Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1345 Crazy

Chapter 1345 Crazy

The upheaval continues!
The shock continues!
Booming, the rock formations cracked one after another, and dense vines suddenly shot out from the ground, each thick and fast, and they shot up into the sky like a whip, directly hitting Li Baiying and others high in the sky.

Clap clap clap! !
A large number of vines missed, and a large number of vines successfully entangled their bodies. Before they could counterattack, the vines surged in strength and danced swiftly, forcibly pulling their bodies and flying towards the high-altitude wheel.

That direction is the violent shock wave pouring down! !
Exquisite cooperation, interpretation of shocking effect.

Many people were stunned by the beating. Even the Houston team who were watching the battle from a distance were dazzled and clenched their fists so hard that they forgot to intervene.

Bang bang bang! !

"Kill, kill, kill, kill! So what about the expulsion, what about the warning, I, Tang Yan, will take care of it all for you!!" Tang Yan roared angrily, leading Nian Youyu, Matthews and Gu Lingfeng to the sky again.

At this moment, other figures also appeared in different directions in the void, namely Nalantu, Niya, and Xu Yan, each with a vast aura and long-awaited momentum.

"This shot, for my parents!!" Nalantu's eyes were wet, his face was cold and solemn, he waved the Cangyun Spear, and it shot down like lightning, piercing the terrified Zhuang Nan's chest with the skill of splitting the sky.

Click! !The Cangyun Spear shattered his already weak spiritual protection, cracked his chest bones, and pierced his internal organs.Zhuang Nan had been beaten so hard that he was almost powerless to fight back.Following the fall of Nalantu, the gun light pierced Zhuang Nan, and the lingering power continued, leading him to fall hundreds of meters into the air, accompanied by the sound of chaotic collision, and slammed into the shattered and messy ground, knocking Zhuang Nan to pieces. Nan nailed it there!

"Ugh!" Zhuang Nan screamed and struggled frantically, but his throat had already been cut open, and the roar was weird and hoarse, with blood gushing out continuously.

"This punch is for my sister!!" Nalantu punched down, like a wild dog and a wolf, with a crackling sound, it hit his dilapidated throat and severely injured the cervical vertebrae.

Xu Yan took over Gu Lingfeng and launched a fierce attack on Luo Qiannian, who was the first to stabilize. Luo Qiannian was calm, courageous and resourceful, but his left arm was severely injured by Gu Lingfeng and it was difficult to function, and the toxins in his body continued to interfere. He was at a disadvantage immediately, and Luo Qiannian had absolutely no room to fight back against Xu Yan's violent storm.

Niya used the ten fingers of both hands as the pen, and the energy of the world as ink, to condense into a group of ferocious beasts, each of them was as alive as life, and each of them attacked with a roar, and joined the battlefield overwhelmingly, even the surrounding river beasts retreated layer by layer in shock.

Mess! !The entire high altitude was directly messed up!
Bombing and shooting figures are everywhere, and Ao Xiao who collides and fights back is everywhere!
After all, Li Baiying's team is a top powerhouse, and he quickly recovered, but Tang Yan's roar gave them another head-on blow: "Today, we will only kill Panshenzhai, and the rest... If you retreat, you will survive! Stay or stay." kill!"

The heirs of the various kingdoms were in shock and felt the threat of death. This roar almost touched their psychological defenses sharply. Without any hesitation, the powerhouses of the five kingdoms quickly retreated to hundreds of meters away. outside.

"Tang Yan, Panshenzhai is incompatible with you Jiulongling! Ah..." Li Baiying roared, but the roar turned into a scream at the beginning, the void, under the chaos, a bright killer By coincidence, the pig knife fell on his buttocks, or in the buttocks.

It's the chocolate shot!
Although there is a gap between a semi-saint and a high-ranking Martial Lord, Li Baiying is currently in chaos, and his defense is not comprehensive. As a result...he saw blood...a certain part of Li Baiying suddenly tightened, and his breath was suddenly disrupted. He was lonely and gloomy It was the first time in my life that I suffered such humiliation.Tang Yan soared into the air proudly, and the sweeping green fire turned into a howling green eagle, which turned straight down in the air and bombarded Li Baiying in an all-round way. The violent impact brought him hundreds of meters into the river area.

The five powerhouses retreated, Chocolate intervened secretly, Nalantu took revenge on Kosoban, Xu Yan suppressed Luo Qiannian, Niya took full control of the battlefield, and everything was stable.

Matthews, Gu Lingfeng, Nian Youyu, and Spirit Pheasant immediately freed their hands. They didn't stop, but rushed directly to Browning and others in the distance!

"Huh? Arrogant, a panic attack is not enough to provoke you? How dare you challenge Thomas Fissen!" Browning shouted angrily, and pointed his sword, stirring up a vortex of bloody flames.The other two were also angry, arousing a momentum like a tide. As the top heirs of the kingdom, they also have the capital of self-confidence.

