Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1327 The Scary Spirit Pheasant

Chapter 1327 The Scary Spirit Pheasant
From the Valley of the Wicked to now, An Lingxi has been cautious and dedicated, and the overall harvest has been good. She has recorded the words, deeds and performances of Tang Yan and others in detail, and passed them on to Zhao Huan and others in due course.

She was very satisfied with her performance, and Zhao Huan was even more satisfied with her reply.

Everything went smoothly.

The ethereal body appeared in the world after ten thousand years, and it can be regarded as a good start.

But... From the beginning to the end, An Lingxi was wary of one person—the spirit pheasant! !

A strange guy who suddenly appeared in the Valley of the Wicked and became famous in one fell swoop.

What is a spirit pheasant?
Where are you from?
Is it a human or a monster?
Why are they called half-spirits?

Even as famous as space fighters!
An Lingxi has always been self-confident, and has been favored by the clan elders since she was a child. She has never said that she is afraid of anyone. Even in the face of Zhao Huan, the imperial prince with a prominent background, she can deal with it calmly.Even in front of semi-holy realm powerhouses, there would be no fear.

But it was the slender and weird spirit pheasant that gave him an indescribable sense of danger, and he was extremely afraid out of thin air.

All along, An Lingxi has been cautious, for fear of alarming the pheasant, but since this morning, she has sensitively discovered that the pheasant has become suspicious, and has begun to investigate intentionally or unintentionally.

However, at the beginning, An Lingxi believed in her own blood and her own ability!As long as you are careful and careful, you should not be discovered, and the spirit pheasant is probably just a suspicion.But ever since she set foot on this building, she felt uncomfortable all over, and even felt a sense of danger, so that she dared not approach Tang Yan's team anymore, but fell far behind.

An Lingxi was afraid of the spirit pheasant, inexplicably afraid!
She eagerly wanted to chase after Tang Yan and the others to see what treasures they got and what new plans they had, but every time they got close to the [-]-meter area around them, she couldn't help but feel that the pheasant was spying on her!

"Damn it! Damn it!! If this girl seizes the opportunity, she will definitely turn you into the fertilizer of the earth, and let you be reborn as a tree in the next life! So that you won't suffer for your inhuman appearance!" An Lingxi was a little annoyed Yes, he has always been confident and has never had an opponent. Today, he feels awkwardly questioned and provoked.

what to do? !what to do? !

Zhao Huan has brought the team over, ready to attack Tang Yan.At the moment, it is staying at the bottom of the surrounding river, waiting for its own order.But something went wrong at this time, and I couldn't act blindly if I couldn't give the exact information.If the team got into trouble because of her own reasons, she would have no face to 'seduce' Zhao Huan anymore.

no! !There must be a way!

"How about...think of a way to poison the dead pheasant?!" An Lingxi thought of the jade bottle in her arms, which was poisoned by Su Xiaoyan.

As long as the spirit pheasant is eliminated, no one in Tang Yan's team will pay attention to him, and he will be able to walk into their team openly and listen to their every move.

"Even if the poison can't kill you, let him destroy it." The more An Lingxi thought about it, the more feasible it became, and the more she thought about it, the more she became moved, and finally her eyes hardened: "That's the decision, let's take a few people to try the effect first, and finally treat the effect with a few people. Spirit Pheasant strikes."

An Lingxi had never felt threatened by anyone, and the pheasant was the first one. The only way to make this feeling of danger disappear - kill! !
"Huh? Where are they going?" An Lingxi was about to take action when she suddenly noticed that Tang Yan led the team and rushed out towards the depths.But the distance was too far, and the old trees and weeping willows were cluttered and lush, which blocked the inspection and sight. She couldn't see clearly, and she couldn't hear what they said.

"Could it be that there is a new action plan? The hateful spirit pheasant made me miss the opportunity." An Lingxi made up her mind and took out the poison Su Xiaoyan gave. According to her, this bottle of poison is the top bottle of her family's poison. One of the poisons is also a highly poisonous poison unique to their Su family, which can hurt high-ranking Wu Zun.

But... just when An Lingxi was about to pursue him, leaves suddenly floated in the quiet forest. Thousands of old trees shook slightly, thousands of branches swayed, and countless leaves fell.

The woodland was already messy, with few gaps, but it was 'filled' by falling leaves at this moment. Within the range of sight, there were all kinds of leaves, and even the light was dimmed.

An Lingxi immediately became vigilant, and couldn't help clenching the medicine bottle in her hand.

Tens of meters away, in the canopy of a huge old tree, the pheasant turned into a branch, quietly existing.He stood still and concentrated, searching for traces of An Lingxi's existence with the help of leaves scattered all over the sky.

He was sure that An Lingxi was nearby, but he couldn't find any trace of her.He integrated himself into the woods, and within a radius of 600 meters is his domain, all under his control. When thousands of leaves fall regularly, it is equivalent to his own thousands of tentacles dancing. objects, he can feel them!
"Found it!" The pheasant suddenly opened his eyes, looking directly at the ancient tree where An Lingxi was lurking. surrounded.

Rumble! !Dust was flying, gravel was splashing, eighteen wooden stakes trapped the ancient tree, and at the same time, all the wooden stakes scattered densely packed wooden sticks and hit the nearby wooden posts.In a blink of an eye, the eighteen wooden pillars turned into a huge cage, imprisoning the ancient tree and An Lingxi inside.

