Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1209 Crisis Awareness

Chapter 1209 Crisis Awareness
"what do you want to say in the end?"

"I've talked so much and you still haven't figured it out?"

"I think it's because you didn't understand. First of all, all the gentlemen in Jiulongling must have thought of everything you can think of. Don't treat Jiulongling as a reckless bandit. Also, I have made it very clear. All my relatives are in Star Battlefield, if they want to perform despicable methods again, they don't want to catch my relatives. Except for relatives, no one else can threaten me..."

As Tang Yan talked, he couldn't help but think of something.The voice gradually slowed down and lowered, his eyes changed slightly, and his face changed.

Hooked! !The corner of Victoria's mouth curled up into a smile: "My lady has lived in Star Battlefield for a year and a half, but she didn't eat and sleep every day, I calmly analyzed the current situation, and I also analyzed you comprehensively.

It's not like you don't have a loophole left out, and this one is pretty glaring!If you really work hard at the Temple of the Holy Spirit, you can find it there. As long as they want you to suffer, the most direct way is there. "

Tang Yan turned his head slowly, fixed his eyes on Victoria again, and said hesitantly, "Yan Kingdom? The Holy Land of Yaochi?"

"Based on what you did in Yan Kingdom, and Yan Kingdom's comprehensive suppression of the branch of the Holy Spirit Hall in recent years, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the relationship between you and the saintess of Yaochi and the ancestor of Yan Kingdom is extraordinary. A little deeper By investigating, we can learn about the emotional entanglement between you and the little saintess of Yaochi, Mu Rou. The Palace of the Holy Spirit just stands by and does nothing? No!!"

Tang Yan gradually fell silent, unconsciously turning over the grilled fish in front of him, his eyes were uncertain.

Victoria continued to stimulate while the iron was hot: "Yan Kingdom is regarded as the top empire in Canglan Ancient Land, and the lineup of the two holy realms gives them greater influence. Even if Yan Kingdom completely advances to the vast Central Plains, it can be regarded as the top empire." kingdom.

If the two holy lands and tens of millions of troops start to help you someday in the future, it is bound to cause the power of Jiulongling to skyrocket, and even more so to threaten the Holy Spirit Hall.

And after experiencing the previous incident of arresting your relatives in the Temple of the Holy Spirit, they can see your protection of feelings.If it can be concocted and implemented again this time, it may be a dirty trick in your opinion, but it is an excellent coup for the Holy Spirit Temple, enough to severely destroy you once.

Having said so much, whether it is from the future layout, weakening the potential support of Jiulongling, or attacking your psychology, designing and using it, etc., Yan Kingdom will be an extremely important target of the Holy Spirit Hall this time. "

wonderful! !Xuanyuan Longli also admired Victoria's ability to push away. He only occasionally thought of something during the training period, so he decided to discuss with Tang Yan today the future deployment and action strategy of the Holy Spirit Hall, but he did not expect that Victoria had already detailed the "deployment" Specifically 'target'.And after careful reflection, the analysis is indeed very reasonable, very objective, and very reasonable. Yan Guozhen may become an important target of the Holy Spirit Temple. Even if Yan Guo is not included in the "Sword Rise Plan" this time, it will definitely action.

"...This trick again..." Tang Yan sighed quietly, rubbing his forehead in pain and depression.

Xuanyuan Longli said: "The moves of the Holy Spirit Hall may be a bit dark, but there is no such thing as a dark move or a clear move in the battlefield, there is only victory and defeat. Miss Victoria is right, from the perspective of the Holy Spirit Hall itself, this is a coup !!
But now that we have thought about it now and have prepared in our hearts, we can take precautions before they happen, make some arrangements in advance, and even come to a head-on confrontation. "

Tang Yan rubbed his forehead and said to himself: "Boss Ma and the others may not care about Yan Guo, and Yan Guo himself did not expect that the Holy Spirit Hall would take them under the knife. It seems that my vacation should end early. Cang Lan, Yan Guo , Yao Chi, Mu Rou...Alinda..."

"Actually, there is no need to leave in a hurry. The Holy Spirit Hall is different from Jiulongling. They have been laid out for thousands of years, and their sphere of influence has spread too far and wide, and the scope of concern is even larger. This is their advantage, and it will also restrain some of them. energy.

