Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 163

Chapter 163
"Kane!" The faces of the members of the Duolong family changed drastically. They suddenly realized that they were no longer spectators. Immediately, two major Wuzongs opened three doors in succession.

Canopy!dusty!Kane fell to the ground, and the repeated shocks finally woke him up.

But the bad luck wasn't over yet.

"It's now!" Hai Lita scolded suddenly.

"Loud Spiritual Art!"

"The power of the earth!"

"Combined attack to confuse the ocean!"

Angela and Annabelle tried their best to unleash the strongest blow, and dense green cockroaches burst out of the ground, verdant, light and smooth, but this soft and beautiful scene lasted only half a second, and the green cockroaches began to grow wildly, unexpectedly More than a dozen vines appeared, and at the same time, a gravity field overwhelmed the audience, and Kane, who was about to climb up, felt a little stuffy.

For a Martial King like him, these gravitational forces have no effect at all, but the problem is that under the gravitational domain, the vines and green cockroaches bloom one after another, and the flowers bloom, releasing fine pollen.

The whole process was completed in just two seconds, which is the result of tacit understanding between the two women in the wild forest for 20 days!

Pollen rose from the sky, like billions of elves enveloped Kane.

Kane hadn't fully woken up yet, and the fine pollen had an impact again.

Pooh!The golden thunder flashed, and Tang Yan appeared in front of Kane in an instant, face to face, almost touching the tip of the nose.

Kane suddenly noticed, and his consciousness confused by the pollen froze for a moment, what is this for?
"Look at my eyes!" Tang Yan didn't hesitate at all compared to his stupefied eyes. The Eye of Nirvana burst out with all its strength, and hit the eyes of Kane who was facing him with the breath of death!

The Eye of Annihilation is extremely powerful, and at such a short distance, even if Kane is respected as the King of Martial Arts, the result is still
The entire right eye or the right half of the head was bloody and almost shattered, and Kane was completely blown away by the strong impact.

"Body Destruction Technique! Violent Art!" Tang Yan didn't let him go at all. After the Eye of Annihilation was blasted out, the Body Destruction Technique forcibly increased his strength, and the dense fireballs were blasted out one after another like shells. In order to achieve the best As a result, for this rare opportunity, Tang Yan drained all his spiritual power, and a total of 39 fireballs burst out!
Rumble!The green flame fireball submerged Kane, and the refining and incinerating ability of the ghost green fire was fully exerted, and there was an extremely shrill scream from inside.

The entire arena could be heard, and everyone's expressions and movements were frozen. Only their eyes were fixed on the arena, and their brains felt a little short-circuited.

From the golden butterfly to swinging the knife, from Xu Yan's impact to the two women joining forces, from the teleportation to the sudden terrifying beam, the whole process was completed in just a few seconds. I was dizzy from the beating.

The timing is just right, and the details are mastered to the extreme!
A perfect combo!
"Okay!" Odin's eyes were wild, and he almost jumped up.

Niya's eyes were burning, showing a strange expression for the first time.

Looking at the other family settlements, all of them were shocked, unable to accept the scene in front of them at all.Since the start of the war, the situation has turned around too frequently, and every reversal is accompanied by strong stimulation, but they still can't imagine that Tang Yan would break out such an offensive that almost destroyed Kane.

Regardless of whether it was the royal family or the five major families, when they carefully recalled the scene just now, they all secretly praised it as wonderful!
"Xu Yan, what are you waiting for!" Tang Yan was so thin that he knelt down weakly, his body trembling slightly uncontrollably, lying on the ground as if completely collapsed.

But when everyone's eyes were on Kane, he wiped the corners of his mouth without a trace, and poured the spiritual source liquid hidden in his cuff into his mouth.Not only him, but Ahn'Qiraj and Annabelle, who had exhausted their spiritual power due to the blow with all their strength, did the same to replenish their spiritual power.

"This is what happened when you underestimated us, how does it taste?" Xu Yan was also full of enthusiasm, his eyes were as red as blood, he strode wildly towards the blue flames, he punched out, the wind and thunder billowed, and the ferocious animal claws flickered frighteningly Hua Guang, the momentum almost tore the Qing Huo apart.

An ear-shattering sound wave suddenly appeared, and Xu Yan's sharp claws successfully hit. Kane, who was burned by the green fire, was blasted more than ten meters away. Scarlet blood sprayed the sky, waking up all the absent-minded audience.

"What are you still doing in a daze! Idiots! Trash!" A hysterical roar suddenly came from the VIP area, and the elders of the Duolong family almost exploded their lungs.