Instead of being surprised, Miranda showed a bit of brilliance, pretending to be surprised and shouted: "Young masters, what are you waiting for, they don't take you seriously at all!"

"We..." Someone in Houston's team wanted to help stop him, but Houston and Hao Shuai raised their hands to stop their actions, but just watched with cold eyes!

Miranda had ulterior motives, and they could see clearly that Browning didn't know what to do, and Miranda gave them ecstasy, so Tang Yan could just use Tang Yan's hand to make them suffer!

But...they underestimated the strength of Matthews and his party, and even underestimated Matthews' killing intent. This is not suffering at all, but...destruction..."Spirit Pheasant, get ready!!" Matthews took the lead , rising from the ground, roaring suddenly, a fierce sword energy burst out of the body, and the golden hair stood on end.

With both hands facing the sky, they slapped and slammed open, like a sharp sword unsheathed, the clanging sound trembled the sky, the earth and the void, a wave of ancient sword power filled the sky, and a mysterious field enveloped the vastness in an instant.

At this moment, everything that stretched for more than ten kilometers shook violently.

"What?" Browning's complexion changed drastically. He is also a sword master and knows sword energy best. He suddenly felt the change of Matthews' breath, and even had a premonition of a terrifying sword force that could not be spoken!
At this moment, Matthews was like a shocking rainbow, illuminating the entire night sky.

That's sword energy, and even more sword light, with him as the center, sweeping in all directions, pouring down into the sky, surging vigorously, dazzling people's eyes with brilliance!
"The Purple Perishing Sword of Stealth, and the Blazing Sun Sword of Great Light."

The blue sky suddenly rolled with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning formed, just like the tide of a river surging in the vast sky, and the red river area quickly darkened.

Click! !A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, followed by dense thunderbolts proudly gathering in the sky, crackling and chaotic like boiling.

However, the storm of sword energy erupting from Matthews' body was even more violent, continuing to spurt and rush, and the blazing sword light intertwined into a boundless net of death, which was extremely powerful.

The ground is crumbling and shaking, the river area is trembling.

"His sword energy caused the sky to change!" Hao Shuai's expression changed for the first time, and he couldn't hide his shock as he stared at the world-brightening light high in the sky, staring at the sky and the earth turbulent with wind and clouds.

Causing a change in the sky, this is the energy chaos of the world that can only be caused by a strong man in the semi-sacred realm fighting desperately, but Matthews... what kind of pervert are all these?
For the first time in his life, Hao Shuai had the urge to swear.

The blade storm erupted with dazzling light, which made it impossible to open the eyes. The violent energy swept across the sky, violently like a stormy sea, and even the ground was continuously cracked by the earthquake.


Clang! !Clang! !
Two consecutive deafening sword clangs erupted from inside the storm, and the already terrifying sword's power increased a bit!

And then... the huge blade storm connecting the sky and the earth split into two, forming two blade storms, which slammed towards Browning and the others.

Although Matthews has smelted the seven fierce swords, it is far from reaching the point where they can be summoned all at once. At this moment, it is already the limit to be able to jointly use the two fierce swords of Blazing Sun and Purple Death to form two blade storms.

And the proud formation of the two blade storms, the huge momentum, and the hundred-foot storm rising into the sky immediately became the focus of the audience. The boundless atmosphere and destructive power contained in it completely surpassed that inspired by a high-ranking martial artist. energy of.

Two huge storms twisted violently and raged violently.

One purple and one blazing.

Different momentum, same terror.

"What are you doing in a daze, hit!!" Miranda let out a soft whistle, waking up the three of Browning who were in shock.They woke up with a start, hastily urged their martial skills, and even frantically activated their spiritual power without any scruples, arousing the same violent offensive wave in the shortest possible time.

Both being high-ranking Martial Masters and descendants of geniuses, the four energies aroused Tianwei, and collided with each other in shocking gazes.boom! !The four energies collided in mid-air, first there was a crisp collision sound, and there was a metallic tremolo, before being completely submerged by the energy storm in an instant.The dazzling light erupted in the sky, making it impossible to open the eyes. The violent energy swept across the sky, violently like a stormy sea, and even the ground was continuously cracked by the earthquake.

The four strands of energy are intertwined, stretching for nearly a kilometer, and reaching the sky. The horror of its energy makes the river beasts in the distance retreat again and again, and makes Gu Lingfeng and others stop their actions temporarily, staring at the battlefield with burning eyes, and even the river beasts in the distance Tang Yan and others were distracted and paid attention.

But no matter who it is, there is a bit of shock in the eyes, because they can all see... It is obvious that Matthews' two blade storms have the upper hand, and they already have the momentum to suppress and destroy the other three energies .

Matthews was so terrified? !
One after another, they showed their terrifying strengths!

"Good job!! Haha!! What a Matthews!!" Gu Lingfeng was full of spirit, showing unprecedented pride and fighting spirit, and even had the urge to compete with him!
(End of this chapter)

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