Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1220 Encounter

Chapter 1220 Encounter

Ho ho ho!Thousands of ice beasts rushed towards the Frost Giant Beast one after another, shattered in the tragic collision, and fused in the shocking shattering, causing the aura of the Frost Giant Beast to gradually solidify, raising its arms and roaring, it was already ferocious and terrifying The appearance of his body changed again, and sharp ice balls proliferated.

The ancestor of the Yan Kingdom woke up in horror, but suddenly ran away, his eyes were red, he went crazy, and launched a desperate attack on the frost giant beast: "Thousands of troops, step on Cangshan Mountain!"

White hair dancing wildly, steps churning, halberd slamming violently, swirling the vast purple-gold light, transforming into a winged giant bear, leading thousands of fighting spirits, and colliding head-on with the head of the frost behemoth.

Facing its gigantic body, the patriarch of Yan State's attack this time was like crashing into Buzhou Mountain, with determination and madness.

Never let the frost behemoth continue to grow!
We must not allow all the hundreds of thousands of ice beasts to merge into its body!
Otherwise, I will die today!The fairyland will be destroyed!
The patriarch of the Yan Kingdom went into a rage, and the sudden surge of ferocious power and momentum of death did push the giant frost beast back more than ten steps, that is, a few kilometers away, far away from the holy mountain, but the giant frost beast that fused tens of thousands of ice beasts Those icy eyes unexpectedly showed a bright light, as if they were awakening their wisdom, and the danger was even more serious!
It seems that it was purely a weapon of war before, and now it is time to manifest its real body.

"Counterattack!! Give me all counterattack!! Never let the ice beast join it!!" The patriarch of the Yan Kingdom was covered in blood, his eyes were red, and he looked like a madman. He let out a hysterical roar and rushed towards the frost giant beast again. go.

"That's..." The saintess of Yaochi also noticed something strange, and couldn't help feeling cold all over her body. That giant beast can still grow, and the group of ice crystal monsters all over the mountains and plains was separated from it?If it really returns completely, and those [-]-meter behemoths return, who can suppress it?

"Let me guess, are you distracted? Are you worried about other people?" Bingfeng suddenly appeared in front of the saintess of Yaochi, ignoring the threat of Bailian and fearing the possible traps, and directly crossed the space As a matter of fact, this move completely ignored the saint.

The moment she appeared... slap... the crisp sound of slapping resounded in the air, and she actually slapped the saint on the face.The saint woke up in horror, but she couldn't avoid it. Amidst the crisp sound and severe pain, she whirled towards the top of the mountain.

"Arrows will be sealed forever!" Bingfeng raised her finger in the air, directed at the ruins on the top of the mountain, centered on the fingertips, surged with dazzling light and piercing cold temperature, briefly condensed, shot out in an instant, pierced the space, frozen Looking at the space, he went straight to the center of the saint's eyebrows.

"Counterattack! All of Yaochi, stop those ice beasts for me!!" The saintess of Yaochi rushed out of the ruins, and did not forget to issue strict orders at the moment of crisis. Fiercely hot, the palms were pushed forward violently, and the intense purification light swept out overwhelmingly.

At this moment, the holy mountain is full of dead bodies and blood. More than half of the Yaochi disciples have died tragically, but the rest are no longer afraid. What's more, the [-]-meter giants have all retreated, and the herd has no capital to continue slaughtering them.They had never seen the ancestor of Yan State in such a state of distress, roaring out of control, the trembling and fear in his voice could be heard clearly by anyone.They have never seen such an excited strict order from their own saintess, such a crazy attack.

"Sisters, kill!!"

"Revenge!! Revenge for the elders and sisters!!"

All Yaochi disciples burst into grief and anger, and fought back bravely like a tigress. In several places, they even formed an anti-encirclement situation, stubbornly blocking the retreat of the herd of beasts.

On the outskirts of the snow-capped mountains, icemen and ice beasts were running wildly, shaking the mountains and rivers and breaking the ground.They received the instructions from the "master" of the holy mountain in the distance, and began to continue to accelerate. They must immediately take the captives outside to the special pick-up point outside, and then return to the original way to integrate into the main body.

"Mu Rou, don't panic, don't be afraid!" Ailinda shouted to Mu Rou, even though her body was broken, blood was bleeding, and she was about to be frozen, she still persisted with perseverance and encouraged the people in the distance. Mu Rou.

Mu Rou was crying so much that she was about to pass out, the pain in her body was not worth the pain in her heart.

