Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384
On the third day, the melee of the top six officially started, and it brought new excitement as soon as it came up. Matthews and Xuanyuan Longli joined forces without any scruples, one attack and one defense, one spear and one shield, blasting the audience.Xia Minglang from the Holy Empire and Huan Xidao from Kuibinglou were seriously injured and didn't bother to join forces. They were the first to be eliminated and missed the final ranking.

Because Qiu Seer and Tian Si are both women, they teamed up tacitly and fought hard against Matthews and Xuanyuan Longli. The bloody battle lasted for an entire hour. Arrived refreshingly.

In the end... Matthews and Xuanyuan Longli won by half, and beat Qiu Se'er and Tian Si at the price of blood. The two women were extremely unwilling, but they had to accept the reality.

On the evening of the third day, Qiu Se'er faced Tian Si, competing for the third place in the first stage of the competition. Tian Si lost to Qiu Se'er and had no choice but to retire.

Hughes and Xuanyuan Longli then waited on stage to compete for the championship. One was recognized as the strongest spear in the entire event, and the other was recognized as the strongest shield. Their duel was long-awaited by countless people.

In the end, Matthews squeezed his potential, surpassed his limits, and unleashed four fierce sword storms regardless of the consequences, which shocked the audience. Xuanyuan Longli fully controlled the beautiful mountains and rivers, and accepted the four storms with the momentum of swallowing heaven and earth.

The entire arena lasted for half a cup of tea, and finally... as Xuanyuan Dragon Carp spurted a mouthful of blood into the air, Jinxiu Mountains and Rivers collapsed, the nine Dragon Carps lost their colors safely, and the fifth martial arts field shook violently.The four berserk sword qi returned to the arena. They seemed to have returned from the gate of another world. The momentum was extremely powerful and amazing.

According to the joint evaluation of the Three Holy Lands, Xuanyuan Longli lost, and Matthews narrowly won.The princes of some empires even had a heart to win, thinking about whether they could draw Matthews and Xuanyuan Longli into their camp.If such a talent is carefully cultivated, there is definitely a great chance of becoming a saint.

After three days and three nights, the first stage of the group arena officially came to an end. Matthews won the championship strongly, Xuanyuan Longli controlled the runner-up, and Qiu Se'er from Tianquan Empire won the third runner-up.

The fierceness of the battlefield has made countless people excited, but the tragedy of the battlefield has made many people tremble with fear, especially in the later stage of the challenge. Almost [-]% of them fainted after the game, either because of serious injuries or exhaustion. Thousands.

All in all... the first stage of the group arena kept the audience boiling, it was enjoyable to watch, and the feeling was deeper. The saints on the stage were full of touch and praised frequently.

Although the final champion and runner-up were won by two formerly unknown casual cultivators, it was beyond everyone's initial expectations, and it also made many descendants of the empire and the forbidden area feel awkward.But looking at the tens of thousands of people in the entire arena, looking back at all their matches, even the opponents and enemies can't offer any rebuttal opinions. They... are convinced... the top three or even the top six in the first stage... In the end... Crack! !Under the ring, the palms of Tang Yan and Matthews slammed together in midair: "Wonderful!! Incomparable!!"

Xu Yan, Gu Lingfeng, Zhao Zimo, Nalantu and others all gave their thumbs up. They witnessed Matthews' madness, his swordplay, and the stubbornness and pride unique to this blond man.Throughout the dozens of fierce battles in three days and three nights, what Matthews showed was not only his strength, but also his tenacious swordsmanship and unlimited potential.

Including Tang Yan and Niya, these old brothers really got to know this taciturn man for the first time.I haven't seen him for many years, but this subjugated ronin has become so strong that he stepped on the heads of all the heroes in the world to reach the pinnacle and win the title of champion.

Everyone knows that Matthews has become the biggest dark horse in the League of Legends of the Three Holy Lands, and he is destined to become famous in the Central Plains after the game.

Of course...there is the slightly inferior Xuanyuan Dragon Carp!It also brings endless emotions and shocks to people. He is gentle, elegant, and resourceful. Throughout the whole process, he is the calmest, and he is also the most graceful and temperamental.

This man is not simple!Even scary!
If Matthews can make the military figures of the empire crazy, Xuanyuan Longli will definitely make the royal family excited.

It was their combination of spear and shield that left a deep impression on the audienceā€”unrivaled!
"Sister fish, how are you doing?"


