Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1323 Crisis

Chapter 1323 Crisis
"What happened just now? The beating was so horrific?" Nian Youyu looked at Matthews, who was bleeding from his chest in surprise. He was so bloody that he could see the bones, and even faintly discern the traces of the beating heart. It was terrifying. Looking at him, he inhaled and grinned, and couldn't help tightening his collar. " heart is about to jump out...won't you...stop the bleeding first?"

Ruthless! !You Zhuang felt dizzy from watching, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Niya frowned, and immediately gathered three spells, all of which were hit on Matthews. The white jade radish landed on Matthews' shoulder in response to Niya's gesture, and a white mist appeared all over her body, controlling the three spells to last. Use your strength to help Matthews stop bleeding and heal his injuries.

But Matthews didn't frown at all from the beginning to the end, and his sword-shaped eyes fixed on Li Baiying, with a high fighting spirit.

"I made a mistake. I underestimated the power of the river beast." Tang Yan didn't dare to be careless. He took the opportunity to look at the tomb surrounded by them. The previous collision had already created a large number of cracks in it. The cracks were deep and might have been opened. Into the depths, most of the gaps are shining with dazzling divine brilliance.

"Baby is in there?" Nian Youyu quickly turned his attention to the stone tomb, and he pulled out a hammer out of nowhere, and he was about to blow it down when the wheel was round.

"Don't be impulsive, the situation is not good." Xuanyuan Longli immediately stopped his nonsense.

Li Baiying annihilated the mirror image cloud in his hand, it was no longer necessary, Alison was still alive, and the Naga tribe had arrived, they would never spare Tang Yan lightly, this enmity was settled.

Zhuang Nan and Luo Qiannian led the team to gather at Li Baiying's side. After understanding the whole story, they all showed smiles. It seems that today's matter has come to fruition.

"Young Master Tang, there is no enmity between you and me. I will give you a chance to leave alive, okay?" Luo Qiannian walked to the front of the team. She was also wearing a mask and a gray robe, but she had a graceful figure and a crisp voice. .

"Let's hear it?" Tang Yan responded while secretly signaling to everyone to find a way to break open the stone tomb in one fell swoop.The current situation is critical, but it will not be a fatal situation, because the Naga clan is not a big threat for the time being, as long as they can break through the blocking front of Panshenzhai, they should be able to leave smoothly.

But Alison must have sent out a warning signal. The reinforcements of the Naga clan are on the way. Once they arrive, they may really be carried here today.

It must be done quickly!Evacuate before the Naga tribe arrives!

"It is very hard and cannot be broken by force." Tang Yan reminded quietly by the way.

Nian Youyu conjured up an awl as if by magic, and inserted it into the gap of the stone tomb when people were not prepared, and pressed it hard a few times, but...the stone tomb did not move at all, and there was not even a speck of dust in those cracks. rub down. "Ah, it's really hard."

"I'll break it." Spirit Pheasant walked inside, and pressed his hands like dead trees on the stone tomb. An astonishing scene appeared again, his hands forked into emerald green vines, densely packed, spreading out like green snakes , quickly enveloped the entire stone tomb, and a large number of branches squeezed into the gap.

The pheasant seems to be a tree, not a person!
"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Are you kidding me? I can't even pry steel, how much can you get some broken branches?" Nian Youyu has a refined temperament, handsome appearance, and fair skin. He is a standard image of a handsome man, but As soon as he opens his mouth, the temperament is completely destroyed.

"The power of nature is the most terrifying. A single seed can shatter the Cangshan Mountain, and thousands of vines can shatter everything." The pheasant's voice was hoarse like rubbing paper, and it sounded piercing.

"How sure are you?" Xuanyuan Longli asked seriously.

"Ten percent!" Spirit Pheasant whispered with a hundred percent pride.

Long Li nodded, and immediately signaled the nervous Youzhuo: "Get ready! It's your turn!"

"Yeah!" You Zhuo nodded firmly.

Luo Qiannian took a few steps forward, looking around their team: "Hand over all the Golden Flame Spirit Turtles, and leave Nalantu and Matthews behind. Today we can make a difference and let the rest of you go immediately. Otherwise... when the Naga clan gathers around, none of you can leave alive, even the crystals of the Holy Land can't save you!"

"Your time is running out, give us an answer immediately! And... leave the stone platform, don't take any treasure!" Zhuang Nan looked at the stone tomb through the gap between them. They can clearly feel that there are obviously treasures buried inside.

Tang Yan frowned and asked, "Do you want a spirit turtle? Do you want Nalantu and Matthews?"

"That's right!!"

"Yes!!" Tang Yan agreed painfully.

"Oh?" Luo Qiannian and the others were slightly surprised, they didn't expect Tang Yan to agree so happily.The descendants of other countries showed contempt, and in order to escape for their lives, they did not hesitate to abandon their companions. Such people are simply scum.

But Tang Yan's next sentence made all of them sullen.

