Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 14 Hunting

Chapter 14 Hunting
"Are you okay?" Looking at Tang Yan who walked in, Alinda frowned slightly and quickly avoided her eyes.Doesn't the bastard know there's a woman in there?It's fine if you don't wear a shirt, the pants are still wet, and you can vaguely see a bulge somewhere.

"Huh? It's been three days, and you haven't recovered yet?" Tang Yan looked at the weak Alinda in surprise, picked up the package next to her and started tossing.

"I'm seriously injured. This ice crystal is a bit weird, and it can inhibit my absorption of energy from the world, so hey! What are you doing, that's my package, you put it down!"

"Eh?" Curiously, Tang Yan pulled out a sky-blue cloth strip, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, the faint fragrance lingered at the tip of the nose, making one unable to help being intoxicated.

"Tang Yan!" Alinda almost went crazy, if she was not weak and unable to move, she would definitely be able to destroy Tang Yan.

"Oh, I understand! Teacher Alinda is very tasteful, and I like this color." Tang Yan's natural and easy-going words made Alinda almost vomit blood.

"You don't have any spar or anything? Or is it the crystal core of a monster?" Tang Yan rummaged for a long time. Except for women's clothes and some dry food, he didn't have the energy spar he imagined.

"That's my package!" Elinda repeated through gritted teeth, this bastard is too impolite, to rummage through other people's things in such a grandiose way, and even shamelessly looking for crystals?Crystal nucleus?

"The instructors of the Giant Elephant Academy are so poor?" Tang Yan muttered, reaching out to grab the purple package next to him.

"This is mine!" Tang Ying grabbed it, hugged her tightly, and stared at Tang Yan angrily.

"I'll take a look."


"Just look, really!"

"The devil believes you."

"Is there a crystal nucleus?"

Tang Ying and Ailinda rolled their eyes repeatedly, and now they are a little sure, this guy is Tang Yan, that's right, there are not many people as shameless as him in the world.

"Do you think monster crystal cores can be obtained casually? Only level [-] monsters have crystal cores, level [-] monsters! Do you know what level [-] monsters are? You silly bear!" Tang Ying said unceremoniously hit Tang Yan.

"Spars are energy stones, which contain rich energy. Some of them can be absorbed directly into spiritual power. They are expensive treasures. Do you think they are Chinese cabbage?" Alinda couldn't help but scold Tang Yan.

spar?The baby of your dreams!

Although there are crystals in the Giant Elephant Academy, I only became the instructor of the academy the year before last, and today I just broke through to the first-level Martial Ancestor, which is far from the level where I can receive crystals.

Tang Yan remained silent, silently thinking about countermeasures.It's not an option to stay here forever, we must have the power to protect ourselves as soon as possible, but relying on ourselves alone?impossible!Tang Yan is not yet arrogant to the point of arrogance.If you want to survive in this forest, you must have a powerful force at the Wuzong level to assist, so

Tang Yan asked Ailinda: "If there is enough spiritual power provided, can you recover in a short time?"

"If there is, of course it can, but the problem now is that there is no!"

Tang Yan asked Tang Ying: "If I remember correctly, you reached the peak of the third-tier martial artist last year, just to stimulate the spiritual veins in the biennial altar baptism, and deliberately suppress the spiritual power in your body. , don’t let yourself break through.”

"Why are you asking this?" Tang Ying's face changed slightly, and she looked at Tang Yan with a little vigilance.Elinda was secretly surprised, and quietly looked at the usually taciturn little girl.

"Let's go hunting." Tang Yan grabbed Tang Ying's tender little hand and rushed out of the cave.

"Hey! Let go, you hurt me!"

In the depths of the dense forest, beside a calm stream, a fat black cow is drinking water leisurely, shaking its ears from time to time, listening to the movement around it, seemingly leisurely but very alert.

"That's a cub of a groundhorn ox. When it matures, it can grow into a fourth-level monster. According to visual inspection, it is only a second-level beast. The groundhorn cow can form a gravity field around its body. The stronger the groundhorn cow, the stronger the gravity field around it. Terrible. Any monster that sneaks into it will be disturbed once it enters the gravity field, and its movements will become slow." Lurking among the dense tree canopies, Tang Ying lowered her voice and introduced to Tang Yan.

"Level [-], just right." Tang Yan looked around cautiously, and after confirming that there was no danger, he returned his attention to the Dijiao Niu.

"What do you want to do? Hunting? We can't finish eating such a big cow." Although the groundhorn cow in front is only a cub, it is as big as a goat, and it can't finish eating it for three to five days.

"That's right, that's it. I'll give you Fangfeng, and you take the opportunity to kill it."

"What? Me? You're a man, I'm a woman, why should I go!" Tang Ying rolled her eyes angrily, this guy is so ungentlemanlike!But she didn't want to waste her spiritual power innocently, and kept one more now, so that she would have an extra chance to save her life in the event of an accident.

"I'm only at the second level, you are the peak of the third level, if you don't go, whoever will go."

"The second level is not too bad. Hey, by the way, you haven't answered my question yet. When did you become a martial artist?"

"I've eaten the elixir." Tang Yan talked nonsense and urged: "Hurry up, don't let it get away."

