Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1659 Abide by the Village Rules

Chapter 1659 Abide by the Village Rules

Tang Yan hesitated a little, took Mu Rou away, and walked into the depths of the dense forest.

"How come there are five? We obviously have four." Mu Rou was surprised, one herself, one Tang Yan, one golden monkey, one Ling Zhi, obviously five.

"This village is so weird, it makes me very uneasy." Lingzhi expressed her vigilance.

"I can't shrink back just because of being weird. I will definitely win the life of that old thing." Tang Yan discussed with Ling Zhi and Mu Rou for a while, and took them all into the new world, and told Langya to stay outside .

After processing, Tang Yan returned to the entrance of the village and took out five top-quality energy stones: "Only myself, they will stay outside."

Granny Ma signaled to put it in the bamboo basket next to her: "There is also a check-in fee, one piece."

Tang Yan took another top-grade energy stone and put it in one by one: "Is it okay now?"

Granny Ma nodded, looked at the blood on Tang Yan's body a few more times, and smiled slightly: "Young man, you are new here, let me tell you the rules, fighting is not allowed in the village, remember it."

"I see."

"I reminded you, I hope you can pay attention, and don't make trouble for everyone."

"Don't worry, I will abide by your rules." Tang Yan walked into the village with a saber on his back, looking for Han Zuo's trace.

Granny Ma stared at Tang Yan's background for a long time, an inexplicable light flashed in her eyes, she smiled slightly, took off a cloth bag from her waist, poured out a few ancient tortoise shells, and fiddled with it casually, He said to himself: "It's been a long time since I did divination, but this young man actually aroused my interest."

Not long after, another group of people came to Linzhong Village. Without saying a word, they paid enough top-grade energy stones and walked in.

"It hasn't been this lively for a long time." Granny Ma smiled and shook her head, picked up a bamboo strip, and continued to weave the bamboo basket earnestly.

Forest Village, the most mysterious place in the Demon Realm, bar none.

This village has no city walls, no army, no guards, and clumps of shrubs crookedly surround the periphery of the village, barely drawing the outline of the village.

There is no village head, no management, only hotels and restaurants with different characteristics, showing the style of integration with nature.

Roughly speaking, it is just an ordinary small mountain village.

The only thing unique is the distribution of villagers inside.

There are human beings, monsters, a few demons, and even hybrid lifeforms.

The village can be called huge, winding for more than ten miles, with nearly a thousand houses of various sizes and nearly ten thousand residents. After all, it is the only 'transfer station' and 'foothold' in the southwest region of Yaoyu.

All kinds of characters can be seen everywhere, and the village is full of people coming and going, lively and lively, but not noisy, let alone noisy, it seems to be in an orderly manner.But the atmosphere in different areas is tense, hostile, confrontational, and occasional screaming. The only thing you can't see is fighting.

The life here is very simple, very peaceful, without restraints, regardless of level differences, whether you are a saint, or Wu Zong, whether you are a demon saint, or a puppy, no one can hurt anyone when you walk in it.

It can be clearly felt that the word "rules" has been engraved in the soul of this village, whether they are long-time residents or newcomers, they must be strictly abided by.

"He should be here." Tang Yan stopped in front of a hotel carved out of a giant tree. In the lobby, there were some warriors sitting sparsely, chatting carefully, quietly savoring that nothing was wrong.

The place is peaceful and quiet. The ancient trees have not withered because they were hollowed out to build houses. They are still full of vitality. Tens of thousands of weeping willows are as green as new, exuding fresh vitality.

Looking up in turn, there are five floors of housing.

But in one of the floors there is obvious corpse energy and blood energy surging. Although it seems to be suppressed by all means, and the giant tree is also exuding a clear life breath to purify, the bloody smell can still be smelled.

Occasionally, there will be painful low moans, which should be the escaped corpse royal monster.

"See where you are going to escape." Tang Yan walked into the hotel alone.

The boss behind the counter raised his head, saw a stranger, and asked with a smile, "This is the first time you come here. Do you want to eat? Drink? Or stay in the shop?"

"Let's have some food first, and then arrange a room." Tang Yan threw a top-quality energy stone over.

"Guest officer, wait a moment." The boss immediately ordered the maids in the shop.

Tang Yan looked up at the upstairs, and asked, "Is there an old guy here recently, the one covered in blood and skinned?"

After these bloody words were spoken, the lobby was a little quiet, and everyone looked at Tang Yan in unison, and sitting in the corner of the hotel were Wang Xiang and his partner.

The boss was burying his head in the calculations. Hearing this, he frowned slightly, and then raised his head with a smile on his face, signaling the stunned maids to continue their work. He looked at Tang Yan with a smile: "Do you know the rules here objectively?"

