Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 145

Chapter 145
In just three seconds, all three thousand weak waters returned, turned into shields, spearheads, water hammers, and iron fists, and blasted down densely towards Tang Yan. Under the control of Denzel's mind, the attack was fierce and swift, like four Individuals were besieging and killing Tang Yan.

What a terrifying impact these seemingly delicate little things possess

Only when you are in it can you really feel it!
Tang Yan was full of fighting spirit, brandishing the ancient saber to meet the attack brazenly, clanging and resounding, resounding through the woodland, the wild impact sent out ear-shattering sound waves, which could be heard even a hundred meters away.The strong anti-shock force made Tang Yanzhen's blood boil even more, but the blood in his body became hotter and hotter, and the more he fought, the more brave he became, and the more he fought, the more mad he became. Although the corner of his mouth was bleeding, he went forward bravely, wildly resisting the impact of weak water weapons.

Boom boom boom!
Tang Yan was constantly being bombarded, and the four major weapons passed by one after another, hitting the ground or ancient trees, the dust was flying, the sawdust was boiling, the momentum of the battlefield became more and more violent, and the sneaking contestants nearby were aware of it one after another, and all moved closer to here .The few contestants who had been lurking before fixed their eyes on the battlefield, and their eyes finally changed when they looked at Tang Yan. Is this a human?Still a monster!The way of fighting is too violent!

"We can't go on like this. As long as Denzel doesn't die, these weak waters won't collapse. Even if they break, they will condense quickly. What should we do? We must find a solution, or we will be consumed to death sooner or later." Tang Yan's thoughts After a hundred turns, I was thinking hard about the solution. After a while, my heart moved, and the eight-phase thunder seal broke out again, and I dodged out of the encirclement in an instant.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy, your performance is better than I expected, let's continue!" Denzel stepped forward with a blank expression, directing Ruo Shui to continue the bombardment.

"Master, I'm not enough, who said we're leaving, but you come too!" Tang Yan tried his best to unleash his shadow martial arts skills, and rushed towards Denzel while dodging Ruo Shui.

Denzel's expression changed slightly. Naturally, he understood his intentions. He was cunning secretly, and quickly retreated to the distance, controlling the weak water to return to intercept.

"Don't run, come on!" Tang Yan grinned grimly. Before Ruoshui arrived, two golden lightning bolts exploded beside him and Denzel respectively. appear.

The eight-phase thunder seal represents the speed of the world, and its power is particularly dazzling. Of course, the spiritual power consumed is naturally terrifying. A normal second-level warrior will drain the spiritual power after using it three or four times, but Tang Yan has life mist and With the help of the Blood Soul Tree, the vast sea of ​​energy is definitely comparable to the peak Wuzong.

He can bear this consumption!

"Destroy the body!"

"Four Strikes of Flames!"

Tang Yan let out a roar, and his arms became thinner three times in an instant, and an explosive power comparable to that of a third-rank Martial Ancestor gushed out, and he slashed out with a knife, superimposed four times, like a thunderbolt, a swift and violent attack!
boom!The nearly berserk blade slammed into Denzel's chest.

Denzel always kept a little weak water around him. At the critical moment, he decisively formed a thin armor to protect his chest, but

The quadruple superposition of the third-rank Wu Zong is absolutely comparable to the peak Wu Zong!

This attack represented Tang Yan's strongest attack at this stage.

Click!The weak water armor was broken on the spot, the sternum was broken, and the chest area was bloody and bloody. The body was violently blasted out, splashing scarlet blood.

At this moment, all three thousand weak waters fell to the ground.

Without the conscious control of their masters, they are dead things after all.

How can it be!

The contestants in the distance were in an uproar, staring at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

too fast!They are so fast that they are overwhelmed!

"Let me watch everything, this is what will happen to Denzel!" Tang Yan tumbled down, and the ancient sword struck again.

Denzel coughed up blood and regained consciousness quickly, but finally changed his face.At the nick of time, he bounced with all his strength, and narrowly avoided Tang Yan's deadly knife. After all, he was the pinnacle of Wuzong, and his adaptability was quite good.

"Where are you going! Stay here!" Tang Yan's eyes lit up, and he ran wildly.

