Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1272 Fishing Game

Chapter 1272 Fishing Game
Moina rushed tens of meters at full speed, moved her ears, and found that there was no movement behind, and immediately stopped in a branch of a tree crown, but did not look back at him: "Mr. Tang, what are you waiting for?"

"Have we met somewhere?" Tang Yan hesitated a little and followed.

"Ah? Haha, Mr. Tang is just joking. I am not so lucky to meet someone like Mr. Tang." Moina cleverly avoided the question, rushed in again, and at the same time lowered her voice: "I will go to stabilize the situation first. Hold him, Mr. Tang took the opportunity to sneak attack."

Confused?Dazzled?Inexplicably vigilant about what? ?Tang Yan didn't think too much, and jumped forward, but out of the cautious habit he had cultivated all the year round, he turned his eyes to the depths of the valley in front of him, and landed on the masked man.

Unexpectedly, after staring carefully for a while, the familiar feeling reappeared.

At this moment, Baudelaire in the valley slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the entrance of Tang Yan Valley, but he didn't stare too much, and soon closed his eyes again.It seemed a little wary, but didn't care.

Tang Yan finally stopped, standing between the branches and no longer moving forward.

"Mr. Tang? Why did you stop again?" Moina turned her back to Tang Yan a hundred meters away.

Tang Yan closed his eyes and remained silent, quietly thinking about something.

"Mr. Tang is not trying to play tricks, is he? We have made an agreement!" Moina turned her face slightly, but she did not completely face Tang Yan, her hands in her sleeves were clenched intentionally or unintentionally, and her words were slightly cold.

Tang Yan was silent for a while, and when he raised his eyes again, Sen Luo's eyes were fully opened, covering the entire valley, and gradually shifting to the sides and tops of the three peaks.

"Young Master Tang? You can't lose faith in a person, especially a big man like you." Moina continued to urge.

Tang Yan was quiet for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Sorry, I'm a little sensitive."

"Understood! Please?!" Moina raised her hand to signal, and rushed out first, but the speed slowed down a little. After confirming that Tang Yan really started to keep up, the speed increased slightly, but she still kept pace with Tang Yan A certain distance, neither far nor near, a hundred meters apart.

The forest is quiet, the valley is silent.

The old trees are mixed together, making the valley extraordinarily crowded and dark. Except for Baudelaire in the deepest part, there are no other signs of monster activity.

Moina moved forward skillfully, leading Tang Yan, keeping a distance.

Tang Yan followed unhurriedly, hiding his breath and tensing his body, no longer looking around, just staring at the valley in front of him.

Soon, the two entered the valley one after the other, and sneaked carefully all the way, gradually approaching Baudelaire a hundred meters away.

Baudelaire never found out, and continued to meditate and recuperate.

But at this moment... Moina suddenly turned her head, turned towards Tang Yan, pulled off her veil, smiled mysteriously, and disappeared into the darkness without a trace.

This scene was very sudden, as if foreshadowing something.

Tang Yan was very calm, stayed where he was, unmoved, and waited intently.

In the darkness, in the forest, only Tang Yan and Baudelaire remained.

At this moment, the valley seemed darker, and the mountains seemed quieter.

After a long time, Baudelaire slowly raised his eyes, staring at a hundred meters away through the thick darkness and dense forest, a very magnetic voice came from behind the mask: "Is this Mr. Tang? You are here to kill me ?"

Tang Yan stayed between the branches a hundred meters away, did not take half a step forward, but did not run away immediately either.

Baudelaire let out a burst of laughter: "Hehe, what a coincidence, I was preparing for your death."

"Really? It's a coincidence!" Tang Yan stretched out his hands and snapped his fingers a few times, fist-sized fireballs appeared all around, floating in the woodland, dispelling the darkness, and illuminating the nearby woodland: "Moy Where is Miss Na?"

"Moina? Who is Moina?" Baudelaire stood up, sneered evilly, his bright eyes were like lights in the dark night, shining brightly, staring sharply at Tang Yan who was a hundred meters away.

"you do not know?"

"I don't know any Moina!"

"Oh...forget it, I will find her myself! Let her understand a truth, if you don't die, you won't die!!" Tang Yan smiled, looked around the valley, his voice raised slightly, and the number of violent fireballs skyrocketed, densely appearing Within a radius of several hundred meters, there was lush greenery, like a bright lamp, illuminating the darkness, and with his thought, all the fireballs were violent, turning into a raging fire tide, submerging the messy old trees within a hundred meters, and burning them up in the blink of an eye.

