Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 151 The Blood Doll's Warning

Chapter 151 The Blood Doll's Warning

The fierce battle between Du Yang and Pei Rui was still going on, but Tang Yan fell into a deep crisis here. Under the impact just now, his consciousness had already fallen into a coma, and he couldn't detect any abnormalities in his body, let alone his life was passing by rapidly.

The air sea world is still crumbling, the ocean is rapidly decaying, and cracks are almost all over the entire world. In the end, even the mist of life is torn by the cracks, and begins to escape and die.

However, Tang Yan has an ancient relic like the blood soul tree in his body, and the Buddha's heart that the master of Dukong has sacrificed for endless years. , they were all awakened.

The Blood Soul Tree was a little dazed, after all, it didn't sit idly by. The delicate branches trembled slightly, exuding a strong breath of life, nourishing the Qihai World that had almost collapsed.

The Abyss Buddha Heart weakened the suppression of the blood baby, and a holy and simple atmosphere permeated the entire sea of ​​​​qi, transpiring a golden mist, which is also nourishing the cracks around.

The efforts of the two holy relics to save the broken world were slowly but firmly repaired. The blood energy emitted by the blood soul tree also escaped to the whole body through the meridians, repairing the broken bones and flesh and blood.This disaster is almost the most dangerous time since Tang Yan's debut, even more dangerous than the Giant Elephant City.

At least it didn't threaten the martial artist's fundamental Qi Sea at that time!

The blood doll finally seized the opportunity to get out of trouble, and exposed its head and two arms. Looking at the violently trembling air sea world, and the blood energy and golden light all over the sky, the little face that was about to cheer and congratulate slowly darkened: "You Why is this bastard self-harming again? Do you really think of yourself as immortal? You idiot! MD, I'm going to be killed by you!"

Struggling violently in his heart, he finally slapped his forehead, turned over and plunged into the abyss of the sea.

Not long after, a green awn glowed from the depths of the sea of ​​qi, and an ancient aura surged out. The waves rolled, and the world of the sea of ​​qi trembled. The strong blue flame quickly covered the entire sea of ​​qi, spread to various regions, and finally melted into the air again. The fine silk thread rushed to Tang Yan's twelve meridians.

The ghost Qinghuo, who had been silent for a year, finally woke up!

This time, Qihai World was completely shrouded in green flames!

"Bastard little disciple! You owe me a favor again! Remember it clearly! Remember it clearly!" The blood doll was annoyed and resentful, tearing off his bare head indiscriminately, venting and growling hysterically.In fact, Qinghuo, the ghost, had awakened as early as in the furnace of the Rao family, but he wanted to take Tang Yan by force, so he was forcibly suppressed.Tang Yan encountered such a crisis and almost died. In order to avoid being buried with him, he had to forcefully release the ghost Qinghuo.

The cyan flame has undergone brand-new changes, more verdant and cooler, it is not so much the cyan flame, but rather a rushing cyan liquid, with its full recovery, the gaps in the sea of ​​​​Qi world healed quickly, even the life mist It was refined by itself and fell into the sea of ​​​​qi to replenish the consumed spiritual power.

Inside the meridian, the ghost green fire independently performs the big circle of meridians.

Over and over again, so three times, endless reincarnation.

Sea of ​​Qi finally calmed down.

The Blood Soul Tree has spiritual intelligence, so it naturally discovered the appearance of the ghost green fire, and the blood qi it emitted slowly converged, and it actually controlled the Wuying to fall to the sea surface, looking down at it with its head down. The five rhizomes of the sea turned into thousands, pouring densely into the abyss of the sea of ​​air, as if they were searching for something.

There is no doubt that the ghost blue fire made the blood soul feel great interest.

First it was the life fog baby, then the Buddha heart, and now it is the ghost blue fire. Compared with the blood soul tree, it has already developed enough interest in Tang Yan's body. A series of autonomous fusions will inevitably make it invisible Better integration with Tang Yan can be said to complement each other.

"Cough cough!" Tang Yan suddenly coughed violently, and sat up abruptly, dripping blood all over his body, but the wound had healed, and he was still a little weak. Fortunately, he basically recovered.

"Little bastard! Let me get the hell out of here! Grandma, grandpa, if you don't educate you today, you won't know how to write dead characters." The blood doll hissed angrily, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

"What kind of cramps are you, old man?" Tang Yan quickly sank his consciousness into the sea of ​​​​qi, and couldn't help but burst into ecstasy: "Ghost Qinghuo has awakened?"