All in one breath!
An Lingxi was about to flee, but the surroundings were tightly packed, and the gap between the branches of the wooden pillars was less than two fingers.

Want to escape?Already hopeless!

An Lingxi's complexion was ugly, but she was still arousing her martial skills, maintaining a transparent state, and her lips were pressed into her mouth to prevent herself from making a sound.She was lucky, not chaotic, looking forward to the opportunity to escape.

The pheasant approached the wooden cage, slowly raised his branch-like right hand, and pressed it on one of the wooden pillars: "Seal—Thousand Cong Profound Truth!"

Buzz buzz!All the gray wooden pillars came back to life, turning into a verdant dark green, and then... each stone pillar grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it became a real big tree, becoming thick, lush, and The height continued to increase, and even the spreading branches were 'resurrected' and turned into real branches.

The weird scene stimulates the eyeballs!An Lingxi was slightly flustered, and finally said: "What do you want to do? Stop it!!"

The spirit pheasant was like an old tree, indifferent, the only response to An Lingxi was the resurrection of the big tree under her... All the branches began to sway, like living tentacles entangled towards her.

An Lingxi does not know offensive martial arts, but she is good at escaping. However... she was shocked to find that the entire space was sealed and could not be used at all.

"Now! Spare your life!!" Lingzhi finally spoke, Dawson's cold green light flashed in his slit-like eyes, and his voice was even colder and more menacing.

"Don't even think about it!!" An Lingxi was short of breath and began to panic. She nervously looked at the rapidly growing trees and branches around her. They became more and more secretive and thicker. The eighteen wooden pillars turned into a huge tree. touching each other, while the expanding branches are intertwined.The big tree under her is also growing rapidly, entangled with the eighteen big trees around her.

"The last chance, should it be dead or alive, should it be turned into nourishment, or should it be sealed and wait for rescue?"

"How could this girl compromise with someone like you who is neither human nor ghost?" An Lingxi suddenly opened the jade bottle of poison and sprinkled it on the big tree. The transparent liquid evaporated and merged into this space.

But just after they evaporated, the dense green spiritual power spread like powder, covering and attaching all the poisonous gas, and finally turned into particles visible to the naked eye, which fell sparsely and could not exert any effect at all.

An Lingxi finally panicked, her mood fluctuated violently, her transparent body was no longer transparent, but faintly visible!

"It's over! Let's make nourishment!" Lingzhi's right hand left the tree trunk in front of him, and he said coldly, which was equivalent to an instruction.

Whoosh whoosh!Countless branches were like sharp arrows, and they stabbed An Lingxi fiercely, puff, puff, puff, sharp and violent, without any compassion, they directly hit An Lingxi right through!

A total of [-] branches pierced through [-] parts of An Lingxi, and were tightly entwined, locking her in midair.

"Ugh!!" An Lingxi screamed, her voice was sharp and desolate, but the voice did not come out at all, because the eighteen wooden pillars turned into a big tree had been connected to each other, and looked as a whole, it looked like a weirdly shaped tree. The giant ancient tree, as thick as 30 meters and as high as [-] meters, stands proudly in the depths of the mountain forest.

It is equivalent to a cage, where An Lingxi is imprisoned.

Inside the tree, it was dark and cold. The branches frantically devoured An Lingxi's blood and connected to each big tree. She seemed to be the heart of the tree and a part of the tree.

"Lingpheasant, you bastard, I want to kill you! My family will not let you go! Absolutely not!! I will make your life worse than death, I swear!!" An Lingxi endured unprecedented pain, She could clearly feel her blood being drained and her flesh being eaten away. That sense of horror and pain devastated her body and soul.

In a trance, she felt like she was dying of horror——she was turning into a tree! !
"Ah!! Ah!! Don't! Don't!!"

No matter how much she struggled, no matter how much she screamed, An Lingxi was unable to break free and gradually became weak.And she was even more unpredictable, and what was enough to make her despair... Her body and flesh and blood were reorganized in another place... That's right... It was the reorganization!
The real An Lingxi is rapidly thinning... Withering... Not only is the blood and fresh flesh being lost, but in the end, it seems that even the bone marrow is being pulled out, and the brain is being eaten away. She despairs, she panics, she screams until she becomes weak ... On the surface of the ancient tree, a two-meter-high bump gradually bulged, and a brand-new life body was reborn, first with flesh and blood, then with bones, and then with outlines. During this period, the vitality from the big tree was continuously injected into it.

After a full quarter of an hour, the raised lump stopped wriggling.

Click! !
The lump is like a silkworm cocoon, it first cracks, then shatters, and finally a naked translucent girl appears, her eyes are empty at first, then oily green, and finally turned into deep pink, the unique color of ethereal body!

The pheasant's right hand slowly pressed the girl's forehead, and several abnormally green branches grew out of the palm, and penetrated into her head... If an outsider saw this scene, they would definitely scream in horror and tremble in fear The pheasant is like a terrifying evil spirit, in the silence and in the cold, doing a terrifying act against the sky - creating a human being! !Remodel! !
The withering of An Lingxi inside the tree corresponds to the freshness of the girl outside the tree!
(End of this chapter)

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