Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 124 Strange Waves

Chapter 124 Strange Waves
Tang Yan walked out of the bathroom leisurely with a bath towel wrapped around her, surrounded by a dozen maids.This weird scene made the housekeeper in charge of the palace a little stunned, while the female guards looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Where are my two friends?" Tang Yan asked the housekeeper of the palace.

"Eating in the living room."

"Help me find some clothes that fit well, make them comfortable." Tang Yan ordered bluntly.

"Housekeeper, who is this?" the female guard asked quietly.

"It seems to be the lord's bodyguard?" The butler was a little confused. It was said that he was a bodyguard, but his behavior did not look like a bodyguard. He clearly regarded this place as his own home.

Could it be the lord's little lover?
Um!Probably!The butler and the guards silently guessed.

The atmosphere in the living room is very strange, the table is full of delicious food and wine, and more than ten maids are serving around.

Xu Yan eats and drinks on his own, as if he hasn't eaten for many years, and his image is quite 'bold'.Du Yang stared straight at Xu Yan, unconsciously gnawing on a bone, with an expression as if he had seen some miraculous alien.

"How long do you want to watch it? Do you want me to take off your clothes and verify it carefully?" Xu Yan glanced at Du Yang coldly, crunched, and crushed a rabbit leg.

"Ahem!" Du Yang coughed in embarrassment, and quickly swallowed heavily.

The maids blushed, wanting to laugh but not daring to do so.

"Youhe, what good food are you eating? It's so delicious. Don't keep it for me." Tang Yan walked into the reception room quickly, but his footsteps stopped suddenly, and the maid behind him almost bumped into him.

Xu Yan frowned slightly, looked up at Tang Yan, and continued to eat and drink on his own.

Tang Yan stared blankly at Xu Yan, his expression was even more exaggerated than Du Yang's, and he didn't hold back a word for a long time.

This is Xu Yan?Is this the shrew?If you cover the body below the neck and only look at the face, she is a 100% beauty. Her skin is fair and smooth, and her facial features are neat and delicate. She can almost be described as 'exquisite'. By Tang Ying's standards, her long hair was a little disheveled, wet and casually tied up, which seemed a bit charming.

But this angelic face is matched with exaggerated muscles all over her body!

The appearance makes women jealous, and the muscles make men jealous. This perverted combination brought Tang Yan a strong visual impact.

Is this the female man in the legend?
Du Yang lowered his head, and quietly made an exaggerated mouth shape: "Eat! Don't look! You can't beat it"

Tang Yan rubbed his face, came back to his senses, and said with emotion: "Xu Yan, what you call self-mutilation, what you call violence, is such a waste of resources. How can you get married in the future if you torture yourself like this?"

"Shut your stinking mouth!" Xu Yan gave him a hard look.

"But don't worry, I'm here!" Tang Yan patted his chest and promised boldly: "If you really can't find a suitable one, you can consider my brother! His name is Du Yang, he is physically strong, and he can withstand a lot of trouble. Brother, Come on, look after you."

"Go to hell!" Xu Yan and Du Yang grabbed the dinner plate in front of them and threw it at it.

After enjoying some fun, Du Yang went back to his room to rest because his body was still weak. Xu Yan needed to refine the arm bones of the ancient beast, so he also went back to the room to retreat.

Tang Yan had nothing to do, changed into decent clothes, left the palace and wandered around, visiting the place where he would live in the future.

Green tiles and glazed tiles, carved jade pillars, numerous temples, gravel paths and winding paths lead to secluded places, spacious avenues are patrolled by a brigade of golden armor, rockeries, green radishes, springs and ponds can be seen everywhere, and there are cranes and strange animals in some courtyards , looking for food leisurely, there are also Linyu with gold and silver scales swimming in the deep pool of Qingquan.

Tang Yan had to sigh once again that the Rao family is really not ordinary wealth. Compared with them, the Tang family that ruled the northern wilderness is a bit dilapidated.

However, as he walked, there was a strange fluctuation in the abyss of Tang Yanqingyun's sea of ​​qi, and the two-winged tiger and the golden butterfly's light rose sharply, showing faint signs of recovery.

Tang Yan paused, carefully feeling the changes in the Qi Sea.The reactions of Tiger and Kingdee were not violent, but kind of peaceful, that is to say, the signal was not dangerous.

In the depths of the Seven Seas, the Buddha's heart sent out strange fluctuations again, as if he was guiding something.

what happened?

