Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 126 The Ancient Holy Land

Chapter 126 The Ancient Holy Land

Odin stared at Tang Yan in the two images, immersed in his memory: "A hundred years ago, your grandfather, that is, my father, got a warhammer, a rare warhammer that can split mountains and seas." , ready to wait for me to break through to the venerable level before sending me. But the warhammer was already polluted by resentful spirits before I got it, and it contained a lot of resentment, which would affect the user's mind, so that he lost his mind. Even my father dared not easily Use. We have thought of many ways, and have also hired a refiner to extract the essence, but the results were unsuccessful. Instead, it fueled the arrogance in the Warhammer Wraith, emitting an evil aura all the time, and began to affect other people in the family.

We wanted to give up, but we ran into a monk who buried his warhammer in the ground of the martial arts field and left two statues to suppress it, saying that after 50 years, the wraiths could be completely purified and the warhammer would no longer be polluted.

The monk looked ordinary, but his strength was transcendent. The domineering hammer didn't dare to be presumptuous in the slightest in front of him. He was not only obedient, but even trembling.

But the monk never came back after he left. We tried many ways to break the statues, but they didn’t move at all. I was afraid that the statues would be destroyed, so I didn’t do anything wrong. In a blink of an eye, nearly 50 years passed. "

Isaac asked strangely: "Why don't I know about this? Who is that monk?"

"I have investigated it, and found out through many methods that he is from the Central Plains! Holy land! A real ancient holy land!"

"Holy Land?" Isaac's expression changed. To be able to call himself a Holy Land and an endless land of the Central Plains must be a super sect that overwhelms hundreds of millions of living beings!

Not to mention the empires in the south, even the ancient empires in the Central Plains, all have to be courteous.

Niya was equally astonished that the family had some connection with the Holy Land in the Central Plains, which was undoubtedly shocking news. "Wait! You mean, he has something to do with that monk?"

Odin was full of excitement: "That's right! The same mark was on the forehead of the monk back then! Even if this young man is not the disciple of the monk, he probably has a deep relationship with him. Isaac, from today onwards, give me the same mark." Treat each other with courtesy, and you must not be negligent. Niya, if you don't object, I think we can settle this marriage."

"Father!" Niya was so angry that she almost lost her temper.

"Hehe, discuss again, discuss again." Odin was in a very happy mood, and walked towards the sky above the Seventh Martial Field with his hands behind his back, preparing for the birth of the Warhammer. After a hundred years of purification, he didn't know what would happen.

Tang Yan was shrouded in a peaceful and majestic golden halo, and the seal of Wanfo led the two big Buddha seals into the center of his eyebrows. In the depths of the sea of ​​air, golden lightning bolts slashed at the edge, and a golden thunder beast suddenly took shape under the Buddha seal, and then quickly Compressed, forming a shape similar to that of a golden tiger and a golden butterfly. When the thunder and lightning dissipated, the Thunder Beast returned to quietness, but it still exuded a domineering power.In another direction, the golden lions gather and take shape, roaring like piercing gold and cracking stones, resounding through the sea of ​​air, shaking the vast sea area.

When everything returns to silence, the four major Buddha seals are separated in four directions, guarding the sea of ​​qi, and dense golden chains are vertically and horizontally connected to the Buddha's heart deep in the sea of ​​qi.

Invisibly, the power of the Seal of Ten Thousand Buddhas has greatly increased. Some time ago, the blood doll just stretched out his hands with the help of the blood soul tree, but now he is so crushed that he can't even get his head out. Pass it out.

Golden Tiger, King Butterfly, Thunder Beast, and Golden Lion, the four beasts guard the four corners of the Wuying. Above the four beast shapes, the seal of Buddha is entwined.

It seems to be very curious, but also seems to be an unconscious move.

Tang Yan was concentrating on refining, and naturally noticed the move of the Blood Soul Tree, and wanted to stop it, but after careful observation, he did not find any resistance from the seal of Buddha, and the heart of Buddha in the abyss of Qi Sea also did not launch a counterattack.

As the two great Buddha seals were refined, the golden brilliance permeating the martial field slowly dissipated, and the phantoms of the thunder beasts and lions gradually faded away. Shaking violently.

"Roar!" The black girl let out a naive roar, jumping around in Tang Yan's arms.

Tang Yan noticed this sharp breath, woke up with a start, hugged the black girl and retreated quickly.

Clang!Like gold and stone clashing, and like ten thousand swords clashing, a huge clanging sound suddenly exploded, the large martial field collapsed, dust rolled, gravel splashed, and a huge black beam of light rose into the sky, terrifying pressure shook the whole building Family, even passed to every corner of the city.

The sky was billowing with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning split the sky. At this moment, thousands of people inside and outside the city looked up at the sky, and finally gathered in the sky above the palaces of the Rao family. It was shaking violently, and even a few miles apart, one could feel the destructive power of landslides and ground cracks.

Tang Yan stared at the sky and inhaled quietly: "It actually triggered the vision of heaven and earth, what kind of warhammer is this?"

"Haha, my precious hammer is finally born!" Odin laughed wildly, stepped into the air with one step, passed through the rolling thunder, and buckled the trembling hammer with a snap.

Click!The thunder and lightning suddenly became violent, like thousands of thunder pythons raging down, entangled the war hammer and Odin, and the terrifying power of destruction made people inside and outside the city gasp, but Odin's hysterical laughter came from inside, Overwhelmed the raging thunder and lightning.

