Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1257 Four Forbidden Areas and One Pot

Chapter 1257 Four Forbidden Lands Cooked in One Pot
At noon the next day, the forbidden area was once again boiling, and the source of the madness was no longer the Town Demon Temple, but the Ghost God Corner!
The reason is that Huo Wu, the successor of the ghost horn, disappeared!

After careful and complicated investigation by Zhu Zhuqing and the others, they found hidden traces of fighting, messy beds, and remaining clues - three drops of blood, four cloth strips, one of which was definitely torn from Huo Wu's body, All the rest are outsiders!

After careful comparison, and after Shan Wenhao personally visited the rest of the forbidden area with blood and cloth strips, he finally made a confirmation——Suppressing the Demon Temple!Panic fast!

This time, the forbidden area is completely chaotic!
Zhenyao Temple, Panshenzhai, Ghosts and Gods Corner, the three forbidden areas face off in an all-round way! !

"What a shameless and humble demon-suppressing temple, what a sinister and cunning Panshenzhai! After a long time, it turned out that it was a farce co-directed by you. It was in vain that I felt sorry for what happened to your descendants of the demon-suppressing temple yesterday. Pooh, Shameless thing!" Mu Pei was full of murderous looks, his eyes completely turned into a strange red gold, and he angrily scolded the culprits Zhenyao Temple and Panshenzhai.

"Stop spitting blood! Otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless and tearing your mouth apart!" The five members of Panshenzhai were forced to show up, but they were all wearing black cloaks, not revealing their lineup.

"Whether it's cool or stay there, we're very busy and don't have time to play games with you." Xue Tianchen and Sufian turned around and were about to leave. They were already annoyed by the disappearance of Oka and others, so they didn't want to spend time with ghosts and gods. Nonsense.

"Stop for me!! Who dares to move another half step, ghosts and gods... are immortal!!" Mr. Luan's voice was cold and indifferent, but his words were extremely ruthless. Don't look at his soft and charming appearance, he is as fair as a woman. To be ruthless, there is absolutely no ambiguity.

"Undead? Just rely on the two of you, plus two trash?" Xue Tianchen resisted his footsteps, and turned his head slowly, his cold eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Trash? After living for these years, it's the first time I heard this word fall on me. Xue Tianchen... Let us two ruins practice with you?" The evil ghost and Mu Pei felt murderous in their irritability.

The proud dignity cannot be trampled on by others.

The failure of the two of them to be promoted to semi-saint was not due to limited talent, but entirely because of time. Given a few years, there is no suspense about being promoted to semi-saint.Even now, the two are confident that they are only half a step away from the semi-sage, and they join forces, one to attack and the other to defend. Even if they die, Xue Tianchen will still be alive.

"Enough is enough for me!" Shan Wenhao yelled, the successive incidents are about to drive him crazy, your chest is filled with irritability and anger, and at this moment, seeing the three parties fighting in the forbidden area, they erupt directly, glaring and intimidating.

A priest of the royal family took two steps forward, faced their anger with trepidation, and explained: "We watched the villages of Panshenzhai and Zhenyaomiao all night last night, as well as the village of Guishenjiao, sorry old man To be frank, there was really no sign of anyone coming in or out.”

"Bullshit!!" The evil spirit was furious, raised his hand and pointed at the offering, and roared, "Just relying on your trash, even if we leave under your noses, you won't be able to find out! Surveillance? Surveillance!"

"No one came in or out? You mean, we hid people ourselves?" Mu Pei squinted at the royal family's priests with a murderous look, and the oppressive aura directly oppressed them so that they couldn't breathe.

"I...we..." The priest of the royal family wanted to cry, so he simply retreated ten meters away, and stopped interfering, but secretly signaled the guards to continue searching for clues.

"Suppressing the Demon Temple, Panshenzhai, give us an explanation!" Zhu Zhuqing held up the debris in his hand, his expression was cold, and his eyes were filled with evil.Already moving the killing intent.There is no one to mess with in the forbidden area, let alone a kind person. No matter how indifferent or holy the appearance is, if it really touches the bottom line, it will definitely be a ruthless character who will never die.

"No need to explain, just one sentence, it has nothing to do with Zhenyao Temple!!" Xue Tianchen confronted coldly, without giving in.

Sufian's eyes narrowed slightly, and she turned to point the finger at the horns of ghosts and gods: "I even wonder if you captured our people the day before yesterday, and now seeing that things can't end, you directed this farce yourself. You live in Independent courtyard, five rooms surround a courtyard, and they are all vigilant in their hearts. Who can take her away without making a sound, without disturbing you? So... it is you who should give an explanation, right? ?”