"If you want the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, you can exchange it with blood and flesh!! Ten catties of flesh and blood for a turtle! If you want Nalantu and Matthews, you can exchange it with your life. Three dogs kill one person!"

"Are you kidding me?" Zhuang Nan and the others all darkened.

"Wrong, I'm teasing a dog!"

"Bastard!!" Zhuang Nan glared.

"Okay! You asked for it yourself! You have to bear the decision you make yourself!" Luo Qiannian was calm and calm. After sneering, he pulled the impulsive Zhuang Nan back and asked the Naga clansman loudly: " How about we join forces and take them down together? You only need to entangle the five Martial Venerables, and leave the rest to us. After the matter is done, you can deal with them as you like. Whether they live or die has nothing to do with us. We just want something from them and half the treasure from the stone tomb."

"Damn it, that bitch is so ruthless!" Nian Youyu glared, and muttered, "Don't fall into my hands, or I'll pick you up ten times a day!! I'm not afraid of hypocrisy! The more you pick, the more powerful you are!!"

"Deal!!" Alison's blood had stopped, and her breath had stabilized a lot, but the wound was still bloody.It glanced at Tang Yan and the others, two semi-sages, two junior martial masters, and the rest were high-level martial masters, and there was no pressure to entangle the five.

"Kill!!" Luo Qiannian was quick to do things, and he was the first to rush to the stone platform, targeting Xu Yan, and Li Baiying and others also scattered and surrounded.

"Roar!!" The Naga clansman Qi Sheng snarled, drew his bow to full circle, locked on the weaker Nalantu and others, and made a gesture to start a battle.

The atmosphere in the cave suddenly rose, and the surging energy of the crowd directly boiled the heavy lake water, rumbling and surging.

But when this vicious battle was fully unveiled, Lingzhi suddenly let out a low voice: "Open!!"

The dense vines recovered quickly, and all returned to its cuffs, revealing a fragmented stone tomb. At this moment, thousands of divine lights shot out through the gaps, surging in the raging tide, illuminating the entire stone cave. It's gorgeous.

Tang Yan and the others all flew back and landed under the stone platform. They formed a lineup according to Nalantu's command, and at the same time surrounded Youzhuo in the center without any trace.

Youzhuo sat cross-legged with a solemn face, as solemn as a fairy, with his hands flying, making conclusions and preparing for something very quickly.

Um? !Panshenzhai and the Naga tribe who were all rushing forward stopped immediately, and all their eyes were focused on the stone tomb that was breaking.The stone tomb was already dilapidated and full of cracks, but the radiating divine brilliance became more and more brilliant, making it look like a colorful ball of light as a whole, shining brightly.

Click! !Click! !Click!
The cracks spread on their own, and the divine radiance was dissipating along with the energy. The stone tomb seemed unable to suppress the energy inside, and even the surrounding water began to surge.

Suddenly, clang! !A sharp and crisp impact sound emanated from the stone tomb, as if something was hitting the stone tablet.

oh?It has self-awareness! !
The sharp weapon inside has self-awareness? !
The stone caves and stone tombs must have a long history and have been dusty for tens of thousands of years, but they still have spiritual intelligence and look very 'active'. What does it mean?It must be a treasure!

Tang Yan and the others were slightly stunned, it was really a treasure, and it was stronger than expected.

"I can do it, believe me!" You Zhuo continued to writhe his handprints, his eyes were tightly closed, and he could vaguely see that the whole body was covered with strange energy, surging along the body surface towards the eyes.

Clang! !Clang! !Clang! !

The continuous sound of collision, like the clash of steel and metal, echoed clearly in the cave, shaking the tide of water, making the atmosphere of the scene continue to be depressed and tense.

No one pays any attention to Tang Yan anymore, it is important to win the treasure!
But Zhuang Nan's eyes of resentment always fell on Nalantu and Matthews!
"I have a hunch that there is only one baby inside, Youzhuo, be careful, don't panic." Niya pressed her hands on Youzhuo's back to help her calm down.

Clang! !After more than ten impacts, the entire stone tomb burst suddenly, making a sharp and sharp sound.The next moment, thousands of rays of light filled the cave, and an ancient and desolate aura swept across the tide. The energy mixed with the aura was even more radiant, inspiring an unparalleled impact force. The stones crashed down.

Because of the effect of the current, the fall was not too rapid.

But the slow-motion scene is even more shocking and oppressive.

Clang! !

An emerald green light pierced through the light tide and hit the river area first!
It's a hosta!Emerald green, dazzling brilliance!
Immediately after, figures rushed out, to be exact, pieces of golden and green clothes, thin and dense, embroidered with wonderful patterns.Then there were several light clusters, and even a xylophone, all 'fleeing' towards different parts.

In the end...a colored picture rushed out of the chaotic light and fled into the darkness. It was a picture of beauties, embroidered with eight beauties who were so beautiful and vivid, their beauty was alluring.

Its appearance immediately caught Nian Youyu's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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