Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1352 Soul Martial into Painting

Chapter 1352 Soul Martial into Painting
"Miranda belongs to us, we can settle our affairs by ourselves, and no one is allowed to interfere." Xu Yan stood firm like a mountain, not giving an inch.

"We are going to help! How can Tang Yan alone be able to take down the semi-sacred soul warrior! I have a secret method to help Tang Yan." Houston showed his golden knife again, and his killing intent soared.

"Don't bother, he can solve it." The blood soul tree is another big secret of Tang Yan. The reason why he created the huge green fire field is not only to trap Miranda, but also to prevent others from prying. Secret secrecy.

"Ridiculous! How can you be absolutely suppressed by the same level? You are not afraid that she will risk her life and escape under your nose?" Some people in the team were annoyed that Xu Yan and Tang Yan were too arrogant, but at this moment, in the Qinghuo Lake There was a shrill and ear-piercing scream, which was Miranda's roar and curse, and then... the boiling green fire wave suddenly stopped, and its power gradually weakened, and the fierce battle inside stopped abruptly.

Um? ?Everyone was slightly startled, and fixed their eyes on the battlefield.

After a while, a figure appeared in their line of sight. It was Tang Yan who rushed out carrying Miranda. He was safe, even unscathed. torrential momentum.

Miranda was held by Tang Yan's neck and held in his hand. On the surface, no harm could be seen. She was still coquettish and charming, sexy and alluring, but her face was pale and she was unconscious. It was obvious that she had suffered a serious injury, and Tang Yan strangled her neck. Browning and the others still felt a little bit of pity for their rough behavior.

Tang Yan carried her like a wild rabbit, not a beauty, and glanced at the audience indifferently: "Prince Houston, help you dispose of the trash, don't you mind?"

"You beat her?" Houston and Hao Shuai looked at each other in disbelief. The violent soul fluctuations just now were obviously in the semi-holy realm, which means that the fact that Miranda is a semi-holy soul is true, so why Tang Yan? Maybe... defeated her in just a few breaths?
"I have fought against the Temple of the Holy Spirit for more than [-] years, and I have rich experience."

Houston didn't ask again, but he completely overturned his opinion of Tang Yan. If he really defeated the envoy of the Temple of the Holy Spirit in a head-on confrontation instead of using some secret technique or special means, wouldn't Tang Yan be invincible?Wu Neng violently defeated Zhao Huan, and Soul Neng raided the envoy of the palace, this kid is all-rounder.

Tang Yan carried Miranda on his shoulders and bowed slightly to Houston: "Just now my sister Xu Yan may have shot hard, I hope you can forgive me."

your sister?Xu Yan is his sister? !
Tang Yan also recognized a younger sister?Still such a pervert.First a brother, then a wife, and then a younger sister. Did Tang Yan form a group to break into the Valley of the Evil?
"How do you know that she is the envoy of the Holy Spirit Temple? A dignified semi-holy soul warrior, who was defeated by you so easily? You must have played some trick from inside!! Say it, make it clear immediately, otherwise you will never want to take Alinda away! Browning walked to the front, still unable to accept Miranda's identity, or subconsciously unable to accept the reality that he was being teased and used by women.

"Hey, don't you give up? Prince Houston, you'd better give him a checkup. This witch can interfere with people's sanity. I think this friend may have been affected. My brother Matthews fell suddenly before, because he was She framed."

"I think you are the one who is affected!!" Browning stepped forward again.

Hao Shuai coldly stopped Browning from messing around, and asked Tang Yan: "What are you going to do with her? Hand it over to the Holy Land, or just execute her?!"

Tang Yan understood what he meant: "She is my prey, and she belongs to me for the time being. As for how to deal with it, it is inconvenient to disclose. But please keep a secret for me, and don't reveal Miranda's identity to the Holy Land. After the team battle is over, the summary When scoring, I will also let her reappear, so as not to affect your scores."

"Why didn't you tell Holy Land that it's a big deal for the Temple of the Holy Spirit to sneak in, maybe there are other teams."

"I have my own way of handling it." Tang Yan took out two unconscious Golden Flame Spirit Turtles from the golden lock, which he had prepared in advance on the way here. "A little heart, please accept."

"Is this considered a hush money?" Houston smiled slightly, with a slightly weird expression, and didn't pick it up.It was the first time in his life that someone gave him a gift to hide his secret.

"Leave it, there is no harm anyway." Tang Yan threw the golden flame spirit turtle over in a coma, and said, "There is no enmity or enmity between us. The previous conflicts were provoked by Miranda. I hope we can all forget about it." .

