Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

"It's really tragic." Tang Yan suddenly felt that it was a pity that he didn't go to the game. Just listening to Isaac's narration, he could feel the intensity of the battle, and the scene must be even more heated.

The Ninth Prince was ruthless enough to destroy the sword that Matthews conceived with his body; Matthews was strong enough to almost abolish the Ninth Prince; The prince's son; Aurora is strong enough to break through in that situation.

As expected of the strongest geniuses in the empire, they deserve to be taken seriously!

Isaac said: "Yes, this life-and-death battle has lived up to the expectations of the audience, and it has also become the focus of discussion in the entire empire as it wished."

Venerable Huoying smiled and nodded: "Among the highlights, there is the scene where you defeated Kane. If I really want to go back in time, I really want to go and enjoy it, so I won't stay to watch the house."

Odin's excitement was brought up again: "The purpose of starting the life-and-death fight is to teach the six major families a lesson, and the focus is to punish our Rao family. The result is completely beyond expectations. The second prince is probably smashing the table right now."

"Where's our prize?" Tang Yan was still most interested in this thing.

"You have exchanged your lives for this competition. When choosing prizes, I was thinking about you." Odin motioned to Isaac, and Isaac took out a golden rope in his hand and handed it to Tang Yan.

"Mother-Child Qiankun Lock, the treasure of the Debussy family, has infinite space inside. It is said that it was carefully tempered and cast by a super refiner of an ancient empire in the Central Plains. It is divided into a mother lock and a child lock. The space of the mother lock is the largest. Accept mountains, collect rivers and rivers, as long as you have the ability, you can swallow them. There is a solidified space inside, and food can be kept fresh in it. Even a living person can survive for three to five days. The space of Zisuo should be small There are many, but the overall size is quite large, except that it can't gather living people, everything else is the same as the female lock."

Odin smiled and said: "We have carefully considered your situation. You don't need weapons or armor. We can have medicinal materials at home, and only this kind of thing is novel and practical, which is more suitable for you."

"Good stuff!" Tang Yan burst into joy, nodding his head heavily, this time's hard work was not in vain.

I have been worrying about how to preserve the spiritual source liquid, and it is easy to arouse suspicion when I hang the jade bottle all over my body. With this kind of treasure, the problem is easily solved, and if I encounter any treasures or treasures in the future, can I throw them in casually?
Ha ha!It is simply a mobile treasure trove!
Isaac said: "We have erased the memory of its original owner, you can re-identify the owner with blood."

Tang Yan quickly sucked out a few drops of blood, the golden rope shone like a revived golden snake, twisted and trembled, and voluntarily wrapped around Tang Yan's waist, the brilliance dissipated, like an ordinary belt, inconspicuous !
With the recognition of the owner of the golden lock, it seems that a chaotic space is connected with Tang Yan's consciousness. It is empty inside, only a piece of mist, but with the exploration of consciousness, any place will clearly appear. In the center of this space There is actually a pile of gold coins and some precious medicinal materials.

Isaac smiled and said: "We put medicinal materials and gold coins in it, and the medicinal materials are used as snacks for black girls. This life-and-death battle is thanks to it, which is a little bit of our heart. The gold coins are about 100 million, which is your pocket money , whenever you need it, you can go to the cashier to pick it up at any time."

Tang Yan chuckled: "You're too polite, how can you be so embarrassing."

"You deserve it. The other two child locks have already been given to Xu Yan and Du Yang. There is a subtle connection between the child and mother locks. You can feel each other's existence, and you can use it to determine each other if you encounter any danger in the future. s position."

Tang Yan felt it carefully, and sure enough, he could detect two familiar auras somewhere in this hall, which should be Du Yang and Xu Yan.

"You can rest here during this time. If you need anything, feel free to talk to Niya. As for the marriage." Odin just wanted to say that it should be done as soon as possible, but when he looked at Niya, who was pretty and frosty, he smiled mischievously and said: "You guys discuss it yourself. When you feel it's okay, we can hold the wedding at any time."

Tang Yan fiddled with the Qiankun lock, and said casually, "Don't worry about this, I still want to develop it for a few more years."

Niya gritted her teeth with hatred, but Odin and the others got up and left one after another with ambiguous smiles on their faces.

In the next few days, Tang Yan stayed in the Rao family, and there was no discussion in the accident world. After carefully studying the Qiankun lock, he confirmed that there was no other special function, so he began to concentrate on consolidating his cultivation. There is still a lot of transformed spiritual source liquid, which is enough to squander this time and prepare for the impact on the third-order Martial Ancestor.