"If both of you are in full bloom, who will win in a head-on confrontation?" Nian Youyu touched the weak Xuanyuan Longli.

Xuanyuan Longli pointed to the sky, smiled without saying a word.

"God knows?"

"No, it's getting late, wash up and go to sleep."

"Now, on behalf of the Three Holy Lands, I announce that the first stage of the event is officially over. Thank you for your cooperation, and thank you for presenting us with an incomparably exciting event." Qiao Ba, who was stranded in the air, threw his fists at all the participants She arched her hands, and for the first time showed a faint smile on her cold face, wonderful! !Really exciting!
Everyone worked hard, and they were convinced no matter whether they won or lost. They not only showed their strength, but also showed themselves. So far, Qunyinghui has finally encountered a comfortable thing and successfully completed a game.

"The awards will be presented together with the semi-sacred champions, runners-up and third runners-up after the second round of the competition. The first round of the competition is over, and everyone is tired. The competition will be suspended tonight, and the second round will officially start tomorrow morning. New The excitement is handed over to the 45 semi-sacred contestants." Qiao Ba announced loudly, finally giving the tense arena a chance to stabilize and cultivate, and he has new expectations.

The 130 high-ranking warriors brought unparalleled excitement to the audience. Not only were they victorious or eliminated, but they all fulfilled their missions without leaving any regrets.
It must be more exciting, more passionate, and more exciting, because... all the contestants are the top inheritors of various empires, kingdoms, and forbidden areas.

Qin Minghuang, Zhao Huan and other five princes of the empire inherited the terrifying imperial lineage; Tuobagui and other forbidden land descendants possessed extremely mysterious and powerful martial arts; Ke Suoban and Zhao Zimo and others also had extraordinary strength.

Being able to gather them together to compete head-on will not only bring expectations and visual impact to the audience, but also an extremely rare opportunity.Because in the arena starting tomorrow, they not only saw wonderful collisions, but also saw the mysterious martial arts and bloodline secrets of various empires and forbidden lands, which are crucial to their growth.

At the moment when the Valley of the Wicked race is in full swing, the outside world is turbulent and dark tides are surging.Falling Heaven, the vice-master of the Hall of the Holy Spirit, went to the palace of the Dagan Dynasty in person, intending to persuade the empire to go to war again, but was unexpectedly turned away. The reason was that the Emperor was in seclusion and refused to receive guests. All state affairs waited for the Emperor to leave the customs before he came to personally regulate .

Luotian lingered in the palace for two days, but still did not get an answer, feeling annoyed and anxious.The Temple of the Holy Spirit has already made preparations for another war in advance, dispatching thousands of souls to infiltrate the Xingluo Empire, but... the Dagan Renhuang has been refusing to leave the customs for a long time, and the imperial battle they are looking forward to will continue to be stranded. The deployment of wars stays on 'deployment' after all.

Both the Lord of the Holy Spirit Hall and Luotian felt bad, but the Daqian Imperial Palace was locked and heavily guarded, and the Human Emperor refused to leave the gate all the time, as if he was deliberately avoiding them.They were unable to meet the Emperor, and all their conjectures were unknown. They could not think of any other way except to wait.

During this period, King Ma Yan and the third judge personally took Liuli and the three daughters to the Valley of the Evil, and arrived at Fengyun Kingdom where the Valley of the Evil is located seven days later. Advance along the border of the kingdom, bypass the Valley of the Wicked, and approach the world of the River District.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, they did not disturb the Valley of the Wicked, let alone deliberately understand the events inside the Valley of the Wicked.The three girls of Liuli cooperated very well, and did not ask too much for other conditions, but cooperated with Long Mou to investigate the secrets of the Holy Spirit Temple.

At the same time, the Nine Sons and Ghost Mother of the Holy Spirit Palace led the five strongest palace envoys to successfully round the Kappa, hiding in the river ditch field created by the Kappa, and did not act blindly so as not to alarm Medusa, the owner of the river area.They are more waiting for an opportunity, rather than wanton exploration.

Everything was done very cleverly.

'The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, and the slingshot is under it. 'Serial spying, interlocking.Due to the different reasons of Jiulongling and Holy Spirit Temple, a huge chess game took shape spontaneously.

And whether their chess game can compete with the chess game arranged by the Three Sacred Lands, whether it will be included so as not to affect the overall situation, or whether the two chess games will collide and become a disaster, no one can predict, because they don't know each other.

(End of this chapter)

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