Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 143 The Riot Desolate Forest

Chapter 143 The Riot Desolate Forest
De Niro controlled the restless vicious bird to hover and fall in the wild forest. Because he had just been promoted to the king rank, he was not yet fully familiar with the transformation of his body.Although this ferocious bird was reckless and manic, it felt the power emanating from De Niro, and did not dare to disobey his wishes too much.

"What about people? It can't be possible that there are not even scum left?" De Niro stood in the canopy of the tree, staring at the giant handprints in front of him. Even though they were thousands of meters away, the "Hand of God" that blasted down still left a mark in the wild forest .But apart from the collapsed ancient trees and the corpses of a few unlucky monsters, there was no trace of Tang Yan.First being hit by the hand of God, and then falling from a height of [-] meters, it should have turned into a mess, but now

"Could it be that he escaped? Sure enough." De Niro frowned slightly, grabbed the vicious bird that was about to escape, controlled it to fly at low altitude, and continued to search for Tang Yan's trace.People need to be seen in life, and corpses must be seen in death, and they must not be easily let go.

Tang Yan was lying in the deep pit like a spread of meat and mud, his whole body was covered with cracks, and the scarlet blood was gurgling for external use, not to mention the bones, not to mention the cracks, but not too much.With the strength of his body and the golden elephant body protection, even causing such injuries, if other people can't fall from the beast, how serious will the consequences be?
The mist of life emanated from the body, wrapped around Tang Yan's damaged body, and quickly repaired it.

The magic of Immortal Yantian Jue was manifested again, within 5 minutes, it was intact, and even the consciousness was awakened.If you can successfully break through to the third level and condense into a blood pill, this time may be shortened by more than half.

Tang Yan crawled out of the deep pit, wiped off the blood on his face indiscriminately, did not stop for a moment, and ran towards the depths of the dense forest at full speed with the ancient saber on his back.He wasn't sure if De Niro found himself dodging, and he wasn't sure if the impact just now caught the attention of the other contestants, so withdraw!

The wild forest fell into riots half a month ago. With the arrival of a large number of ferocious monsters, the balance that had been maintained for thousands of years was completely broken, especially the gregarious monsters. They were frantically looking for and occupying a superior territory, and the original 'residents' would not allow it. An expected big collision broke out as scheduled, and it became more and more intense, with an endless momentum of madness.And the five demon kings who were enraged by the royal family also ended their long slumber, left their territory one after another, vented their anger, and even drove away some beasts who strayed in by mistake.

Among the monster beasts that were captured, there was a unique species, the black-eyed bull.The number reached thirty, and they came from the psychedelic forest on the border of the empire. They were bloodthirsty and warlike. They could be promoted to the ranks of the fourth level when they were adults, and they had a leader who was at the peak of the fourth level.They were deliberately thrown into the territory of the Earth Bear, one of the five great demon kings, by the royal family. A wild collision broke out immediately, and it never stopped, triggering riots one after another, spreading to the surrounding territories.

In addition to the melee fights between these high-level monsters, the collisions between some solitary monsters are also ferocious and dangerous.Tang Yan, who had practiced in the psychedelic forest before, was terrified by the fiery scenes and anxious monsters.At the beginning in the psychedelic forest, although there was danger everywhere, there was a 'safe place' that could be used after all, but now the wild forest has become a battlefield for fighting, there are fighting monsters everywhere, and some places have become In groups.

Tang Yan was careful and careful, for fear of disturbing these anxious monsters, in order to better conceal himself, he buried all his clothes in the ground, and made a simple clothes with some strong branches and leaves, which was not only convenient to wear, but also Good at disguising.

"De Niro? The lingering thing!" A few hours later, a loud cry passed through the air. Fortunately, Tang Yan was alert and kept sneaking in the shadows. He hibernated and hid as soon as he found it After a quarter of an hour, he immediately moved in the opposite direction.

