Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1214

Chapter 1214
The sacred land of Yaochi, the cold pond in the back mountain.

After nearly two years of silence, the ice lotus finally bloomed successfully three months ago. Yan Yuhan opened his closed eyes and walked out of the cold mist-rolling pool, letting the waiting people breathe a sigh of relief.

From the time when the Eternal Beast Mountain was wounded and fell into a deep sleep, until today when she opened her eyes again, nine years have passed before she knew it. After nine years of deep sleep and nine years of freezing, she finally stood up.

Grand Tutor of Yan Kingdom, Yan Yuhan is back!

Moreover, after nine years of silence and nine years of transformation, Fen Tian Lanyan had already grown unconsciously, and when Yan Yuhan walked out of the cold pool, he was already in the realm of a third-rank Martial Venerable.

But... Is she Yan Yuhan, or Alinda?

The disciples of Yaochi have always been confused, and the patriarch of Yan Kingdom also couldn't come to a conclusion, so he could only regard her as Yan Yuhan according to his own ideas.

The breeze is gentle, and the fairy mist is curling up.

Weeping branches of ancient willows, blue sky and green mountains.

Yan Yuhan sat on the top of the mountain of Yaochi Sacred Mountain, closed his eyes and focused his attention, waving his arms lightly, moving layers of blue flames, lingering around the top of the mountain like horses, spreading out a wide range, like countless colorful clouds Dance lightly in the air.

An icy and gorgeous blue sparrow fire shadow stretched across the void, staring at the mountains and rivers, singing to the clouds, it was the reawakened Burning Sky Blue Flame.

"How do you feel?" The patriarch of Yan Kingdom walked towards the top of the mountain along the stone steps, and with a light wave of his hand, he pushed away the entwined and obstructed blue flames.

Yan Yuhan finished his cycle, and slowly opened his eyes, the blue light gathered at the bottom of his azure blue pupils, and the deadly coldness also subsided slightly.To be precise, this body belongs to Yan Yuhan, but the soul is Alinda. After Yan Yuhan turned into a fire spirit and sank into the sea of ​​qi, the woman sitting on the top of the mountain is actually more like Ilinda. "The integration is very good. Sister Yuhan and I can already sync up. Please worry about my ancestors."

"Don't be polite with me, I have always regarded Yu Han as my disciple." The ancestor of Yan Guo reached out and grabbed the cold blue flame, felt it attentively, nodded slightly, and showed a little smile.

Ailinda showed her face and smiled, Ruo Xuelian lightly bloomed: "I have made an agreement with Sister Yuhan that in this life, it is my duty to protect the country of Yan, and Lan Yan will always be the guardian of the country of Yan."

The patriarch of Yan Kingdom nodded in satisfaction: "Is Yuhan all right now?"

"Well, Sister Yuhan has successfully controlled Fentian Lanyan, and she has grown very well. I also communicated with her yesterday. If there is no accident, if we give us ten years, we should be able to be promoted to the semi-sage smoothly."

"Good! Good, good!" The patriarch of Yan State said hello three times in a row. At his age, what he hopes most is to see the prosperity of Yan State.And in the chaotic era of conquest by various nations, the birth of the top powerhouse is undoubtedly the most direct representative of the prosperity of the empire.He has gone through untold hardships to wake up the sleeping 'Yan Yuhan', but his soul has changed to someone else. No matter what Tang Yan promised at the beginning, he hopes to get a positive response and guarantee from Alinda.

Alinda stood up, bowed slightly to the ancestor of the Yan Kingdom, made a big gift, and solemnly stated: "I, Aileinda, can be resurrected because of Tang Yan, sister Yuhan, and you, the ancestor. I owe a promise to Tang Yan, and I will also give you the life of sister Yuhan and ancestor.

I, Ailinda, formally proposed to the ancestors today, please restore my name as the Taifu of the Yan Kingdom, and restore my position as the commander of the army. From now on, my surname is Yan, and my name is Yuhan. Guardian of the Empire. "

The patriarch of Yan State was full of relief: "Yan Yuhan's Taifu and military command positions have never been dismissed. On behalf of the royal family of Yan State, I welcome your return. I came here today to take you away from the holy land of Yaochi. You have yourself in the palace. There are also many special secret rooms and natural treasures suitable for Fen Tian Lanyan's growth, we can't always bother Yaochi."

His meaning is obvious, you are a member of the royal family, you should know how to practice in the royal family, and you can't always stay in other places.

"I'll go back and clean up, and I'll say goodbye to the saintesses." Alinda understood the meaning, although she hadn't adapted to her sudden status as the Imperial Tutor, but with Yan Yuhan's constant reminders, she believed that she could do it most.

"Ailinda." The patriarch of Yan Kingdom suddenly stopped her, pondered for a while, and smiled: "I don't know what agreement you made with Yuhan, what kind of agreement you have, but I hope you can be yourself , Don't deliberately change yourself because you feel owed.

What I mean is, you are you, and Yuhan is Yuhan. Although you share one body, I don't want anyone to deliberately influence the other. You can explore to reach a point of agreement.I don't want you to live very tired and live for someone with burdens. I hope you can get along with Yu Han and become sisters.On the outside, you are the Taifu of Yan State and the commander of the army, but on the inside, you are still yourself. "

Alinda stopped for a while, smiled and nodded, and left the mountain top.

