Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 132 Public Enemy of the People

Chapter 132 Public Enemy of the People
"How's the reaction of the six big families?" The second prince played with the spar the size of a goose egg, greedily absorbing the surging energy inside, with a vague sneer hanging from the corner of his mouth.

There was a black-armored warrior kneeling under the main hall, his voice was dry and stiff, and he couldn't hear any human emotion: "The Debussy and An Meilun families have made it clear that they will stand by the royal family, and they met with His Majesty in secret at noon yesterday. Re-sign the "Letter of Allegiance", and allegiance will be absolutely obedient to the leadership of the empire from now on. Your Majesty is very satisfied with this, and praised your Highness Second Highness many times in the subsequent dinner.

The three major families, Rubinkimir, Gao Bo, and Doron, will participate in the life-and-death struggle, but they have not shown their attitude towards the royal family. I sent people to try to communicate with them, but they did not get enough attention. "

The second prince snorted indifferently: "The An Meilun family suffered heavy losses due to the Taiwu mine disaster, losing a venerable and several great martial kings, and the overall strength was greatly reduced. Among the six major families, Debussy's They are ranked at the bottom and keep a low profile all the time. Now that they have seen the determination of the royal family to rectify the six major families, knowing that they have no capital to contend with, it is reasonable to surrender again.

The overall strength of the three major families of Rubin Kimmel, Gao Bo and Duolong has not been damaged, and they are all strong enough. The younger generation has a large number of masters, and members under the age of 25 have king-level powerhouses. If you are not afraid of this life-and-death struggle, you will naturally not express your opinion to the royal family in a hurry.They are now more waiting and watching, wanting to see how tough the royal family's attitude is and how firm their determination to punish the major families is. "

"What about the Rao family? I want to know what their attitude is." The person who spoke was a handsome blond man, somewhat similar in appearance to the second prince, but different from the second prince's toughness and majesty, he exuded a femininity, Occasionally when I look up at people, there will be a trace of cruelty in my eyes.

This is the ninth prince of the Delos royal family, and also the younger brother of the second prince born to the same mother. In the tide of chasing the throne, he is the unswerving supporter of the second prince.He is ruthless, shrewd and decisive, and his martial arts talent is second only to the second prince. The concept of this life-and-death struggle was proposed by him and deeply developed by the second prince.

"So far there has been no strong reaction, neither expressing their willingness to participate in the life-and-death battle, nor express rejection. I sent someone to inquire yesterday, and they only said that they would try their best to participate."

"Try to participate?" The Ninth Prince laughed sinisterly, shaking the bright red spirits in his cup, and said leisurely: "In so many years, this is the first time I've heard the domineering Rao family say that they have no confidence. Try your best? Don’t you dare!”

The sneer at the corner of the second prince's mouth deepened: "Send more eyeliners to keep a close eye on the Rao family. If they can accept this life-and-death struggle calmly, they know the time. If they dare to show any signs of rebellion, they must Report to me at once."

"Your Highness, don't worry! I have already deployed [-] elites in Odin City, and they will closely monitor every move of all members of the Rao family and its affiliated industries!"

The Second Prince and the Ninth Prince looked at each other and laughed loudly: "We have settled this game, it depends on how the Rao family will deal with it!"

The Ninth Prince raised his glass to the Second Prince and congratulated him: "If you can use this life-and-death struggle to seriously weaken the Rao family, or force them to raise their flags to rebel, and give the royal family an excuse to completely wipe it out, it will be a victory. The position in the eyes will leap forward and firmly suppress the eldest prince. To seek the throne, military merit alone is not enough, the key depends on strategy! Strong military exploits can only be fought on the battlefield, and bravery and strategy can rule hundreds of millions of subjects !"

The second prince laughed heartily: "Haha, good! Well said!"

The Ninth Prince said to the black-armored warrior who was attacking: "Announce the news, I will fight on behalf of the royal family in this life-and-death battle. The other nine people will be selected from the descendants of the emperor's uncle and the others, and all of them must be third-rank Wuzong!" Together, there is no suspense in winning the championship, and this time we must show the aura of the royal family, so that all the nobles of the family can see clearly that our royal family will always be the most prosperous family in Delos!"

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, your subordinates will make good publicity."

