Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1666 Knife

Chapter 1666 Knife
"Okay! A one-knife deal! I accept it!" Wang Xiang responded readily.

"What?! What's going on?!" Wang Fu suddenly turned his head and stared at Wang Xiang in a daze: "Brother, is it worth it?! We just see the injustice and help, that's all, there is no need to risk our lives. , it is clearly a matter of life and death!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Fu pointed at Tai Tan angrily: "Are you crazy? If you want to use a knife, your old emperor will follow. Our brothers have no obligation to accompany you crazy."

"Retreat? It's rare in this world to make you 'Tang Fu' retreat. It's just a sentence, scaring you like this?" Tai Tan slowly raised his hand, drew the knife, and the blade slowly unsheathed, pounding The majestic momentum erupted from the gap between the knife body and the scabbard, swiftly and violently, as if a towering mountain was drawn out, and a world was drawn out.

The vast and endless dense forest was silent at this moment.

All the living beings are silent at this moment, and they all show pain at this moment, clenching their teeth tightly, as if a huge boulder is pressing on their bodies, making them unable to breathe.

"Strange, did he know something? Otherwise, why would he take the risk of taking the knife of the Titan?"

"It's not like him to be so determined to protect a person."

"Could it be that the intention is to receive the knife? The reason why you came forward is to challenge the Titan? No, no, no, if the two of them want to compete, they can choose a better occasion instead of acting hastily today."

Granny Ma and other Lin Zhongcun's "management" were all talking about it, not understanding why Wang Xiang was willing to take the sword. After all, they could imagine the scene of Tai Tan's sword, and even more the power of Tai Tan's sword.

As Wang Fu said, this is not accepting a sword, but deciding life and death.

"Old woman, what do you think?" The white old man stroked his beard and asked softly.

"He shouldn't have appeared, let alone receive the knife." Granny Ma shook her head, unable to figure out Wang Xiang's purpose.

Wang Xiang clasped Wang Fu's shoulders, brought him back, and greeted Tai Tan with a smile: "I have long wanted to understand the power of the Pangu Saber, and I just took this opportunity to experience it, please?!"

"Cheer up! Change to another place and fight fairly. I will only strike once, and it will be settled. If you don't die, today's matter is up to you to make the decision." The wind howled, thousands of branches swayed wildly, and the sound of crashing was like a rainstorm hitting plantains, filling the four directions.

It was as if a torrential rain was hitting, the wind was raging, and the scene was chaotic.

"Brother, think about it again?" Wang Fu obviously didn't want Wang Xiang to fight Titans in today's situation. What he was worried about was not winning or losing, but that it was completely unnecessary.

Not only other people are puzzled by Wang Xiang's decision, but also his brother who has been with him for decades is also puzzled.

Wang Xiang smiled: "What? Are you worried that I will lose?"

"That's not true, it's just that the kid is not worthy of you..."

"I just don't want to regret it in the future. Guard here for me, and don't let the Pangu clan take advantage of the chaos." Wang Xiang patted Wang Fu's shoulder and soared into the sky.

"Wait!" Tai Tan suddenly stopped, and his cold and arrogant expression finally changed a bit: "Are you really willing to take my knife? In this unprepared environment? In this informal occasion?"

"What? Have you changed your mind?"

Tai Tan took a deep look at Wang Xiang: "I suddenly want to know, what's the reason? You shouldn't be too familiar with the person in the crack."

"There are so many reasons in the world, just do what you want." Wang Xiang's speed soared and disappeared into the night: "I will wait for you ten miles away."

"Okay! Although I hate the despicable behavior of your fathers, you are different and worthy of my shot." Tai Tan stepped up into the air, and sternly ordered the subordinates: "Before I come back, you are not allowed to step into the crack."

"Accept the order!" The seven Pangu clansmen cupped their fists and accepted the order.

"Frank and heroic. It's rare for a son of a clan to be neither arrogant nor impetuous." Granny Ma whispered to herself with complicated expressions. Outsiders didn't know who she was referring to, but the rest of the elders nodded deeply.

"Do we need to help take care of it? If something goes wrong, our village will be questioned and cause trouble for the master." An old woman asked.

"No need, give them some respect."

"Don't worry, they won't cheat. This is their minimum recognition of each other and themselves."

The rest of the old people shook their heads, and their opinions were unprecedentedly unified.

Outside the crack, the master of the murderous world and Lingzhi waited indifferently. The scene in front of them was unexpected, but it would not affect their belief in guarding this place.

Deep in the crack, Tang Yan had no time to look outside, let alone what happened.

His whole body was tense, his face was ferocious, his left eye was tightly closed, and there was a sharp black light splashing between the eyes, like electric light tearing the space in front of his eyes.Scarlet blood oozes from the corners of the eyes, causing convulsive convulsions in the facial expression.

Hanzuo's dying counterattack was too crazy, more terrifying than the Canine Tooth Mountains.

He risked everything, exhausted everything, to destroy this space.

"Tang Yan, I will die with this old man, wow haha." Han Zuo, in desperation and madness, continued to laugh horribly, and continued to go crazy like a ghost.

