Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 137 Empire Gold Coin

Chapter 137 Empire Gold Coin
Today's imperial city was extremely lively, but people who had no important matters came out, some gathered in teahouses and restaurants, and some gathered near the city gate, talking about today's important gathering with saliva splashing.

Some rushed directly to the Royal Colosseum, the iconic place in the inner city!The largest life-and-death arena in the empire!
This place was temporarily chartered by the royal family, and it was used as the registration place for the "Life and Death Fight of the Empire" five days later.

The representative teams of the major families rushed to the imperial city one after another, did not stop much, and went straight to the royal arena.They all want to know as soon as possible who the specific personnel sent by other families are, and what are worthy of attention and vigilance.After all, this is a life-and-death arena, the process is cruel and bloody, facing death threats at all times, and the participants are the hopes of the family, they don't want to be easily buried in it.

The troublemakers have already surrounded the outside of the arena, and many relatively influential people have been mixed in, talking about the family forces that have arrived one after another, while waiting for the announcement of the final entry list.

Regarding this life-and-death battle, they have been looking forward to it for nearly a month, not only because it is a cruel battle to test the true level of the younger generation of the school empire, but also because they have already bet heavily on it, hoping to take this opportunity to ruthlessly Earn a lot of money.

From early morning to noon, people's emotions were always in a state of excitement, admiring the family forces coming one by one, discussing and understanding the abilities and deeds of the contestants.The imperial city never lacks capable people and strangers, let alone well-informed people. Any young master or young lady from a family from outside the domain can be thoroughly dug up and polished by them.

Keep you in high spirits listening to it all day long in teahouses and restaurants.

"Look, look! Is that Niya? She's finally willing to show her face!"

"Hiss, it's really her! The most beautiful woman in the empire, she lives up to her name!"

"It's so beautiful, just like the legendary saint."

"My heart is beating faster and I'm excited, my goddess"

"I really want to watch her every day, even death is worth it!"

"It's still so beautiful, it's still so graceful, it's still so intoxicating."

There was a sudden commotion near the city gate. Dozens of giant birds swooped down and landed in front of the majestic city gate with loud cries.

The Rao family has arrived in the imperial city!Niya personally escorts!
The two pieces of news swept across the city gate like a tide. More and more people looked here, trying their best to get a suitable opportunity to observe. Showing a fascinated look, it feels like the whole world is eclipsed, and the only color in his eyes is Niya!

"Wake up, everyone, they are going to get married soon!"

"Is she really going to get married? Is it true or not?"

"Who knows, the Rao family hasn't announced the identity of the groom yet?"

"His grandma's, who can be worthy of her! Who can? I will fight with him!"

"Fuck you! The man Niya chooses is definitely number one in every aspect!"

"I feel that it is very likely that the Rao family married a certain family for the sake of this life-and-death struggle."

"Which family do you think it will be?"

"Who knows, it will be revealed during the competition."

Following the detailed and chaotic discussions, the delegation of the Rao family entered the imperial city, and the royal guards in charge of reception personally escorted them. After all, it was in a public place, and the necessary etiquette could not be missed.

"Why don't we fly directly to the place where we signed up?" Tang Yan admired the prosperous and prosperous imperial city while paying attention to the characteristics of the powerful people in the Delos Empire.

Isaac explained: "This is the imperial city, and there are powerful restrictions. No one is allowed to fly through the sky. Anyone who disobeys will be punished by the restriction. As for the power, it will be destroyed in an instant!"

"So awesome." Tang Yan grinned, and suddenly heard some special words from the noisy discussion: "What are they talking about? Who wants to get married? Niya?"

"That's right, the wedding date has already been set." Niya replied casually.

Tang Yan stared, surprised and said: "Who, why didn't you tell me that I haven't launched an offensive against you yet, why are you getting married!"

"We know each other well?"

"Of course, we've lived together before, and we have skin-to-skin relationship, so we're still not familiar?"

Niya was so angry that she couldn't help but wanted to make a move, while Isaac sighed, this mouth is really owed, no wonder he was beaten just now, he deserved it!

