Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1275 Fang Fengjue

Chapter 1275
"You're fucking shameless! Do you dare to throw the black coffin to fight with me!!" Qi Sheng roared, crazily like a runaway crocodile, shattering the ground wildly, stepping into the sky again, shaking the space with each step Trembling, extremely domineering.

The rolling sword light was like a rushing thunder wave, which was frightening to see and cut Tang Yan angrily.

He doesn't agree! !

There must be a problem! !

I know my own sword best, I know my martial arts best, and I know my strength the most. Not to mention Tang Yan who was severely injured, even Tang Yan who is in his prime can confidently suppress him, but now he has been suppressed one after another.

The problem lies in the coffin!

No matter how you beat it, it will not break, no matter how you chop it, no trace will be left.

Every time it bombards with all its strength, it seems to be colliding with a giant mountain. The weirdest thing is that it seems to be still absorbing its own sword energy.

"Your head was kicked by a donkey? Do you dare to throw your sword to fight with me?" Tang Yan swooped straight down, and the ghost green fire was fully activated, surging like a vast sea, filling the night sky for hundreds of meters, covering the sky and covering the earth He was crushed down, while he himself rounded the black coffin with all his strength, and slammed down on Qi Sheng's head.

"Tang Yan, you made me angry!!" Qi Sheng was furious, and his face turned serious, as if he had suddenly fallen into a certain ethereal state, and his whole aura changed drastically. When they were about to collide, there was no warning. The azimuth was deflected, and it shot obliquely in the air, directly reaching the clouds, and avoiding it far away.

Boom boom boom, the ghost green fire flooded the valley, like a torrent rushing down, surging towards the surroundings, and a large number of ancient trees melted in a blink of an eye.

Qinghuo's ability to annihilate everything is undoubtedly revealed!
Um?Tang Yan didn't rush to chase again, and looked up at the sky vigilantly.

Snapped! !

"Take care of me! Learn the secrets of my strongest sword!!" Qi Sheng stood proudly in the clouds, holding the sword in both hands, pointing directly at the sky.At this moment, Qi Sheng's whole body was glowing, and the sword body was bright red. Both himself and the epee aroused the lingering sword energy, which became more and more violent, and pointed directly at the raging sky.

At this moment, one person and one sword seemed to be the only one in the world, exuding a mighty wave of light, which was extraordinarily dazzling, like a bright moon falling on the top of a mountain.

Tang Yan immediately sensed some sort of threat. It was a strange and heavy sense of oppression, which was filling the sky with Qi Sheng as the center, heavy and rigid, and then spreading towards the valley.

It seems that a giant planet is forming in the sky, and it is about to fall into the valley.

"The fourth cut is the ultimate sword cut that Qi Sheng can perform at this stage."

"I never expected that Tang Yan would be able to force Qi Sheng into such a situation."

"The current Tang Yan is really only half of his strength? How strong was he in his heyday?"

"It's coming to an end. Qi Sheng's sword family is the fourth slash. It cuts the sky upwards, splits the earth downwards, and cuts ghosts and gods in the world. It is extremely terrifying."

Zhao Huan and others all retreated, left the valley area, landed on the mountainside, and waited intently.

In this momentary gap, Qi Sheng's temperament, wrapped in the tide of light, changed drastically, his eyes completely turned into sword shapes, like an ancient cold sword out of its sheath, the sword's aura is soaring, stemming from him and the dazzling sword light from the sword body. With the convergence and expansion, it has spread to the entire top layer of the prohibition.

The coercion permeating the valley has soared to a weight of one hundred thousand. All the trees were crushed and crushed, and they were pressed hard to the ground.

The valley is silent, thousands of trees are destroyed, and the ground is full of fissures.

The air was squeezed so hard to breathe.

"Are you going to play a trick?" Tang Yan looked solemn, and moved a little bit, but found that he was not locked at all. No matter where he moved, it seemed that there was a sword pointing at his eyebrows.