"This will be discussed later. Let me talk about your personal problem first. I said that you really think you can't die? Do you really think that the blood soul tree is omnipotent? I warn you, the blood soul tree is very immature. If you don’t rescue it in time, you will belch immediately! It’s not that you can’t live without it, if you consume it excessively instead of bringing benefits, it will definitely leave immediately, and you won’t be able to find a place to cry!”

Tang Yan was a little embarrassed, smiled embarrassingly, and said, "This time I was really careless. I didn't expect De Niro to be so powerful."

"You didn't expect that? You're fucking mentally handicapped! You're just Wu Zong, a second-rank Wu Zong, he's the Wu King! Don't think you can challenge Xiaoao at the same level. Occasionally, you can challenge by leapfrogging. If you get injured, you can repair it with the Immortal Yan Tian Jue." Lawless! If you do it again, you will definitely not even have scum left!" The blood baby roared angrily, and he couldn't be more angry. I thought this kid had a sense of proportion, but now he is really a little arrogant. If this continues, he must be a little bit dead If you fall, then you will collapse along with it.


"What are you? What are you! Ah, Tang Yan, I solemnly warn you today, if you continue to lose your position, within five years, you will definitely die without a place to bury you. Immortal Yantian Jue can save you For a moment, but it can’t save you forever, even if you practice to the fourth stage, so what? Look at me! I’m your lesson from the past!” The blood baby lost control of his emotions, and finally slapped himself, Sink directly into the depths of the air sea.

Tang Yan was stunned. Since we met, I have never seen Xiezu have such emotional fluctuations, and its roars and reprimands hit Tang Yan's heart like a heavy hammer. Could it be that he really a little arrogant

"Hmm!" Seeing Tang Yan woke up, the black girl rubbed against him in surprise.

"Niu?" Tang Yan came back to his senses, looking at the heroic and majestic black wolf like a lion cub, he was a little dazed and even more pleasantly surprised, but he couldn't accept it for a while.

Sure enough, as Niya said, the black girl has undergone a transformation. If she saw it suddenly, she might not be able to recognize it.

The black girl nodded vigorously, looking very happy.

"Haha, you saved me just now? Come on, give me a kiss." Tang Yan hugged Hei Niu.

The black girl rushed over enthusiastically, but Tang Yan suddenly flew into the air, staggered, and almost fell down.The black girl threw herself into his arms, but her body shrunk to the size of a palm, and she was hanging around her neck like a koala.

"Huh? You can still be big or small?" Tang Yan was more and more surprised, picked up the black girl and looked around for a while, she was chubby and fleshy, like a newborn puppy, and the heroic and wild nature just now was completely different different.

The black girl fluttered her body in dissatisfaction, struggled to break free, and fled back to Tang Yan's chest again, finding a comfortable position to hang on it.

A monster that can grow and shrink independently?This is really not an ordinary breed!

boom!A strong explosion roared from the front, and the tumbling dust and air wave spread here.

Du Yang fell into a hard fight, and there was a difference in level between them. In order to rescue Tang Yan, he forcibly absorbed [-]% of his spiritual power.Facing Pei Rui's increasingly fierce offensive at this moment, he was forced to switch to defense, and up to now he could only persevere.

"Hei Niu, where did you die!" Du Yang roared anxiously, stepped violently, and punched out, the entire right arm was petrified, and it was filled with a strong petrified brilliance.

"Hand of God, open it!" Pei Rui slammed head-on, pushed out his palm, and the palm print was formed, and slammed into Du Yang's stone fist fiercely.

The hand of heaven basically hits from the air, and Du Yang is not allowed to touch it personally. Therefore, although the petrified light is powerful, it has never produced the power it should have. This time, it was directly blasted out.

"See how long you can hold on!" Pei Rui strode into the air, tumbling sharply, and the two palm prints were about to explode again.

"Four strikes of flames!" Tang Yan blasted into the sky, his spiritual power surged, green flames filled the air, and the ancient sword slashed out with a dazzling edge, facing the two superimposed palm prints of God!
The two colors of sapphire were intertwined, and the violent impact collapsed in the air. Tang Yan and Pei Rui were thrown into the air at the same time. After landing, they retreated repeatedly. Tang Yan retreated five steps, and Pei Rui retreated four steps!

(End of this chapter)

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