"What is the groom like? Is he as handsome as me?"

"of course."

"Compared to my strength, don't look at strength, but look at talent! Is it better to have my talent?"

"more or less."

"Smarter than me?"

"Of course!"

"More attractive than me?"

"You are so thick-skinned!"

"Hey? No, didn't your father mean to marry you to me? Although I rejected you tactfully, you won't turn around and find another man to marry, right? Oh, yes, you are talking to me Am I angry? You care about me so much?" Tang Yan teased casually.

"Boss! Can we have a free meeting?" Du Yang followed lazily, unable to listen any longer.

"He's always been like this..." Angela and other family girls were quite speechless. This guy is not only annoying, but also very narcissistic.

Tang Yan closed his mouth bored, and admired the surrounding environment to himself, but after walking for a while, he asked Niya again: "Are you really going to get married?"

"You're so long-winded."

"With whom?"

"About you?"

"Of course, the relationship is getting bigger! Which family you confirm the marriage contract with is equivalent to having an ally that I can unite with in this life-and-death arena. How can I say that I am also your foster brother, that guy's brother-in-law. Between the two parties They should get along well and take care of each other."

"Don't worry, you'll know when the time comes." Niya replied casually.

Royal arena!

The level of noise here is far higher than other places. There are huge crowds of people, and the noise is like a tide. People even openly set up bets here. Based on the strength of the family representatives who came, they guessed which family could pass the first round and which family would be wiped out. , which families can reach the top five.

The arrival of the Rao family naturally attracted widespread attention. While discussing boring topics, while observing the participating teams, after seeing that they were all familiar 'weak people', they all bet big money on the complete defeat of the Rao family, and some even bet Pay attention to guess which family Niya will take away as a trophy.

Hearing the unscrupulous betting and shouting all around, Isaac's teeth were itching with hatred: "These shameless bastards must have been deliberately ordered by the royal family!"

"They're deceiving people too much!" Angela and the other women couldn't contain their grief and indignation. The Rao family is the strongest family in the empire, and has never been ridiculed wantonly.If it is normal, give them a hundred guts, no one would dare to speak arrogantly!
Tang Yan is very free and easy: "Now they laugh happily, and they will cry very rhythmically in the future. Isaac, what do you think our chances of passing the first stage are?"

Isaac was a little silent, and said with a little confidence: "Eighty percent!"

"What are the chances of reaching the top five?"


"Do you dare to take a gamble?"

"What are you gambling?"

"Go to various casinos to bet that at least five members of the Rao family will pass the first stage alive, and then bet on advancing to the top five."

Isaac hesitated, five people?Disaster!top five?impossible!This is a life-and-death struggle full of crises, the cruelty in it is unimaginable, and the most important thing is that there will be targeted hunting actions by major families and even the royal family.In their guess, An Qila and other daughters were already dead, so it would be lucky if two of Tang Yan's three brothers escaped.As for the team finals of the second stage, Isaac didn't have much hope.

"Hey? What kind of expression do you have, don't you? Even you don't believe us? Then what's the point of this game? Just give up."

"Okay! Bet!" Isaac's eyes were sure, yes, he didn't believe it, how could he expect them to fight hard, even if it was to encourage Tang Yan, he had to take a gamble.

Niya was also aroused: "We can't be weak on momentum! Bet! Bet! All empire casinos will throw a lot of money!"

"That's right, you must have fighting spirit!" Tang Yan coughed a few times, then lowered his voice and said, "If you really win the bet, can you give our brothers a little more money?"

"No problem!" Isaac laughed, and immediately ordered: "Notify the family, mobilize 8000 million imperial gold coins in the shortest time, put them all into the casino, and fry the odds to ten for one and twenty for one. Let these casinos who dare to mock the Rao family lose their money!"

"Hiss! 8000 million!" Tang Yan and the others gasped, they were indeed wealthy!If it is placed in the previous life, it is equivalent to [-] billion!Local tycoon!Big local tyrant!
(End of this chapter)

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