Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1283

Chapter 1283

The earth-shattering energy storm is too sensational. The scene of rivers hanging upside down, the energy of destroying mountains and rivers, and the sound wave of thunderstorms running rampant all make it the brightest focus in the middle of the night for the first time, making it even more exciting. The envoy of the Thousand Sacred Lands continued to retreat, terrified and afraid to approach.

The energy storm appeared too abruptly, but the energy it contained and the destruction it formed were even more terrifying.Even the three giant peaks are dilapidated, as if they have been ravaged by the hand of God. There are twisted cracks from top to bottom, and huge boulders of hundreds of catties are constantly flying up under the gushing energy, smashing them with a bang. To the ground, the ancient wood was broken, and debris and dust were stirred up.

Qiao Ba also evacuated far away at the moment of the sudden change. He didn't know the situation, so he could only retreat for the time being.After all, the energy storm was too manic, and it even contained a lot of weird energy, which made him vigilant.

However, based on his experience, it can be predicted that an energy storm of this scale will not last long, so he did not retreat too far, and returned to the sky above the valley as soon as the momentum weakened. The surroundings of the fists formed and magnified sharply, turning into a violent tornado in a blink of an eye and falling forcefully into the smoky valley.

The eight-pronged whirlwind is like a porter of nature, forcibly sweeping away the chaotic energy, and transferring the dust and debris inside to other places.

Zhu Zhuqing and other descendants of the semi-sacred realm, as well as the brave warriors of the peak, rushed to the top of the three peaks after Qiao Ba, stretched out their spiritual body protection, and looked into the valley to see what it was like. The collision of such a large-scale energy shock wave.

With the continuous effect of the eight-pronged whirlwind, the dust and energy in the valley weakened rapidly. All the messengers and descendants from all directions gathered one after another. They were all scattered on the top of the three dilapidated giant peaks. They stared wide-eyed into the valley. No one dares to go deep blindly.

Qiao Ba fell to the bottom of the valley alone, and with a wave of his hand, the scene at the bottom of the valley was completely clear, there was no obstruction or dust, and it was cleaned up, but the scene in front of him made everyone in the sky breathe quietly.

The mess on the ground was indescribable, the messy cobweb-like cracks were hideous and horrible, there were no shadows of trees at the bottom of the valley that should have been lush and dense, and they saw eye-catching blood on the ruined ground, one after another, shocking.

In addition, I also saw two... people... one with disheveled hair, bloody body, holding a purple-gold battle spear, with a murderous aura, standing tenaciously on a boulder, with a pair of blood-red eyes in the messy long hair , revealing endless murderous hostility.Although he was standing, it was obvious that he had suffered heavy injuries. Anyone could feel the messy and sluggish breath, as if he might fall down at any time.

A man in ragged clothes, bruises all over his body, emaciated and dying, was lying on his back in the messy gravel, life and death unknown, and the fluffy blood soaked the gravel under his lower body.

Two people, one standing and the other lying down, one persisting and the other half-dead, they both rendered the cruelty and madness of the battle with blood and embarrassment.

what happened?who are they?The same question emerged in the minds of more than a thousand people present without exception.

But at the moment when the whole audience was in a trance, the man with the spear in his hand leaped suddenly, waving the spear in the sky, the blood flames rising, and he killed the blood man lying on the ground without hesitation. He seemed to be still in the battle state, only one Intention - to kill the opponent.

Clang! !

Qiao Ba came over in an instant, grabbed the spear, fixed the man in the air, raised his eyebrows and looked at him coldly: "Prince Zhao Huan, this is the end of today."

With a cold sound and a cold snort, Qiao Ba flicked his arms and wrists, and pushed the man with the spear back hard.

puff! !The man with the spear vomited blood, and threw it on his back, like a dead leaf in the wind, flipped and fell more than ten meters, even the spear in his hand was thrown out, and after falling, he staggered more than ten times and barely stopped.

Zhao Huan! !
Zhao Huan of the Dagan Dynasty? !

The crowd watching the battle at high altitude was startled, and they heard Qiao Ba's name clearly.Many heirs of the Kingdom jumped down from the top of the mountain and landed in the valley, wanting to find out what happened.

No wonder it was able to trigger such a violent and terrifying energy storm that even the three giant peaks almost collapsed. It turned out that he was the number one descendant of the Dagan Dynasty.But who could push him to such an extent, and who set up a space restriction to isolate the space of the valley?Is he killing, or is someone trying to kill him?
All kinds of questions occupied everyone's minds in a short period of time.

Zhu Zhuqing noticed many blue flames remaining in the ruins of the valley, and his heart moved slightly. Could it be Tang Yan? !But why did he get into a fight with Zhao Huan!
Zhao Huan struggled to make himself stand still, gasping for breath, coughing violently from time to time, his breath was sluggish, and he was on the verge of falling. After seeing Qiao Ba and others present, the blood in his blood-red eyes gradually faded away, and he recovered. Losing the usual depth and clarity, his body swayed and he almost knelt on the ground.

"Who is that person lying on the ground?" The three old scholars from the academy landed in the valley on a Maverick, all with very ugly expressions.

