Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1252 The Haunting of Qiyun Village

Chapter 1252 The Haunting of Qiyun Village (1)

Tang Yan's fiasco made the atmosphere in Qiyunzhai a bit bloody, and the strength and ruthlessness from the Zhenyao Temple made the rest of the forbidden area feel the tension and danger of the Wicked Valley League in advance.You must be careful and careful, otherwise any special secret technique may reverse the situation on the battlefield.Tang Yan gave a vivid and bloody lesson to each team in the forbidden area with practical actions.

Moreover, the Qiyunzhai incident spread to the Valley of the Evil as quickly as possible, causing quite a stir.After all, there are only less than five days left before the opening of the Valley of the Wicked. According to the settings of the Three Holy Lands, there will definitely be collisions in various regions and levels in the Valley of the Wicked. Can Tang Yan continue to participate?Is there any need to continue?Isn't it self-inflicted humiliation to collide with other forbidden areas and powerful empires with a seriously injured body?
How should they explain to Jiulong Road?

In view of the particularity of Tang Yan's apprenticeship of the Holy Buddha, and the concern about the reaction of Jiulongling, the Three Holy Lands decided to send as many nourishing medicines as possible to help Tang Yan recover his strength as soon as possible. He did not expect to recover too much, at least Can stand up and have some self-protection ability.

But on the night when they made their decision, Tang Yan's evil plan was officially launched.

The hills where the village is located.

The night is quiet, the moon is bright and the stars are bright, which makes people feel peaceful.

The mountains, valleys, streams and woodlands are all covered with thin white mist, which adds a bit of poetic and picturesque flavor.

Qiyun Village!
The tense atmosphere caused by the bloody events during the day gradually cooled down as night fell, and the emotions of the descendants of the forbidden area have also returned to calm. They are either enjoying their leisure life with peace of mind, or concentrating on their own realm.But because of the danger of the incident during the day, all the original residents of Qiyun Village have been evacuated, and even the guards have been dragged to the bottom of the five mountain bases, and no one dares to go up for activities.

Just like that, there were only 21 invitees from the Forbidden Area left in the huge Qiyun Village.

Surrounded by white mist and dim moonlight, Qiyun Village is immersed in the tranquility and serenity of a baby, silent and fragrant.

In one of the vine rooms entwined with ivy and decorated with flowers, the blonde 'Tiffania' from the Town Demon Temple is playing with a ball of blood the size of a fist, her face is full of joy, and she can't put it down.

This mass of blood was Tang Yan's blood that Sufian forcibly sucked during the day's battle. After the incident, the five people shared it. Sufian kept half, and the other half gave them four points.

"The blood of the semi-holy realm... the power of the dragon python... tsk tsk... good stuff..." Tiffany was lying on the bed, with undisguised greed at the corner of her mouth, separating a small part and putting it in her mouth from time to time , Tasting and absorbing it with his mouth, the blood contains a strong breath of life and a majestic dragon python demon power, like a sweet clear spring soaking the whole body, one sip, very comfortable, can't help moaning softly.

The more she tastes, the more greedy she becomes, the more greedy, the more eager she is. At this moment, she really wants to drag Tang Yan over, torture him into her pet, and swallow some blood from him every day. Promote a breakthrough in the realm that has been stagnant for ten years.

"Hmph, you are doomed to die a miserable death if you fight against our town demon temple! When you enter the Valley of the Wicked, I will humiliate you and vomit blood to death!" He swallowed all the blood, so that he could maintain enough energy to enter the Valley of the Wicked.

However... just when the blood was about to enter, Tiffany suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure passing by the window from the corner of her eyes, and at the moment of flickering, it obviously stayed there for half a second, and her pair of bright eyes were icy cold. .

In this silent night, in this misty and misty vine village, this sudden scene made her heart tremble inexplicably.

"Who!!" Tiffany immediately put away the blood ball and looked outside vigilantly.

But the strange thing is that there is no abnormal situation outside. The fluctuations of energy and life come from the four nearby vine houses, and there are companions who live in the demon temple. The other nearby vine houses are empty. Inhabited by people, the road made of intertwined vines is also empty, without a single figure.

Tiffania muttered to herself, after a long and complicated investigation, she secretly thought that she was suspicious, so she ignored it, calmed down, smiled again, and prepared to swallow blood.

But just when she lay back on the bed again, a black shadow flashed across the foggy window again, this time, it almost passed by the window, and it was floating and hazy, like a lonely ghost, the speed was not too fast.

who? !what the hell? !
Tiffany jumped up, startled and suspicious, her eyebrows frowned, after a moment of vigilance, she gathered her spiritual power a little, and walked slowly towards the window, being vigilant and careful when attacking, she didn't get too close, she was separated by three steps Looking far away, looking through the window at the white foggy street outside, his consciousness also expanded to the surrounding sky through the vine house, searching for the target.

