Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1216 Ice Armored Giant

Chapter 1216 Ice Armored Giant
The patriarch of the Yan Kingdom clenched his fists tightly, and the bottom of Ling Lie's eyes shone coldly.

Where can God avoid his own detection?
Arranging such a vast world of ice and snow quietly under his nose?
If it's not a living body, what kind of alien is it?
He can be sure that a strong enemy is coming, and he is even more sure that the attack is menacing.

The colder and quieter it is, the more terrifying the premonition of disaster.Just like the calm before the storm, the calmer it is, the more violent the storm is.

"I will immediately warn the outside world." Alinda felt that the problem was difficult, to be precise, Yan Yuhan in her body had a premonition that the situation was tense.She herself is just a mentor, and she has been asleep for more than ten years. She has no experience in many situations, and she does not have the calm and reasonable response to drastic changes.But with Yan Yuhan's constant reminders, it was enough for her to make accurate judgments and actions.

"No, it's too late. The entire Yaochi Holy Land has been sealed off. Not surprisingly, the snow layer is a disguise, and it's a field." The ancestor of the Yan Kingdom focused on the sky, and suddenly found that he could not move, as if Stared at by some kind of evil spirit, the 'something' above seemed to be about to move, and the target was himself.

"Old Ancestor, you..."

"Elinda, notify the saint immediately and prepare for battle."

"Be careful." Alinda excited the strange fire in her body, resisting the cold, and rushed out of the courtyard quickly.

But when she just took a step, the temperature in the courtyard suddenly dropped!

In bursts of crackling, the verdant old trees and the thick snow were frozen, covered with crystal ice, as if the 'something' above did not want her to leave.

"Huh!!" The ancestor of the Yan Kingdom narrowed his eyes slightly, sniffed coldly, and his temperament changed drastically.With one step forward, the hard purple-gold fighting spirit burst out, rumbling and stirring, shattering the ground, melting the snow, destroying the pavilions and bridges, and completely emptying the wide courtyard.

Everything turns to dust!
Zijin's fighting spirit gathered even more powerfully amidst the tossing and turbulence, and gathered around him to form the shadow of a bear with wings.

Against the backdrop of the purple-gold light, it is extremely heroic, filled with endless fighting spirit and bravery.

The giant bear's wings vibrated, and it roared angrily to the sky, incomparably wild.

The counterattack from the ancestors of the Yan Kingdom slightly curbed the coldness of the courtyard. Alinda was secretly surprised, but she had no time to appreciate it, and quickly left the courtyard.

"Please enlighten me!" The patriarch of the Yan Kingdom clasped a three-meter long halberd in the air. His fighting intent was stronger, his murderous intent was stronger, and his madness was stronger. The wind blew up for no reason in the empty courtyard, and his clothes were fluttering and fluttering. , the purple-gold bear shadow around him was more cohesive, and a low-pitched bear roar agitated.

The momentum has changed, as if returning to the brave and majestic posture of the Leaping Horse Mountains and Rivers.

"What's wrong?" The three elders sitting in the front mountain were startled, and they all looked back at the courtyard area.

Alinda was walking quickly, with a dignified expression: "A strong enemy is attacking!! There is a strong man in the holy realm in the sky, who is confronting the ancestor! Immediately notify the saint, and be on full alert."

"What?" The faces of the three elders changed slightly.

At the same time, there were sudden bursts of shrill screams from among the mountains in the distance. The screams were scattered and divided into various areas, but they all stopped at once, and they were full of pain and panic. It echoed clearly among the dead mountains and snow layers, and passed on to the holy mountain, which immediately attracted the attention of a large number of disciples.

"A disciple patrolling outside?" The second elder's face suddenly changed.

"Inform the saint immediately and be on full alert!" Alinda reminded sternly.

The three elders were disturbed. First, they looked back at the sacred fighting spirit that was being aroused in the courtyard. Finally, they gritted their teeth and rushed to the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain to inform the saint who was retreating.It's not that they don't want to notify, it's really not a last resort to wake the saint, because Mu Rou's retreat has reached a critical moment and cannot be disturbed.

"What the hell happened? Who dares to provoke the Holy Land of Yaochi?" Alinda looked at the mountains with a solemn expression, carefully searching for the source of the screams.

The sound echoed among the mountains and spread to the holy mountain, alarming tens of thousands of disciples, and made the holy aunt and others who had just walked to the mountain and started exploring secretly be on guard.

"Be careful, don't be careless!"

"Pay attention to the bottom of yourself, and cooperate with each other."

"Don't panic, search carefully."