Yaochi has always insisted on peace, never intervening in disputes, never doing evil to others, always being clean and self-loving, and being kind to others, but why... why did it suffer so much, why did it have to be slaughtered.

Seeing the tragic deaths of the sisters, recalling their desperate and terrified eyes, their struggling and unwilling bodies, stabbed Mu Rou's heart heavily.

Her master, whom she always regarded as a god, had also...been in a desperate situation... She didn't understand, her heart was bleeding, and she was crying bitterly.

For the first time in her life, she felt sad for the world, and hated herself for being incompetent for the first time in her life.


Mu Rou clutched her heart in pain, curled up in pain, tears poured down her cheeks, her heart was agitated like a knife, her kind heart was trampled on most cruelly.

She was hurt, she was in pain, she was crying, the realm she had just broken through was chaotic, and the spiritual power that she had not completely controlled before began to rush wildly in the meridians.

When the crystal tears turned into blood, when the pain turned into misery.

puff! !

Mu Rou suddenly spat out scarlet blood, sprayed on the crampons that crushed her, and was frozen in the cold air. The desolate crying gradually slowed down, and the tears of blood bursting like a bank were shocking.

"Mu Rou?! Hold on!"

"They didn't kill us now, they kept them useful, and they won't kill us easily in the future! Hold on!!"

"Exercise your martial skills! Quick, quick!"

Alinda in the distance shouted eagerly, but she was about to pass out in the same pain, was also frozen, and went up and down with the iceman's rush, how could she help Mu Rou in the distance.

Mu Rou's consciousness was drowsy, her cheeks were stained red with blood and tears, her pale lips and teeth fluttered slightly, and bloody lines appeared on her body due to the loss of control of her meridians, which was a sign of internal organ injury, and it continued to intensify.

"Mu Rou!!" Alinda shouted as hard as she could.But the iceman who was holding her suddenly gripped her violently, and her severely injured body cracked and cracked again, and her shouting turned into a sharp scream on the spot.

Boom boom boom!The eight ice men and two ice beasts all accelerated, and they were about to rush out of the snowfield area. With muffled growls, they jumped into the air one after another, making a final leap towards the distance.

However... buzz!

The space at the edge of the snow field suddenly distorted, and the position happened to be on the trajectory of the ice men running wildly!
The distorted space was torn apart violently, strands of energy gushed out, and a large number of figures rushed out. Before they had time to see the surrounding scene clearly, a [-]-meter giant iceman bombarded them head-on.

"What?!" Startled, Luo Hu subconsciously slammed it out with his paw.Luo Hu can be called the peak and freak of the Half Saint, even though he swung at will, his strength is still extremely terrifying, but the result is... Clang! !boom! !

"Damn it." Luo Hu's sharp claws flicked away, and the rebound was so powerful that the body that had just stepped out of the space was turned over directly, tumbling and smashing to the ground.

However, the Iceman who was blocked by its claws was also caught off guard, his chest was torn to pieces, and he spun sideways and slammed to the side.

"F*ck, where did you get the bastard? Are you tired of living?" Luo Hu became angry.

Tang Yan and others who had just stepped out of the space were startled by the two heavy blows of 'boom' and 'clang', subconsciously distracted.

But the next moment, the scene was silent, and both sides were stunned.

Tang Yan and the others took a few steps back subconsciously, and were restrained by the mountain-like bodies of the Iceman and Ice Beast. With their combat experience and eyesight, how could they fail to see the strength of these monsters in front of them? It seemed that they were by no means ordinary Ice sculpture pattern.

What's the situation?So many monsters popped up all of a sudden!

The Icemen were also overwhelmed by the 'enemies' that suddenly appeared. Although they are purely composed of ice crystals, without self-awareness, they are purely war monsters who carry out orders, but their ability to detect danger is extremely strong, and they looked at Tang Yan and others. Humans, the 'danger' signal immediately popped up in their heads simply.

"Wow! So handsome!! What a shocking feeling!!" Zhuge Liang raised his head high, excitedly looking at the ice sculpture monster in front of him: "Is there an ice sculpture meeting?"

Du Yang and the others looked at the eight ice sculpture warriors and the two ice beasts, the ice ape and the ice crocodile, with astonishing eyes. They were simply perfect works of art.

"Huh? What's that?" Xuanyuan Longli first noticed the palms of the two ice men, as if they were holding something. On the crystal clear ice, the bright red blood was really dazzling, and it was easy will be able to see.

"Tang Yan? Save Mu Rou! Save Yaochi!" Alinda, who was about to faint, couldn't believe her eyes, but the hope that sprouted in the depths of despair still made her scream sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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