Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1347 Doubts

Chapter 1347 Doubts
"Who did it, stand up for me!!" Tang Yan continued to move forward, swung his right hand violently, clenched it into a fist, and made a crisp clicking sound, his anger was evident.

"Tang Yan, you are too arrogant!!" Browning yelled angrily, pointing at Tang Yan's nose and cursing, "We injured four of us and didn't call you out, you just came here and got mad after only one fucking injury!"

"Damn!! You are so thick-skinned, you can say such things?! A pair of four, the same level, you can all end up in this half-dead look, sorry? If it were me, I would have run away with my head in my arms Now, you still have the face to stand here and show off? Crying pitifully?!!"

"We lose in weapons, not strength!"

"Haha! I laughed! You have a great sense of humor!"

"Bastard! Put away your arrogance, really think that our Thomas Fissen United Empire is afraid of you? Don't think that with the support of the Xingluo Empire, you dare to act recklessly! If it wasn't for the Valley of the Wicked not allowing people to kill, you would have died a hundred times already!"

"You are really right. If you were not in the Valley of the Wicked, you would have knelt on the ground and kowtowed to me, begging me to forgive you!"

"Presumptuous!!" The rest of Houston's team finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Humph!" Tang Yan slowly raised his hand, pointed at Browning firmly, and said in a ruthless voice, "If you dare to act presumptuously on me, within a month, I will definitely kill you!"

"Tang Yan is getting more and more arrogant. He doesn't take Thomas Fissen and the princes seriously at all!" Miranda in the team muttered indifferently, trying to intensify the confrontation between the two sides, but she didn't wait The angry mood in the team was stirred up, Houston raised his hand, stopped everyone's shouting, took the initiative to take two steps forward, and looked at Tang Yan expressionlessly: "I, Houston, is not a good person, at least I am aboveboard. I swear by name, no one on my side interfered in the previous battle."

"I don't listen to any guarantees!! It must be someone among you who has the guts to stand up for me!!" Tang Yan was aggressive, already showing killing intent: "Prince Houston, Mr. Hao, I, Tang Yan, have always been polite to you! Treat each other, from the Valley of the Wicked to this river area, take care of your face everywhere, and try to avoid confronting you. But this time... I will never give up without an explanation!"

"Mr. Tang has such a domineering side, and he is very loyal to his friends! But I, Hao Shuai, can give you an answer for sure. No one on our side intervenes. As for why Matthews was suddenly injured, it was either because of backlash, or It was attacked by other people, and we don't know the specific reason." Hao Shuai took the initiative to come forward.

"You and I are both injured. How about we stop this matter so as not to hurt our peace?! If Mr. Tang really wants to get to the bottom of it, I can't guarantee that I will remain calm as always!" Prince Houston spoke calmly, but with the unique grandeur of a prince. prestige.

But at this moment, an overwhelming wave of holy power came down from a distance, disturbing the tense atmosphere of the confrontation. Looking at each other from a distance, a golden avenue gushed out like a river, dispelling the thick clouds in the sky, and shining endless golden colors in the sky. Guanghui, a certain holy monk from the Pure Land came at full speed, and there was the faint sound of Buddhist chant.

Tang Yan frowned slightly, and suddenly withdrew back to the team: "Let's go!!"

"What?" Everyone hadn't recovered yet.

"Let's go!!" Tang Yan carried Matthews on his back and led the crowd to evacuate at full speed.

Browning said angrily: "Just leave like this? You want us to take the blame? This hateful Tang Yan really deserves to be cut to pieces!"

Hao Shuai said: "It's not that he wants to leave, it's that he has to. Don't you see that Tang Yan dug a hole here? These river beasts and his previous weakness are all disguises. He is just planning to deceive people. If not Matthews was suddenly injured and his plan was interrupted. Tang Yan could really kill those people in Panshenzhai! Now that the saint of the Holy Land is about to come, he will definitely investigate to the end, and he will not be easily spared when the time comes. Let's go, are you staying to be punished by the saint?"

Someone sighed: "What kind of person is this Tang Yan? If he doesn't cause trouble for a while, he will feel uncomfortable? It really fits their Jiulongling style, and he is indeed a family."

"What happened just now? Tell me, who hurt Matthews?" Houston looked back at Browning. He didn't know where the accident happened, but it would definitely not be easy to hurt Matthews like that. .

"It's really not me." Browning shrugged, and the others shook their heads.

Miranda smiled weakly and said, "My family doesn't have that ability."

"It's not you. Could it be that there are other people nearby?" Someone questioned.

"It doesn't matter, stay away from Tang Yan in the future, and don't have anything to do with him unless there are special circumstances." Houston has seen it through. Tang Yan is not only a warmonger, but also a lunatic who doesn't play cards according to common sense. He is also a cunning fox through and through. , an absolute beast.

First Huoshan, then Zhao Huan, and then Li Baiying, this guy is completely ready to kill everyone, and he is also a type of happy enmity.If you can attract Zhenyao Temple again today, you will definitely be cheated together!
Such people either make friends and become close friends, advance and retreat together, or simply stay away, and there must be no intersection.

