Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1662 Life and Death 1 Hexagram

Chapter 1662 The Hexagram of Life and Death

Deep in the crack, [-] meters underground.

Tang Yan tried his best to hook Liemo Dao, and the two little guys, Blood Soul Tree and Huo Ling'er, cooperated seriously, using soul power and blood energy to 'stimulate' Zhan Mo's sleeping thoughts, regardless of the consumption.

However, Liemo Dao was Zhan Mo's beloved secret treasure during his lifetime, his second life, and before the end of his life, he incorporated his thoughts and soul power into it.

The body can be destroyed, but the sword will last forever.

This is the will of War Demon, this is his second life, and it is his inheritance token.

It is equal to the taboo of cleanliness.

It's just a broken body, you can destroy it, but the Fierce Demon Saber will never be trampled on, so he will not allow others to simply obtain the sword, will not easily wield the power of the sword, and will not allow others to awaken his sleeping thoughts and soul.

Even as Tang Yan, since his debut, he has truly awakened the power of the ancient sword, only a few dozen times, and all of them were when the rampage and fury reached the peak value, and when the fighting spirit and madness reached his appreciation , and he automatically woke up from a deep sleep.

"Keep going, don't give up." Tang Yan calmed down and went all out.

Deep in the crack, Tang Yan was working hard with all his heart.

In Linzhong Village, the commotion brought about by the arrival of the Pangu clan subsided quickly. As the most mysterious place in the demon realm, most of the people who fled here were those who had provoked people or had no choice but to escape.

Pick anyone here, six out of ten will have amazing experiences.Therefore, I am interested in today's affairs at most, and will not cause any continuous sensation.

Wang Xiang and Wang Fu did not look for Tang Yan, but stayed in the hotel where Han Zuo was. They believed that Tang Yan would come back, and this matter would not end here.

The Pangu team also took root in this hotel, monitoring Hanzuo in an all-round way.

a month?They can afford to wait!
Han Zuo'an stayed in the room to recuperate, enjoying himself unscrupulously. One month was enough for him to complete his recuperation and find a way to leave.

He didn't pay attention to these little guys at all.

Entrance to Forest Village.

The old man greeted the villagers warmly and came all the way to Granny Ma.

"Hey, I have a headache. Hanzuo, this old thing, brings trouble every time he comes here." The old man Bai picked up a bamboo basket, flipped it back and forth, and praised: "The craftsmanship is getting better and better."

Granny Ma smiled kindly: "This time the trouble is not so big, even the Titans of the Pangu Tribe did not hesitate to take risks to track him down, it seems that he has committed a big case, hehe, this old thing is getting more and more noisy. "

"Based on Tai Tan's tone, it should be that Han Zuo robbed someone." The old man Bai sat by the table, picked up the bamboo sticks next to him, and helped Granny Ma tidy up.

They are like the old lady and grandfather next door, leisurely, calm and warm.

Granny Ma shook her head and said softly: "The battle over Cangwu Zhiyuan is fierce, Hanzuo, the emperor's left hand, doesn't go back to help, he insists on fleeing here, causing trouble for himself and us."

"I'm wondering what happened to his injuries? With his strength, few people can injure him like this. Judging by the appearance of those wounds, they don't seem to be caused by the weapons of the Pangu clan."

"Didn't you notice a masked boy? The one who came after Han Zuo was full of murderous looks. It seems that he did it. One him, one Pangu tribe, all came for Han Zuo. This is unusual. "

"Which family?"

Granny Ma suddenly smiled and shook her head.

"Why?" The white old man looked at Granny Ma strangely, couldn't help laughing, and gently plucked the bamboo shavings from her hair: "Old husband and wife have been around for tens of thousands of years, and they still pretend to be secret?"

"This kid is a bit weird, I couldn't help divination."

The white old man became more interested, and it was really rare for the old woman to take the initiative to divination.

Granny Ma smiled mysteriously, and drew a few strokes on the bamboo with her fingertips.

"Oh?" The old man Bai nodded knowingly, with a strange expression on his face.

"Just wait and see, this matter will not come to an end easily. However, Hanzuo's catastrophe may not be escaped. I have been crazy for a lifetime, and I am destined to end in madness. This is fate."

"Oh, this is a year full of disasters for the corpse royal family. You are busy, I will discuss it with the old guys. Our forest village has not been so lively for a long time." The white old man helped Granny Ma straighten the messy bamboo knots, Patting the debris off his body, he walked into the village.