The weight of the strange and heavy sword way was poured on him most directly.

At this moment, Tang Yan felt that his whole body was heavy with lead, and his movements were not very flexible.If it wasn't for carrying it hard, it might have fallen to the ground by now.

The air seemed to be filled with countless sword qi, trying to pierce the skin and touch the bones.

The valley is heavy and the air is freezing!
Sky-breaking five-way slash, the killing power is looming!
"Heaven sends out murderous intentions, moving stars and places; Earth sends murderous intentions, dragons and snakes rise from land; Humans send out murderous intentions, heaven and earth reverse; Heaven and man co-exist, ten thousand transformations establish the foundation. Break the sky five times, cut the fourth, seal ten directions! Trembling mountains and rivers!"

Qi Sheng spread his hands slowly, pointed at the night, and let out a long and sonorous roar, the sky was instantly bright red, and the dazzling sword energy turned into a hundred-meter wave of swords, sweeping across the entire mountain top and lying below the restriction, making the upper part of the valley completely Turned into an ocean of light tide.

They sealed off the sky and solidified the valley.

From the bottom to the top of the ancient times, it has completely become the domain of heavy swords.

Heavy and cold, the earth cracked, but due to the heavy pressure, no gravel splashed, no dust and mist stirred up, the surface of the three giant peaks began to fall off gravel, rumbling towards the ground bombardment.

"Go!!" Qi Sheng's eyes lighted like lightning, and his lips and teeth spat out lightly.

hum! !

The epee in the high sword wave broke away alone, slashed straight down, like a thunderbolt, and went straight to Tang Yan. It glowed all over, like a blooming blazing sun, but without any sword energy escaping. A solitary epee, like The ruler of heaven and earth, like the sword of heaven, wants to cut off the vitality of the earth.

Tang Yan's expression was particularly dignified, and he didn't dare to be careless, so he immediately drew out the ancient sword.In an instant, the magic power was vast, the magic howl shook the sky, and the tragic evil spirit mixed with the dark mist flooded the surrounding space, mixed in the raging green fire wave.

"Flame, nine blows." Tang Yan fell to the ground under the force of gravity, tried his best to resist the engulfment of the ancient sword, and grasped the control with all his strength. The ghost green fire was completely aroused, and the fire eagle appeared in the magic fog. Fireballs formed one after another, and the ground rumbled and trembled. , that is magma surging.

When the world was bright red, and when the epee was chopping the air, Tang Yan danced his hair wildly and roared like a beast. He used all his strength to strike a majestic chop. Squeeze hard!

Nine times fusion!Nine layers of transformation!

Layer upon layer of suppression of endless green flames, surging violence is raging!
In an instant, the fire eagle fluttered its wings, and its ear-piercing cry resounded through the valley, reverberating through the space, like the birth of some kind of ominous creature. At the moment when the ninth knife was slashed, the Nine Heavy Strikes transformed magnificently, and the nine-strand knife that was slashed The awns twisted and converged, and the phantom of the falcon appeared around the blade awning, and dense fireballs were wrapped around the body, the earth melted, and the magma rushed, with a huge and shocking momentum.

All four martial arts of the Tang family were revealed on their own.

The Shadow Wingspan entangles the Flame Art, the Violent Art increases the power of the Shadow Wingspan, and the Lava Art renders the Flame Art.

The groups are combined, and the layers are symmetrical.

Tang Yan spun into the air, slashed with a knife, and the nine strikes carried unparalleled fierce power, like a violent phoenix, and even more terrifying magic power.

"What??" Zhao Huan and the others narrowed their eyes, and Shangguan Zhengming raised the black needle subconsciously.

At this moment, the sword energy in the sky was raging, the sky was bright red, the heavy sword tore through the space, and shook the hearts of the people, the green fire boiled the earth, and the war sword trembled in the space. The scene was chaotic and mighty, and the entire valley space was completely turned into an ocean of energy.