"Don't be too happy, it's not over yet!" Denzel ran quickly, frantically mobilizing the weak water around him.

Tang Yan gritted his teeth, burst into obsession, and chased Denzel, and had to injure Ruoshui again before Ruoshui returned.

But the weak water was too fast, bursting like a rain curtain.

Tang Yan's complexion changed drastically, he took a step forward, and shot into the sky, three thousand weak waters quickly gathered, condensed into a ferocious sharp claw, and slapped it in the air.

Tang Yan frowned, and at the critical moment, a ferocious sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said silently: "Denzel, I will teach you a lesson, let you know what it means to risk your life!"

The sharp claws came tearing, Tang Yan couldn't dodge it at all, and didn't plan to dodge it. Instead, he adjusted his posture slightly, cast the Golden Elephant Art, and endured the blow firmly.

Clanging and clanging, blood splashing, the terrifying impact shattered the body guarded by Tang Yan's Golden Elephant Art on the spot, all the bones in his back were shattered, and his body chased the ground like a meteorite.

This blow contained Denzel's anger and decisive killing intent.

"It's not over yet, enjoy this last blow!" Denzel's eyes flickered fiercely, and the weak water in the sky changed again, part of it turned into five sharp arrows and shot towards Tang Yan, and the rest of the weak water returned to protect itself .

Tang Yan's tattered body fell down, and because of the invisible adjustment at the last moment, the direction went straight to Denzel.

Denzel is very confident in his own strength, this claw almost smashed his body, and there are five water arrows chasing after him, Tang Yan will definitely die, even if he fights back desperately, the rest of the weak waters have already guarded whole body.

"Slay the soul!"

At the moment when it brushed against Denzel's body, Tang Yan uttered a whisper, and the ancient sword appeared and slashed past.Denzel sneered, neither dodging nor avoiding.With a loud bang, Tang Yan's body was submerged in sawdust and dust, and five water arrows pierced through his body immediately, nailing him firmly to the ground.

"Hiss! It's too scary!"

"Denzel is worthy of being the strongest heir of the Debussy family!"

"He stayed in the third-rank Wuzong for two years, stepped into the Wuwang with half a foot, and practiced earth-level martial arts. Isn't it scary? It's pretty good that Tang Yan can persist until now!"

"Is he really a second-rank Martial Ancestor? He is really capable, and he almost put Denzel into a desperate situation."

"A fierce battle, wonderful!"

"You say, can Denzel fight again now? If we make a move"

"Wait! Look!"

The surroundings were discussing quietly, but another voice suddenly exclaimed, and everyone followed the prestige.

Denzel's face was pale, his eyes were slack, he staggered a few steps, knelt heavily on the ground, all the weak water around him fell on the ground, he opened his mouth as if to say something, and finally fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

The dust drifted away slowly, and Tang Yan lay motionless in the pit, covered in blood, but his chest was beating up and down in an orderly manner, as if he was not dead.Denzel didn't bleed, but he also fell to the ground in a coma, and his heartbeat could be vaguely detected.

This sudden and strange scene aroused everyone's curiosity, but no one acted rashly, just watched from a distance and in doubt.

After a full 5 minutes, Tang Yan's body twitched a few times, struggled a few times, and stood up unsteadily. His face was covered in blood, but he couldn't hide his paleness and weakness. He took a few breaths, slowly Go to Denzel.

Even breathing!

Zhanhun attacked with all his strength, but actually only hurt his soul, but did not kill it. This Denzel is worthy of being the pinnacle of martial arts.

"I won, where did I win? You lost, where did you lose?" Tang Yan smiled weakly, did not kill Denzel, and left without killing Denzel.His soul was wounded, and Denzel would be difficult to recover unless his family tried his best to rescue him. He was already dead, but with so many people watching, Tang Yan could defeat Denzel, but he couldn't kill him all.

The surrounding area was silent, and there were twenty contestants who heard the sound, and there were many third-rank Wuzong among them, but no one shot blindly, and watched Tang Yan leave with a complicated expression.

No matter what method he used, he actually defeated Denzel, but he left standing up, while Denzel, who was like the proud son of heaven, was lying on the ground. If this battle happened in a public place, it would cause such a big commotion

What is Tang Yan's identity?
(End of this chapter)

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