Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1280 The Absurdity of Death

Chapter 1280 The Absurdity of Death
The battle in the valley quickly became fierce. There was no way to avoid it, and there was no way to retreat. The two sides directly started a fierce battle, which was very tragic and even more frantic and sad.

Before the battle started, Langya's surprise attack played a crucial role, even to the extent of affecting the overall situation.The trauma and shock of Shangguan Zhengming left an excellent opportunity for Tang Yan to make a surprise attack. The black coffin was used as a shield and the green fire was used as a gun.Spike takes the assassination to the extreme, lurking around, full of shadows, cleverly taking advantage of the chaos of the battlefield, closely spying, and waiting for an opportunity to make a surprise attack.

Shangguan Zhengming was frightened and angry, painful and mad, and immediately fought back explosively, but...the blood spurting from his throat and poisonous body addiction seriously affected his display of strength, and he was even more "distracted" by Spike's spying and 'nervous'.As a result, he fell into a passive and predicament as soon as the battlefield broke out.

Tang Yan has always been "killing you while you are sick", and seizing the opportunity will never let you come back, so... a wild attack, a round of smashing, fighting from the sky to the ground, blasting from the bottom of the valley to the mountainside, enough After [-] or [-] rounds, Shangguan Zhengming was finally suppressed.

Shangguan Zhengming's 'tenacity' and 'endurance' are astonishing, and the strange martial arts handed down from his ancestors prevented him from retreating immediately.It was quite unexpected to be able to persist for more than ten rounds under the joint attack of Tang Yan and Langya.

But... defeat is a foregone conclusion, and all his persistence is destined to be a dying struggle.

"The Three Holy Lands gather heroes from all over the world to end the war of empires and prevent disasters in the Central Plains!"

"You slaughtered everyone in the young generation of the Dagan Dynasty, the Dagan Dynasty must be furious, and the national war is inevitable!!"

"If the two empires go to war again, the vast Central Plains will be devastated, and you, Tang Yan, are the culprit! A sinner through the ages!"

"You are responsible for all the soldiers who died in battle, you are responsible for the lives of hundreds of millions of people, you... are the butcher... you are the sinner of the Central Plains..."

Shangguan Zhengming fought bloody and furious, roaring hoarsely, like a maddened demon, full of evil spirits, but the messy breath and hysterical roar showed that he was in a desperate situation, and his roar was hoarse and indistinct because of the broken throat and trachea.

"Haha, joke!! Are you telling me a joke?!"

"When the Dagan Dynasty formed an alliance with the Holy Spirit Hall, why didn't they think about the future situation in the Central Plains? When the Dagan Dynasty killed the two saints of Xingluo, why didn't they consider the common people? Haven't you considered the chaos in the Central Plains?!"

"When the eight of you conspired against me, Tang Yan, why didn't you think about the anger of Jiulongling, didn't you think that it would trigger a national war?!"

"You are going to die now, why come to talk to me about people and crimes?! Shangguan Zhengming, your head was kicked by a donkey?!"

"You fucking make me sick!!"

"Trash, I give you a death sentence!!"

Tang Yan was directly ignited, and the rolling green fire wave turned into a galloping falcon, illuminating the valley and obliterating Shangguan Zhengming.

"You are a sinner, you are a sinner..." Shangguan Zhengming struggled to get up covered in blood. At this moment, he still hated Tang Yan and blamed Tang Yan for all his crimes!

boom! !In the turbulent energy wave, Tang Yan struck with lightning, his face full of ferociousness, like a beast, turning the black coffin and blasting Shangguan Zhengming who had just stood up head-on: "Die!!"

The berserk power and surging green flames lifted him up again.

The violent collision beat his face to a bloody mess.

"Death or life?" Spike Fang appeared behind Shangguan Zhengming like a ghost, and the time domain was propped up again, completely covering Shangguan Zhengming, controlling the passage of time in the ten-meter area.Facing the drowsy Shangguan Zhengming, who was powerless to resist, his time domain was unstoppable, and he was completely locked in the air in the blink of an eye.

There... time and space have become eternity... Shangguan Zhengming maintained the posture of throwing away, maintained a ferocious and unwilling face, and maintained a bloody desolation. Next to his voice was a black knife that was about to pierce his body ...Black Shadow Spike..."Alive!!" Tang Yan had just finished speaking.Pooh!The sharp blade of the wolf's fang pierced his chest, and the energy contained in it exploded instantly, completely piercing his entire body.

