Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1677 Slave Exchange

Chapter 1677 Slave Exchange
The Tianluo Domain was lost, the Heavenly Demons invaded the south, the main city of the northern border of the Demon Spirits fell, and the western battlefield was attacked by the Blood Demons and the whole line was defeated. A pair of silent eyes drew the attention of all the heroes in the world.

The sudden alliance between the two deadly enemies of the Heavenly Demon Clan and the Blood Demon Clan not only alarmed the Golden Ancient Clan, but also shocked the Eastern Demon Territory, causing countless horrified and angry faces.

First was the alliance of the Stone Demons and Li Demons, then the alliance of the Sky Demons and the Blood Demons, and the recovery of the Succubus. The Lost Battle Realm seemed to have seen signs of a full awakening of the Demons. If the Dark Demons were involved again, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Looking at the chaos in the north, and considering the tense situation in the Cangwu Abyss, the respective overlords all realized that the demons must have been preparing for these years, accumulating strength secretly, and never gave up on regaining lost ground.Otherwise, it would not be possible for a series of stormy and violent attacks of the demons to develop to the present situation due to a "beast mountain rebellion" and "defeat of the corpse emperor".

All races put aside their affairs one after another, and while paying attention to the Cangwu Abyss battlefield, they concentrated more efforts to pay attention to the changes of the demon spirit clan in the northern continent.

The Star Clan and the Bone Clan secretly exerted their strength, while holding back the troops of the Sky Demon Clan in the eastern region, they gathered elite troops, especially the top-level powerhouses, to rush to the aid of the Demon Spirit Clan at any time.

Just as the Ashura clan did not allow the corpse royal clan to be destroyed, the northern clans did not allow the Yaoling clan to be defeated.

But at the same time, the news that Tang Chen, the son of Prince Cang, took the command of the first commander of the Northern Xinjiang Legion suddenly spread, and swept the world with a turbulent wave, causing a sensation that surpassed everything within the ancient gold clan.

As the leader of the new generation of the Yaoling clan, as the most dazzling star of the Yaoling clan in recent years, and as the son of destiny recognized by the Yaoling clan, Tang Chen has always received close attention.

When other clans sealed up their Destiny's Child one after another, only the Yaoling Clan tempered their princes unabashedly, and from the eldest son Tang Chen down to the youngest daughter Tang Lin, all of them shined brilliantly.

Tang Chen's strength and his eight younger brothers and sisters' loyalty and support for him have become a good story, even a legend.In a huge family with fierce competition, it is rare for the nine heirs to share life and death without fighting among themselves.

But now, in this special period, when the ethnic group was in danger, Tang Chen actually replaced the military affairs academy as the supreme commander of a war zone, took control of the military affairs, and was pinned on by the ethnic group.

While lamenting the courage of Prince Cang, people have to focus on this star shining in the north with new eyes, and even consider whether to let their son of destiny go to the battlefield.

After all, compared to traveling around the world alone and retreating in secret, controlling millions of troops, dominating the survival of the theater, and maneuvering on the battlefield is simply a brand new concept, destined to bring more unique experiences and more novel perceptions.

At this moment, the situation in the entire continent is tense, and the supreme overlords of all walks of life are paying close attention to the sudden "demon counterattack storm", so that they are slightly weaker in some aspects of deployment.

So far, under the chaotic background, Beast Mountain has more opportunities and time to recuperate, and Tang Yan can let go of his hands and feet and travel the world, tempering and strengthening himself.

"Mu Rou, are you used to the atmosphere here?" Tang Yan took Mu Rou's white and soft little hand and walked on the busy street, deliberately exuding a semi-holy aura, intimidating those obscene and presumptuous gazes, lest anyone be caught by the hue. Dazed head to molesting.

Mu Rou pursed her lips, and nodded with a forced smile. Obviously, she was very uncomfortable with the tragic scene of the slave trading market. The slaves in the cage were full of chains, those dull and empty eyes, and the resentful panting. , for the pure and kind-hearted her, it was really a shock.

"Let go of your mood, and you will get used to it much better." Tang Yan comforted her softly.

Knowing that it was difficult for Mu Rou to adapt, he insisted on bringing her here and letting her observe the trading area. It was Tang Yan who hoped that Mu Rou could take this opportunity to make some changes.

It's not that Mu Rou's character isn't weak, it's not that she doesn't have perseverance, but she's too kind. This kind of temperament is simply a 'heterogeneous' in the Lost World, and she is easily hurt. If she is separated from the protection, she will not survive half a year. The main reason why Tang Yan has been afraid to let her fight.

Tang Yan hoped that Mu Rou would change a bit, not too much, just to protect herself.

