Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1227 The Demon God Behind Heaven's Punishment

Chapter 1227 The Demon God Behind Heaven's Punishment

The collision of the Thunder Whale triggered a continuous roar like a tsunami. First, it shattered the already crumbling frost monster, and then the frantic thunder group completely submerged the shattered ice and blasted it into pieces. Then, the thousand-meter thunder waterfall enveloped The mountain group destroyed the already dilapidated mountain group again, blasting out a deep pit more than a thousand meters wide. The roar of the disaster lasted for a long time, and the aftermath of the thunderstorm swept across half the mountain group. The thick dust and gravel looked like a giant mushroom cloud soar into the air.

After fully unfolding the five heavens, everyone exhausted everything, and the gods and demons evolved from the Heavenly Punishment Formation collapsed at this moment, turning into starlight all over the sky, and the ancient atmosphere that filled the sky and the earth dissipated.

In the messy gravel and ice, Tang Yan and others were all kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath, trembling slightly involuntarily. They were all pale and sweaty. Niya and the others were half-kneeling and half-sitting without any image, weak and unbearable.

Thinking back to the battle in the South China Sea back then, more than half of their energy and spiritual power was drained with one punch. Today, although their lineup has strengthened, they almost wiped them out with five punches.

Everyone was exhausted as if exhausted.

However, the power of the Heaven's Punishment Formation and the remarkable effect caused a tremor in everyone's hearts, which lasted for a long time.

The change of the formation creates different attacks. Whoever is the vanguard and who is the main attacker will absorb the energy of everyone and use the way of heaven to infinitely magnify their own strength.

Tang Yan, Xu Yan, Ren Tianzhu, Du Yang, and Zhao Zimo have taken turns to fight this time.

In the years to come, if everyone breaks through and their strength is stable, wouldn't it be possible for nine people to attack in turn?
But why did the gods and demons have one arm and two legs?

Who will fill it in the years to come?Who will be the left arm and legs!
If the Heaven's Punishment Formation is completely perfected, and the images of gods and demons are firmly formed, what kind of monster will be summoned?is God?Is it a demon?It's still... Heaven... They were a little bit looking forward to it, and even a little bit timid, and they didn't even dare to think about it.

At this moment, the mountains have calmed down a little, only the thunderclouds in the sky are still there, the water tide is raging in the mountains, and the power of thunder and lightning is scattered between the sky and the earth, but the demon god is not there, the giant monster collapses, and the battle is over. , leaving endless scars, leaving endless reverie and memory.

Tang Yan swallowed a piece of Lingyuan Liquid tremblingly, and the Immortal Yantian Jue in his body worked rapidly, and the Goulian Qi Sea Blood Pill gave him energy and blood energy in return.After a while, he struggled to stand up, looking at the broken ice in the mountains, lost his mind for a long time, the nine evils teamed up and defeated the saint? !Five-fold assault, almost complete abuse!
The Frost Giant was blasted into scattered ice blocks by a sea fishing thunder, scattered branches among the mountains, some places with half an arm inserted, some places scattered with ice thorns, and some places scattered with ice thorns. It's a fragment of the torso.

Because the monster itself is huge, the scattered range spreads for several kilometers.

But even though the giant monster collapsed, it seemed that the Heavenly Punishment Formation had won and killed the ice monster directly, but Tang Yan did not dare to be careless. After all, he had already witnessed the miraculous phenomenon that ice cubes could recombine and recover outside the snow field.

Xu Yan and the others took out the spiritual source liquid or precious medicine they had treasured one after another, swallowed the conditioning, let themselves relax a little, and stood up by force, their pale complexions were particularly dignified, without any joy, they held their weapons tightly Not daring to relax in the slightest, even the usual playful Chocolate stared straight at the ice cubes in the ruins in front of him with a seriousness rarely seen after a fierce battle.

"Let's spread out and check." Tang Yan waved his hand quietly, giving instructions.

"Be careful." Xu Yan, Ren Tianzhu, Liuli, the three semi-sages endured weakness and scattered forward.

They approached the scattered ice cubes from different directions to investigate the condition of the ice cubes.If there are signs of a reunion, they will do everything they can to prevent it.

"Get ready and start the formation again." Niya whispered to Nalantu.

