Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1681 The oldest living body

Chapter 1681 The oldest living body

Tang Yan hugged Mu Rou lovingly and comforted this sentimental little girl: "Don't take yourself lightly, don't always try to change yourself to suit other people, you have your own splendor, and others are irreplaceable. You, we are The only one in my life."

"Brother, don't worry, Mu Rou will be strong and protect herself."

Tang Yan raised Mu Rou's exquisite chin, and kissed his red lips lightly. It was a rare time for him to feel numb, but he showed his true feelings: "Meeting you is a gift from heaven to me, I will cherish it, and I will work hard to protect it. But you have to promise me that one day in the future, no matter what happens, don’t be impulsive to pay for me, take risks for me, let alone risk your life for me.”


"Silly girl, the ghost green fire is the immortal sky fire, I am the immortal body. I have hell, I have the blood soul tree, even if only the soul is left, I can stand in front of you again soon."

"Yeah." Mu Rou nodded hesitantly, but is there really immortality in this world?She doesn't believe it.

Mu Rou is very touched to be the holy snow lotus beside Tang Yan, and she is willing to stick to her innocence and kindness forever for Tang Yan, but it does not mean that her dedication to Tang Yan is limited to this.

She loves Tang Yan deeply, in her own way.

Her love is silent, but no worse than anyone else.

If one day in the future, Tang Yan's life is really in danger, and she has the ability to save it, she will never hesitate.

In Mu Rou's pure belief, the devotion of life will be the most steadfast proof of true love.

"Promise! You must be obedient! Remember it firmly!" Tang Yan solemnly reminded.

Over the years, he never revealed it, but he never forgot Jing Feiyu's prophecy, like a fishbone stuck in his throat, he always reminded himself to protect this innocent and kind girl.But considering the ever-changing characteristics of Mu Rou's fate, and her own numerology is also complicated and unpredictable, so... As time goes by and experiences change, will each other's fate change?

Maybe, maybe not.

But he would rather choose to believe.

He believed that what Jing Feiyu saw might not be 100% true.

All he can do is try his best to avoid it.

Mu Rou curled up in Tang Yan's arms, blushing and whispered, "Brother..."


Mu Rou buried her head in Tang Yan's chest, her pretty face blushed, and she whispered softly, "Meeting you is my happiest moment."

"What did the little girl say?" Tang Yan asked pretending to be innocent.

"Just say it once, forget it if you didn't hear it." Mu Rou playfully stuck out her tongue.

Tang Yan pampered Mu Rou's long hair, and kissed her forehead lightly: "Rest, open your heart knot, and stop thinking about it in the future. You are Mu Rou, the unique Mu Rou."

Mu Rou hugged Tang Yan tightly and fell asleep sweetly.

Tang Yan was lying on the bed, full of love and affection, in a trance, he really wanted to be able to accompany the girl in his arms one day in the future, live carefree in this world, and no longer suffer from killing, No more intrigue and trickery.

Tang Yan gently ran down the long hair on Mu Rou's forehead, and stared at Mu Rou's sleeping face tenderly. At this moment, she was very relieved...but... the worry from the blood man was still lingering, a long time of peace Afterwards, Tang Yan fell into deep thought again, reassessing the current situation, trying to find some clues.

Unknowingly... the whole hotel seemed to be quiet, very quiet, no sound, no light, Tang Yan was thinking, quietly, feeling inexplicably tired.

tired?Tang Yan yawned for a long time, rubbed his sore forehead, then looked at Mu Rou in his arms, smiled silently, and stopped thinking about it.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Maybe the catastrophe will only be revealed when he meets Tai Tan, and his reverie now is completely useless.

Tang Yan kissed Mu Rou's forehead lightly, and fell asleep with her in his arms.

However, when he closed his eyes with a smile, he felt something in a trance, his eyelids were obviously raised, and his body seemed to be tensed up, but... exhaustion and drowsiness flooded his whole body like a tide, overwhelming him It seemed that it was too late for him to wake up like a "a little bit of a surprise".

Accompanied by a soft moan, Tang Yan frowned and fell asleep on the bed.

This night, the night was very dark, the sky and the earth were dark, and the ancient city was quiet.

That night, the air was very cold, and the darkness was somewhat gloomy.

Even the usually noisy slave trading area was extremely cold, with few people moving on the street, and many shops closed early.

Since a certain time... the front and back yards of Hammerfell Tower have been plunged into a darkness as heavy as lead. The blackness is as thick as a pool of stagnant water. There are subtle black air floating in the air, filling the air and merging into the air. It circulates in every corner of the hotel, including guest rooms and wing rooms.