"Your Highness, why are you giving Tang Yan one after another?"

"That kid just doesn't take care of himself. If you don't show him how powerful you are, you don't even know who you are."

Some people in Houston's team were resentful, very dissatisfied with Tang Yan's arrogance, and even dissatisfied with Houston's continuous forbearance.

"Are you three-year-olds? Are you immature? Fighting bravely and punishing anyone who doesn't go well. These behaviors are the qualities that the heirs of your kingdom should have? If they were all like you, the whole continent would have already died." Let's start a full-scale war." Hao Shuai replied coldly.

"Let's go!! Let's continue to explore our treasures, don't make any grudges with Tang Yan." Houston led the team away.

That's all? !Miranda gritted her teeth secretly, this Houston is too tolerant, I have reached this situation, and I can still be calm and steady, if I had known this, it would be better for me to change to the Heavenly Power Empire or the Holy Empire.

Not long after, Saint Seng Liuhe arrived here across the golden passage, but Houston had also evacuated long ago, leaving behind most of the destroyed and panicked river beasts to show the brutality of the battle.

"Good, good." Liuhe caught the breath of Qinghuo from the air, shook his head secretly, with bitterness on the corner of his mouth: "Old friend Dukong, you have preached peace all your life, and you have been revered as a holy Buddha, but your disciple... oh, Make this old man difficult..."

"Why is Tang Yan wanted by the Naga clan?" Liuhe asked the panic-stricken river beasts all around.

The beasts from all sides were silent one after another. Facing the strong in the holy realm, they did not dare to speak nonsense. Only one river beast with a slightly higher realm said forward: "It is said that they want to take back a treasure."

"What kind of baby?" Liuhe was surprised. The arrest warrant of the Naga tribe had already alarmed the patrol team in the holy land. Existed, never evacuated.

The river beast shook his head: "I don't know."

Liuhe stopped asking, and asked instead: "Tell me what happened here."

In the distant river area, Tang Yan and others changed their directions one after another, trying to avoid the following river beasts as much as possible, and finally found a relatively safe place to stop.

"Continue to check, take turns to check, and find out the culprit!" Tang Yan's face was ugly and his tone was severe.Matthews on the ground was still in a coma, but the slight tremors from time to time showed that he was in great pain, and the painful appearance caused everyone to feel anxious.

"Look here!!" Long Li tore off Matthews' top, revealing a sturdy body made of steel, but a black circle the size of a palm appeared on his chest, as if it had been corroded.Dragon Carp took out a silver needle and lightly pricked the skin of the black circle, and suddenly a stream of black blood flowed out, emitting a pungent stench.

"Poison?!" Niya Liu frowned slightly, and her expression changed slightly after careful inspection: "Yes, it is poison! But it was obviously not there just now!"

Nian Youyu squatted down and checked for a while, pointing to the center of the black circle: "Matthews was attacked by someone, and he was pierced through his chest with a secret weapon like a poisonous needle. I didn't find it just now, maybe the stitches were too small. The poison is very hidden, it has been lurking all the time, and it is only now gradually revealed."

Tang Yan said: "Hurry up and save people!!"

Nian Youyu spread out the beauty picture and summoned Su Xiaoyan.He had explained to Tang Yan and others before that Su Xiaoyan's poison was also used to trap Panshenzhai on Mountain Dew Island, so no one was surprised, only Chocolate groaned and groaned in dissatisfaction.

Although Su Xiaoyan has become a painting spirit, what has changed is only her will, which is to absolutely surrender to Nian Youyu's will, and everything else will not be affected. She is still Su Xiaoyan, and she is still the successor of the Poison Saint. This is the real dominance of the beauty picture place.

As the direct disciple of the Poison Sage, Su Xiaoyan did not disappoint. He quickly found out the composition of the poison, and called out the antidote specifically: "This is the antidote! Take it on time five times a day, gradually reduce the dose, I guarantee that he will recover. But Matthews is deeply poisoned, and the wound is close to the heart. It will take a long time to recover. It is best not to let him participate in the team battle.”

"Are you sure you can save him?" Tang Yan was skeptical of Su Xiaoyan. After all, he was a mortal enemy before and suddenly became a team member. It is difficult to change his mind immediately.

"100%!!" Su Xiaoyan was very confident in his own abilities, and his attitude towards Tang Yan and others was very cold, with coldness flashing in his eyes from time to time.

"I have a question." Niya was condensing the spell to recuperate Matthews's body, and asked Su Xiaoyan: "According to your judgment from the poison world, and Matthews' condition at that time, what kind of highly poisonous poison can be used in the body?" Let him be severely injured in an instant, until he was unconscious from the pain?"

A word to wake everyone up, Tang Yan and others did not feel lost in thought.Given Matthews' fighting state at the time, the spiritual protection must be very tough, and the entire battlefield was within his blade domain. What kind of weapon could pierce the blade storm, pierce his defense, and Make an impact in less time!

(End of this chapter)

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