Tang Yan dotes on and loves this lovely girl from the bottom of his heart. He hopes that he can protect this pure girl like a snow lotus forever. He also doesn't want her to be contaminated by the dust of this world. This huge battlefield is always full of crises and conspiracies. I am not a god, so I cannot protect her forever. I am not a slave owner, so I cannot imprison Mu Rou in the new world for a lifetime.

No matter what, Mu Rou will eventually face a battle one day.

So... Tang Yan hopes that Mu Rou can adapt to this world a little bit, and doesn't expect that she can fight all the time like Niya Zhaoyi, can hold up the overall situation strongly, at least be able to protect herself in the event of an accident, no need As for being easily hurt and framed.

Mu Rou is very smart, smarter than anyone expected. She understands Tang Yan's intentions, and also sees that she is out of tune with this world. She hopes that she can face it with strength, like Niya and Zhaoyi. Help Tang Yan instead of being cared for like a canary.

"Brother, I can do it." Mu Rou nodded vigorously, holding Tang Yan's big hand tightly, conveying her faith and strength, trying her best to adapt to the chaotic environment of the slave area with a calm mind.

"Front, turn right." Pei Se'er said suddenly.

"Huh? Where to go?"

"There are five largest slave owners in this trading area, and one of the slave owners has a quirk. He likes to collect some strange slaves. As long as you set a starting price, even the demons can get you.

It is said that the half-holy-level slaves in his trading field have shot several times.

Therefore, he does not have the largest number of slaves, but the top and richest slaves. He receives noble clients, including the Pangu clan. "

Tang Yan was surprised: "Where did you get the news?"

"I asked the innkeeper about it when I came out."

"You went to the back kitchen to ask this? I thought you were looking for something to eat."

"Is this girl so worthless? Let's go, let's go, we'll be there soon."

Passing through the chaotic street, turning to the right, the scene in front of you is suddenly clear. Compared with the noisy scene like a vegetable market behind you, the front is simply a bustling pedestrian street.

The streets are wide and tidy, and they are cleaned very neatly. The ground is paved with black black stones, showing a sense of dignity and solemnity. At the end hundreds of meters away, there is a magnificent palace.

In this trading area of ​​domestic slaves and servants full of various camps and earthen buildings, this palace stands out from the crowd and is even more noble.

There are relatively few people walking on this street, but they are relatively well-dressed, and it is still lively, with people coming and going and talking about it.

When Tang Yan came to the main entrance, the three of them exuded the aura of semi-saint and high-level dignity, as well as the two beauties with beautiful faces, and they immediately received a warm reception.

A maid greeted them from a long distance away, and then they walked into the palace gate.

Open the hall door, and the vast lobby opens up the view.

It was like walking into a large-scale library. Stone platforms were neatly interspersed in the lobby. On each stone platform were squatted cages of different sizes, inside which were guarding a large number of slaves.

There is a five-meter-wide aisle between each stone platform for guests to stop and choose.

Most of the slaves guarded in these cages are warriors, a few are monsters, and their ranks are generally not low. There are still many sealed cages on the stone platforms in some places, and I don't know what is inside.

Tang Yan's thoughts roughly swept across the audience, and unexpectedly caught more than a dozen auras of dignity in these cages. He couldn't help feeling the high standard of this place, and sighed helplessly.

Venerables who are high and high in the Qitian Continent are sold here as goods. It’s not that Wu Zun is worthless, but the cruelty of the society here. As long as you fail or suffer, the world will use bloody claws to kill you. The dignity torn to pieces.

The way this world treats losers is too cruel and bloody.

"I have some energy stones here. You can choose what you want to buy?" Tang Yan checked the energy stones in his golden lock. There were almost 200 pieces, all of which were high-end and top-quality. It was when he was about to leave the beast mountain. Get it from the Beast Mountain warehouse, and go out, it can't be difficult in this regard.

"I'm not in a hurry to buy slaves now, lest Dong Qingniu become wary of me. But..." Pei Se'er walked in the aisle, looking at all kinds of slaves in the cages on both sides: "If you meet the right one, I will I don’t mind taking one or two in advance.”

"Hey, the fifty energy stones are all of the highest quality." Tang Yan took out a brocade box and handed it to Pei Se'er.

"Yo? So generous?" Pei Se'er took the brocade box, blinked and smiled charmingly: "Why, let me dedicate myself?"

Mu Rou's pretty face blushed, and she pouted weakly: "Sister, it's not good for you to be like this."

Pei Se'er smiled flamboyantly, and couldn't help pinching Mu Rou's tender and white face: "It's so cute, if I were a man, I would definitely attack you."

(End of this chapter)

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