Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1286 Never give up

Chapter 1286 Never give up
Tang Yan traveled through the four kilometers of short mountains and valleys, avoiding all patrols and dormant monsters, and successfully approached the valley where Zhao Huan was.The valley in front is relatively wide, with an area equivalent to a small village. There are courtyards, houses, and gardens at the bottom of the valley. There are many cave buildings on the mountainside, covered with various vines and flowers. The scenery is beautiful and the environment is quiet.

But there are no ordinary residents living inside, but a huge number of teams gathered. There are four to five hundred people scattered on the periphery alone. The courtyard branch where Zhao Huan is located has nearly a hundred people, which shows that Evilman Valley values ​​him.

Tang Yan crouched in the bushes outside the valley, Sen Luo watched closely and waited patiently.There are still some monks in Zhao Huan's room healing his wounds, and they are all powerful monks.Through Sen Luo's eyes, it can be judged that Zhao Huan's aura has calmed down and is no longer messy, but his spiritual power has been consumed a lot, with less than [-]% left, and his expression is sluggish at the moment.

"Brother! Who hurt you like this?" Chocolate poked his head out of the void, wiped off his hard sweat, and looked at the weak Tang Yan strangely.He had been holding back for a while, and finally had a chance to ask a question.

"Did a big one, got a little injury, nothing serious." Tang Yan stared at the valley ahead, secretly praying for the monks inside to leave quickly.

The longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be to oneself, so it must be resolved quickly.

"Who? Tell me?" Chocolate's chubby face came closer to Tang Yanman, full of gossip.In his mind, Tang Yan has always been a pervert among perverts, a war lunatic and a masochist. It must be very exciting to hurt him like this.

"I have the opportunity to chat slowly in the future, keep your voice down, and get ready, they will come out soon."

"Who? Who wants to come out?" Chocolate blinked his eyes, turned his dull head, and didn't remember until now: "What is Ye calling me here for?"

"Kill!" Tang Yan narrowed his eyes and stared at the valley. The monks in the room had finished their treatment and were entrusting Zhao Huan with something. It seemed that they would leave soon.

"Let's talk, sister-in-law and the others are all nervous when Ye suddenly summons me. If I go back without knowing why, they will definitely not let me go."

"Kill Zhao Huan! Let's do it now! Take me in!" Tang Yan was ready, his left eye was closed tightly, and he was preparing for the Nirvana Eye. At this stage, it is the strongest and most suitable sudden killing trick.

"Who is Zhao Huan?" Chocolate was at a loss, rolling his eyes and trying to think, while hugging Tang Yan tightly, he was slowly pulled into the void.

Not long after they disappeared, all the monks in Zhao Huan's room left the room, leaving Zhao Huan to rest alone, but in the distant meeting hall, the gargoyle passed the news of the 'intruder' to the villains. The higher-ups immediately caused a commotion.

The furnishings in Zhao Huan's room were simple and unsophisticated, almost the same as Tang Yan's room. It was a place for distinguished guests to stay. After the monks withdrew, Zhao Huan opened his eyes after adjusting his breath. His bright eyes were deep and cold. In the dimness, there is a majestic momentum that makes people dare not look directly.

From the fierce battle in the valley until now, he has the time to rest alone. While silently performing martial arts and continuing to recuperate his body, he is also recalling the series of events that happened tonight, recalling Tang Yan's various performances.

Tang Yan was not injured? !Judging from his performance against Qi Sheng, not only was he not injured, he was in full bloom.In this way, the incident in the forbidden area is strange, and it may be related to Tang Yan!

How did Tang Yan find out that there was an ambush in the valley?Where did Zhongsun Yuechan slip up?Or does Tang Yan have some kind of detective skills?

Tang Yan fought Qi Sheng first, then Shangguan Zhengming, and finally fought himself head-on. The more he fought, the more courageous he was. Wouldn't he consume his spiritual energy?Where did he get so much spiritual power and energy?
What level is Tang Yan's saber?Can you fight with your own spear?

What happened to Tang Yan's eyes?The death energy released inside, the mysterious team summoned, and the last moment all disappeared, all kinds of mystery.

Zhao Huan has never been so curious about a person like today, and never wanted to control a person like today. Tang Yan has too many secrets, too many moves, so varied and complex that it is overwhelming.

Now Zhao Huan can say unceremoniously that Tang Yan is the first person in his life who is qualified to be his opponent, but he is also a person who must die.

"You killed the six descendants of my empire, the blood debt must be paid with blood, but the person who killed you... will not be me..."

"I will make you regret it, make you pay for your arrogance, and make you a sinner of the Xingluo Empire! We...wait and see..."

Zhao Huan hated Tang Yan, but he would not kill him himself, but let him be completely destroyed in the Valley of the Evil!If there is something wrong with the incident in the forbidden area, it must have been done by Tang Yan. He can just take this opportunity to form an alliance with the three forbidden areas of Ghost God Corner, Hammer Falling Ground, and Panshenzhai, and win over a dozen saints for the empire.