Sneaking all the way, carefully, in the evening of the same day, a few fierce birds flew by in the sky. The contestants above seized the opportunity and all flew down into the air. Because the altitude was not too high, these warriors did not suffer too much injury.Tang Yan watched them from a distance, they were all descendants of families in the border area, and they were listed as non-dangerous families by Niya.

Tang Yan didn't provoke them, and quietly avoided them, sneaking to other parts. As the night fell, fierce birds flew by in mid-air, some of them were too high, and the contestants above did not dare to jump off.But they should start to worry. According to the agreement, the royal family will sweep the sky over the wild forest on the first night, and if there are competitors on a certain fierce bird, they will be bombarded down regardless of the height.

There was no accident on the first night, but the night in the barren forest was as dark as ink, and it was impossible to see the surrounding scene clearly with eyes. Tang Yan did not dare to take risks, and hid in the dense canopy of an old tree, always vigilant I didn't close my eyes all night.


There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and ferocious roars could be heard from time to time in the dark dense forest, mixed with faint screams, there were monsters and even humans, and everyone's scalp went numb when they heard it.

Even under the old tree where Tang Yan is hiding, there are often dull footsteps accompanied by heavy panting. It should be some big guy walking by at night, or a pair of oily green eyes moving from far to near, disappeared from sight again.At this time, Tang Yan's heart would rise to his throat, trying his best to hide his breath.

I believe tonight is a sleepless night for the vast majority of people. The danger of the wild forest is far more serious than expected. The cruel killing is enough to make those young masters and ladies who rarely experience life and death tremble with fear.

On the first day, Tang Yan survived without any risk. On the second day, Tang Yan left the canopy just after dawn, and moved all the way due east.Before the action, he agreed with Du Yang and others on the gathering place. If the landing point is not too far away, he will try to move there as much as possible. Abandon the agreed plan.

Tang Yan didn't know whether Ahn Qila and the others would obey the agreement, and whether they would persistently move to the assembly point, but Tang Yan had to go there because he knew that Du Yang and Xu Yan would definitely find ways to get there.

The three must unite, otherwise it will be difficult to persist in this wild forest for 30 days!

However, this journey was more difficult than Tang Yan expected. The chaos in the deserted forest continued to escalate. Fighting, some powerful monsters took advantage of this opportunity to prey.Tang Yan didn't want to consume too much spiritual power on the monster, so he avoided it as much as he could, and the speed naturally dropped again and again.

During this period, Tang Yan met more than a dozen descendants of aristocratic families one after another. Some fled in embarrassment, some fell into danger, and some became lunch for monsters. Whether they were martial arts or combat experience, they were not too bad. But it should be rare or never encountered such a chaotic and brutal monster riot, somewhat flustered, in the depths of this dangerous dense forest, the only result of panic is destruction!

Tang Yan asked himself that if he hadn't struggled a few times in the psychedelic forest and accumulated some common sense and experience, it would not have been as smooth as it is now.

For three consecutive days, nothing happened. Apart from experiencing the cruelty and bloodiness of the deserted forest, nothing particularly dangerous happened. During the period, I saw several young masters and ladies from aristocratic families fighting, but Tang Yan didn't intervene, and avoided it from a distance. Let's go, move on, unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never reveal his identity easily, so as not to get into unnecessary trouble.

At noon on the fourth day, Tang Yan took advantage of the two herds of beasts to fight, and successfully approached the swamp, where he dug out a nest of eggs from the fourth-level monster water lizard, and rushed a few kilometers away. The essence of life inside is refined.

"Tang Yan? I'm glad to meet you here." A slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the slightly silent swamp, as if it came from the surrounding ancient trees, or from the surrounding mud, Very weird and disturbing.

Tang Yan was always vigilant and didn't notice anyone approaching, but now
Who was slightly alert, but Tang Yan didn't panic at all. While continuing to drink the cool and refreshing egg white, he looked around casually, and soon found out.In the mud not far away, a man in black was walking slowly. The sticky mud didn't affect him, step by step, slowly and steadily, and the slightly dark ordinary cheeks couldn't be seen. Any expression, but those eyes are very bright, and they are staring at Tang Yan at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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