Qiao Baluo stood in front of Tang Yan, his old brows were already furrowed, and he was silent for a while before speaking: "The person you least want to see here——Tang Yan."

The three old scholars quickly surrounded them. Even though they were prepared, they were still full of astonishment, but after seeing Tang Yan's appearance at this moment, their ugly faces were as gloomy as water, and they all fell silent, because... the situation was more tragic than expected .

Tang Yan's current appearance is really ugly. When he faced Zhao Huan, he swung the ancient saber many times in a row, a total of five knives. Including the first knives in the fierce battle with Qi Sheng, he swung six knives after one battle. Thunder Wolf King's prophecy of the 'rejection limit' is only one knife away, and the consumption is very huge.

His arms and body had lost a full two circles, and the most serious part of his hands was almost skinny.

The appearance is really ugly, indicating the seriousness of the injury!
Qiao Ba made a sudden move, slashing three hand knives in a row, and slashed towards the foot of the mountain hundreds of meters away. There were messy gravels, some of which were tough boulders, but they were as fragile as tofu under the impact of the knife air. cracked and turned into dust.

When the dust and mist dissipated, three Moon Spirit Deer walked out of it!

They all belonged to Tang Yan, Zhao Huan, and Qi Sheng respectively. They all fled to the edge of the valley when the battle started, hid themselves, and persisted until now.

Qiao Ba and the three academy elders looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then nodded in unison.

"Prince Zhao Huan, please come with me."

"All the patrolling envoys at the scene obey the order, block the valley, investigate closely, don't miss any clues, and refuse any idlers to make trouble."

"Heirs of the forbidden places in all countries, your test is not over yet, please continue to hunt the moon spirit deer, no one is allowed to enter the valley without the arrangement of the Holy Land."

Qiao Ba and the others issued several orders in succession, asking the team to seal off the valley and all the team members to leave here.They are all experienced in the world, and they have a premonition that the matter may be very difficult, so they must block the news as soon as possible and find out the whole story.

"Who is lying on the ground?" someone shouted.

"Please leave immediately!" The three academy elders all raised their voices, sternly.

"Please!!" The envoys of the Three Holy Lands all landed in the valley and began to clean up the valley, strictly ordering the descendants of all countries to leave.

The crowd felt unwilling, looked far away, but couldn't see who the bloody man was. Finally, under deterrence, they could only withdraw from the valley, and spread their curiosity to the nearby mountains, continuing their own tests.

Tang Yan was actually pretending to be unconscious at the moment, his eyelids were slightly opened, and he glanced at Zhao Huan in the distance, meeting his piercingly cold eyes.The eyes of Tang Yan met, and there was an unprecedented killing intent in Tang Yan's eyes.

He hated that he could kill Zhao Huan just a little bit, just a little bit away.

Kill Zhao Huan, today's incident can be covered up very cleverly!
To cover up the evidence of killing the seven heirs of the Dagan Dynasty, to cover up the illusion of being "weak and seriously injured", to cover up the secret of his ancient sword, and to cover up the secret of his Nirvana Eye.

But... just a little bit... If Qiao Ba and others came a little bit later, his "Bengtian" combat skills and the Ren family's "Judgment of Hell" would definitely hit Zhao Huan severely, and even knock him into a coma , and then you can easily pull into the new world, and after that...everything disappears...without anyone noticing...but...the moment the space barrier burst, the loud cracking noise and the pervading holy power, clearly It showed a fact to everyone in the valley at that time - the people from the Holy Land are coming! !

At that moment, Tang Yan was flustered and shocked, because Zhao Huan's leaving alive meant that all his secrets were leaked, and the consequences would be too serious, and even make him an enemy of the Four Forbidden Lands in the first place.It was at that moment that his trance and hesitation made him instantly passive, and he was severely injured by Zhao Huan on the spot.

When the space barrier broke suddenly, Tang Yan had no time to prepare, let alone counterattack. At the very moment, he used the shock wave brought by Zhao Huan's bombardment to fight in embarrassment in the energy storm, dragging Langya, the Ren family and others into the new world. And at that moment, he tried his best to release the ghost green fire, burning the valley, and devouring the remaining dead and demonic energy.

Everything is so sudden, everything is so hectic.'s over! !Qiao Ba failed to see the scene where he deliberately sprayed the green fire to destroy the traces, and the remedial measures he took in the moment of shock were still in place. The Ren family members and Langya all entered the new world, and the green fire completed the burning.The most important and satisfying thing is that after the energy storm dissipated, the scene unfolded in front of everyone was Tang Yan lying on the ground and Zhao Huan deliberately standing.

The scene of this scene will directly make the people who saw it cast their admiring eyes on Zhao Huan, secretly thinking that he is a strong man, but in the future trial, more sympathy points will be cast on Tang Yan.Simple behavior and simple forbearance can be regarded as a remedy for the upcoming trial.

But... Tang Yan has never been so eager to kill someone as he is today.

Zhao know there are too many secrets, you must the Valley of the Wicked...

(End of this chapter)

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