Before the ghosts and gods returned angrily, the boy from Panshenzhai who was being questioned sneered, "Ten thousand steps back, if Panshenzhai and Zhenyao Temple join hands, how could it be possible to leave traces of those clothes and blood? There are blood and debris , there must be a fight, and once there is a fight, you will definitely be alarmed, got those clues yourself, right?"

Shan Wenhao frowned slightly, and unexpectedly did not question it anymore, but also felt that something was wrong, and his suspicious eyes turned to the corner of ghosts and gods.One after another, they all made a fuss about 'disappearance'. The key is to leave a little clue. As for those who disappeared, there were no bones left. Who is directing all this?Who is secretly operating these?
Could it really be the Town Demon Temple?Or, as Zhenyao Temple said, it was the ghosts and gods who played tricks, knowing that they couldn't end, and directed the farce of their own disappearance?

And the latter is... other black hands?
The skinny man headed by Panshenzhai slowly raised his head, revealing a pale mask, and his voice was hoarse and low: "If the two parties are working together and taking risks at this critical juncture, the matter must be done as seamlessly as possible. Clues. I suspect that there is something wrong with those clues, and even those pants and shoes scattered in the mountains are left on purpose."

"What do you want to say? We ghosts and gods did it all by ourselves?" The evil ghost and Mu Pei were very excited at the moment, their eyes were bloodshot.Ever since they discovered Huo Wu's disappearance, they have been feeling oppressed in their chests, very irritable, and even more irritable.

Now their minds are full of Huo Wu's messy bed, and when they think of the scene in the mountains and valleys where Tifania and the three descendants of the Demon Town Temple were insulted, they dare not think too deeply, in case Huo Wu is killed ...What happened to that... It was not only a provocation and humiliation to the Scarlet Fire Saint, but also a humiliation and provocation to the four of them and the entire Ghost Horn.

Never forgive!Never forgive! !

As long as they find out who the murderer is, they would rather risk being expelled from the Valley of the Wicked, and they will definitely fight to the death and let the culprit pay with their lives.

The man headed by Panshenzhai was slightly silent, and his cold eyes fell on Guishenjiao: "It is possible that you yourself directed it, and it is also possible that another force is deliberately designing it, using deliberately created hidden clues to induce conflicts among the three parties. , they can just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and sit and watch us fight and lose all three."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere changed, and even the flames of anger and killing froze slightly.

Everyone's gazes were changing indefinitely, and they couldn't help connecting the whole incident together, and then analyzed them one by one.

"It makes sense!!" Shan Wenhao and the three priests of the royal family also frowned and thought hard.

After a long silence, everyone frowned one after another, looked at each other, and said in unison: "The hammer fell heavily?! Is it them?"

"Damn it!!"

"His grandma, kill them!!"

Everyone's emotions suddenly became high, and they even roared angrily, and the raging evil spirit immediately flooded the village.

The feeling of being played with by others as a toy is really boring. They have had enough. They have long been out of anger. The guidance at this moment seems to have suddenly found an outlet for their anger. Xue Tianchen rushed out without a word, sharp anger Resounded across the sky: "Drop the hammer to the ground, pay back the lives of my brothers and sisters!"

"You bastard bastard, you're bullying the ghosts and gods!! Kill!!" Mu Pei and the evil ghost followed closely behind, also swept up in raging rage, and rushed towards the village where the heavy hammer fell.

Zhu Zhuqing and Sufian were not so impulsive, but they still stood at the same place, and looked at Panshenzhai suspiciously. The analysis just now was correct, but who can deny that they deliberately guided it?

"Miss Su, Miss Zhu, are you still suspicious of Panshenzhai? If it weren't for the fact that you are women, you would have already been lying on the ground with your eyes." The masked man headed by Panshenzhai responded coldly.

"Let's go!!" Zhu Zhuqing and Master Luan looked at each other slightly, and rushed out after Mu Pei and the others.

Sufian followed closely behind, and Panshenzhai also set off after a slight pause.

"Stop!! Everyone stop! Now the incident is confusing and becoming more and more complicated, but it is inevitable that there will be deeper facts. I suggest..." Shan Wenhao urgently ordered, trying to stop the deterioration of the battle.

However... who would pay attention to his stop?

"Hey!!" Shan Wenhao slapped his thigh, and immediately turned over the culprit in his heart.

What should we do now?
It's messed up, totally messed up!

Messy incidents and messy analysis contributed to the messy collision storm at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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