"Stop them!" The five contestants woke up suddenly, and rushed towards Tang Yan and the others like crazy.Two third-rank Wuzong rushed to Du Yang and Xu Yan respectively, one second-rank Wuzong rushed to the 'comatose' Tang Yan, and the other two rushed to the 'panicked' fifth daughter.

Kane's injury enraged them, all of them looked like crazy beasts, especially the two third-rank Wu Zong, who opened three doors in a row, one successfully stopped Xu Yan, and the other ran wildly after Du Yang.

"You bastard, die!" The second-order boy rushed in front of Tang Yan, punched out, and the golden light flashed.

The whole audience was moved by it, and suddenly realized that Tang Yan was too exhausted and couldn't even stand up. This punch would kill him.

"Tang Yan, wake up!" Odin's ecstasy dissipated in an instant, and he couldn't help screaming anxiously. Niya clenched his hands tightly and almost rushed over.

"The first one!" Tang Yan, who was lying on the ground on his back, moved his lips, and a surge of golden light shot up into the sky.

Roar!The roar shook the sky, shaking the soul, and the golden light turned into a roaring lion. The lion's head flashed with the Buddha's seal, exuding sacred and fierce power, and bumped into the young man who was caught off guard, and the dazzling golden light directly drowned him.

The lion's roar seal has a domineering sound wave attack. At the moment when it drowned him, the sound wave not only shattered his clothes and skin, but also shattered his eardrums, and his consciousness was in chaos.

The boy flew out miserably upside down, his screams were drowned out, he hit the ground with a bang, he twitched unconsciously, and passed out completely.

"Hiss! Oh my god! He can still stand up?"

"Impossible! He has used eight or nine big moves in a row, and each big move is not something a second-rank Martial Ancestor can bear. What's wrong with him?"

"What kind of monster is this? The powerful spiritual power in his body is not weaker than that of the peak Wuzong!"

"The peak of Wu Zong? More than that!" "Look carefully, that Du Yang seems to be the same!"

"what happened"

"How could they have inexhaustible spiritual power?"

While people were exclaiming and discussing, the two teenagers who killed the fifth girl also fell into a hard fight. Angela and Annabelle joined forces again, and the sea of ​​confused flowers overwhelmed them. Wei's six-layer Fengyang Jue hit them hard one after another.

They fought back desperately, but they were all bounced back by Catherine's 'mirror image'.

The five girls pretended to be weak, but after all, they had two second-tier martial arts, one first-tier martial spirit, and two third-tier martial spirits with impressive strength. They used mental calculations and unintentional calculations, and used calm and composed team battles to deal with angry brutal attacks. , they won!
The situation on the battlefield reversed too frequently and too quickly. At this moment, while the [-] viewers were shocked, they somewhat realized that Tang Yan was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Thinking back to the beginning of the war so far, looking at the various performances, the offense between each other can no longer be described as a tacit understanding, it is completely rehearsed carefully.

They were [-]% fully prepared long ago!
And the step-by-step calculations lure Kane and others.

Is it cunning?Still wonderful!Everyone has a judgment in their hearts!
"Haileta, help Du Yang!" Tang Yan refined the spirit source liquid for a while, absorbed it completely, and rushed to the edge corner with renewed fighting spirit, where the blue flame was dissipating, but the expected refining The transformation scene did not appear, Kane was slowly standing up, and a more terrifying aura was escaping, melting the ghost green fire.

"Sisters, work harder and wrap those two!" Hai Lita was infected, and the unprecedented battle was exciting, and she led a few younger sisters to form a phalanx.

"Persist the meeting, it will end soon!" Du Yang managed to guide the pursuing third-rank Wu Zong among them, followed by Xu Yan, who rushed out with a punch, directly blasting the provocative third-rank Wu Zong over, and fell into the same trap. In their camp.

The five girls immediately felt the heavy pressure, but at this moment they didn't flinch anymore, all their pretty faces were tense, and they were besieged with all their strength.The two third-rank Martial Sects were furious, but they fell into a sea of ​​confused flowers, their consciousness was dull, and they couldn't break free for a while.

There was no cheering in the entire arena, and everyone stared wide-eyed at the battlefield that could be described as 'everything', a wonderful battlefield!

At this moment, the Duolong family paid the price for their carelessness and arrogance. The coma of three Wu Zongs in a row made their overall strength drop sharply. No one can determine who will win and who will lose in today's game!

The casinos outside the arena have already exploded, and the merchants are frequently drumming and constantly adjusting the odds. The popularity of the scene even surpasses that of the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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