A white shadow floated into the hotel, like a lonely ghost in the middle of the night, passing through everything and entering the backyard in an unrecognizable scene.

Along the way, everything is silent and there is no sound.

It never caught anyone's attention.

Not long after, she stopped in front of a wing, staring at the dark room, and seemed to glance at the darker corners nearby.

There... Spike, who was on alert, had fallen and passed out in a dark corner.Just like all the living bodies in the hotel, they were lethargic, lost vigilance, and lost the most basic sense of crisis.

There are hundreds of people in the hotel, without exception, they are all asleep, and they have been asleep for a long, long time.

They have all experienced the process from being calm to peaceful consciousness, from inexplicable fatigue to falling asleep after stretching their bodies. This is not an intense process, but a gradual and subtle process that lasted for more than an hour.

Without causing any stimulation, the black silk and black air soothed everyone's vigilance and suppressed the crisis emotions in everyone's hearts until they felt tired and peaceful without even realizing it.

At this moment, everything is too late. After exhaustion, there will be a calm body function, an uncontrollable drowsiness and deep sleep, maybe... No matter how difficult it is to wake up... It's like Tang Yan's awakening at the last moment, which still failed.

The figure in white lingered for a long time, staring at Spike in the corner.

With the strength she has accumulated through the endless years of survival, the innate secret method bestowed by the hell world, and her extraordinary strength that surpasses all saints, it is easy to control a small hotel and several Wu Zun and semi-sages.

But looking at the whole process, apart from Tang Yan who triggered the counterattack, only this "shadow" woke up halfway and launched a counterattack just a little bit away. If he hadn't taken the risk to subdue him, tonight's lurking would have fallen short.

Who is this? !
Is it the unique bloodline, or is it an alternative martial skill?

Although his injury has not healed, but the semi-holy realm can compete with the oldest life form in this world - the ghost mother of hell!

The Ghost Mother walked towards Langya slowly, clasping her pale palms towards his neck, intending to swallow his soul and eat his energy, it was like having an appetizer before the big meal.

For so long, there were few living things that aroused her interest in tasting them herself.

But at this time, the ghost mother noticed that Tang Yan in the wing room had some signs of waking up, and it was very strong.

"Hmph!" The ghost emerald's green eyes narrowed, she abandoned the wolf's teeth, and entered the room.

The room was dark and quiet. Tang Yan was lying on the bed with Mu Rou in his arms, and was sleeping deeply, but strands of golden fluorescence were faintly emitting from Tang Yan's forehead. It was a special swastika, especially eye-catching in the dark.

Tang Yan frowned slightly as the imprint shone brightly, and his body showed signs of movement, as if he was receiving some kind of call in his sleep and might wake up at any time.

Although he was plotted by the ghost mother unknowingly and set himself a trap while he and Mu Rou were emotionally communicating, Tang Yan couldn't be controlled so easily.

In the body at this moment, thin and transparent black silk enveloped his soul, suppressing thoughts, trapping Tang Yan's consciousness in an abyss-like space, preventing him from waking up, and his entire body functioning in silence.

But the golden light from the Buddha's heart is trying to drive Heisi away and wake him up.

To put it bluntly, Tang Yan is now inhaling sleeping pills.

If at this very moment, there could be a sharp external stimulation that made him suffer pain, it might be easier to wake up if he cooperates with the inner Buddha's light, but... the quiet world, the quiet space, the sleeping people, it seems that the world has lost its sound , without external stimulation, without external cooperation, the effectiveness of the internal Buddha's light is limited after all.

I have to say that the ghost mother's ecstasy is too overbearing.

Tang Yan's breathing was heavy, his consciousness was drowsy, and the swastikas on his forehead glowed layer by layer, which unremittingly stimulated him, stimulated his body functions, and stimulated the equally silent Blood Soul Tree and Ghost Green Fire.

The Buddha's light is still there, the Buddha's heart is firm, and he guards Tang Yan tenaciously. In the depths of the sea of ​​​​qi, thousands of Buddha statues bloom with light, and the whispering Buddha's words come and go.

The ghost mother of nine sons walked to the bed, her long hair danced lightly, her white clothes floated, and the evil black air turned into a black air column, twisting and steaming, rushing into the seven orifices of Tang Yan's face, further exacerbating Tang Yan's coma.

Finally, after a long confrontation and silent suppression, the swastika on Tang Yan's forehead finally weakened, the struggling expression on his face gradually slowed down, and his body...slowly calmed down...

(End of this chapter)

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