Zhao Huan and the others held their breath and concentrated, trying their best to open the defense, while staring at the battlefield with unruly eyes, their eyes were shining brightly, wanting to penetrate the energy and see the real situation inside.

Between the calcium carbide flames, the epee and the ancient knife met in mid-air.

At this moment, an unspeakable sense of oppression instantly enveloped the ten directions, first there was silence, then a glaring light cluster, followed by buzzing, uncontrollable sword lights and sword lights rushed straight into the sky, like the Milky Way flowing backwards, in the night sky Extraordinarily bright.


It was as if thunder was exploding from outside the sky!
The soaring sword light and sword energy are no different from the real thunder light, as if penetrating the heaven and the earth.

Two huge beams of light rushed high into the sky, bombarding the restraint, but the toughness of the restraint was beyond expectations, and it completely shattered the light. The direct result was that the two beams of energy were twisted and deflected, and blasted towards three high altitudes, impacting the dilapidated valley .

Click click click!There are huge cracks in the ancient and majestic mountains! !

An earth-shattering blow!
If it weren't for the ban and seal, the beam of light might have penetrated directly into the sky, shredded the clouds, and attracted the attention of the entire Valley of the Wicked.

Both Tang Yan and Qi Sheng were sent flying, one to the ground and the other to the sky. They coughed up blood continuously and their clothes were torn. It was obvious that they were all severely impacted by the energy.

But at this moment, the gap is finally clearly revealed.

Tang Yan fell to the ground in a 'sluggish' state, dying, but Qi Sheng's eyes were exceptionally bright. He almost immediately controlled his retreating figure, laughed wildly, and grabbed the epee at high altitude, roaring like a cannonball Xiang Tangyan: "Haha, I can't hold it anymore? Cut off your arm and leave it as a souvenir for me!!"

"Can you still perform the fifth cut?" Tang Yan stood up unsteadily, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, did not lift the knife, did not raise the coffin again, stood precariously, and moved in a trance.But when Qi Sheng attacked with his sword dance, he seemed weak but lightly flashed, leaving afterimages, retreated ten meters away, and even avoided Qi Sheng.

"No need = the fifth cut, you can be crippled now!!" Qi Sheng violently raised his sword and slashed his sword. The cold light of the sword pierced the night sky.

It blooms in the night sky, gorgeous and magnificent.

Like roaring rivers, they are raging in the sky, wanting to destroy all obstacles!
He is still brave and unrestrained, and still stands tall.

Tang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and Sen Luo fixed his eyes on the attacking Qi Sheng: "Hey, you only have [-]% of your spiritual power left, it would be strange if you can perform the fifth cut."

"That's a lot of nonsense!! Wow, cut it off!" Qi Sheng fell arrogantly, and Jianmang locked Tang Yan's right arm, wanting to use it as a souvenir to end today's challenge.

But... at this moment, Tang Yan's long hair that covered his face was slanted, and the corners of his mouth were slanted, revealing a strange smile, his closed left eye suddenly opened, hum, strange ripples swept out, revealing Overly long hair enveloped Qi Sheng.

Um?Something is wrong! !Qi Sheng's heart skipped a beat, the sensitivity he had cultivated through years of fighting made him immediately alert, but he charged too hard, Tang Yan's ultimate move suddenly appeared, and at the same time as his alertness appeared, the two were already facing each other, and the epee had already made a gesture to split Down.

The result... Hum! !The pervasive eyes of silence stare at him for an instant, turning into a thin beam of light that reaches the center of Qi Sheng's forehead. The coldness, death, ghost energy, and ghosts are entangled and condensed, turning into the light of silence that destroys everything.

Pooh!The Eye of Silence penetrated instantly, vaporized the scalp, shattered the skull, passed through the brain, shot out from the back of the head, and reached the night, stopping at the restrictive barrier.

Everything, too suddenly!
Everything is too weird!
Everything, clean and neat, one-hit kill.

(End of this chapter)

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