Under normal circumstances, Shangguan Zhengming was in full strength, and it would be difficult for Langya to break through his body surface defense as a semi-saint, but now Shangguan Zhengming is at the end of his strength, and his defense is only weak, and there is no suspense to break through.

hum! !After a heavy blow, the time domain dissipated immediately, and Shangguan Zhengming, the second person in the new generation of the empire, was seriously injured and unconscious, and flew out like a fallen leaf.

Tang Yan tumbled to the ground, and immediately gave Langya a look to continue to attack.

Wolf Fang understood, and disappeared into the darkness and chaos, like a poisonous snake in the bushes, rushing towards the fierce battlefield in the distance.

The three daughters of Zou Yao lived up to their title of wonder daughters of the empire. Under the threat of death, their burst of power suppressed the five high-ranking warriors of the Ren family.Although Zhongsun Yuechan was delicate and savage, she had the strongest combat power among the three. If it wasn't for the strange martial arts skills of the Ren family, she might have killed a few of them.

But the stealth approach of Spike Fang is destined to cause a sharp reversal in the chaotic and stalemate battlefield.

"Hmph, I'm a sinner? Who framed who? Who first provoked the empire to fight?! The Shangguan family used the power of the whole family to raise such a selfish bastard like you?! Childish and disgusting !!" Tang Yan was full of boredom, tearing at Shangguan Zhengming's head, and when it was mid-air, the Eye of Nirvana shot out, engulfed him, and threw him directly near the Sansheng Stone.

In this way, even if he wakes up, he still has to bear the devastation of the dream.

After dealing with Shangguan Zhengming, Tang Yan put Qi Sheng's body in the golden lock by the way, and then... his eyes full of murderous intent turned to Zhao Huan, who was the most fierce in the valley battlefield.

He is worthy of being the prince of the empire, he is worthy of being the inheritor of the human emperor's bloodline, facing the strong attack of the Ren family semi-saint, facing the dominance of the Fengdu Ghost Emperor's Sutra, and the Ren family's array formed by the fifteen venerables, he has remained firm, Rushing left and right, resisting tenaciously, easily resisting, and rushing towards the mountain peak.

Since the start of the war, in just a dozen rounds, he has stabilized the situation and wants to break through the encirclement. Once he escapes, he will definitely destroy the mountain, break open the treasure buried inside, and remove the space barrier one by one.

"Prince Zhao, where are you going?" Tang Yan inspired Lei Yin, and appeared in front of him in an instant, with a sneer, a green fire, and a devil's roar. , he wants to take down Zhao Huan today! !

At this moment, the outside world was already buzzing, and a herd of beasts suddenly appeared in the air, attracting attention, and their gathered 'footprints' extending tens of kilometers were even more eye-catching, and immediately became a scene of vigilance and curiosity for all warriors along the way.When they saw Qiao Ba leading the three elders of the academy and seven or eight hundred envoys rushing forward, their curiosity was immediately aroused, and more and more people gave up resting, tracking the moon spirit deer, and giving up Fighting openly and secretly, following the team and rushing to the northwest.

Qiao Ba had no time to take care of them. The further he moved forward, the more certain his judgment was. That strange fluctuation was definitely restricted by space.Who would set the space restriction here?It must be some shady trick!Tang Yan is inside?Could it be that he wants to kill someone?Is that kid crazy?
The three elders of the academy were in a hurry, and they didn't have time to drive away the inviters from all over the world, and they couldn't drive them away. None of these guys were the ones who obeyed orders obediently.

In this way, a group of people is mighty, and the number is increasing. There are curious inviters from various countries, and some patrol envoys along the way have joined the team.

After a stick of incense, the team sprinted in a straight line, and finally landed on the valley where Tang Yan and Zhao Huan fought fiercely.

But...the scene in front of them was very calm and normal. There were three huge peaks piercing the sky, guarding a dark and dense valley.The nearby mountains were also quiet, and nothing unusual could be seen.

The accompanying inspectors and inviters from various countries were secretly curious.Among them even Zhu Zhuqing from the ghost and god corner, the descendants of the other forbidden areas, and three or five descendants of the empire.

After trying their best to investigate, they also found nothing abnormal.

what happened?What are you doing here?Could it be that there is some baby?
"Old Qiao..." Just as an elder of the academy was about to speak out, Qiao Ba had already landed in the sky above the valley. After staring for a while, his face darkened completely. energy fluctuations.

"Everyone back away." Qiao Ba ordered everyone, and when he held his hand in the air, a mighty saber energy gathered by itself, forcibly compressed into a pure energy saber, and he held it obliquely high in the sky, he wanted to split the restriction!

(End of this chapter)

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