Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1366 Nian Youyu's Persistence

Chapter 1366 Nian Youyu's Persistence
Boom! !Boom! !
The loud bell echoed with the rising sun in the vast mountains and rivers of the Evilman's Valley, clearly reminding all participating teams.The sound of the bell indicates that the team battle has entered the final stage, and each unit has only one day to make the final effort.

Violent collisions, turbulent energy erupted somewhere in the river area, and finally two troops fought fiercely, snatching each other's Golden Flame Spirit Turtle.

At the same time, the river beasts in different areas of the river area were in obvious chaos, protesting the madness of the various troops with ferocity and wildness.

Just in the early morning, the chaotic situation had already appeared and intensified, which not only put pressure on the patrolling Holy Land team, but also stimulated the already vigilant troops.

But these have nothing to do with Tang Yan, he led his troops back on the eighth night, and when the bell rang in the morning of the ninth day, they had already arrived at the junction of the Valley of the Wicked and the River District.

Without stopping, go straight to the inner valley of the wicked valley.

Tang Yan returned early to make some preparations. The first round of team battles is coming to an end, but this is not the end of the overall situation, but the beginning of the second round.They have gained enough, they don't care about the last day, and they don't want to collide with various troops. The key is to adjust their condition and meet a new round of challenges.

As the first returning team, Tang Yan received widespread attention.Especially those eliminated who stayed in the valley came to inquire about the news one after another, and the Valley of the Wicked also sent people to inquire.

But Tang Yan directly entered the valley assigned to them - 'Qingqiu Gujian'.

Thank you behind closed doors, and refuse to accept any inquiries.

"How could this be?" Tang Yan and the others gathered around the yard, their expressions not very good-looking.

Among them is the weak and tired Nian Youyu and his beautiful figure.

The picture of the beauty is lingering with brilliance, transpiring bright and beautiful images, and together setting off a peerless beauty who is all over the country, it is Miranda, the sky poison envoy summoned by Nian Youyu exhausted his strength.

Nian Youyu lived up to expectations and successfully summoned Miranda.But... Although Miranda was successfully recruited, she was not as docile and obedient as expected. She didn't listen to orders at all, and her consciousness was very trance, so she didn't cooperate with Nian Youyu's inquiry.If you feel it carefully, you can clearly see that she is resisting subconsciously.

After many days, she still did not give up struggling, and occasionally looked at the 'master' Nian Youyu coldly with resentful eyes, which not only made Nian Youyu feel nervous, but also made Tang Yan and others frown frequently.

"Can you control it?" Tang Yan asked Nian Youyu.

Nian Youyu wiped the sweat stains on his forehead: "I don't dare to forcefully control the intermittent feeling, for fear of damaging her sanity."

"Don't rush for success, we still have time, take your time." Xuanyuan Longli comforted Nian Youyu.

Nalantu analyzed: "The beauty map controls the soul and mind, and the Sky Poison Envoy has expertise in this area, so it may be difficult to control her as steadily as Su Xiaoyan.

In my opinion... unless Nian Youyu can arouse the effectiveness of the beauty map better and more proficiently, or your own strength rises to the semi-holy realm, it is possible to control her. "

Xuanyuan Longli agreed with Nalantu's conjecture: "Nian Youyu, you are the owner of the beauty picture, you can find a way by yourself, we really can't help. But please make sure Miranda appears in tomorrow's game in a normal state ,Thanks for your hard work!!"

Nalantu said: "Also, come up with a drug formula that can revive Matthews, but you must make sure it is the real formula. Don't be tricked by Miranda, otherwise we will have no place to cry."

"Guaranteed to complete the task! Believe me, give me this day!" Nian Youyu put away Miranda regardless of exhaustion, returned to his room with the beautiful picture in his hand, and began to quietly research and try.

This time I didn't mess around again, and I promised not to mess around again.

Nian Youyu knew very well that whether he could control Miranda, whether he could formulate the antidote formula, and whether he could rescue Matthews would directly affect his presence in Tang Yan's team.

Once he fails, he is likely to be isolated forever and will never be able to integrate into this team.

In his previous life, Nian Youyu never thought about who he wanted to blend in with or make friends with, but this time...he must succeed!He must integrate into the team, and more importantly, prove himself!

Nian Youyu sat cross-legged on the bed, took a deep breath, adjusted his state, and looked at the beautiful picture with firm eyes: "It's been a long time since I have challenged a difficult challenge, and there is still one day left. Nian Youyu, believe in yourself, you will do it! One! Sure! OK!"