The ancient wood was destroyed, and even the dross was cleaned up by the green fire. The area of ​​[-] meters was cleaned up, and the moonlight under the night suddenly poured down, illuminating Tang Yan, and completely exposing Baudelaire, who was [-] meters away.

"What are you laughing at? Do you think I'm not your opponent?" Baudelaire didn't panic because of the green fire. He straightened his mask a little bit, and took it off completely, revealing Zhang Gangyi's handsome face.

"Although I, Tang Yan, am injured, I am not someone you can provoke." With a faint smile on Tang Yan's face, he condensed into balls of fire and spread them around him.They float proudly like guards, guarding their master.

Baudelaire narrowed his eyes slightly: "Aren't you curious to see my face?"

"Why are you curious? Do you have an extra mouth, or are you missing an eye?"

"Haha, you are courageous! I like your character! To introduce myself, my surname is Wan and my name is Jiangqiu. I am a descendant of the Wan family in the northern border of the Great Qian Dynasty!!" 'Baudelaire' laughed loudly, very proud.

"Wanjia? Is it very powerful? I haven't heard of it." Tang Yan snorted.

Wan Jiangqiu's face gradually turned cold, and he raised his hands and clapped them crisply twice: "I don't know if you will still be able to laugh!! Come out, the guests are here, we should show our courtesy."

"Young Master Tang, we meet again." The woman in black who had led Tang Yan in came out of the darkness. This time, she pulled back her cloak and mask, revealing a mature and fair face with bright red lips slightly hooked. , showing a seductive smile. "Re-introduction, my surname is Zhongsun, and my name is Yuechan! Daqian Dynasty Xijiang, the descendant of the Zhongsun family!! Thank you for your cooperation, and thank you for your trust, allowing me to successfully complete this arduous task."

"Hey! That's interesting. Are you guys playing a fishing game? But with just the two of you, I'm afraid it's not enough." Tang Yan remained calm and sneered.

"Keep laughing, your smile is very charming, but you must keep it, don't cry later, it will affect your tall image in my mind, giggling." Zhong Sun Yuechan pursed her lips and smiled delicately. Trembling wildly, but a pair of slender Danfeng eyes are extremely cold.

"Boy Tang Yan, let's get acquainted too. The surname is Qi, the place of interest!!" A loud laugh resounded through the valley, and a strong man with disheveled hair and a huge sword on his back fell from the middle of a distant mountain, crashing heavily into the woods In the middle of the night, a thick cloud of dust was lifted, violently smashing a giant tree surrounded by three people, and walked out of the shadow with an evil smile. With each step down, the aura skyrocketed. When it appeared under the moonlight, the semi-holy aura was revealed. undoubtedly.

This person is wild and flamboyant, with a wide mouth and bright eyes, and a pair of arrogance that looks down on the world.

"It's you, I've seen it outside the west gate! Do you have any more? Come out, let me see how powerful I am, and how many people I can shock." Tang Yan recognized the unrestrained Qi Sheng, and this person was exactly the same. The sword-backed man who fought back against Tang Yan in front of the Western Mountain Gate.

"Shangguan Zhengming! It's a pleasure to meet Mr. Tang! It's admirable to be able to remain calm even now." A young man with a face as cold as water walked out of the shadows and stayed a hundred meters away, his evil snake-like eyes stared coldly at Tang. Yan.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, with an expressionless handsome face, a straight and slender figure like a benchmark, a healthy wheat-colored complexion, shaved eyebrows, a high nose bridge, thin but tightly pursed lips, and a pair of dark eyes. Flashing dark green, he has a cool aura that is hidden in the city.

"Su Xiaoyan! Please advise!"

"Zou Yao!"

Two women with different appearances walked out in a row, one was graceful and charming, the other was wearing armor and holding a shield, with cold eyebrows and cold eyes, all of them were at the peak of Wuzun realm.

Finally... a man in light armor and a purple robe slowly walked out of the darkness directly in front of him. The three-dimensional facial features carved like sharp knives exuded a cold aura, and his thin lips were unconsciously pursed, giving the human race an inviolable awe and inviolability. His majesty, eyes that are too deep to see to the bottom are as sharp as knives.There is no aura that deliberately escapes, no realm that is deliberately revealed, but the moment of appearance makes the entire valley fall into heavy oppression.

He is only one person, but he has become the leader of the six people.

"Daqian Dynasty, Zhao Huan! Mr. Tang, I have been looking forward to this meeting for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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