Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1697

Chapter 1697
Tang Yan decided to retreat. When the hell space was fully transformed by the nourishment of the ghost mother's soul, he also had a special retreat. He took this opportunity to understand the hell space and promote his understanding of it.

It is also an experiment on how to realize the transformation between the mental body and the real body.

Tang Yan sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, concentrating on comprehending the huge hell.

The first is the first comprehensive and quiet comprehension in decades.

Looking at its spatial range, dangerous places in all directions, dense leylines, and the edge of chaos, I tried to completely infiltrate my entire consciousness in every area, every inch of land, and every area of ​​hell.

A few days later, Xie Zu came back slowly and slowly, stood far away for a while, as if he had some concerns, and finally gritted his teeth and leaned over.

Burning raging dark fire all over his body, this time it is no longer a pure phantom of the soul.

Xiezu coughed softly. "My dear boy, are you busy?"

Tang Yan was concentrating on meditation, opened one eye, and glanced at him, "Guess?"

"Let's chat, grandpa?"

"Mmm." Tang Yan replied with a soft breath.

"Last time, I used my dark fire body to help you fuck that bitch, the ghost mother. The effect was not bad, but after thinking about it recently, there are still too many flaws. I think, if I want to fully integrate into hell, I still have to do it." Need your help.

So, the relationship between the two of us is out of the question when it comes to business deals. I feel that we need to help each other. If you help me, I will help you too? "

Tang Yan opened his lips and teeth lightly: "Let go."

"You..." Xie Zu stared at him on the spot, but after all, he had something to ask for, and immediately returned to normal, sitting in front of Tang Yan: "Do you still remember that day, I mentioned that you showed your real body in hell?"


"Actually, I can give you a direction."


"Immortal Yantian Jue will have two accompanying martial arts at this stage of the holy level. One is at the point where you advance, which is the instant kill skill you feel, and the other is at the later stage, after the blood river expands to a certain stage. The accompanying second martial skill is related to your physical body coming to hell."

"Huh?" Tang Yan opened his eyes, looked at him half-closed for a while, and almost dodged with his foot.Martial arts assistance is required for the arrival of the physical body?Or is it later in the Blood River expansion?But this old thing was urging himself to start trying now that day. Doesn't this make it clear that it's useless?

"Don't look at me like this. I just want to see if you can achieve the physical body with your own strength alone. Now that you think about it, forget it."

"You found out with your conscience that you are afraid that I will hate you in the future?"

Xie Zu pretended not to hear, and continued: "After you grow to that stage, martial arts will naturally awaken, but I feel that you need it now, so... I will take this opportunity to introduce you in advance today."

Tang Yan turned around and stared straight at Xie Zu.

Xie Zu had a thick skin and ignored it: "I decided to condense the Underworld Avatar in Hell, which was actually inspired by this martial skill. I'm starting to practice now, and you can also join us. The two of us will practice together, and the efficiency will be even higher."

"I'm listening." Tang Yan became more and more emotional. The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. This old guy still has a dark taste in his bones, which cannot be changed.

"Let me make it clear in advance. I have good intentions and great kindness. Otherwise, if you want to comprehend this martial skill, you will at least have to wait until you are promoted to the peak of Martial Saints. How long will it take?"


"You helped me, and I helped you, and we helped each other."

"You did say it."

Xie Zu lightly coughed a few times, straightened his body: "Heavenly fire secret technique—Ming Tu Ba Zang!"

"Don't stop, just talk."

"Mingtu Bazang, gather the essence of heavenly fire, condense the eight fire bodies, and control hell."

"The intention is to extract the essence of the sky fire, gather eight identical clones, live in eight directions, and jointly control the great world of hell."

"The eight-part body condensed by Mingtu Bazang is based on the space of hell and the essence of sky fire. Therefore, after leaving this world, the body of Bazang will immediately disintegrate and will no longer work."

"But in the hell space, they absorb the power of the sky fire, and they are truly immortal."

"After the transformation of the last stage of Tianhuo, a real immortal celestial body is condensed. Therefore, you can understand that Mingtu Bazang is actually a 'pre-experiment' of the immortal celestial body."

"Mingtu Bazang not only exists in the form of 'fire body', after repeated tempering, it will also appear the scene of 'fire body flesh and bones', that is, with the sky fire as the source, it evolves into a real physical body."

