Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1325

Chapter 1325
Tang Yan and Xu Yan guarded the team to evacuate at full speed, and finally left the bottom of the lake after a stick of incense.After leaving the area with special water pressure, their speed increased significantly, they swept across the river like lightning, and finally stopped at a place dozens of kilometers away.

This area is relatively larger, with undulating mountains, clusters of waterfalls, clusters of resident birds, and a large number of rare and exotic animals.In the short time they landed on the river beach, more than a dozen ferocious beasts landed on the river beach facing the rising sun, crawling towards the depths.

Tang Yan and the others waited on the river beach and observed for a long time. After making sure that there were no pursuers, they quickly sneaked into the depths and stopped in a relatively quiet dense forest.

"Who is the owner of that tomb? How could there be so many treasures buried with him?" Gu Lingfeng recalled the thrilling moment at the bottom of the lake, feeling a little scared and even a little strangely excited.

This fierce battle has not been seen for a long time.

Long Li said: "The river area is the territory of the Valley of the Wicked and the Naga Clan, so it is impossible not to find the treasure house. Unless it has been hidden and unknown, that is to say, it has existed longer than the Valley of the Wicked."

"I really found a treasure, don't thank me, I'm just so good." Nian Youyu waved his folding fan with a bright smile.

"It hasn't rotted for tens of thousands of years, what kind of material is it made of?" Tang Yan and Xu Yan took out the gold thread clothes.

It looks like a well-crafted pajamas, the style is relatively conservative, very light and soft, almost weightless.It is knotted with golden silk threads, and the special knots also have blue jade pieces, which are also small and delicate, not as big as a grain of rice.

Buried for tens of thousands of years and sleeping for tens of thousands of years, they are as gorgeous as new, and their brilliance has not diminished, which is amazing.

Nalantu said: "There is a saying that may not be appropriate to say, but... gold-thread clothes are actually... funeral clothes, especially the type with jade, which is called gold-thread jade clothes, which are clothes worn by the dead. It is said that in some In ancient times, in some regions and countries, their top nobles and direct lineages of the royal family would use special gold strands to make clothes after death and bury them in coffins. It is a symbol of the status of the wearer, The more special the material, the higher the identity."

Xuanyuan Longli agreed: "I have also seen similar records in history books. Gold thread is the most noble symbol, and jade is the seal of the royal family, but... no matter how precious gold thread is, it will not last tens of thousands of years Let it not be damaged. After the tomb was broken, it escaped on its own, this clothes... so evil..."

"It must be a treasure, so it's not bad to keep it. I won't steal it from you, you share share it...don't care about me..." Nian Youyu smiled generously and gestured generously. retreated to a far corner.There is a picture of a beautiful woman in his arms, and he is ready to take it for himself.

Xu Yan said: "It can't be the mortuary clothes. I think there are seven or eight pieces that escaped from it. If it is a mortuary clothes, one is enough, and there is no need for so many. I guess it may be a guardian baby, because of its strong defense power , so it will not rot for tens of thousands of years.”

Tang Yan condensed a clump of green flames at his fingertips, burning the cuffs of a jade robe with golden threads.An astonishing thing happened, it didn't melt, instead, it sprouted a golden light, preventing the green fire from penetrating. "Huh? Rare!!"

"I'm coming!!" Xu Yan shook his fist and suddenly hit violently.

hum! !The whole body of the gold-haired clothes shone with golden light, as if they had sensed a threat on their own, and activated the defensive shield.

The fist violently struck, and it really blasted into the golden light and hit the surface of the clothes, but Xu Yan felt like he was hitting a certain cotton ball, and most of the condensed [-] jin of gravity was instantly removed.There was a loud bang, the ground cracked, the valley trembled, and a huge hole more than ten meters wide was smashed out.

But when the dust and mist dispersed, the gravel was quiet, and the gold thread clothes lay quietly in the ruins, as usual, without any signs of damage.

Tang Yan and the others were all refreshed, good baby! !

Although Tang Yan and Xu Yan didn't try their best, they all resisted the semi-holy realm's attack after all!It's incredible!
A baby that can withstand a half-holy blow?It's so rare!

In some frontier areas, it is definitely a rare treasure that will cause chaos in the world. Even the kingdoms and even empires that have fallen into the Central Plains will have crazy scenes.

"The treasures of the world are mostly offensive sharp weapons, and defensive ones are very rare. It is already a miracle to be able to resist the defensive type of the peak Wuzun, but the defensive treasure that can resist the semi-holy... has never been seen or heard!" Gu Lingfeng, as the top family of the empire The successor of his son, the things he knows and the treasures he sees are all treasures, and his vision is very sharp. It can be said that he is amazed by his knowledge at this moment, which shows the extraordinaryness of the golden thread clothes.