"You deserve it too?!" Tang Yan's consciousness, the entire Ren family, together with the evil ghosts and Mr. Jin, without exception, fell into a deep-seated madness, endured severe pain and exhaustion, and triggered a natural disaster-like battlefield.

At this moment, the battlefield is in the most tense and critical moment, and perhaps it will end in the next second.

Could it be Tang Yan and others who killed Han Zuo?Or will it shatter this space?
Crucial moment, this is a dance with death.

Ten miles east of the crack.

Wang Xiang and Tai Tan lived on two separate mountaintops, facing the fierce cold wind, standing proudly in the air.

"I've been looking forward to the battle with you!" Wang Xiang clasped his fists in salute, and then his golden eyes glowed brightly. The violent aura exploded, causing the wind to howl, his long hair fluttering, and a wave of golden air gushed out like a flame. , sweeping across the steep mountaintops, spread out in the vast night, strongly opening up a golden space.

Wang Xiang's whole personality has changed drastically, showing his true self.

His eyes were blazing, domineering, like a king of kings.

Look down on the common people and be proud of the world.

That tyrannical aura is permeated with dignity and pride.

"I have also been waiting for it for a long time." Tai Tan's right hand suddenly exerted force, the knife and the sheath were separated, rumbled, the sky shook, the mountains wailed, and the dark clouds rolled in. A terrifying oppression that made all living beings tremble swept across the sky and enveloped the mountains.

At this moment, not only the space is trembling, the mountains are moaning, and thousands of monsters are dormant in horror.

"Please!" Wang Xiang roared suddenly, his voice was like a lion, roaring proudly at the common people.

The golden light from all directions is rushing like a tide, the golden light is bright, pure and dazzling, not stained with any strange light, as Wang Xiang raised his arms, a strange beast shadow gathered in the depths of the tide, looming, and a more violent wave Majestic arrogance stirs the sky.

Like a tiger is like a lion, neither a tiger nor a lion, the golden light shines on the world, and the holy majesty covers the sky.

The shadow of the beast roared to the sky, and the sound moved the mountains and rivers.

"Thinking of your passion today, I will not exert my full strength. The [-]% battle is just for learning." Tai Tan's whole body was bulging, and his exaggerated muscles were all tensed, and a sense of strength like a collapsing space filled the world.

A roar caused the sky to tremble with thunder.

Tai Tan's arms suddenly exerted force, and he made a shocking cut.

The reason why the Pangu clan's weapons are terrifying is that they inherited the ancient method of refining soldiers.

The weapons of all the people of the Pangu clan are all heavy weapons, ranging from ordinary people to the supreme high-level people. Everyone’s weapons are made of melting mountains. Even the most common weapons are made of melting thousands of catties of boulders, which is a little normal Weapons are all made of smelted mountains.

As for the high level, more than a dozen high mountains, or even one mountain range are directly smelted.The foundational mountain body that accommodates the mountain range is infused with the spiritual veins of that mountain range, and is compressed into a living warrior in an extremely mysterious and complicated way.

It is this special ability that is so jealous that it has endowed the Pangu clan with eternal prosperity from ancient times to the present.

Therefore, the sword that Titan is rotating at this moment is actually rotating a vast and boundless mountain range. With manpower and arms, a mountain range is being rotated.

What kind of terrifying power is needed to control it?What shocking power will it produce?
Tai Tan seldom uses his sword, but when he makes a sword, he will definitely die with a single blow, and he will never make a second blow. This is why everyone in Linzhong Village finds it difficult, and it is also the reason why Wang Fu was surprised by Wang Xiang's decision.

A knife wheel moves, a mountain range, how can the common people dare to pick it up?
"Boom!" As the saber passed, the heavens and the earth trembled, mountains and rivers mourned, and the mountains and trees below were cracked, turning into smoke and dust, stirring up the sky and the earth.

"Roar." Wang Xiang's aura was suddenly boosted, he stepped forward proudly, rolled his arms in the air, drawing a majestic arc, and then suddenly moved forward, his hands clacked and turned into golden claws, and the fronts of his arms It shattered, revealing an arm covered in scales.

Animal body?Demon spirit? !

The phantom of the high-altitude alien beast tossed violently, and then slammed into Wang Xiang's body cavity.

At this moment, the giant Titan came through the air with swords in turn. The heavy sword had no edge, but it was earth-shattering, sweeping the terrifying wind and holy power, and directly grabbed Wang Xiang's arms.

Wang Xiang's face was extremely dignified, the strength of his arms soared, and the endless golden light continued to rush and converge. In front of him, this knife... seemed to be an endless mountain range, with undulating mountains, endless green seas, and thousands of ancient beasts. , more rivers and canyons.

This feeling is mysterious and shocking.

It makes people feel like they are fighting against the heaven and earth, and involuntarily breed smallness and oppression.

The next moment, the collision came, rumbling, and the explosion-like momentum dissipated in the high altitude. It was like a shock.

(End of this chapter)

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