What else in the Rao family resonates with them?
Is it the statue of Buddha seal
The little monk Wuzhen said that the statues of the seal of ten thousand Buddhas are scattered all over the world. Could there be any here?
Thinking of this, Tang Yan lifted his spirits, did he still have such an opportunity?No more hesitation, and walked forward quickly, while feeling the reaction of the Buddha's heart deep in the sea of ​​energy, while walking slowly, but after searching for a long time, the Buddha's heart kept sending out inductions, but did not bring Tang Yan a definite direction .

"Who are you?" A childish voice came from behind.

Tang Yan turned around and saw that it was a little girl, about six or seven years old, pink and jade-like, with two shofar braids, with her hands on her hips, staring at herself with her mouth tight.

"I am a guest of your house, you are"

"You don't even know us, are you still a guest?" The girl shrugged Xiaoqiong's nose, pretending to be fierce.

"Of course I am a guest of this family. Who are you? Are you powerful? Do I have to know who you are? Who you are is that important? I know the owner very well, why haven't I met you? Who are you? ?” Tang Yan said a series of tricks.

The little girl was obviously dizzy, she stared at the big watery eyes and thought hard for a long time, and said proudly: "I am the princess here! I am father's daughter!"

"Ah? Are you Isaac's daughter? No, I remember her name? Wait, let me think about it, it's on my lips, called"

Seeing that Tang Yan couldn't hold back for a long time, the little girl shouted anxiously: "My name is Becky!"

"Ah! Yes! It's Becky!"

"I'm Betsy!"

"You are Becky? Oh, have you grown so big?" Tang Yan pretended to be surprised.

The little girl stared at Tang Yan with big watery eyes: "You know me?"

"Of course, when you were young, I often carried you around to play."

"Liar! How old are you?"

"I'm two years older than your aunt."

"You still know my aunt?"

"That's for sure, we know each other very well!"

"I grew up so big, I only saw my aunt twice when I went to the mine." The little girl pouted, feeling a little wronged.

"Don't be sad, your aunt will live here in the future, and I will accompany her."

"Why do you want to pay her?"

"I'm your future uncle." Tang Yan blushed without heartbeat.

"You are my uncle?" The little girl Becky stared at him with her eyes wide open.

Tang Yan pretended to be emotional and said: "I have been in love with your aunt for almost six years. The love is deep and affectionate, and the love is sweet. I am her prince charming, and she is the lover of my dreams. It is a match made in heaven. Remember in The year we just established our relationship happened to be when you were born. I came back with your aunt and stayed with you for a few days. "

"Really?" The little girl was eccentric, but she couldn't handle the old and cunning Tang Yan. She was very proud just now, but now she was taken aback for a while.

"Of course, I never tell lies. How about you go ask your aunt?"

"Okay!" The little girl turned and ran.

"Hey, hey, wait! You child, you are so serious!" Tang Yan quickly grabbed her and said with a smile, "Let me ask you a question first, are you familiar with your family?"

"You are stupid, this is my home, of course I am familiar with it."

"Then have you ever seen this symbol?" Tang Yan pointed to his forehead, the golden light flowed, and the Buddha seal appeared!
"Ah, your forehead is so bright!" The little girl reached out to grab Tang Yan's head.

"Answer my question first. Your father told me to come out and find a Buddha statue with a similar mark on it, but after asking for a long time, no one in your family knew it. I almost lost my way. Do you know it?"

The little girl thought hard.

"Forget it, you definitely don't know, how could you, a little baby, know such a secret thing." Tang Yan shrugged casually, turned around and was about to leave.

"I know! In the seventh martial arts field!" The little girl finally remembered after being stimulated.

"The seventh martial arts field? Where is it?" Tang Yan's heart trembled slightly.

"Follow this road, go straight ahead, turn right when you meet the 'Treasure Hall', turn left after passing two ancient temples, go straight ahead until you meet a high wall, turn right again, go to the end, continue Turn right. Do you remember?"

Tang Yan recalled it silently, and said with a smile: "It's very clear, thank you, little Becky."

"You have to be careful, it's very deserted, there's no one there, and people are usually not allowed to go there to play at home. I only found out when I sneaked there before." When Little Becky said this, she was thieves, At first glance, he is a mischievous master.

"Don't worry, your uncle and I are very powerful."

Little Becky tilted her head and looked at Tang Yan: "Are you really my uncle? Why haven't I heard from my father?"

"Of course I am your uncle. Your aunt and I are very affectionate, and we are working hard to make children." Tang Yan even admired himself a little, this acting talent is in place!

Betty stared at him for a long time, then turned and ran, "I'm going to find my aunt!"

(End of this chapter)

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