The elders reminded the disciples, frowning and observing the surroundings.Due to the thick snow, it was difficult for them to walk, so they could only ride on the mounts of fierce birds.The ferocious birds waved their wings, hovered in the air, and rolled up gusts of wind and snow. They carried the Yaochi disciples slowly away from the holy mountain and explored towards the snow mountain.

Looking around, there is a thick layer of snow, and there are hardly any other sights, even colors, which invisibly bring a sense of tension and danger, and many disciples' hearts are raised in their throats.

But as they continued to sneak deeper, the ominous birds suddenly became clearly uneasy, and some of them became restless, and began to increase their altitude uncontrollably.

The [-] disciples on the holy mountain gradually gathered, looking out and watching nervously.

"Something's wrong, go back to the holy mountain immediately! Hurry up!" The holy lady who was in charge of the search in the south suddenly ordered, as if she had a premonition, she took the lead in stepping up into the air, and hurriedly ordered the disciples to evacuate. The disciples didn't know the situation, but they believed the holy lady, He even saw the strange shape of the vicious bird under him, and immediately pulled the vicious bird to raise the height.

They responded, but the disciples in other directions were not so lucky.

Almost at the same moment, swish, swish, dense ice skates sprayed out from the thick snow, all of which were crystal clear, as thin as cicada's wings, but extremely sharp, like countless gleaming blades, bursting at the speed of bullets Hitting high into the sky, hitting the ominous bird troop that was passing by at high altitude.

In just an instant, the sharp blade split the body of the fierce bird!

Cut them up, dismembered them!
Because the number of blades was chaotic and their positions were chaotic, the cuts were fragmented and the blades were sharp, not only crushing the vicious birds, but also smashing all the Yaochi disciples above into pieces.Some directly cut off half of the head and split it from the middle of the body, and some were chopped into pieces by random knives.

The shrill screams sounded at the same time, sharp and painful, but they all stopped abruptly.

The sharp blade was so sharp and thin that it wiped out everything in an instant. No one survived. They were all cut by the blade, splashing, and blood and stumps rained down on the snow, soaking the blood red everywhere, shocking.

More than 700 disciples and fierce birds all died in the blink of an eye, leaving only bloody and terrifying fragments of internal organs, scattered on the snow, still steaming.

The mutation broke out suddenly and ended suddenly!

The disciples on the holy mountain in the distance were stunned for a long time, and then woke up amidst the screams, and the whole holy mountain was completely shocked.

"What happened just now?" The holy lady and the others who had just returned were covered in cold sweat, and some disciples almost collapsed on the ground.If he hesitated a little bit, his body would be cut into pieces by the blade? !

"The whole mountain is on alert, immediately! Activate the formation and protect the holy mountain!" The holy lady snapped.

Disciples everywhere woke up, resisting their fear and rushing to their respective positions.

At this moment, there was a strange sound, and looking at the mountains, the smooth and smooth snow layer showed signs of wriggling one after another, and one after another, crystal-clear ice monsters climbed out of the snow layer.They are translucent, cold, and hard like stones, like gorgeous and perfect ice sculptures. There are tigers, big eagles, bears, lions, leopards, scorpions, ants, moths, and so on. There are all kinds of beasts and monsters. , amazing and even weirder.

The group of ice sculpture beasts climbed out of the snow layer densely, with hundreds of thousands in number, covering every corner of the line of sight.

"Oh my god." The disciples who were gathering turned pale and stared at the front with trembling eyes. So many ice monsters were buried under the snow layer?When did it appear?

Just as they were paying attention, all the ice beasts twisted their bodies and began to move, as if they were resurrected. The eyes flashed brightly, but there was no color, let alone emotion at all.

The whole body of all the monsters made a crisp clicking sound, and they stretched out terrifying blades. There were a lot of them all over the body. Looking carefully, each monster seemed to be covered with weapons, which was shocking. It was simply a war machine. Brings a heavy sense of oppression to the Holy Mountain.


Suddenly, strange low roars came from the eight directions of Zhengdong, Zhengxi, Southwest, and Northwest, rolling between the sky and the earth like thunder, attracting a lot of attention.In different areas in eight directions, tough icicles began to expand between the thick snow layers. They were thick, hard, translucent, and dazzling. The icicles continued to grow and expand, and strange lines appeared on the surface.

Soon, under the stares of everyone, all the icicles finally expanded into eight giant icemen, all of which looked like human beings, but each of them was [-] meters tall. There are eight mountain peaks standing proudly. They are completely condensed with ice crystals. They hold ice axes and wear ice armor.

They stand steadily among the snow-capped mountains, like war machines carved by the sky, filled with terrifying cold waves, like frozen space.

(End of this chapter)

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