Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1211

Chapter 1211

Central Plains Calendar, No.19 Era, 511 years!
That is, the 18th year after Bian Nan started the new calendar and entered the first year of the era!
That is, the fourth year after the Lost War Realm entered the Dark Era!

The Central Plains Continent, ruled by endless heroes, finally ushered in its chaotic storm, a catastrophic event that swept across the entire continent, and a period of tragic years that stained the blue sky with blood after two years of undercurrents. .A sudden change was like a meteorite impact, waking up the sleeping continent in an explosion, a roar blasted open the gate of the empire, and a terrifying "magma" rushed out from the collision, destroying the three holy places, the five empires, the seven forbidden places, As well as the 89 kingdoms of the Central Plains, nearly two hundred vassal lands, independent families, hermit organizations, and even nearly a hundred lands in the ancient land of Canglan, all of them were swallowed up.

Under the 50-year-long rage and collision, the lives of people were devastated and the nation was destroyed. More than [-] mainland geniuses and talents ended in tragedy and pride.

It is the Scarlet Era that belongs to the entire Qitian Continent!
The source of the outbreak of the entire disaster fell on the head of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which had been hidden for thousands of years.

After two years of deployment and forbearance in 509 and 510, the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which has always been passive, finally counterattacked, revealing the terrifying power accumulated by the thousand-year-old temple.

Ma Yanwang, who had been wary of depression for nearly half a year, finally saw the goal of the strong rise of the Holy Spirit Hall.

But... the battle for the rise of the Holy Spirit Temple shocked Ma Yan Wang, moved the five empires, and made the sky and the earth full of clouds, no matter in terms of goals or influence.

March 511, 3 AD.

Xingluo Empire, Eastern Frontier, Qianli Swamp.

The settlement of the most special ethnic group in the empire, the Dongze Python Clan, and the direct territory of the "Dongze Python King", one of the top ten holy places in the empire.

The Qianli Swamp is the "Optimus Prime" of the eastern border of the empire. It suppresses and protects this territory, making it firmly fit together on the vast and boundless territory of the Xingluo Empire.Dongze Python King is the reassurance and supreme guardian of the Eight Great Army Groups in Eastern Xinjiang. For thousands of years, every time Eastern Xinjiang was in emergency, it was Dongze Python King who commanded [-] pythons to fight against the powerful enemy.

The Dongze Python King is the eternal patron saint in the hearts of the people of Eastern Xinjiang. It is completely equivalent to the status of the Marquis of Northern Xinjiang in Northern Xinjiang. It is synonymous with brutal blood and heroic protection.

However, such a sacred place turned into an endless dead place overnight.The ocean is thousands of miles away, fish and shrimps are gone, and life is gone. The [-] people of the Dongze python clan, the four half-sages, and the Dongze python king all disappeared.

The entire land of Dongze was turned into ruins in the fierce collision, with torrents overflowing and mud everywhere.

In the once prosperous and powerful land of Dongze, only the python king's bloody clothes hang in the forbidden area of ​​the python tribe, which shows the brutality of the battle. Only the beheaded head of the python king is placed in the main hall, shaking the empire.

In the northwestern border of the empire, the ancient city of the God of War, where the headquarters of the army in the northwestern part of the empire is located.

It is also the direct residence of the royal saint 'Thirteen Kings'.

As the god of war with the same name as the Marquis of Northern Xinjiang, he fought bloody battles for thousands of years, and the thirteen kings had a very high prestige in the entire western and northern borders, as well as the Central Plains and the royal family.The ancient city of God of War is the Martial Dao Temple in the minds of Xijiang and Beijiang, and it is also the military headquarters outside the imperial city.

But also in the same night, the ancient military city of Mingdong Empire was reduced to a terrifying ghost city full of dead bodies. The 700 million ordinary people, 20 guarding troops, 39 high-ranking troops, and even the [-] people from the royal palace all turned into ghost towns. A grim corpse.

Countless corpses scattered on the ruins in distorted postures, and countless faces stared at the sky with ferocious sadness.

No matter men, women, old or young, no matter how strong, weak, sick or injured, they all turned into tattered corpses, scattered miserably among the ruins all over the ground and the city full of blood.

However, His Majesty the Thirteen Kings, who was known as the supreme warrior of the empire along with the Marquis of Beijiang, knelt on the top of the dilapidated ruins of the palace. There were 79 blood holes all over his body. It was horrible and shocking.

The battle flag belonging to the ancient city pierced him from head to toe and nailed him alive in the ruins.

A glorious life ended in misery.The ruins of the city and millions of dead bodies have become his most miserable "decoration".

The Dongze tragedy and the Wangcheng tragedy were all discovered on the same day, and they all alarmed the eastern and northwestern borders that night.Because the cruel and vicious battle shocked all directions, and the terrible collision wanted to destroy the sky, the counterattack of the Dongze Python King and the violent battle of the Thirteen Kings once caused a sensation in the mountains and rivers, and the earth trembled. It was their counterattack to the death that made Dongze and God of War The ancient city has become a place of disaster and a place of ruins.

