Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298
"Is there?" Matthews ignored him, walked to the side of Yue Linglu in the corner, raised his eyebrows and asked the high platform: "If you take it, you will win?"

The arrogant behavior, the cold expression, and the shocking performance in the previous moment directly detonated the audience in the next second.

The dignified Arbitration Kingdom's high-ranking Martial Lord, just one move in seconds?

It's so unreasonable to think of a genius as a genius!
Don't treat Wu Zun as Wu Zun!
The style of that sword, the shock of that sword is deeply engraved in the eyes, hearts and souls of those who are lucky enough to witness it.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!!" Mo Changge, who hadn't started the battle in the distance, was furious on the spot. He was the successor of the first marshal of the arbitration!The future general of the kingdom!Just being slaughtered silently like this? !

The Daqian Dynasty and others all darkened their faces, and the descendants of the rest of the forbidden land, empire and kingdom all frowned. What happened just now?Sneak attack?Framed?Most of them didn't pay attention to Matthews' battlefield, and looked more at Gu Lingfeng, but at that moment, a terrifying killing sword spirit shook the audience, and many people felt chills all over their bodies. Looking in astonishment, there are only blood and splashed limbs on the ground, only heads thrown up, and only black painted halberds clattering to the ground.

"You? Your opponent is not me. I'm not interested." Matthews controlled Yuelinglu and asked the high platform again: "What else do you need to do?"

"No need! Die!!" Mo Changge would never tolerate it.

Suddenly, click, a dazzling ray of light tore through the space and swept towards Mo Changge. The temperature between the sky and the earth dropped sharply, and a cold breath filled the audience. This is a very rare ability-the light of destruction.

It is designed to deprive people of their life energy, like the sickle of death.

Mo Changge was terrified and dodged in a hurry. Even so, the beam of destruction pierced through his left shoulder, puff, the beam of light broke through the flesh and went straight into the air. There was no blood, only death.

"Ah!!" Mo Changge screamed and retreated, falling to the ground.His face was distorted and in agony, his right hand was tightly clutching his left shoulder, and the pierced part was rapidly wilting, from the skin to the flesh and blood to the bones, it was wilting, rotting, and losing consciousness!
hiss!Many people frowned again, full of shock.

"Are you sneaking up on me?!" Mo Changge pressed his left shoulder to the death, but the corrupted part continued to spread, quickly extending from the shoulder to the entire arm.

"If I sneak attack, you won't destroy your arm, but..." Gu Lingfeng nodded his head heavily, and replied with a cold snort.

"Wow!!" Mo Changge roared suddenly, his spiritual power burst out, and he hit three heavy blows in a row, forcibly sealing his left arm, his face turned pale.

"You're already useless, hehe, it's really simple." Gu Lingfeng sneered dryly, which was extremely harsh to some people's ears.

"Fart! Unless I die, I will never step down!" Mo Changge got up angrily.

"Stop it!" Han Shaofeng yelled to stop it.

Whizzing!Many holy land powerhouses rushed to the sky above the arena, intimidating all teams.

Qiao Ba and the others secretly inhaled, with solemn expressions, and remained silent.

All the saints stared at Matthews with gleaming eyes, as if they wanted to see him thoroughly!

What happened just now, could it be that he used some powerful weapon?

"There is something hidden in his body!" The monk 'Shengyan', a holy monk of the Pure Land, found an abnormality in Matthews' body, and asked implicitly in his words.

Clang! !

There was a loud clang, and a burst of sword energy shook the space.

The Blazing Sun Sword burst out of the body, turned into a surging wave of swords, soared into the sky, and plunged straight into the sky.

The sword moves the wilderness, and the roar moves the mountains and rivers.

The Blazing Sun Sword emits thousands of rays of light, like thousands of sword qi filling the sky, as if it wants to penetrate the sky, shred the mountains and rivers, and the blazing light shines on the sky like a scorching sun.

At this moment, all the fighters in the audience were startled, subconsciously wanting to make an offensive gesture.

"I have a sword hidden in my body, what's wrong?" Matthews said coldly, his eyes turned into a terrifying sword body, with the sharpness to penetrate space.

Clang clang! !

The terrifying sword movement was deafening, and it surged out from Matthews' body. The other six fierce swords had not been unsheathed, but they had already aroused fierce and fierce power.

He stood proudly, but he looked like an unrivaled weapon, and also like the only god of death left on the vast bloody battlefield, giving people an endless chilling momentum, and giving people endless desolation and blood.

At this moment, even many half-saints frowned slightly, feeling a bit of threat.

"Who are you?" Qiao Ba stopped the vigilance of the audience and couldn't help but take a few steps forward.