Granny Ma nodded softly, and continued to be busy with her work, carefully and conscientiously.

However, on that night, a cold breath came from the west, the wind was like weeping, faint and weak, echoing endlessly in the forest, it was creepy.

Granny Ma was packing up the fruits of the day's work and was about to go back to rest, but at this moment she raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the dark and cold jungle in front of her.

The old trees were messy and dense, and all kinds of weird shapes appeared in the darkness, which was already scary enough, but at this moment, there was a gloomy wind and weeping whispers.

"Is it the ghost mother?" Granny Ma put down the bundles of bamboo, slowly straightened her waist, and looked at the dark woodland strangely.

In the darkness, in the gloomy wind, a white-clothed woman with disheveled hair came erratically, but stayed a hundred paces away, vaguely, not clearly visible, but chilling and palpitating.

Granny Ma smiled slightly, patted the debris on her body, and untied her apron: "What a ghost mother, long time no see, why come here to see old friends when you have time?"

The Nine Sons Ghost Mother stayed a hundred meters away, staring coldly at the small village in the forest dotted with lights through her messy long hair.

"Do you want to go in?" Granny Ma asked gently.

The ghost mother was silent.

But Granny Ma seemed to understand what she meant, she shook her head and sighed: "People and monsters are welcome here, but ghosts are not accepted here. This is the rule set by the master, you know it."

The ghost mother still ignored it, as if she was investigating the situation in Linzhong Village.

"The person you are looking for is here, but I can't let you take him away. This is the rule. Mother Ghost, we have known each other for many years. I kindly advise you. The village has been in chaos recently. You should leave."

"Give me a divination." In the dense forest, the ghost mother whispered softly.

"You've never believed in fate. This time... Did you have a premonition?" Grandma Ma frowned slightly, as if worried for her.

In the dense forest, the ghost mother was silent, only her blood-red eyes stared at Lin Zhongcun coldly.

"That's all."

Granny Ma sighed, sat back at the desk, and took out a few turtle shells.

"Divination is a very mysterious thing. Unpredictability for a thousand years is equivalent to accumulating fortune for thousands of years. One day, you can see through a lot of things if you have a sense of divination. The old woman has almost 2000 years of divination. Today's divination really sees a lot of things." .

But if I do divination continuously within one day, it will cost my life, and the things I see will be blurred.I made one divination today, and the second divination may not work again, so you have to be prepared. "

Nine Sons Ghost Mother floated out of the dense forest and approached the village.

Granny Ma is earnestly divination, her callused right hand is carefully counting, her left hand is slowly moving between the turtle shells, wisps of strange energy flow on the table, and mysterious images are displayed on the old lines of the turtle shell. Between looming.

This time the divination was very difficult, Granny Ma worked very hard, occasionally frowning, and occasionally sweat oozes from her forehead, she seemed to be puzzled, repeated it carefully and carefully.

This hexagram was enough to predict a cup of tea, and new cracks were added to the back of the tortoise shell, and the already dry and dull tortoise shell was slightly dim.

"White Deer...White Deer..." Granny Ma understood the traces of the tortoise's shell, and said silently several times: "Could it be White Deer City?"

"What do you mean?" Nine Sons and Ghost Mother whispered coldly.

"The hexagram shows that Bailu City is connected with your destiny, and your final destination is in Bailu City. As for whether it is life or death, chance or disaster, forgive me for not being able to figure it out." Granny Ma lowered her head, looking at the hexagram, but Refusing to see the ghost mother seems to be reserved.

"...White Deer City..." Nine Sons and Ghost Mother murmured to herself, and finally took a deep look at the peaceful village, and retreated erratically into the dark woodland.

The cold atmosphere pervading the mountains gradually dissipated, and the sound of ghost whispers and devil cries also gradually dissipated, until there was no sound, and everything returned to tranquility.

"Go slowly, don't rush." ​​Granny Ma whispered.

The ghost mother disappeared without a trace.

"White Deer City, another White Deer City. Ghost mother, seeing you today is like a farewell between you and me. You should have disappeared with the death of hell, and you have persisted for tens of thousands of years. Escaping the sanction of heaven,'s almost time to return..."

Granny Ma shook her head and said to herself, staring at the direction where the ghost mother disappeared, feeling sad and helpless.But the meaning revealed in the self-talk is obviously...a lot...a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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