At this moment, in the floor area in the corner of the room, the space was shaking gently like ripples. Tang Yan's body slowly climbed out, like a crocodile crawling out of a cave. His eyes were cold and sharp, and his body was slow but tense.First the head, then the body, and then the legs. He tried his best to hide his breath, hibernating in the darkness, holding his breath and staring at the bed not far away. Own Zhao Huan.

Under his signal, Chocolate slowly retreated into the space, waiting to be guided.

Zhao Huan was immersed in his own consciousness, following the whole incident, searching for Tang Yan's secrets, and secretly thinking about how to use this incident to make up for the loss of the empire and earn greater benefits for the empire.If he could really pull the three forbidden areas of Ghosts and Gods Corner, Hammer Falling Ground, and Panshenzhai into the imperial chariot, it would be enough to cover up his guilt of losing six heirs of the empire, and even become the heir to the empire's well-deserved throne.

Suddenly, Zhao Huan became slightly vigilant.Although immersed in consciousness, after all, with the inheritance of the emperor's vein, the martial arts are still running and they are on their own vigilance, so they noticed the abnormality at the first time.

But... "Prince Zhao Huan, see you in the next life!" Tang Yan's eyes narrowed, and his body moved as he spoke.The Nirvana Eye, which was still poised, was released suddenly, and a death beam became the only one in the space, piercing through the bed curtain in an instant, and blasting on Zhao Huan's back.At the same time, Tang Yan became violent, summoned the black coffin, and smashed them angrily.

Nie Mieyan still had momentum and extraordinary power, even if Zhao Huan was vigilant, Nie Mieyan still shattered his spiritual armor immediately, piercing through the flesh and ribs.Pfft... Scarlet blood bloomed on his chest, and the death beam came out in response, and the lingering power continued to penetrate the wall, blasting into the distant mountains, and disappeared directly at the end of sight.

Forehead?The guards outside the door and the monks who hadn't gone far were slightly stunned, subconsciously looking back at Zhao Huan's room.

At this moment, time seemed to be frozen, Zhao Huan's chest was pierced, and his body was completely blasted by this sharp and violent impact, bending his body and hitting the front wall.His face was terrified, his pupils dilated, and he swelled the most.And Tang Yan, who was writhing and turning the black coffin with his hands, happened to appear beside him, making a gesture of smashing the black coffin.

The picture of this scene is shocking, filled with countless surprises and shocks.

die! !Tang Yan roared violently in his heart, and the black coffin, which was full of energy, made a majestic arc, and hit Zhao Huan's side body with unmatched gravity - shoulder blades, arm bones, side ribs, and head. , came into contact with the black coffin sequentially and comprehensively.

The sound of clicking sounded into the whole piece, and it exploded at the same time.

The internal bones were shattered, the superficial skin and flesh were dislocated, and the blood vessels in the middle were shattered.

Tang Yan suffocated, the surprise battle ended perfectly, and Zhao Huan was targeted and bombarded by him without any suspense.However, at this critical moment, at the moment when the black coffin was about to smash his head and end the sudden attack, the bloody spear that was quietly dormant at the foot of the bed suddenly exploded, and the murderous aura swept across the sky, completely submerging Tang Yan, and even more so. Overwhelmingly quaint room.

boom! !

The room collapsed in an instant, and the bloody battle aura spread in all directions like ten thousand blood lights, illuminating the night and disturbing all directions.In the valley, gravel, sawdust, and dust mist surged all over the sky.

The whole scene was like a high-energy bomb that suddenly exploded and blew up the room completely.

"Who dares to be presumptuous!!" The guards around woke up in horror, roared in anger, and rushed towards the dilapidated room in the face of chaos and energy in shock.But at the same time as they made a save, a body covered in blood blasted out like a cannonball, hitting them head-on.

It's Zhao Huan!He was rescued by the spear, but he was still thrown alive by the black coffin!
However, in the next second, Tang Yan, who was like a wolf, pounced out in an instant, with fierce aura, out of control, still holding the black coffin high, his eyes almost burst into flames.

Kill Zhao Huan!Zhao Huan must be killed!
A voice roared in Tang Yan's heart. Today, at this moment, no accident can stop his determination to kill Zhao Huan.

Clang! !

The war spear rushed out of the dust and mist again, killing Tang Yan. The terrifying blood flowed across the valley, the evil spirit was too heavy, it cracked the ground and shook the space. Tang Yan went crazy, and it also went crazy.

Scene after scene, like a violent storm, rushed towards the minds of everyone present. The people who were fighting the rescue had no idea what happened. The chaotic scene confused their consciousness. At the critical moment, they didn't know what to do at all. .

(End of this chapter)

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