"I really found the treasure." Nalantu felt a little emotional, and everyone present, including Nian Youyu, was a little moved at this moment. After all, this is a treasure that can resist half-saints!It is the best choice to save your life. Even if you encounter a half-sage attacking with all your strength, it is possible to help unload part of it!

Tang Yan could see some bright or hidden brilliance from the bottom of everyone's eyes, and they all had some expectations, and wanted to keep it for themselves: "I'll make a decision, how about it?"

"You are the captain, you choose!" Everyone didn't want to grab it.

"The weaker ones among us are Nalantu and Youzhuo. How about defending them first?"

"Ah?" You Zhui was really taken aback, apparently he didn't expect Tang Yan to give such a treasure to an outsider like himself.The rest of the people were also a little surprised. They thought Tang Yan would stay by himself, and then give it to Xu Yan. After all, the two of them are the strongest combat power in the team, and they can attack more brazenly with defense.Or keep one for himself and give the other to his wife Niya, which is understandable.

Gu Lingfeng and the others raised their eyebrows slightly, but there was no reply for a while.

Tang Yan looked at You Zhuo: "Before at the bottom of the lake, you should have left marks on the other treasures, right?"

Youzhuo came back to his senses and nodded vigorously: "Yes!! They are all left. As long as I don't leave this river area, I can accurately lock them!"

"Golden Clothes and other treasures are temporarily scattered, but I will find a way to get back a few more. How about giving the first two to Nalantu and Youzhuo?" Tang Yan asked the crowd.

"Agreed!!" They thought for a while and no longer had any opinions.After all, the operation has just begun, and there will be more treasures in the future, so there will be no conflicts now.

"Take out the baby in your arms and let us admire it." Tang Yan smiled slightly, turning everyone's attention to Nian Youyu.

"Uh... just a broken picture... nothing interesting..." Nian Youyu smiled, took two steps back, and looked around randomly.

"Take it out, do you still want to take it for yourself?"

Nian Youyu smiled and waved his hands: "It's really inconvenient! The content on the picture is a bit of a mess, there are women here, it's embarrassing."

Tang Yan said: "We won't rob you. That painting belongs to you, it's your reward for helping us find the treasure, and you deserve it."

"Really?!" Nian Youyu's eyes lit up.

"I mean what I say! But in the later stage, you must fully cooperate with us. If there are other treasures, you are not allowed to take any of them!"

"Eh...this..." Nian Youyu turned his eyes, felt the painting in his arms again, gritted his teeth, and nodded: "OK!!"

"Take it out." The others couldn't wait any longer. How could there be paintings in the tomb?Preserve paintings for tens of thousands of years! !

"Don't snatch it! Don't touch it!" Nian Youyu warned them, and carefully took out the beauty picture from his arms, slowly spread it out, and spread it among the flowers.

This is a three-meter-long painting. There are no other people embellishing it, only seven ladies with different postures and temperaments.

Or lazily reclining, fan asleep; or play the qin and sing softly, compose lyrics;

No more, no less, a total of seven!
One is more charming than the other, more enchanting than the other, and more lovable than the other. They seem to exist in real life, lifelike and charming.

Watching and watching, everyone felt a sense of intoxication and ecstasy.

Such a beautiful woman, if she is a real person, is still a disaster for the country and the people in any place.

Comparable to Niya and Zhaoyi and others.

"This painting is even more evil! Nian Youyu, be careful, don't follow their tricks!" Xu Yan frowned slightly, his eyes became shrewd in an instant, and he coughed lightly, waking everyone up.

"Why is the seventh woman kneeling?" You Zhui pointed to the seventh lady in the painting. She was different from the others who were so charming. .

"Why do you like it so much?" Tang Yan felt strange, Nian Youyu seemed to have a special liking for this painting, lustful?not!Nian Youyu is the kind of chaotic but extremely shrewd character, it is impossible to be obsessed with a few women in the painting.

"Hey, I can feel that they are extraordinary, and I'll tell you when I research thoroughly." Nian Youyu carefully put away the pictures of beauties.

Gu Lingfeng said: "What should we do next? We have offended the Naga tribe, and we are likely to be hunted down. Especially inside the river area, where is the territory of the Naga tribe, and we will have difficulty going in."

Tang Yan pondered: "Find the Panshenzhai team first, and take the treasure back! The Naga tribe... try to avoid contact..."

Everyone looked at each other: "That's the only way."

Spirit Pheasant suddenly said: "Two pieces of news, try to keep calm after I finish speaking, and don't look around. One, this island is not normal, we may have entered the old nest of Spirit Turtles!! Two, someone is watching us, no Unexpectedly, it has been monitored for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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