But when all the inquirers rushed to the scene of the incident, and all the powerful rushed to rescue, what was left to them was death and desolation besides ruins, and even more terrifying corpses stabbed their hearts like sharp swords.

The news spread to the imperial city at an astonishing speed.

Dongze is destroyed, and the python king dies; the king's city is destroyed, and the war king dies.

The saints of the two great empires, one beheaded and the other destroyed, all fell for no reason.

A Dongze, an ancient city of the god of war, all turned into ruins, all became sworn enemies.

The imperial city was alarmed, and the emperor was furious!
The terrifying anger made the vast imperial city tremble!The terrifying murderous aura made thousands of ministers silent like cicadas!

In the Brilliant Imperial City, inside and outside, no matter the guards or the concubines, they all knelt down at this moment, trembling, their eyes were full of horror, their hearts were full of tremors, they were horrified by the impact of the two tragedies.

The sky is vast, dark clouds are like a sea, the ancient city is beautiful, and the wind is blowing.

When the emperor got angry, the world changed color.


Clanging and roaring tore apart the space, shaking the imperial capital, the Human Sovereign stood up with a sword in his hand, and the flames of anger surged to the sky!

"Order the Eastern Xinjiang Jinyang Group Army to go deep into Eastern Xinjiang for a comprehensive investigation, and order the Eastern Gu Clan to lift the family ban, and cooperate with the Army Group to find out the cause of the Dongze tragedy."

"Order the Three Swords Army in the Northwest Plain, the Third Army in the North, and the Marquis of Northern Xinjiang to fully investigate the tragedy in the ancient city of God of War."

"Order again, the Marquis of Beijiang will personally escort the corpses of the thirteen kings back to the imperial city."

The Emperor waved his hand to reply, and if the ancient sword was drawn out of its sheath, it would shake the minds of all the officials and alarm the vast imperial city.

In the eastern border, the boundless tents are connected with the sky and the earth, and the majestic war drums stir the vast twilight. Millions of iron soldiers put on armor and carry knives. Pentium gathered in the dark land towards the land of Dongze.

The ancestor of the Gu family wakes up from the retreat. When he hears about the Dongze tragedy, he is furious and shocked. He orders the Gu family to fully martial law to prevent mysterious sneak attacks. He goes to the land of Dongze alone.

In the northern border, on the ancient crushed stone altar, the princes of the northern border rushed to the sky with murderous aura. With a loud roar, he tore up the ancient beast with his own hands, sacrificed blood to the altar, stepped into the passage of the altar, entered the void avenue, and headed to the northwestern God of War. ancient city.

While the Emperor was furious and the eastern and northwestern borders were in turmoil, the news radiated and spread to the entire empire at lightning speed, and the imperial city was boiling!The whole country is in turmoil!Hustle and bustle!
Not only the hundreds of millions of people were terrified, but all the hidden and old monsters of various ministries were alarmed. Their trembling eyes turned to Dongze, to the ancient city of God of War, and even to the distant imperial city. Many imperial forces were terrified.

The Boa King of Dongze and the Thirteen Kings are heroes who are well-known in the entire empire, and even the entire Central Plains. They are the nightmare of the enemy country, the heroes of their own country, and even the saints who are high above them like gods.

But... in their own clan land, in the territory of the Xingluo Empire.

There is someone who can carry out a surprise attack without any scruples, someone who can kill them all, and even lead to an extremely cruel tragedy like annihilation of a family and a tragedy of annihilating a city.

How much hate?What audacity!
Is this a blatant declaration of war on the empire? !
This is the might of a fierce provocation to the Emperor!
This is trampling on the dignity of the entire empire, and even challenging the bottom line of hundreds of millions of people!
The cruelty and arrogance of Xingluo Renhuang have long been engraved in the hearts of all countries. Who would dare to provoke so blatantly?The Xingluo Empire is one of the five great empires in the Central Plains. It has been inherited for tens of thousands of years. It is a behemoth left over from the era of great destruction. Who would dare to openly declare war on the empire?

The sensation of the news was no less than that of a landslide, no less than that of a torrent. It not only spread to all the territories of the empire, but also spread to the surrounding kingdoms, the Dagan Dynasty, and the Thomas Fissen United Empire.

Even the distant holy land was silent for a long time when they got the news. Those powerful figures held papers and closed their eyes in pain. This day... will change... PS: The third watch will be delivered, and the fourth watch is expected to be at three in the afternoon Around [-]:[-], stay tuned!
In addition, I am urgently looking for flowers, and I am about to be exploded. Persevere, and I must not be overtaken at the last moment. Brothers, please work hard with the mouse.

(End of this chapter)

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