But before that, he must consolidate his current state and pave the way for a breakthrough. Naturally, the best way is to comprehend martial arts!

Tang Yan still has two martial arts that he hasn't tried before, Lava Jue and Shadow Wingspan!Both of them are very powerful, but if they want to truly exert their power, they will consume too much spiritual power, and using their previous cultivation level once is enough to drain all the spiritual power.

Because the power of this kind of martial arts is huge, purely because they need super strong and abundant spiritual power to assist.Tang Yan has now reached the second level of Martial Ancestry, and is qualified to comprehend and use it.

After thinking about it, I finally chose Lava Jue!

First of all, this kind of martial skill is suitable for Yin people. Secondly, the flame in Tang Yan's body is ghost green fire. Its maximum efficiency is to melt all things. If they complement each other and are properly controlled, it will shorten the time to perform the Lava Art to the greatest extent. The power of the explosion!

After making a decision, Tang Yan retreated directly and chose the abandoned Seventh Martial Art Field. The environment here is dilapidated, and he can spend his pennies wantonly without worrying about affecting others or causing any damage.

The peaceful Rao family became vigorous again. Whether it was day or night, violent explosions were often heard from the seventh martial arts field, and occasionally fiery magma shot up into the sky. In the first day, Tang Yan wanted to try the effect of the ghost green fire bursting out at full strength, but he lost control, and the entire seventh martial arts field turned into magma, and almost submerged himself in it.

An Qila and other women rushed over after hearing that Tang Yan had woken up. They wanted to invite him to go for a stroll or stroll around. After all, they had just experienced a life-and-death battle, and logically they needed a good indulgence.

But who would have thought that he would retreat directly, and it was this kind of insane training without sleep.

"Successful people have their own ways of success. Although he is frivolous and stubborn, he can't hide his persistence and tenacity. I have never seen anyone who has experienced such a desperate experience like him." Hai Lita and other women stood at the top of the palace, Gazing at the figure immersed in the magma ocean in the distance, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, making his charming face even more charming.

"Sister is tempted? Auntie is here." Angela laughed teasingly, and did not forget to glance at Niya next to her.In fact, they seldom get along with Niya. All they know is her proud talent, stunning appearance, wisdom and ability. They are so unattainable, but they are kinder to them.

"Aunt." Hai Lita suddenly moved closer to Niya.

"Huh?" Niya was hugging little Betty and staring at Tang Yan, but what she was looking at was not a person, but a martial skill.This should be one of the four major martial arts of the Tang family, and its power is really impressive.

"If you really don't want to, I..." When Hai Lita spoke, her pretty face flushed a little, and she looked extraordinarily delicate and lovely.

"What don't you want?" Niya looked at her strangely.

Hai Lita plucked up her courage and said, "If you don't want to, I can do it for you!"


"Just get married, I'll marry him." Hai Lita blushed pretty, but she didn't seem to be joking.

An Qila and the other girls were a little stunned, and laughed coquettishly.

Niya smiled slightly, instead of getting annoyed, she said calmly, "If he wants, you can use it. But you have to be prepared, this little guy is not ordinary."

"So you really agreed? That's great! Auntie, in fact, men like women who take the initiative. I believe in myself." Hai Lita blinked playfully, and the smile on her pretty face deepened.As the most charming and charming eldest sister of the younger generation, she is somewhat confident in her appearance and means.

Ten days later, Hei Niu was secretly brought back to the family, but the Violent Demon Dog King did not follow, its lair was in the wild forest, and he did not want to leave.After the little guy returned to the family, he ignored Tang Yan without loyalty, and rushed directly to the medicine garden of the Rao family, enjoying the precious medicinal materials inside. If you dare to attack, you have to bite the bullet and send your treasures there.

Du Yang and Xu Yan recovered one after the other after a few days. Both of them were madmen of level training, and they didn't enjoy the rest time. They occupied a martial arts arena and began to hone with great concentration.

After a life-and-death fight, although they paid a heavy price, the rewards were equally huge, especially during the fierce battle with Kane. This was the first time in their lives that they faced the Martial King head-on. Whether it is your own cognition, you have a deeper experience, and you need to hone it with all your heart.

It just so happens that the Rao family has enough treasures to withstand their wanton consumption.

Odin even personally guided Xu Yan, trying to help her break through Wu Zong's barrier.

The three of them practiced desperately, which once again aroused the enthusiasm of the younger generation of the Rao family and the golden armored guards. Except for the martial arts arena occupied by the three of them, the rest of the martial arts arena was almost full every day. A lively scene.

About seven or eight days later, the appearance of a person broke the peace of the Rao family.

(End of this chapter)

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