According to my estimate, it will take at least a year for the Temple of the Holy Spirit to form an alliance with the forbidden area and the empire. None of the five great empires is a simple type. They must either be vigilant or form an alliance. If they really form an alliance, the details that need to be discussed are very complicated.So... I expect the Temple of the Holy Spirit to take action in the next three or four months, maybe three months, maybe four months, during which time they will not go to war.Of course, this is just my initial estimate. If you can leave early, it is of course the best. "

Victoria wants to leave already wanting to go crazy, she is deep but more eager for passion, longing for the exploration and excitement of intelligence gathering.Suddenly trapped her in Star Battlefield, more than a year in a blink of an eye, she was almost depressed to death.At first, she could learn about Wagang Village and Xingchen Battlefield with great interest, but's really she can't wait for Tang Yan to leave now, but thinking about Tang Yan's situation, it's not realistic. If she leaves within a day, she will be lucky.

Tang Yan began to worry about Mu Rou and Ailinda. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the Temple of the Holy Spirit might attack the Kingdom of Yan and the Holy Land of Yaochi, and he wished he could leave now.But the Eternal Beast Mountain cannot be opened just because it is opened. Not only will it disturb the Undead Phoenix and Chu Qian, but it will also consume the life of the altar. Moreover, Xu Yan and the others have not finished their training, so it is unrealistic to call them forcibly.You can't forcibly interrupt their cultivation every time because you have something to do, and call them in a hurry.

Calculating the time, there are still seven months before the vacation that Boss Ma gave himself.

"Wait another three months. After three months, gather the troops, and we will all leave the Star Battlefield!"

Xuanyuan Longli was amused by Tang Yan's distressed look: "The leisurely life is coming to an end soon, are you ready?"

"Three months is enough."

"Enjoy it. After leaving this time, I don't know when I can go back to Beast Mountain and live a leisurely life like this."

Tang Yan smiled silently: "I am born to be exhausted, but... I like it!! Wonderful!"

Xuanyuan Longli raised his finger slightly, pointing at the leisurely Yueying.He has long heard about Yueying's five-degree reincarnation, which makes people feel pity, and no one can blame him, and anyone can see Yueying's attachment to Tang Yan, almost like an infatuation spiritual sustenance.But once Tang Yan leaves Eternal Beast Mountain, there may be countless conspiracies and wars, and pain and grief are inevitable. If he leaves with Tang Yan, with Yueying's innocence, sooner or later there will be heartaches. Staying in the Eternal Beast Mountain is a long-term parting, which will make her feel even more uncomfortable.

"Take it." Tang Yan answered simply.

"Can you take care of it?"

"Do my best, if it doesn't work, send it back."

"I suggest you talk to the Great Sage and listen to her opinion. The Great Sage is a wise man, and he regards Moon Shadow as the future. It should already have its own plan."

Tang Yan nodded slowly, looking at Yueying who was enjoying the scenery while humming a little tune, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.She is like a holy and pure elf, every time he gets along with each other, he always feels relaxed and joyful from the bottom of his heart, and all the fatigue and troubles are swept away.

Although it has been more than a year since she entered Beast Mountain, she has only been with Yueying for only two months. She will not be happy if they part again this time, and Yueying has just left the medicine pool, and her body has not fully digested the medicine. , can not continue to soak forcibly unconscious.

Apart from taking her away, Tang Yan really couldn't think of any other way.

Quan Dang took Yueying out for a trip, and tried his best to make her avoid certain war scenes.

Maybe... the addition of Yueying will add a little brighter color to his life that will be full of wars, so that he will not be physically and mentally exhausted.

"Brother, is Yueying pretty?" Yueying noticed that Tang Yan was staring at her all the time, she smiled, pouting her mouth and shaking her ears, posing in a cute and sweet pose.

Tang Yan scratched her little Qiong's nose with a smile, and asked, "Brother, take me to the outside world to see, would you like to?"

"Where to go."

"In the outside world, there are a lot of interesting things, a lot of delicious food, and beautiful scenery."

"Will my brother stay with Yueying all the time?"

"Of course, always with me."

"Pull the hook." The white and delicate little hand in the depths of the moon shadow, this is the most 'firm' promise in her heart.

Tang Yan's heart was touched by Yueying's serious and pure eyes, even his eyes were warm. "Lagou. My brother promises you that I will always be with Yueying."

(End of this chapter)

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