Outside the yard, Tang Yan quietly looked at Nian Youyu's room, still a little nervous.Miranda's state is very unstable, which indicates that she may entrap Nian Youyu, after all, the witch is too shrewd and cunning.If the antidote given was poison, wouldn't Matthews die on the spot?
"Since you are willing to accept him, you should trust him." Xuanyuan Longli patted Tang Yan on the shoulder, comforting him: "I don't think Nian Youyu is the kind of vicious person, and the incident in the He District touched him a lot. , this time I also hope to prove myself.”

Tang Yan calmed down, tugged at the corners of his mouth to relax himself, motioned for everyone to sit down, and personally made a pot of tea for them: "It's been nine days of hard work. Today, relax and rest."

Nalantu said: "The first round is about to end, and the next stage should be an individual competition. Anyway, the goal of the Three Holy Lands has been achieved. Through this event, the energy of all countries has been successfully drawn, and the Daqian Dynasty has been restricted. The Luo Empire provided precious recovery time.

Once the Xingluo Emperor returns to its full glory, the possibility of an imperial war breaking out will be greatly reduced. Even if it does break out, the Xingluo Empire will still be able to resist the Daqian Dynasty, and the pattern of the mainland will not change in a short time. "

Gu Lingfeng said: "I should really thank the Three Holy Lands for this. They did not live up to the title of the Holy Land. They avoided the war in a gentle way. They did it very delicately and successfully. One more day of buffering from the Xingluo Empire, and one more day in the future." Use a small amount of power to restrict the Daqian dynasty."

Tang Yan poured tea for everyone one by one: "I still can't figure out what method the Three Sacred Lands used to convince the Dagan Dynasty."

Xuanyuan Longli smiled and said: "Don't think too much, that level is the highest end of the world, the core of power and strategy, it has nothing to do with us for the time being, all we have is to enjoy this competition and get our own benefits."

"Brother Tang, how many Golden Flame Spirit Turtles have we caught in total?" You Zhuo sat behind Niya and Xu Yan and asked enthusiastically.

Tang Yan smiled: "Your voice, brother Tang, is very nice."

You Zhuang's pretty face was flushed red, shy and annoyed.

Niya scratched Tang Yan's eyes severely: "Be serious."

Tang Yan closed his eyes and checked for a while: "One half-sage, four high-level demon masters, sixteen junior demon masters, 66 demon kings, 87 in total, 120 four points. Help, our arrest went well."

"So many!!" Everyone was pleasantly surprised. They kept counting in the early stage, but basically forgot about it in the later stage. Unexpectedly, they caught nearly ninety without knowing it.

"Do you think... are we number one?" Gu Ling smiled slightly on Feng Lengjun's face, and even though he rarely drank tea, he picked up the teacup and tasted it carefully.

"Almost, at least we have a semi-sage in our hands. This is the trump card." Tang Yan raised his teacup and signaled to everyone: "Congratulations in advance, happy cooperation."

Tang Yan is in a very good mood now. The key is not the number of points, but the fact that many demon masters have settled in the new world, making the Southern Fire Hell's strength skyrocket, and quickly approaching the fierce sea area.

With one semi-holy, many demon venerables, and a specific area of ​​flames, the Southern Fire Prison is enough for Tang Yan to resist two top semi-holy realm experts.If it weren't for the fact that the new world at this stage couldn't handle the battle of the semi-sacred realm, Tang Yan really wanted to get involved in a semi-sacred experiment to see the effect.

Everyone was in a good mood, the first cooperation ended perfectly, everyone toasted in turn, using tea instead of wine, gestured to each other, and drank to each other.

Tang Yan suddenly looked at Ling Pheasant again: "I remember Brother Ling is a casual cultivator? Have you been alone all these years?"

"Ever since I became conscious, I've been alone."

"If you don't mind, let's be friends in the future?" Tang Yan proposed the invitation very directly. He admired Lingzhi's ability, and even more appreciated his taciturn character, just like the wolf teeth in the new world, almost the same type .

Such a person is extremely dangerous. If you have the opportunity to be a friend, you must fight for it, but you must not become an enemy, otherwise you will have a headache.

Spirit Pheasant remained silent, did not respond, but did not refuse either.Moreover, there were no emotional fluctuations on that creepy face, and no one was sure whether he accepted it intentionally.

Tang Yan smiled and stopped pressing: "I have a special friend who is similar in character and type to yours. Are you interested in meeting Brother Ling?"

A green light flashed in Lingzhi's slender eyeliner, but remained silent.

"I can't promise too much. After all, you will not be disappointed. If he is younger, if he can participate in the invitation of the Valley of the Wicked, it will definitely cause a sensation. The effect will be no less than you and Chocolate."

"Oh?" Lingzhi finally turned his head slightly and looked at Tang Yan.

Can it compete with space fighters and half-spiritual bodies?what character!Lian Niya and the others felt strange, and couldn't help but all looked at Tang Yan. Why haven't they heard that there is such a person beside Tang Yan?

(End of this chapter)

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