Many clan elders were very excited, and there was also a surge of enthusiasm in their hearts.

"With the hammer, Odin's combat power will be raised by a level. Even if the second-order martial master comes, he will have the power to fight!"

"If you comprehend the profound meaning of the precious hammer, maybe you can break through the barrier and become a second-order venerable!"

"Even if the royal family wants to provoke, I'm afraid they have to carefully weigh their own weight."

"The vision of heaven and earth here will definitely attract the attention of the imperial city and other cities. I have a suggestion, release the news, and exaggerate it as much as possible, so that outsiders can suspect and be on guard!"

"Heaven's family, our Rao family, unexpectedly found such a turning point in this critical moment!"

Isaac also felt inspired. The stronger the Rao family, the royal family will be afraid. At this delicate and critical moment, the sudden appearance of this vision in the Rao family is enough to bring great joy to the royal family and princes. shock.Even if they really want to target the Rao family, they have to re-discuss the plan.

Tang Yan hugged the black girl and hid in the corner, looked at the densely packed golden armor warriors in all directions, and then at the thunder and lightning raging in the sky, swallowed quietly: "Girl, do you think I caused trouble? Or did I do something good ?”

The black girl moaned, and slowly crawled into Tang Yan's clothes, her meaning was very clear that she was responsible for the trouble she caused!
"The wind is tight, shit!" Tang Yan took advantage of everyone's inattention, and disappeared in the martial field.Wuzhen said that the statues scattered all over the place are suppressing evil things. He had just absorbed two Buddha seals and rushed out with a hammer. Doesn't it mean that these are the evil things suppressed by Buddha statues?got into trouble

Damn it, why didn't I think of it just now?Uh, no, even if you think about it, you have to accept the seal of Buddha!
"What's going on outside? There seems to be a lot of movement!" In Niya's palace, Xu Yan and Du Yang were about to go out.

"Let's go, pack up your things quickly, and be ready to run away at any time." Tang Yan rushed in hastily.

"What are you doing?" Du Yang stared and said angrily, "You're making trouble again!"

"Uh, it was purely an accident." Tang Yan smiled coyly, and rushed to his bedroom, found the ancient sword, and quickly packed his luggage.In fact, he didn't have anything to tidy up, but since he wanted to escape, he had to prepare something. Clothes, food, valuables, etc. in the palace, he could take as much as he could, and they could all be sold for money.

This practice is really a bit disgraceful.

Du Yang and Xu Yan looked at each other, and hurried to their room.Seeing Tang Yan's flustered look, something must be serious. While cursing him in his heart, he was looking for valuable things, and he was more ruthless than Tang Yan.

A quarter of an hour later, the three avoided the palace guards, slipped to the window of the side room, and observed the situation outside.

"No, we are surrounded." Tang Yan's face changed slightly, the dark clouds and lightning outside had dissipated, but the golden armor warriors of the brigade were gathering here.

"Tell me! What the hell did you cause?" Du Yang's teeth were itchy in anger. His injury was still not healed, and he finally found a good place to recuperate. It was not warm yet, and he became a deserter again in a blink of an eye.

Ever since I followed Tang Yan, it seems that I haven't had a day of rest.

"Seeing how excited you are, it's really no big deal. I just accidentally smashed their statues." Tang Yan tried to escape from the window, but the golden-armored warriors had already surrounded the palace.He wanted to leave the room and look for other exits, but there were several shouts from outside, as if he heard someone calling his name.

"It's really just a statue? What kind of statue can make them so nervous?" The two stared suspiciously at Tang Yan.

"It's really just bad! They're here!" Tang Yan rolled his eyes and rushed the two of them into the closet next to him.

Not long after, the door was pushed open, and a group of golden armor warriors rushed in.

"Why is the window open?"

"There is a rope!"

"They escaped from here!"

"Hurry up and chase!"

"Wait, escape? Why are they fleeing?"

"That's right, why did they escape? The Patriarch clearly said that he would treat him with hospitality."

"Never mind him, hurry up and notify the Patriarch, you guys, notify the people outside, hurry up and chase after him!"

In the closet, Du Yang looked out through the gap, and said strangely: "They don't seem to be here to arrest people."

Xu Yan also said: "I just heard them talking about hospitality?"

Tang Yan was a little puzzled: "No, I obviously caused trouble. Could it be that I deliberately lured us out?"

"Well, it's possible, let's wait."

They muttered inside, but the guards in golden armor outside heard the movement. Their lowest strength is Wuling, and the captain is still a Zong-level strongman, so of course his hearing is very good.

The captain signaled the team members to get ready, and he came to the closet with a knife in his hand, took a deep breath, and pulled it away violently. Just at this time, Isaac and others rushed over after receiving the news.

The three of Tang Yan curled up in the closet, their expressions were stiff, and they stared at the people in the room.Isaac, Niya and others have weird faces, why are they in this shape?
"Uncle?" Little Betty called out viciously.

"Uncle" Du Yang and Xu Yan stared at Tang Yan with wide eyes, the guards were stunned, while Niya stared at Tang Yan with annoyance and hatred on his face.

"Uh, Tongyan Wuji," Tang Yan smiled sarcastically.

"Where are you big bags and small bags going?" Isaac looked at Tang Yan carefully. His appearance was not bad, but his age seemed a bit young. Wouldn't it be a good match for him to be his brother-in-law?

"Uh, it's a long story." Tang Yan faltered, and held back a sentence for a long time: "I said to go on vacation, do you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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