yan quit Zuo's house, returned to Wagang Village, walked around a few times, but suddenly found that he had nothing to do!

Calculating the time, it has been sixteen months since I stayed in Beast Mountain, and more than a year has passed before I knew it, and there are less than eight months left before the two-year period that Mr. Ma set.

Not too long, but not short either.

"In eight months, what should I do?" Tang Yan lay on the top of the mountain, staring at the thick sea of ​​fog in a daze.I want to continue to play around with Yueying, but I can't just travel, it will easily lose the taste and become pure 'play'.Do you want to make trouble with Du Yang and Zimo?But counting the time, they may be at the most critical moment of retreat, if they are disturbed in the past, they may really turn their faces.With Zhao Zimo's character, he might be chased and killed all over the world.

Looking for Huben?If you think about it carefully, it is better not to bother, otherwise it will only bring more pressure to them, which is counterproductive.

"Xiao Luoluo, what have you been doing for more than a year?" Tang Yan really couldn't think of what to do, curling Yueying's furry tail boredly.Xiao Yueying had already fallen asleep in his arms, as cute as a kitten.

"Please call me Lord Luo!" Luo Hu also lay on the top of the mountain with his body crooked, but with his huge body of [-] meters and his ferocious and wild appearance, lying there in a coquettish posture was really 'unsightly'.

"I'm asking you something, be serious."

"Walk around, go wherever I can, and provoke everyone I can, and spend the rest of the time making trouble in Nanhuang. Master Luo, I will do my best, and you can't play tricks on the spiritual source liquid you promised."

"Where's Zang Ba?"

"I haven't seen that guy for more than a year. It is said that he stayed in Dongkui and fought hard with that hybrid freak with a tiger head."

Tang Yan sighed leisurely, why are you suddenly bored?Let’s talk about retreating and practicing. You have just escaped from the underground magma, and your strength has achieved a big leap. At this stage, there is really nothing to be comprehended. The remaining Buddha seals are in the Pure Land, and I can't get them now.

"Master Tang, why don't you tell me?" Luo Hu suddenly raised his eyelids lazily.

"say what??"

"Have you bred with the undead phoenix?"

"Do you believe that I strangled you?"

"I just want to ask what it feels like? Does it feel great? How many times a day do you guys have it? Have you planted it?"

"Are you addicted?! I'm just bored, why don't you have a fight?"

Luo Hu was lazy, squinted his eyes and squinted at Tang Yan, and sneered for a long time: "It seems that I didn't succeed, or you were abused. One year, why haven't you been squeezed dry! Brother, you have suffered so much." gone."

Tang Yan picked up the stone in front of him and threw it, but the stone like a millstone was about the same size as a grain of rice for Luo Hu's body size, and he didn't even feel anything when it hit him.

Luo Hu lazily turned over on his back, resting his paws on his head and tapping his belly with two paws, rolling his eyes again and again, giggling foolishly, fantasizing about something evil.

"Look after Moon Shadow for me. If she wakes up, tell me that I've visited the Dragon Loach and I have something important to discuss, so I'll be back soon." Tang Yan jumped up suddenly and rushed into the sea of ​​clouds.

"Go slowly, don't see him off." Luo Hu waved his hand casually, his eyeballs rolling around, and his mind was full of evil fantasies.

Tang Yan left Taiping Mountain, but instead of looking for Shilong Loach, he went straight to Xinghui Peak, and the destination was Yuhua Palace!

There is nothing particularly important to deal with right now. It just so happens that Niya is not in seclusion, and she is in a "free-range" state, unsupervised, and doing nothing, so I just took the opportunity to visit several palace masters of the Yuhua Palace and discuss the emotional entanglements that should be resolved. Deal with it.

Looking back on the meeting years ago, I always feel a little weird. As for the reason, he understands it but doesn't understand it too much. What he understands is the reason of the matter, and what he doesn't understand is why he became indifferent.

Tang Yan really didn't want the once harmonious relationship to become estranged, otherwise the estrangement would turn into indifference in the long run, and he wouldn't even be able to be friends in the future.

But when he came to the foot of Xinghui Peak, he couldn't move forward because he couldn't figure out what attitude and how to face them.

Straight to the point and said that he wants to go back to the past?

It seems impolite.What's more, what was the past?

Simply visit?
Seemingly monotonous, and possibly embarrassing.

Tang Yan turned back and forth a few times, left Xinghui Peak altogether, stopped on a short hill not far away, and sat in the canopy of a giant ancient tree, thinking silently.I usually think I'm smart, but now I can't think of a suitable solution, or I don't know what kind of result I want, and what direction the relationship between the two parties needs to develop.

friend?ally?blue face?Still... I want to open Senluo Eye to see the situation on the top of the mountain, but it's not too polite, after all, there are all women inside, there are hundreds of thousands of people.

"Oh, how to deal with it?"

"Should we be friends, or what should we do?"

When Tang Yan was thinking hard, suddenly he let out a light sigh, and looked forward sensitively.

Between Xinghui Peak and the short mountain where I am, there is an open and lush green clump, which is luxuriant and dotted with flowers. Landscape scroll.

Inside there was an old tortoise crawling slowly. The old tortoise was huge, like a calf, but bloated, awkward in posture, funny and stiff, one step at a time, crawling among the streams and flowers.

What aroused Tang Yan's interest was that on the back of the old turtle, there was a small cradle tied with a red rope. The cradle was very delicate and beautiful, covered with cotton blankets and hung with ornaments. There was actually a young baby inside. .

"Hey? Where's the little doll!" Tang Yan smiled, squatting among the branches and watching curiously.

The little doll is almost two years old, with two pigtails and a red pocket. She is plump, pink and tender, with big watery eyes. She is indescribably cute. Anyone who looks at her can't help but want to hug her.The baby's two small hands are fleshy, like lotus joints, and they are holding the edge of the cradle, poking out their small heads and looking at the surrounding world curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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