My behavior style, Tang Yan, may not please most people, but I will never provoke enemies for no reason. I am not a good person, and I have done some unpleasant things, but I am definitely not a bad person, let alone harm my friends.If Prince Houston is willing to bow down and make friends, I would like to make friends with you.If you don't want to, we will meet by chance.Farewell, everyone. "

Tang Yan left a sentence, and quickly left with Xu Yan, leaving everyone looking at each other in blank dismay.

"He wants to make friends with us? He is really a strange person." "Two monsters. Don't waste it, put it away. I think Tang Yan is also sincere." Hao Shuai reminded Houston.

Houston hesitated for a while, put the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle away, and glanced at Browning, who was in a daze, and said calmly: "Take it as a lesson, keep it in your heart, and never forget it, don't make the same mistake again. The color prefix Putting on a knife, whether it is sharp or blunt, will not feel good to the head."

"I..." Browning took a deep breath and shook his head vigorously to wake himself up, but his heart was still... awkward...Hao Shuai patted Browning on the shoulder: "Man, you can afford it. Can’t let it go? If you’re wrong, you’re wrong, if you admit it, isn’t this the usual style of your soldiers? Why, you, the future legion commander, can’t do it?”

Browning took a deep breath and wanted to lower his head a little, but he couldn't open it, and felt very uncomfortable. He wanted to cough a few times and let the day pass, but Houston and the others were all standing in mid-air, and they didn't have any intention of leaving. Waiting for his response.

Question let him make an attitude!

Browning finally clasped his fists: "I'll show you a joke. After I get back, I will personally apologize to my ancestor."

"That's your family business. Do you hate Tang Yan and want to kill him?"

"Hate!" Browning said through gritted teeth, but he continued: "If Miranda is really from the Temple of the Holy Spirit, Browning's number one enemy for the rest of his life will be the Temple of the Holy Spirit. If Miranda is proved innocent, I will do everything in the future Let Tang Yan pay the price!"

Hao Shuai nodded slightly. The words fit Browning's strong personality, and he couldn't say it if he was too soft.He winked at Houston, which meant that it was over, and don't make it difficult for him anymore.

"Man, you have to be able to afford it. Let's go, find a place to check your body first, and don't let that witch leave you with any hidden dangers." Houston no longer insisted, and led the team to leave.

Tang Yan carried the seriously injured Miranda back to where Nya and the others were hiding, but he was filled with anger, a kind of anger that he hadn't experienced in several years, so... before he came again, he suddenly raised his right hand and threw Miranda away. stand up.

Then... bang! !Tang Yan slapped her on the face, and the crisp sound was shocking. Miranda rolled and slammed towards the river beach, making a dull impact, rebounding four or five times in a row before falling down, covered in mud and sand.

"How is it? Have you verified it?" Everyone immediately gathered around.

"It's not wrong, who else can the soul of the semi-holy realm be except the Holy Spirit Palace. Miranda's soul and body are not in harmony, and she has a semi-holy aura, but she can't exert the power of a semi-holy. It should be because she just won this weapon Skinny, I haven’t gotten used to it yet. It should be Miranda, I can’t be wrong!!” Tang Yan threw Miranda to the ground, Miranda’s soul was severely injured by the Soul Slayer, she was very weak, she was still in a coma, and she didn’t know what was going on outside .

"How did you solve it in Houston?" Xuanyuan Longli asked.

"There shouldn't be any problem. I gave them two demon spirit turtles to make friends. Houston and Hao Shuai's behavior is not bad, and they are also the calm and calm type, so they won't provoke trouble secretly. I'll leave it to you , dealt with her."

"Huh?" Nian Youyu didn't recover for a moment.

"Get your beautiful picture, control Miranda, and try to get the secret of the Holy Spirit Temple out of her mouth."

"Really?!" Nian Youyu almost jumped up, his face was full of excitement, the happiness came too suddenly, he just found the first lady for the beauty picture, and in a blink of an eye came another peerless enchanting, half-sage of soul .

One uses poison, the other uses soul, two top killers in his beautiful picture!
"Don't want to?"

Nian Youyu rushed out with pride, almost knelt down, and shouted excitedly: "Brother Tang, Brother Nian will mess with you in the future. If you point to the east, I will never go west. If you pick up girls, I will definitely let you go."

"Don't worry, she is a soul fighter with very strong soul power. You have to make sure that she can be controlled by the beauty map, otherwise don't even touch her."

"Don't worry, I'm confident." Nian Youyu said Miranda was about to leave.

Tang Yan grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes, his face and voice were slightly dull, "I'm not joking with you, you are sure, you can try, if you are not sure, don't move!! I don't want you to die, and I don't want Miranda to die easily! You, understand what I mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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