Xie Zu's passionate talk aroused Tang Yan's interest a little bit: "You mean, you can also reshape your body with hellfire? And eight?"

Xiezu despised: "Where did you lose your IQ? Can I get it back for you?"


"The underworld fire in hell belongs to the derivative fire of the sky fire. It is somewhat similar, but there is a big difference, just like a sky fire and an earth fire. I have studied it repeatedly, and it is impossible for the underworld fire to have a wonderful change of 'fire body and flesh' .It is destined that I can only exist in the form of a fire body, but it doesn't matter, it is better than a soul body."

"Teach me now!! I will help you integrate into hell and absorb the fire, and you will help me condense the fire body, the fire body and bones. Come, come, help each other, and make progress together." Tang Yan has been studying for many days, and finally Found the direction.

"Be clear in advance, your current level of blood river is not mature enough, practicing Mingtu Bazang decades in advance is ripening..."

"You can change the word."

"I can't guarantee that you will succeed. Moreover, Mingtu Bazang is very difficult to cultivate. With my strength back then, it took me three full months to condense one physical body, and it took ten years to condense three physical bodies."

"My strength is not as good as yours, and my talent is stronger than yours. Half a month should be about the same."

"You can die without bragging??"

Tang Yan asked: "How is the strength of each body?"

"Looking at your own good fortune, the entire hell space is equivalent to your own, and Mingtu Bazang is equivalent to scratching your own, and the eight clones are combined, and their strength is about the same as your own.

But, you can try to refine one in the early stage, and refine this one to the extreme. Compared with yourself, a clone is not too different.Moreover, in the world of hell, Ming Tu's avatar is immortal, and he can use the power of this world, which is a great advantage. "

Tang Yan nodded, having a rough idea in his mind.

Xie Zu smiled and said: "You have to learn to respect teachers and elders, come on, help me perfect the 'underworld fire body' first, and then we can discuss your Tianhuo matter.

Be prepared to retreat for half a year. Mingtu Bazang is more difficult than you expected. Before I died in battle, I managed to condense five physical bodies. "

"Five? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"I will cut you!!"

"Don't make trouble, really??"

"What do you think?? For more than 30 years, with five Mingtu flesh bodies, you can imagine how difficult it is. You are ripening now, and hell is not as complete as I was back then. Gathering one body in half a year is already flattering you. Come on, get ready to begin."

Tang Yan woke up Lingzhi outside, hid in the deep mountains and old forests, and began to retreat.

Lingzhi turned into a forest area, covering Tang Yan, setting up the best camouflage.

At the same time, a change in Bailu City spread throughout the territory of the Pangu tribe. Although Baixing and Luhua closed the city for three days and three nights, and issued strict orders, the incident was too sensational after all, and the fire could not be covered by paper. Few passed on.

The underworld dragon descends, and the ghosts of hell reappear.

The survivors of hell are dormant in the ruins.

The mother of nine sons and ghosts is the spokesperson of the Little Hell.

Is there someone stronger than the ghost mother in Little Hell?
The news spread wildly, and the scope became wider and wider.

Although hell has long since ceased to exist, legends and cognitions about it have always been engraved in people's minds, including ordinary people, because of various situations and phenomena, as well as similar martial arts.

Therefore, the spread of these news is equivalent to a burning match, thrown on the wasteland covered with withered grass, and spread at an alarming speed, so that it ignited a raging flame.

But at a time when rumors of hell are swirling, doubts about it are more violent.

After all, all the rumors come from gossip, and White Deer City executives and internal staff all denied it, making the whole incident confusing.

Moreover, Bai Xing and Lu Hua cleverly dispatched a large number of cronies to various places, actively spreading 'questioning' remarks, using 'rumors' to fight 'rumors', with the intention of confusing the whole incident.

Because of the existence of these doubts, although the whole incident became more and more troublesome, it did not attract too much attention from the powerful ethnic groups and bigwigs everywhere.

Little hell? ?joke!

If there was a little hell, it would have appeared long ago!

Will wait until now? ?

But the commotion within the Pangu Clan was more than 01:30. They didn't believe anyone, not even the great prince, Titan.They know Tai Tan's character best, and they won't let go of what they get easily. Even if there is an accident and loses the spirit of the ghost mother, they will not make up such a clumsy lie.

So... the Pangu tribe began to mobilize elite troops, use the eyeliner deployed over the years, and wantonly collect traces of the Little Hell, even using high-level saints for this purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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