Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1294 Gravity Assessment

Chapter 1294 Gravity Assessment
"Brother Chu, please pay attention to your strict words. Today you represent the Valley of the Evil, and you are facing the heroes of the world. We can't...can't be too exaggerated..." Monk Liuhe couldn't help persuading him with a troubled face.At this moment, in this situation and in this situation, the use of the word 'fuck' is really depressing.

Chu Kuangfeng coughed a few times and resumed his solemn posture: "First of all, on behalf of the Valley of the Wicked and the Sanfang Holy Land, I welcome you to the Valley of the Wicked. After two days of screening and assessment, only 160 people have actually entered the Valley of the Wicked. Unfortunately, they were eliminated The number of inviters who came out reached 30. Comparing the two numbers, I believe you have already understood some truth.

Secondly, for the first time in tens of thousands of years, the three holy lands have joined forces to mobilize the masses and attract the attention of the whole Central Plains. Everyone came here not to drink tea and chat, nor to discuss any state affairs, but to give you an opportunity.

No, to be precise, a series of opportunities, how many you can get, and how far you can go, all depend on your own good luck and strength.

The third point, the most important point, is not that you can enter the Valley of the Wicked just by coming here, we will have a series of assessments.But I hope that you must persevere and work hard to stand to the end.I can't guarantee too much, I can only guarantee you a little bit. When the Valley of the Wicked incident is fully over in the future, you will definitely be grateful to yourself for working hard all the way. "

Chu Kuangfeng was majestic and majestic, and his voice was like a giant bell. It resounded outside the west gate and echoed in everyone's ears. It immediately aroused strong responses, and many people's eyes immediately flickered with brilliance.

No wonder more than 100 people covered in blood came out sparsely. Just wondering what happened, they were eliminated. In just two days, more than 100 people were directly eliminated?There are even people from the semi-holy realm inside.

Enough brutality, enough passion, enough excitement, enough anticipation!

Moreover, Chu Kuangfeng's words had already made it clear that they were not here to drink tea and chat, or to explore and take chances. It was very straightforward, but this was exactly what they expected.It was already worth looking forward to being able to compete with people of the same generation. The three holy places jointly imposed tests, and there were surprise prizes, which made the trip worthwhile.

"We were ordered to come here to check and conduct the first round of assessment for everyone. There is only one criterion, to select absolute young heroes, geniuses who can be compared with the 160 seven peerless wizards in the Valley of the Wicked.

I seriously remind everyone that you may be revered in your own area and bear countless auras, but when you get here, you must fight for all the glory yourself, put down your airs, put down your dignity, and defend it with your martial skills and tenacity .

Starting today, from the first moment you accept the test, you must be prepared. Once you are eliminated, the Three Holy Lands will never give you a second chance.

Alright, enough nonsense, the first round of assessment officially begins. "

The more than 470 people gathered outside the west gate all lifted their spirits, and no one was careless. Cang Ming and others who were brushed down secretly clenched their fists and must go all out.

"The first round of assessment is very simple, but it will take some time. First of all, those who are not as strong as the third-tier Martial Masters, but have special bloodlines and special martial skills, can go directly to the front, and someone will verify you and confirm Afterwards, go directly to the Valley of the Wicked, and you will receive preferential treatment throughout the process." Chu Kuangfeng gestured to the female half-sage next to him.

The female half-sage landed in front of the mountain and took out a list. Her voice was clear and sweet, but it implied a bit of sternness: "According to the list submitted by Tianyan, there are 39 people with special bloodlines. Now start reading Names—An Lingxi, Nalantu, Xia Yan, You Zhui, Feng Xianyue..."

The people whose names were named are listed one by one. They are generally not high-level, and some of them are not amazing, but they must be extraordinary if they can pass the audit of the sky.

Han Shaofeng interface: "In the second case, some warriors bring monsters to sign up. According to the regulations, they are not allowed to take out battle pets. But some people live with monsters all year round, which is equivalent to a part of the body. Blood and martial arts are all We need the assistance of accompanying monsters. For this kind of people, we need to conduct a special assessment to make sure that the monsters on your body are indeed related to your blood and martial skills. Such people, please come out, follow me to the front, accept Special examination."

Du Yang, Zhao Zimo, and a series of people with monsters on their bodies automatically came out.

Han Shaofeng personally took them to another area for a strict review.