"I know, you can't fight."

"That's good. A visitor came this morning and was seriously injured."

"Which floor do you live on? Isn't it a violation to ask this question?"

"I live on the third floor. The objective person told me not to disturb you."

Tang Yan hummed, but raised his saber and stepped directly upstairs.

The maids stopped again and looked at each other, but the boss didn't care, shrugged and continued to settle accounts.

"Interesting." The people in the hotel were talking with half-smiles, looking up from time to time, listening to the movement.

A moment later, there was a loud bang, which disturbed the hotel and the village, and many people turned their attention to this hotel.

On the third floor of the hotel, Tang Yan aggressively stomped open the door on Hanzuo.

Han Zuo was sitting on the edge of the bed, condensing the corpse's aura, absorbing the piles of elixir medicines in front of him, except for snorting and snorting, he didn't open his eyes when Tang Yan came.

"Old man, do you think you'll be safe by hiding here?" Tang Yan stood coldly at the door, clenched his right hand tightly, anger surged into his chest again, and his eyes turned red.

"I'm just sitting here, come and catch me?" Han Zuo sneered sinisterly, not caring about Tang Yan's anger.

"Before I die, I will report your name." Tang Yan clenched his fists tightly, his joints crackled, his anger was raging, a murderous intent burst out in his eyes, his feet clung to the ground, like a spring that was continuously compressed, and might explode at any time .

"Humph, name? You don't deserve it!" Han Zuo smiled evilly, raised his bloody one-eyed, and looked at Tang Yan coldly: "Little brat, aren't you very powerful, come and kill me. Your enemy is here Sit in front of you, do you dare?"

"Are you curious why I am in the third level of ancient warfare? Because I refined the body of Zhanmo!"

"That's right, you heard me right, I did train the body of War Demon for a full 1000 years."

"Do you dare to kill me? If you kill me, you will kill your teacher!"

"Hey, that's right. After careful calculation, I am your master."

"Come, come, good boy, kneel down for me, and lick your toes."

"Yoyo, your face is green? Do you want to eat me? Haha, I like your disgusting look of eating shit, haha."

The hotel is full of Han Zuo's wanton grinning and vicious provocations, which is extremely annoying.

Kacha, Tang Yan suddenly burst into anger: "Death!"

But at this special moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps downstairs, and they came to the third floor without haste, and stopped at the corner tens of meters away.

It was Wang Xiang who had communicated with him before.

Wang Xiang smiled silently: "Friend, I don't know what grievances you have with the people inside, but I sincerely advise you not to cause trouble in this village. You are just a casual cultivator and cannot bear the consequences of violating the rules.

Even if you have a special background, don't make trouble here.

To give you an example, a direct descendant of the Stone Demon Clan once came here to make trouble, but his head was buried under the big tree in front of the village and became the nourishment of the earth.

Back then, a saint of the Sea God Clan made trouble here, and was hunted down for ten days and ten nights. After all, he failed to escape from the Demon Realm and died in an unknown place.

At that time, a direct heir of the Pangu clan who was about to be crowned prince caused trouble here. There was no real fight, but a martial skill was inspired on impulse, and an arm was left as a result.

There was another person, it was very early, and he forgot who it was, who played cleverly to stimulate his enemy to take the initiative, but in the end, both of them were beheaded.

Do I need to go on?The rules of this village are not simply hung here, but forged by bloody lessons. Here, eat, drink and rest, but don't make trouble. "

The anger in Tang Yan's heart was extinguished little by little, his brows were tightly frowned, and he turned his head to look at Wang Xiang fixedly.

"It's a kind reminder, and that's all for now. If it's a favor, come down for a drink, I'll invite you." Wang Xiang raised his hand as an invitation, nodded slightly, and turned to leave.

"Hmph, spoilers, there are always some self-righteous guys doing self-righteous things." Han Zuo in the room snorted coldly, closed his eyes and continued to meditate to recover.

Tang Yan withdrew his gaze and looked at Hanzuo again.

"Have you heard it all? No matter who you are, even Jiuying can't cover you. Now, let's get out of here. When Lao Tzu returns to his full power, he will leave the village. At that time, we will fight again. This time, You won't have any more luck."

Tang Yan stared at him coldly for a while, then suddenly took off his mask and walked into the room.

"Yo? Do you want to make a move? You are quite courageous." Han Zuo opened his eyes again, grinning gloatingly.

"The good show has just begun, we will wait and see."

"Haha..." Han Zuo raised his head and laughed.

"Bah!" Tang Yan spat out, and it happened to get stuck in Han's left throat.

"Ah, cough cough cough." Han Zuo's bloody face turned green on the spot, and he coughed violently. "Thief, I tore you apart."

(End of this chapter)

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