But strangely, nothing!
I found nothing around, no life fluctuations, and no energy fluctuations.

Qiyun Village is very quiet, as quiet as a deserted village.

Qiyun Village is very hazy, the darkness is mixed with mist and moonlight.

Occasionally, a few beast roars came from the distant mountains, and it was particularly bleak under the drowsy night. Tiffania suddenly felt a strange sense of fear. An inexplicable fear in my heart.

But at this moment, she vaguely noticed a person standing in the dim mist outside! !
That's right!The shadow of man!Facing oneself, standing alone!

Tiffania thought she was dazzled, so she closed her eyes hard, looked carefully for a while, her complexion changed, and subconsciously took two steps back, there was definitely no projection of vines, it was indeed a person, with a pair of bright eyes His cold eyes stared straight at him.

It's not far away, but the village is full of fog, so I can't see anything clearly.

If it's really a person, it's okay to say, the key doesn't have life fluctuations!

"Who!! Get out!!" Tiffania couldn't help but feel the coldness in her body, her chest was a little chilly, what's the matter?Haunted? !

Just at this moment, a light wind blew outside, blowing the thin mist, slightly revealing the eyes of the figure, but at this moment, Tiffany was startled, felt cold all over, subconsciously took two steps back again.

Because... in the mist, darkness, and under the moonlight, there was really a tall and thin man standing there upright, expressionless, stiff, dull, with empty eyes that flickered coldly from time to time, it had no life The strangest thing about physical signs is that he is... Tang Yan? !

Or it looks exactly like Tang Yan!

" are..." Tiffany returned to her senses in horror, her face was full of astonishment, and she was inexplicably cold at the same time.However, at the same time, she suddenly realized that there was someone more in her room!That's right!This time with life fluctuations!There is even the sound of breathing!
where?Right behind him!

Right next to my ears!

She could vaguely feel the heat of her breath!
Tiffany turned around sharply, and in an instant, her scalp exploded, and her pupils were constricted, because... just behind her, half a meter away, almost close to her, was standing a man covered in blood. A tattered man with red eyes and an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, who else is it but Tang Yan?
"Shh!" The blood man Tang Yan stretched out his index finger and put it on the corner of his bloody mouth, showing a sinister smile, which looked so terrifying and dazzling in the dark and dead room.

After all, Tiffany is the pinnacle of martial arts, so she won't scream, but the scene at this moment is still sharply filling her consciousness. Looking at Tang Yan outside in the mist, and then at Tang Yan in the room covered in blood, one A chill rushed straight from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and after a while, the suppressed fear in his body finally broke out. A scream could no longer be held back, and the spiritual power in his body was released in an instant, ready to turn into a martial skill to fight back.

But... before her voice came out, before her martial arts were displayed, Tang Yan shot out with lightning, and directly grabbed her throat with a crisp snap.Facing such an enchanting blond stunner, without any pity, the strength of five fingers burst out, puff, click, the fingertips pierced the flesh, crushed the bones of the throat, and at the same time, the left hand pressed hard on her side waist, the force It skyrocketed, and sent it to the side violently.

The right hand controls the throat, and the left hand squeezes the waist. The two forces collide with each other at the same time, forming a staggered violence. Click, Tiffany's enchanting and fiery body is dislocated on the spot, from the lumbar spine to the cervical spine, crackling and completely shattered.

Tang Yan's moves were like lightning, and the offensive was fierce, and the ghost green fire formed a three-meter field around her, firmly suppressing her martial arts that was about to explode.

"You... Goo... Uh..." Tiffany's face was contorted, terrified by pain, but apart from the blood in her wide open mouth, she couldn't make a complete sound.

"Miss me? Huh?!" Tang Yan roughly hugged her twisted waist with his left hand, squeezed hard on himself, and pinched her bloody neck with his right hand. The smile on his face changed from evil to ferocious. .

"Don't...don't" Tiffania made an indistinct voice mixed with blood.

"...Hey...hey..." Tang Yan let out a dry laugh, which sounded particularly harsh. He stuck out his tongue and licked Tiffania's chin vigorously, along the corner of his mouth all the way to his forehead.

"Please...please...please...don't...kill me..." Tiffania trembled in pain and horror, her pupils dilated greatly, and she could feel Tang Yan's evil and murderous intent, completely indifferent Dare to make any resistance, even the spiritual power is suppressed in the body.I'm afraid that provoking Tang Yan will lead to death.

"You look beautiful, but your heart is too poisonous. Hehe, the good show is on, are you happy? Anyway, I am very happy." Tang Yan kissed her bloody mouth lightly, his expression suddenly turned cold, ready to go The Eye of Annihilation was fully opened, and the severely injured Tiffania was forcibly dragged into the new world, and directly thrown into the terrifying spiritual execution ground - the Sansheng Mountain Range!
(End of this chapter)

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