"No! If you're hungry, go catch fish in the water to eat. I don't want to waste my spiritual power here."

"Huh? You little girl, how dare you not listen to my cousin? I saved you three days ago, otherwise, you might have been sold to a brothel teahouse by now."

"You are talking nonsense!"

"Don't be verbose, hurry up, I'm useful!" Tang Yan said seriously.



"What is it for?"

"You'll know later. My aunt, I didn't realize you were so wordy before!"

"Okay, I'll go. If there is an accident, you have to help." Tang Ying hesitated, pulled out the red long knife she was carrying, and fell silently.

"Remember, it's a quick battle." Tang Yan reminded in a low voice.

"You don't need to be wordy." Tang Ying's eyes regained clarity, her pretty face was tense, and her spiritual power was surging, like a cheetah hunting for prey, approaching the lake cautiously.

The groundhorn cow drank the water leisurely, not noticing the approaching danger.

When they were about ten meters away, Tang Ying yelled softly, and her delicate body, which had been gathering momentum for a long time, shot out immediately.

Dijiao Niu suddenly became alert, and the surrounding gravitational field increased immediately. Suddenly, Tang Ying intuitively felt a huge force squeezed from all directions, as if suddenly carrying a heavy load of more than a hundred catties. If she hadn't prepared in advance, she might have already Throw on the ground.

Moo!The horned bull's eyes were fierce, and its front hooves slammed into the ground vigorously. With a deep growl, it rushed towards Tang Ying.

The gravitational field affected Tang Ying, but it did not interfere with itself. While running wildly, the ground rumbled and trembled, her head drooped vigorously, and the corner of the top of her head flickered with a cold light.

Wild momentum is like a runaway train!

"Two heavy blows from the flames!" Tang Yingyu's face was cold, resisting the oppression of gravity, forced to run, and with a soft shout, the long knife was filled with gorgeous flames.

In the blink of an eye, head on.

The chopping fire knife slashed twice in a row, as fast as lightning, amazingly fast, every time the knife was swung to slash, the flames involuntarily superimposed.

In the blink of an eye, two sabers came out at the same time, and the strength soared!
Clang!Intense flames engulfed it, and the groundhorn bull was knocked flying out amidst the screams as if struck by lightning, and a scarlet wound was cut open on its forehead.

It's hard to imagine that Tang Ying's petite body contains such a terrifying shock force.

"It's now!" Tang Yan, who had been lurking for a long time, shot obliquely into the sky, flipped quickly in the air, and slammed his clenched iron fists towards the head of the horned cow.

In mid-air, he suddenly broke into the gravitational field, and a powerful force immediately enveloped his whole body.But Tang Yan descended from the sky, and cleverly used gravity to double his momentum in an instant. At the same time, the entire right fist was filled with blue flames!
Before the Dijiao Niu could struggle, he was immediately hit by Tang Yan.

boom!The groundhorn bull didn't even let out a scream, its big head hit the ground with a bang, and the blue flame sticking to its forehead began to devour and burn, and quickly spread to both sides.

"Get out of the way!" Tang Ying scolded coquettishly, and dashed forward, slashing through the air with the long sword surging in flames, with a crisp clang, it forcefully broke through the hard flesh of the groundhorn ox, and slit its throat alive. Thick blood spewed out immediately.

This girl is cruel enough!Tang Yan was secretly surprised, but his fists didn't stop. He pounded wildly on the groundhorn ox. body.

The groundhorn cow was dying and wailing desperately, but Tang Ying's blade cut its throat, and Tang Yan's flame burned its body again, quickly ruining its vitality.

Two against one, complete victory!
"What kind of flame is this?" Looking at the thin blue flame on the Dijiao Niu, Tang Ying was inexplicably surprised.This kind of flame doesn't have the slightest warmth, but radiates a little bit of coldness. The most important thing is that although the blue flame is very thin, it is very active, spreading throughout the body like life, without missing any corners.

The descendants of the Tang family are all of the fire attribute, but they are basically a mild red color. No one has ever had a blue flame, and it is still so weird.

Tang Yan shook his throbbing fist and arm, grinning and inhaling: "How about we make an agreement?"

"What agreement?" Tang Ying was very curious about the blue flame, and tentatively approached it, but was pulled back by Tang Yan.

"Everything I saw today will be kept secret forever."


"No reason, it's an agreement between you and me."

Seeing Tang Yan's serious expression, Tang Ying was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled, tilted her head and said playfully, "What's good for me?"

This was the first time Tang Ying smiled at Tang Yan in more than ten years.

Sweet and pure, cute and lively, full of youth and joy.

Tang Yan was slightly absent-minded, and in a trance, there was a strange warmth in his heart.

Tang Ying frowned slightly, and stomped her feet angrily: "Hey! What are you looking at, you are so small, I am your sister!"

Tang Yan smiled, and reached out to scratch Tang Ying's little Qiong's nose: "As long as you keep the promise, I will protect you for the rest of your life."

"Don't touch his nose." Tang Ying shrugged her little nose dissatisfied.

Looking at the smaller and smaller corpses on the ground, Tang Yan said, "What was the martial skill you just used?"

Tang Ying raised her beautiful eyebrows, looking very surprised: "You don't know?"

"I have to know?"

(End of this chapter)

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