"Also, sort out the entry lists of the major families as soon as possible. The other 24 major families should not be taken lightly. There are still some strong players with good strength."

"The younger generation of the Tatu family and the Bruce family have a few talented people who are in the realm of the third-tier Wuzong. I will investigate them in detail."

"Well, hard work."

"Second Highness, Ninth Highness, if there is nothing else, this subordinate will leave."

"Wait." The second prince asked again: "Have you found out what I asked you to investigate?"

"It's been found out, he's in the Rao family!"

"Huh?" The second prince sat up straight.

"When Niya escaped from the collapsed area of ​​Taiwu, he took three people away. It has been verified that they are Tang Yan and the other three."

"Is it captured?"

"Subordinates are investigating."

"Find out, I want to know if they're alive now."

"Yes!" The black-armored warrior bowed and exited the hall.

The Ninth Prince was a little strange: "What name are you referring to? Yes, it's called Tang Yan. Since you came back, you have mentioned this name more than three times. What's so special about that little guy? It makes the second brother care so much. "

"It's not special, but it's quite interesting. If possible, I hope to be recruited into the Imperial Guard."

"If it falls into the hands of that woman in Niya, I'm afraid it will be a disaster."

"Let's not talk about that, this time you represent the royal family to participate in the life-and-death fight. In addition to winning the championship, you also need to find an opportunity to get rid of all the contestants from the Rao family, and properly suppress other families, especially Rubin Kimmel, The three major families, Gao Bo and Duolong, teach them some lessons and let them understand the majesty of the royal family."

"Second brother, don't worry, although their three major families have King Wu, they have just broken through, and they should not be fully consolidated. Maybe they don't even have control over walking in the air, and I have broken through King Wu for a full year. , Looking at all the contestants, I can suppress them all by myself!" The Ninth Prince sneered, and looked up to drink the spirits in his glass.

Under the deliberate creation of the royal family, news of the life-and-death struggle spread throughout the empire. All the selected families began to prepare nervously, and forces that had nothing to do with them also began to pay close attention.Because anyone with some brains should be able to see that there must be a conspiracy behind this life-and-death struggle. The younger generation of the royal family is full of strong people, but other families are mixed.The life-and-death fight is not a game, but a real life-and-death competition, a bloody life-and-death competition. In this cruel competition, the weak itself represents death.

Did the royal family intend to weaken the major families by doing this?Or simply restore the majesty of the royal family
Aren't you afraid of causing public outrage?

More and more people began to pay attention to this life-and-death battle, and some people in remote areas set off early to the "Wild Forest" where the game was about to be held, waiting for this game that was destined to cause a sensation in the Delos Empire.

At the same time, the gambling around this competitive game unfolded, various and dazzling, because it involved the royal family, each type of gambling had a huge amount of gambling money, and almost a nationwide sensation of gambling scene.

But when rumors of the life-and-death match were raging, an even more sensational news came from Odin City.

Odin's daughter Niya is about to get married!

Who is Niya? The number one beauty recognized by the Delos Empire, crowning the three great empires in the south and south, attracting countless young talents for her, the suitors are enough to build a full army, and the man who regards her as the lover of his dreams is even more It is spread all over the empire, and even some youths from hostile forces admire her.Even the Ninth Prince once uttered bold words to bring Niya into the palace!
But all along, Niya has never accepted any man's love, and treats any man with indifference, let alone a marriage contract.

But now
They can't accept this kind of 'good news' without warning at all!
All of a sudden, the whole country was boiling, and the crowd was excited. Hundreds of millions of men condemned the Rao family, and angrily demanded to announce the identity of the 'groom'.Even some young talents from the major families and the royal family were involved, shouting to fight this 'despicable man'!
Know what kind of man is worthy of Niya!If they are not recognized, they are willing to kill it with a duel!

But the Rao family remained silent and did not respond to any condemnation from the outside world. The door was locked and they refused to receive them!

For some elders of the family, this wedding seems to have another meaning. Could it be that the Rao family knows that they cannot win, and is planning to unite with a certain family through marriage to take advantage of the status of the Rao family and Niya's shocking world? Look, the chosen son-in-law must be the right one, who will it be?who can be

Not only the younger generation, but even the older ones start arguing about this 'happy groom', the public enemy of the imperial man!

(End of this chapter)

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