Monk Liuhe smiled and said: "The rest of you, you don't have to do anything, just stay where you are and use your martial skills as much as possible. Our three saints will unite with nine half-sages to exert pressure together. The person who persists for three hours in the hands of the 12 people is deemed to have passed the assessment."

Chu Kuangfeng said: "We will continue to increase the pressure, and will continue to slow down and change. The time is three hours. You must do your best."

As soon as this remark came out, some were pleasantly surprised and some were sad, and some were depressed and some were worried.Three saints united with nine and a half saints?The coercion brought by it is absolutely terrifying, not to mention it is still three full hours, one morning! !Those semi-saints who are in their prime naturally don’t have to worry, but there must be only a few of that kind of people, most of them are high-ranking warriors, why resist?

And Cang Ming and other first-round knockouts who came back from serious injuries directly turned black. We are all injured, how can we resist?
"Now, the rest of the people are scattered, and the distance between each other should not be less than 30 meters. I will give you time to prepare a cup of tea, and then we will officially start." Chu Kuangfeng did not give them a chance to fight back, and signaled to Liuhe and the others, Scattered out, scattered in different areas of the audience, silently accumulating power.

The crowd was a little annoyed, but no one dared to slack off, and immediately held their breath and concentrated on doing their best.

At three o'clock in the morning, the comprehensive assessment involving more than 470 people officially began. At the beginning, the overwhelming terrifying coercion was like a huge ancient mountain crashing down, smashing down with a violent momentum within a radius of several thousand feet outside the west gate.

Boom! !

The mountains and rivers roared, and the earth cracked.

The clicking sound from the surface of the formation is deafening!
The pressure weighing 30 jins fell in the air, and more than [-] people knelt down on the spot, most of them were seriously injured in the competition, and they were unable to continue the next assessment.

The faces of those who resisted were all changed, and they had to continue to stimulate their spiritual power, tenaciously use their martial arts, and accepted the cruel test. The whole process lasted for three full hours, and now they feel strenuous. What will happen next?
Chu Kuangfeng and the others had serious expressions on their faces, and tried their best to control them without showing any mercy.The test seems simple, but it is the simplest and most direct test of whether the spiritual power is strong, whether the martial arts is proficient, whether the perseverance is tenacious, whether the planning is ingenious, etc.

Three hours, divided into six stages!
In the first stage, 30 kilograms of gravity was suppressed, which continued unchanged and passed smoothly.

In the second stage, the coercion of heaven and earth began to increase continuously and rapidly, and the power of a short cup of tea was fully increased by one hundred thousand catties. People who had persisted for half an hour knelt down one after another. was forced to withdraw.

In the third stage, the coercion of heaven and earth continued to change, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, the changes were unpredictable, and there were no rules at all. Sometimes there was no pressure at all, and sometimes it reached the level that even half-sages were struggling. Enough.

In just half an hour, 70 people fell to the ground.

In the fourth stage, the coercion of heaven and earth is slightly calmer, but compared with the initial stage, it has increased by a full 20 jin. For those who are already exhausted, it is really a test of spiritual strength and perseverance.

In the fifth stage, the coercion of heaven and earth remained stable, but the two pure land sages began to emit dazzling golden light, covering the examination area of ​​the positive film. The golden light was so dazzling that everyone in the audience could not open their eyes. People are restless and irritable.Once anyone is corroded by him, the spiritual power in the body will immediately lose control.Under the pressure of hundreds of thousands of catties, the direct result of losing control of spiritual power is to kneel on the ground——out.

In the sixth stage, in the last half hour of the brutal assessment, only 230 people remained in the field, fully reduced by half. Its cruelty is self-evident, making those who laughed at the beginning feel ashamed.

But this last half an hour is also the most test of the school's perseverance. If you persist, you will be lucky enough to enter the Valley of the Wicked. If you can't persist, you will have to quit.Not only the faces of the people in the arena were flushed, they struggled to persevere, and screamed from their chests, but the people who were eliminated outside the arena also secretly became nervous.

The first batch was full of geniuses and freaks from all over the world. There were dozens of semi-saint powerhouses, and more than 100 people were still eliminated. Only 160 seven people entered. The second batch of 350 people came, how many people will pass the assessment?Exactly how many people will be allowed in! !
At the moment when the outside of the Valley of the Wicked entered the final stage and the most critical stage, Tang Yan and others, who had spent a whole morning in meditation and preparation inside the Valley of the Wicked, took their Moon Spirit Deer to the first martial arts field in turn.

(End of this chapter)

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