The patriarch of Yan Kingdom stood alone on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the beautiful mountains and rivers, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. After years of hard work, he finally paid off.The Saintess of Yaochi has tacitly agreed to become the guardian of the Yan Kingdom. The bloodline of the little Saintess Mu Rou has been opened, and she has officially entered the advanced stage of breakthrough. The promotion to Half-Saint is just around the corner, and Yan Yuhan's awakening and return will once again give him a new opportunity. Peace of mind.

The Kingdom of Yan will soon have two saints and five half-sages, which can be regarded as a terrifying lineup that the entire Canglan Ancient Land does not have, enough to stride forward to the position of the first Canglan Empire.

He seems to have regained the pride that dominated the battlefield back then, and found a new way to revitalize the country of Yan.

Even if I die now, Yan Kingdom can still stand firm in the ancient land of Canglan.I have no scruples anymore, I can regain my blood and raise my sword again. Whoever dares to violate the gate of my Yan Kingdom, I will fight fiercely to the death to defend the might of the Great Yan Kingdom.

Yan Kingdom, after thousands of years of ups and downs, has finally regained its vitality.

I want to use up everything in my lifetime to help you reach the peak!

Um?The patriarch of the Yan Kingdom was sighing alone, when suddenly a snowflake fell leisurely in front of him, crystal clear, falling from his face, touching the tip of his nose, soaking in the slightest icy cold.

The patriarch of the Yan Kingdom looked up at the sky, and suddenly realized that the blue sky had accumulated snow-white and thick clouds at some time, spreading over the sacred mountain of Yaochi and the surrounding vast mountains.Looking around, the sky is full of white clouds, which contrast with the lush green of the mountains.

While he was looking around, crystal snowflakes fell, like catkins flying, silently scattered between the sky and the earth, glistening white, crystal clear, like countless snow elves, light and cheerful, for the green mountains and green waters Put on a thin white gauze.

"Ah, is it snowing?"

"so beautiful."

"How can it snow for no reason?"

"I haven't seen snowflakes for many years, they are so beautiful."

Up and down the Yaochi Holy Mountain, many disciples raised their heads one after another, stretched out their hands in surprise, and followed the falling snowflakes, feeling the coolness and purity.

In a short period of time, the snowflakes whitened the trees, covered the mountains and rivers, and covered the holy mountain with thin silver. Between the heaven and the earth, the snowflakes and the thousands of trees match, blue and white, which is too beautiful to behold.

"The mountains and rivers are covered in silver, so wonderful." The ancestor of the Yan Kingdom was a little surprised, but he was more touched by such a grand scene. The snowflakes all over the sky and the snow dancing in the mountains just reflected his heroic feelings at the moment, so he couldn't help but feel emotional Thousands.

"It's snowing?" Alinda stopped at the sheep intestine stone road in the back mountain and accepted the thin snowflakes. She couldn't help but feel a little strange. How could it snow for no reason?Slightly different, she felt the snowflakes falling on her fingertips with suspicion, but there was nothing unusual, and the fire spirit Yan Yuhan, who was meditating quietly in the sea of ​​​​qi, also did not respond.

She stopped for a while, didn't pay much attention to it, and went to Hanchi to visit the second elder.

"It's the transition of spring and summer, where did the snow come from?" More and more elders of the Holy Land came out of their rooms and stood in front of the hall to gaze at the distant mountains and the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, all with a bit of curiosity.Among them, there are many suspicious people who are attentively investigating, but there is nothing abnormal.

What's more, there are two holy lands, the Patriarch of Yan Kingdom and the Holy Maiden, sitting in Yaochi Holy Land, who would dare to come here and act presumptuously?

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the weather is getting cooler.

After a while, Yaochi Sacred Mountain and the surrounding mountains all turned into a world of snow, and only the snow-covered snow remained in the world. The mountains, forests, flowers and valleys were all buried by thick snow, as if they had never been seen before. The season of spring and summer has suddenly advanced into the twelfth lunar month of winter.

Yaochi is regarded as the top-level paradise in the territory of Yan State. It is like spring all year round, and the scenery is pleasant. Snow is almost a rare spectacle.Therefore, the disciples from top to bottom were very pleasantly surprised, and they couldn't help being in a good mood when they saw the plain clothes all over their eyes.After all, the disciples are daughters, and they all have a bit of a daughter's nature. Gradually, some people are stepping on the snow and playing around quietly, and the elders who have been cold-faced all the year round also show a little smile.

But... between the mountains and ravines, at the foot of valleys, or in the depths of some dense forests, some thick snow squirmed slightly, and gathered into fist-sized snow clusters on their own, as if they had life, shaking slightly, condensing Formed into solid ice crystal clusters, they sank soundlessly into the ground under the thick snow layer.

This kind of weird snow clusters are not in hundreds of places, but hundreds of thousands of millions, scattered among the snow layers of mountains, and the clouds are still snowing, the snow layer is still getting heavier, the snow clusters continue to form, and continue to sneak in as ice crystal clusters snow bottom.

On the edge of the distant mountains, outside the snowy area, a woman in a snow-colored cloak is standing silently, her cold eyes are staring at the blurred holy mountain among the mountains through the heavy snow and rain. It has been solidified and frozen, and the cold air is biting; deep in the thick snow layer, the cold air is overflowing, icy to the bone, full of slow-moving clouds, but it is in this quiet and icy snow-colored scene that there is a strange The beast ice sculpture exists alone, cold, dead, and lifeless.

(End of this chapter)

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