"The Heaven's Punishment can't be cast, everyone is exhausted. If it can really gather again, we can only withdraw." Nalantu also consumed a lot, his face was like a yellow white paper, and blood was still dripping from the corner of his mouth , it is most aware of the power of the Great Formation of Heaven's Punishment, and the consumption of everyone. In fact, when Zhao Zimo was urged to open the fifth level, everyone could hardly hold on. Nalantu himself was afraid that he would die in the middle of the drive, which would do more damage to everyone.

Tang Yan found the giant beast's sharp claws in the mountains. There were only two claws left, which were the sharp parts at the front. They were tattered and full of cracks, but standing in front of it still felt like two large trains. Huge, scary, and bitingly cold.

Not far away, Xu Yan, Liuli, and Ren Tianzhu approached the stump of a monster one after another.

"Get ready, one, two, three, hit!!" They gestured slightly to each other, roared at the same time, and exerted their strength at the same time, destroying the ice crystal stump in front of them with a unique move.

Rumbling, the violent explosion sounded again, shaking the quiet mountains just now.

Tang Yan and the others quickly retreated after a blow, while Du Yang and the others who were on guard at the rear tensed up and waited nervously.

But... Tang Yan's green fire quickly melted the crampons, and even the water vapor evaporated without leaving any traces; Liuli's black electricity, Ren Tianzhu's dead air, and Xu Yan's bone stubble all damaged the ice crystal's residual limbs slag, but the special ice ball never appeared again, and the ice crystal stumps scattered among the mountains did not show any reaction.

"What's going on? No response?"

Tang Yan swung the green fire again, burning the other stump, but still did not respond, and did not leave the expected ice puck.

At this moment, a surge of energy rushed from the direction of the holy mountain at high speed, carrying a fierce fighting spirit and terrifying coercion.

Everyone in Tang Yan was immediately alert and subconsciously gathered together.

But... "Tang Yan? How could it be you?!"


Both sides were shocked, then heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately let go of their vigilance.

The patriarch of Yan State looked at the broken ice slag all over the ground with a face full of shock, and said in disbelief: "Where is that ice monster? You were fighting it just now?"

"It's on the ground, but there seems to be something wrong." Tang Yan finally let out a sigh of relief, and asked strangely, "Why are you here, where are the saints from Zhenyao Temple?"


"Escaped? What's going on?"

"We don't know either. Anyway, the banshee withdrew suddenly and never came back." The patriarch of the Yan Kingdom was a little thankful and kept vigilant.In fact, the demon girl had been retreating for a long time. It was precisely when Tang Yan's fight was in full swing that she withdrew without warning.At first, he and the saint were worried about being cheated, so they kept guarding the holy mountain, and cleaned up all the frost monsters by the way.It wasn't until it felt that the battle here was over that the ancestor himself came over with vigilance to investigate the situation, and the saint was still sitting on the holy mountain.

He never expected to meet Tang Yan, and it seemed that he had a hard fight with a giant monster.

retreat?Tang Yan frowned, and couldn't figure out what happened for a while.

The patriarch of the Yan Kingdom asked: "Do you know that ice monster? Where did it come from! Hundreds of thousands of ice crystal monsters were all differentiated from it. If it didn't divide itself into so many parts, causing If my strength drops, I may not be able to survive."

"I don't know it, but I can roughly guess its identity. It may be..." Tang Yan said, his tone paused, and he looked at the ancestor: "What did you just say? It separated its body gone?"

"Well! I fought with it for a while, maybe it felt that it would not be able to kill me for a while, so it started to summon those ice crystal monsters, one after another, they merged into its body, and its strength was also growing. I guess, it can Divide yourself into many parts and form different shapes, but it will also weaken the strength of the main body." The most tricky things in the life of the ancestors of the Yan Kingdom were their eyes and deduction ability, so this passage is very sure.

Tang Yan's eyes were cloudy and cloudy, and his consciousness was flying. He looked at the monster wreckage all over the ground, and suddenly frowned and asked, "Are those ice monsters from the Holy Mountain still there?"

"It's all been wiped out, and there are only some ice scum left. With the saint sitting there, there will be no problems. What's wrong?"

"Did you see anything special like a hockey puck?"

"Ice hockey? Didn't pay attention." Yan Guo Patriarch shook his head.

Tang Yan raised his head sharply: "Not good! Let's go!"

"what happened?"

"what's the situation?"

"It's dangerous again? Brother, my old arms and legs can't hold on anymore."

Everyone mourned and groaned, raised their breath, endured their exhaustion, and started to catch up one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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