"People who are subjugated, refugees from the mountains, Matthews." Matthews's eyes narrowed, and all the sword energy and arrogance of the Blazing Sun Sword instantly recovered, trembling, as if piercing through gold and cracking stones, piercing through space, and piercing straight into his body head.

There were bursts of exclamations in the audience, but... puff... The sharp sword entered the body and disappeared without a trace, and there was no tragic scene of broken limbs.

It trembled loudly, like wearing gold and cracking stones, echoing in the first martial arts field for a long time, echoing in the vast Valley of the Evil.

Matthews stood indifferently in the arena, without any terrifying aura, without any sharp sword aura, like an ordinary warrior, like a lonely knight.

When the sword is out of its sheath, it roars and shakes the mountains and rivers, and there is no way forward; when the sword is back in its sheath, the mountains and rivers are silent, without waves or waves.

The audience was silent for a long time, silent for a long time, and the look of looking at Matthews changed again and again.

The prestige of this sword has left too much shock, and it has made Tang Yan and other old brothers slightly pale. The two years of submerged training in the Eternal Beast Mountain have brought too many changes and growth to Matthews, or all of the seven fierce swords. Fusion, so that his whole body is sublimated.

"Is he Tang Yan's friend?" Zhao Huan's expression turned ugly.

Xue Tianchen and Sufian from Zhenyao Temple exchanged colors, and they both saw a little shock in each other's eyes.And Xue Tianchen had an unprecedented interest in challenging a man who was a level lower than himself.

"Nursing the sword with blood and using the body as a sheath, he is another ruthless person."

"His martial arts are unique."

"I guess the sword in his body is absolutely extraordinary!"

The Thomas Fissen United Empire, the Holy Empire, the Heavenly Power Empire, and even the major forbidden lands all made small discussions, and all kinds of eyes fell on the lonely and tall blond figure.

The power of a sword can deter all heroes.

On the other day, the alliance ended, and the name of Sword God and Matthews was destined to move the world!
"Brother Han, Brother Chu, did you emphasize that you can't kill people?" Ling Qingmao asked suddenly, breaking the almost frozen atmosphere of the audience.

"This... I... I seem to have forgotten to emphasize that you can't kill people." Han Shaofeng frowned and responded. The two holy monks Liuhe and Muyin thought carefully, and it seemed that they really didn't emphasize that they couldn't kill people.

They repeatedly mentioned the cruelty of competition, repeatedly reminded everyone to go all out, and also deliberately emphasized that competition should be the main focus, but it seems that they really didn't individually and clearly stated that people should not die.After all, the applicants are all people with status, and they should understand the consequences of the dead.

But who would have thought... the first challenge match would be dismembered directly, and the spirit and soul would be completely wiped out, Shen Lian's hope of reincarnation would be cut off, and those who died would not be able to die again.

"Since there is no reminder, this death is an accident. If Matthews is not held accountable, I will be responsible!" Ling Qingmao was very calm and indifferent.

"What?!" Even Qiao Ba was a little stunned, subconsciously looking at Ling Qingmao.

Is the Valley of the Wicked responsible?What a joke!The heir to the commander-in-chief of the kingdom died in the crowd, how could the wicked valley be responsible!How is it like the Arbitration Kingdom confessed!What's more, the current Arbitration Kingdom is surrounded by the Dagan Dynasty!
"The Valley of the Wicked is responsible to the end." Ling Qingnuma did not change her face, insisting on her words, not like joking.

They signaled to each other and didn't pursue it anymore.

"Responsible?! It's easy to say, how can you be responsible!! Can you bring the dead back to life?" Mo Changge was furious. He was usually calm, but today's incidents continued one after another, which was really deceiving.

Zhao Huan and the others looked ugly, and Evilman Valley seemed to be partial!

"We said that we are responsible to give you an explanation. The challenge continues! Those who don't want to participate can withdraw immediately! Never force to stay!!" Ling Qingmao's eyes froze, and the sky and the earth shook like a muffled thunder from the vast clouds. Everyone's hearts trembled and they didn't dare to make rash remarks.

"Is it okay now?" Matthews asked Gaotai for the third time.

Han Shaofeng looked back at Ling Qingnuma again, and after receiving a positive signal, he announced with a calm face: "The first round of the challenge is over, Matthews wins, and passed the test!"

Walking off the ring with Yue Linglu, he walked to a corner under the strange eyes of the audience, and stood with his sword in his arms, cold and silent, with the indifference of a passer-by in the world.

"Can't be killed, can it be disabled? Can't be disabled, can it be injured? To what extent is the injury considered a violation, please give a clear definition!!" Gu Lingfeng's voice brought the audience's attention back to the challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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